Ashtar: We Are Making Progress on the Road to the Golden Age!
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - March 12, 2013
"And while it is true there are many who are, shall we say, officials in the various world religions – people with good Hearts, people of Compassion, people who honestly desire to serve, it has been primarily those at the very top of the ladders of empowerment who have taken unfair advantage. Unfair because they have lied, they have stolen, they have maimed and they have killed many, many innocents - children among them.
"It is now being found out and spoken of even in the mainstream media, about the children, for instance, who have disappeared from the various tribes and have been taken away from their homes to what are described as special schools, but the reality of it is that they have not necessarily ended up in special schools. This has been done under the auspices of churches and governmental authorities, such as police – law enforcement agencies.
"These little ones who disappear - and there are thousands upon thousands of them disappearing every day from many places in the world - are mourned and missed. But it is to thank them also because they are allowing themselves to participate as victims so that all of these doings will finally come into the Light. There are brave ones everywhere who are speaking up, who know, who have witnessed, or who have been abused, and this is happening worldwide. And it must happen!!!
"Now, we do not mean to say that all religions have focused entirely upon this area of control, or tyrannizing of the people. But it has been the Truth in many places, and it is about to be done away with because these things cannot exist in the Golden Age - you know that! So love them all, and with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, let us welcome all who would come to the Light. Yes, even some of these perpetrators are wanting to be, what the church calls, absolved. They want to come to the Light. They want to return to their own Divinities from which they were created long ago.
"That is only one aspect in the matter of Abundance. It has been the religions and the governments which have been following a very concentrated plan to keep all but the top one percent or so lacking abundance, so that they could have it all. And you know this is turning around! We are happy to say we know where it all is, so if you are a banker who thinks that you’ve got your little stash in some kind of a secret place - perhaps underground, or perhaps even off the Planet - know that we know where it is and we can, and will, retrieve it for the rightful owners!
"Money cannot buy happiness, money cannot buy Joy, money cannot buy your way into your concept of heaven, or into Higher Dimensionality, because there is not money in the Higher Dimensions. It’s not needed!!! But we want to you remind you again that you all will be receiving abundance to which you are entitled. There is absolutely no mandate for any suffering whatsoever, whether it be poverty, or illness, or any kind of control being exercised, such that you are enslaved in any way!!!
"It is the Sovereign and Divine right of each and every being below, on, and above Planet Earth to be free, to be secure in their Freedom, and to exercise their own Divine Rights! As Sovereign Beings, it is to remember the simplest and yet the wisest and most profound of the teachings. You know, 'Love they neighbor as thyself,' and 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.' All the great teachers, of what became the religions, have taught these same principles. They are so simple and yet so profound!
"And we know it takes a lot to step into living the Golden Age Lifestyle, and that is what we are here to assist with, each and every one of you! So yes, you heard some headlines just now and they are true. Tara and Rama* are the ones who have the connection with KOS, remember he is also called King of Swords, and he is a very, very special being who graces the world every day with his Love, his Compassion, his Forgiveness and his Gratitude, but with his Courage to stand up to all of those who wear the dark hat!
"And he is joined by a Grand Company, you know who they are – they are the ones who are coming and visiting - the Masters - so called, the Ascended Ones - the Angels and the Archangels. Leaders among them are Beloved Archangel Michael with his sword Excaliber, which is the energy of truth, and my Beloved Brother, St. Germain, who comes with the violet ray to assist in the grand transmutation of all that is dark into Light. But it takes permission, it takes the calling forth of the High Dimensional energies of the purest of Love and all that goes with it!
"It is to forever banish all fear from the lives of all who dwell on Planet Earth, and for those who choose to stay in the fear programs of 3D, well, we have another place where they will feel quite at home. But that is not where we see you heading, Beloved Ones. It is to move even higher into the realms of what you can call heaven, if you wish. We call it the Golden Age, the Higher Dimensions, and it is the Path to Christ Consciousness, it is the Oneness with all. And we welcome you with so much Love, so many hugs, and so much Joy that we invite you to stay on this High Road!!!
"So when you see a news program, and if you’re going to watch the news programs, we recommend that you watch the ones where the Truth is told. We must, at this moment at least, omit the Foxy News from this recommendation. Do your Energy Exercises and send the Love to all upon the screen, all you are listening to and all of those who are being discussed. It is most important that everyone have – we are the equal opportunity Ashtar Command - and we give every one opportunity to come into the Light! When you start experiencing that State of Being throughout the totality of your Divine energy fields, Magic happens! Life gets easier. Headaches are, really, not allowed. And you will find so much flowing. Your telepathic capabilities will open up even more. You all have them - it’s whether you choose to use them - or not!
"Your other gifts will become so much more apparent to you, and you will find yourselves soaring into Higher Dimensionalities where you only have Love for all others, and where you only feel Love from everyone else. You have an expression that says whatever it is that you don’t want will just 'roll right off your back.' Well, we’re going to tell you something: it’s not going to get anywhere near your back or any of the rest of you when you commandyour rightful place in the Golden Age!!!
"The Golden Age lifestyle is waiting for all of you. It is literally that the doors are open and there is a great clamoring to come through those Golden Age doors. Look up Dr. Keshe** and see all that he has to offer the world. Look at those who engage in the energies of healing, of counseling from their Hearts with their spirits fully engaged and their guidance group openly participating. Go to the movies which have upliftment for you, as well as information and entertainment. There are so many You Tubies we can’t even begin to give you the number of those that are available!
"Be discerning. If something seems to resonate kind of a fear message to you, if somebody says, 'Well, I am the only one who knows what is going on and you’d better listen to me or you're going to be sorry,' don’t let that enter your energy fields. If it doesn’t resonate with you - pass on it!!! The less energy you give to the disinformation specialists, believe me, the Higher you’re going to fly. This is a lot, a lot of various kinds of advisements to you.
"Pay attention to what is going on within yourselves, that is the first one. Treat yourselves the way you want to be treated, Beloved Ones. Care for yourselves, nurture yourselves. If you would, start and end each of your days with a simple – the simplest – of Commands to bring Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude into every thought, word, action and deed that you express, and keep at it! If something comes in that does not resonate with you as being of those energies, let it go with Gratitude that it showed you what is there!!!
"You are doing a tremendous cleansing anyway, when you sleep. Every time that you sleep and every time that you bring yourselves up into Higher Dimensionality - which you do when you sleep, by the way, or at least part of the time. And when you meditate and say your prayers, and do ceremonies of spiritual High Vibration, you are in those Higher Beams of Love, shall we say. Just open your Hearts and let it come in, and bask in it, enjoy it and be thankful for it!!!
"When something comes in that is less than that, allow it, thank it for coming in and showing you something or other, and let it go, just release it. Call in the violet ray. St.Germain makes that available to every, every human upon Planet Earth! The animals, the plants, and the minerals, are doing their uplifting as well, but they have a more simple, more connected way of doing things. But the violet ray is totally available for all human beings who call it forth.
"Speaking of the violet ray, the One which we all are so pleased to have with us is my Beloved Brother, and really, Brother to all, who is St.Germain. And I, Ashtar shall wish you the fondest of farewells for the purpose of this conferencing. Please remember that I, and the Ashtar Command, are with you in service, in mission, and most of all, in your progress, up, up and into the Golden Age Dimensions and beyond. And so it is, Beloved Ones - we love you beyond all words! And now I’m pleased to welcome, St.Germain.
Salut!" ***
* Tara and Rama's A&A Report http://www.ashtarontheroad. com/tara--rama-12-mar-2013. html
** From our Galactic Good News page: Dr Keshe interview - feature=player_embedded&v=9- SbdGLZz74
*** Transcript of St Germain's message to follow, Link to recording here:
Transcribed by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, March 12, 2013.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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