I would like to introduce myself. I have written a dozen books about the Ancient Astronauts. The focus of these is to show where it is written in Ancient Texts that we are a Galactic Society. Looking at The Ramayana, Tao Te Ching, The Book of Enoch, The Upanishads, The Pistis Sophia, The Mazzaroth, The Masnavi, The Emerald Tablets, The Jatakas, Rambansʻ Pentateuch and the Corpus Hermeticum we may see how in every religion, every culture and every aeon going back millions of years, Earth was inhabited by our Ancient Galactic Ancestors. I wrote these books to help our society as a collective to drop our insecurities. Knowing this truth makes us free from all bondage of life, free from death. Once this is understood One will no longer identify with duality and all those conditioning which makes you so unhappy. You have come to Earth from another Planet or another Dimension. The Consciousness of which you have Within. We have been visited by Extraterrestrials for a very long time.
Three years ago I gave up full time work and a regular paycheck to dedicate my life to The Truth and Advocacy Movement for Disclosure. I wrote two other books. Lord Ashtar and The Galactic Federation and StarGate Earth. There is an Extraterrestrial Presence engaging the human race. There are Extraterrestrials here. The only thing we havenʻt resolved yet is the government telling us that. Disclosure ends the Truth Embargo on this matter. The last time there was a Citizens Hearing on Disclosure was 1968. The United States Military, Civilian Agencies like NASA, Intelligence like the CIA and other governments have witnesses to Contact and it is time we Self-Disclose the truth.
Some people have been deliberately holding back the information from the public. National Security Classifications and Non-Disclosure Agreements have stood in the way. All the witnesses have made their own decision that this vital information will educate the Whole to understand We Are Not Alone.
There is a lot in this Universe we know nothing about. There are hundreds of billions of Planets in our Galaxy and hundreds of billions of Galaxies in our Universe with many potential Earths. The chances that we are the only life out there is zero. Self-Disclosure means that within the social contract between government elected officials and the people of the country who they represent that they carry out the laws of their country with transparency acknowledging to the people the truth. When elected officials refuse to conduct matters of governance reporting their activities to those they represent chaos prevails. We can no longer accept hiding the truth. Without it there is no freedom. This is more than an intellectual matter. This is a spiritual matter.
Ten years ago I became a walk-in. I was not born into this body. How it happens usually is through a severe accident or significant illness causing hospitalization. In my case I had a massive head injury. During the three days I lie unconscious was a Soul exchange. The One who left then was in a violent marriage and had she not left she would have been killed. These agreements are made far ahead between the souls involved with the intention of the Highest Good for all involved. Within 8 weeks of walking in I was divorced and alone raising three small children. I came in with my Adept abilities and memories. There are about 100 million walk-ins on Earth now who have come to be embodied Souls with Higher Knowledge to help the Galactic Citizens of Earth reclaim their freedom, their sovereignty from the few who wish to control them with lack of jobs, lack of housing, lack of money starvation and world war. It has to be done by Earth Citizens and there are many Angels, Ascended Masters and Galactics living as your neighbors, working beside you guiding you for this next step in evolution.
I began doing healings for folks. Women came to me with serious emotional and physical issues. I started to see a number of women - we only communicated through email. I did sessions for them and I was able to see the abductions, the implantation and the pregnancies. They had no memory of it. Arcturus came and he explained everything to me. I would get small and go inside the body and come back with great detail. Tom the Cat and Michael always came with me too and once I asked to see the children of this one woman. A boy and a girl. I could see that some of the childrensʻ bodies were not strong and they did not mature to adulthood. I was taken to a Colony where - for lack of a better term, forgive me, half-breeds were forced to live because they were not welcomed by their own people. I saw they live happy lives in this place. I started to understand the tragedy. I told these women straight up that I could see they were from the Group doing the Abductions and they had agreed to the whole thing to help heal the Planet. Since then Men have come too and I have heard the elaborate tales and I know of the despair held in these Souls. I have talked to one involved from the other side.
Arcturus took me back to the moment of many many surgeries and the experiments and he gave me lengthy explanations and it was beyond description. I can remember every detail. I have worked in our Countries largest teaching hospitals alongside famous doctors. I saw a lot in those years - was on the front line. I have seen a lot of suffering.
When I wrote StarGate Earth I was given a photo to use in the book from KOS.
I got a panicked email from a reverse engineer saying he had reported me to NSA for disclosing this information (he thought it was going to come back on him) He said he had run the photo through some kind of spectral analysis (no idea what he said - some special tests) and he said ʻI figured out it is not one of mineʻ. I wrote back indignantly ʻI know its not one of yours, because its One Of MINE!ʻ Then I told him I was working under the orders of KOS in this case and assured him I had been asked to comment on it. He understood that. They use me to put out info because I can handle the repercussions.
One day I sat down to read the Mahabharata. Naturally I was Guided to a passage. I read about the God Agni who was facing the dark Hats in a battle in the forest. It actually said that Agni held up his hands out of which burned a fire and the fire melted all the bad guys and burned so hot it melted the forest down. I had an aha moment and said THAT WAS ASHTAR! They said Yes!!! Ashtarʻs Avatar form is the God Agni. This is crossed referenced in Blavatskyʻs work. As Agni in the Hierarchy of the Family names in the line of Rhaguʻs Race ~ same as Lord Rama, son of Dasharatha he is of the Holy Kumaras who are the first sons of Brahma ~ Sananda, Sanat (Ancient of Days, Ahura Mazda) Sanatana (Lord Michael) Sanaka (St Germain) as the family names unfold these Ones become Avatar forms down the lineage and we see how the Goodly Company incarnated again and again through the ages to help Humanity. That is what I am doing here now. Time is speeded up and I didnʻt need a whole lifetime to get the work done.
Ashtar in the Mahabharata. One day in 2006 Ashtar stood at the foot of my bed and said he would like to train me - Lord Arcturus was with him. They asked me if I would like to train with them. That story got back to who I call Rama Arjuna and that is how I began my mentoring with him.
Ashtar was using a weapon called the Violet Flame. You have heard about this from the I Am Discourses and St Germainʻs work.
The Violet Flame when used through the hand chakras is a kind of martial arts weapon for the Dragons. They cannot sustain that energy. It works kinda like a beam weapon and they have misfirings in the qrs wave and they look like they are having a heart attack. Its the Dragons that come here. There are many other ways they have tried to disturb me but the Paschats are unseen and always there to help me. Ashtar taught me what to do with my energy centers to use the Violet Flame this way. With that I push the envelop with the information and put myself in the position to help whenever I can.
When we look at the Ancient Texts with new eyes we see all of it is about the Ashtar Command, the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realm. Michael and Metatron are in the Judeo-Christian writings and we know them in the Vedanta as Indra and Narada. When we compare and contrast the lives of these Ones and realize it is the Angels having human lives everything makes sense.
See, back in Akhenaton/Moses time Serapis Bey had incarnated as Amenhotep III Father of Akhenaton to undo the dark hats from the Amun Priesthood. They are the same Dragons then as they are now. Adept intergalactic travelers. Sananda incarnated then as King Tut. Grandfather, Father & Son assisted by Serapis Bey the keeper of the light codes of the Earth Grid under the Sphinx. Something went very wrong then - egos got in the way and the Plan for Earth ascension failed. Sananda came back as Jesus and Cesar and his Dragon friends still control us today under maritime law. The Law of the Land. Those Plans failed and the Ashtar Command had doubts Earth would recover. Here we are now. This time the Plan worked and we are in the final days walking out the history for the Ages - a big part of that will happen at the Press Club.
The Servant is Sananda (KOS) Admiral of the New Jerusalem. His Servants are the White Knights. I support the White Knights in their very difficult role. It is my job to go nose to nose with those in the highest positions to be certain they are carrying out their role with integrity and at the same time fall under their orders and help them in any way they ask. I am doing that right now sending on a note.
Right now there is a whole other world you are not aware of in your wildest dreams. You think you know a thing or two about so called conspiracies but truly, you know nothing! The United States government in cooperation with other governments have fleets of extraterrestrial technologies far advanced of what you have ever seen. They explore deep space, other planets and stars and make profits for their backers. I will be discussing these things in depth on my radio program.
There are many realities within our Multidimensional Universe. Earth exists in many Dimensions simultaneously, as do you. There is the illusion of the United States Congress filibustering a law they created. There is the illusion of the bankers paying themselves million dollar per year salaries while they watch their fellow citizenʻs children starving in the streets. There is the illusion of ancient lands kept alive in the aboriginal parts of Earth now. Just like the tidal pool, the forest, the jungle, the dessert and all the tiny forms of life on Planet Earth there are millions of worlds you live with on this Planet that you know nothing about.
The thirteen families who in the past controlled the wealth of the world have had incarnate into their families for the last several thousand generations Dragons. The paintings you so of dragons doing battle are not some mythical creature. They are here today. They are the avatar form of humans alive today. These humans time travel. Not with a machine. They are Adepts and they time travel within their Mer Ka Bah bodies. This is how they control the collective and they keep everyone in slavery. They are waking up now and struggling with the idea of love and forgiveness. We have an obligation to help them by Being Love and Being Forgiveness.
The vast majority of Dragons living in human bodies on Earth are doing everything in their power in Congress, in NASA, in the CIA, in the Banks and on Wall Street to make money in operations traveling to far flung places in space bringing back payloads that would blow your mind. St. Germain has spoken to each last one individually and convinced some 105 to give away half of their billions to compensate for all they have stolen from you. Seegivingpledge.org to read the perp sheet. Joining this small club has in some way served as a bargaining chip when the judgments are handed out. Love them more.
After a long struggle in the courts all the way to the Supreme Court the Black Farmers case was settled. When this happened it was determined that in order for the awards of the case to be properly paid a new law would need to be signed and enacted. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. The National Economic Security and Reformation Act. This act was signed into law by Bill Clinton in October of 2000. The law will be enacted when it is publicly announced. It cannot be enacted until we have Disclosure. I cannot be and it will not be. This is a spiritual matter.
We have one chance to act as Earth Citizens and demand the United States government including the bought and sold Supreme Court Justices, All members of the Senate and House of Representatives and the President reveal to us their activities in Space with Galactic representatives from other Planets and other Stars. It is much much larger than you have ever dreamed. On April 29th through May 3rd at the National Press Club, 2 blocks from the White House in Washington D.C. witnesses from Civilian, Intelligence and Military agencies from the Unites States and government officials from other countries will testify before a panel made up of retired Congress. The event is being produced by Paradigm Research Group and Stephen Bassett. This will effectively end the Truth Embargo, however we the people demand a World Peace Treaty be signed and President Obama Announce Disclosure to the World and Enact NESARA. Your duty in this is to watch the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (CHD) Livestream All Week or come to the National Press Club free of charge and be an eyewitness to Disclosure. There is no charge. Seats are first come. Be there and the media will no longer be accessories to the crime of withholding the truth. Your presence demands they come clean. Many of them will go the way of the perp walk. Some will write articles and talk about CHD on the radio, on the internet and on broadcast news. Encourage them to do so.
When I was working on promoting the NESARA Petition I received an email from James Cameron seeking me out. He said he would help attain the last signatures needed to complete the We The People petition for NESARA. He said he would ask some of his friends to help me. I received emails from some of his friends enthusiastic to help. I sent them one sentence I needed to have it tweeted. I wanted it dropped into Facebook. I sent an article with a link to be posted into blogs. All who emailed me declined to help. They said it violated the media gag order and they could not do that. I violate the gag order everyday. I receive threats often. They cannot gag me and they will not gag you. Post it. Tweet it. FB it. Mark Zuckerberg stole your personal information and traded it to Goldman Sachs for billions in profit. I suggest you use social media to support the White Knightsʻ very difficult Mission. Do you have the brass cajones to see this through? Will you renounce your slavery in this illusionary world and reclaim your sovereign status as a spiritual Galactic Citizen? Will you tell your family and friends? Will you write the media and ask they report on it? Will you be present at the National Press Club on April 29th through May 3rd in person or on livestream to witness the Disclosure? The brightest stars in UFO research, An Apollo Astronaut and the bravest men and women I have ever known will be there. These are the witnesses:
Dr. Robert WoodDr. Thomas ValoneGeoffrey Torres for Dr. Milton TorresDaniel Sheehan, JDDonald R. SchmittCol. Oscar Santa-Maria (Peru)Col. Ariel Sánchez (Uruguay)Kevin RandleNick Pope (UK)Jim PennistonDr. Edgar Mitchell (Capt. USN ret., NASA)Mark McCandlishDr. Jesse Marcel, Jr.Antonio HuneeusLinda Moulton HoweGary Heseltine (UK)Paul Hellyer (Canada)J. Gevaerd (Brazil)Stanton Friedman (Canada)Catherine Austin FittsLt. Col. Richard French (USAF, ret.)Richard DolanPeter DavenportDr. Anthony Choy (Peru)Grant CameronJohn CallahanCapt. Rodrigo Bravo (Chile)Stephen Bassett
I am going to do my part. I have re-opened Galactic Roundtable. This is an international social media website where friends gather to break the gag order as a collective to change things. I am asking you to please join and send invites to your email list for your friends to join. Galactic Roundtable when it was open before had over 5000 members in over 180 countries and when we come together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
On March 11, 2013 I will be joined by a friend and we will hit the airwaves of internet radio. My program is called Galactic roundtable Countdown to Disclosure. Please join me there and we will discuss the Secret Space Program and why Full Galactic Disclosure is THE ISSUE that resolves all other issues such as violence on women, mass starvation and world war. We must have Disclosure or we will never have World Peace. We will also touch on the spiritual aspects of creating the New with love and only love. If you would like me to invite you personally to join please send me an email eltrutwin@gmail.com
I invite you to follow these links. I look forward to seeing you there where we will take up these discussions together. We stand our ground on these issues and ask the media do its part to end the Truth Embargo for all time. Thank you for your selfless service to Earth. This is the end time and you no longer have a choice to wait. Be there all-the-way now. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.http:// galacticroundtable.org/ profiles/blogs/disclosure- announcements-and-nesara-the- big-picture-by-elizabeth- http://GalacticRoundTable.org,http://Garuda.co, http://ElizabethTrutwin.org,http://BBSRadio.com/ GalacticRoundTable, http:// StargateEarth.org Books by Elizabeth EBooks Here Contribute
I am going to do my part. I have re-opened Galactic Roundtable. This is an international social media website where friends gather to break the gag order as a collective to change things. I am asking you to please join and send invites to your email list for your friends to join. Galactic Roundtable when it was open before had over 5000 members in over 180 countries and when we come together there is nothing we cannot accomplish.
On March 11, 2013 I will be joined by a friend and we will hit the airwaves of internet radio. My program is called Galactic roundtable Countdown to Disclosure. Please join me there and we will discuss the Secret Space Program and why Full Galactic Disclosure is THE ISSUE that resolves all other issues such as violence on women, mass starvation and world war. We must have Disclosure or we will never have World Peace. We will also touch on the spiritual aspects of creating the New with love and only love. If you would like me to invite you personally to join please send me an email eltrutwin@gmail.com
I invite you to follow these links. I look forward to seeing you there where we will take up these discussions together. We stand our ground on these issues and ask the media do its part to end the Truth Embargo for all time. Thank you for your selfless service to Earth. This is the end time and you no longer have a choice to wait. Be there all-the-way now. © Elizabeth Trutwin All Rights Reserved.http://
Please fill out the World Peace Treaty and Share It Widely ~ This is how we Raise Consciousness
from The Keshe Foundation http://keshefoundation.org/
“We/I as citizen(s) of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay
down all tools of aggression and war, we/I shall never think about
getting involved or incite war or develop or use any tools of war on
this planet or in space, and to this
we/I all agree and swear with
(Delete as appropriate)
Nation, territory, council, religion, city,
town, body(s) and soul(s).”
Name .............................. .............................. ........................
Signature .............................. .............................. ..................
Date .............................. .............................. ...........................
Position ...
.............................. .............................. ..................
On behalf of the .............................. .............................. .......
Nation, territory, council, religion, city, town, individual
Name .............................. .............................. ......................
Signature .............................. .............................. ................
Date .............................. .............................. .......................
Position held .............................. .............................. ..........
After signing this treaty, be proud to display this certificate
wherever you consider being important to you that everyone can see and
know your ethos to fellow men and the mankind and other created
beauties of creator.
Print Out HERE
“We/I as citizen(s) of the Earth from this moment on accept to lay
down all tools of aggression and war, we/I shall never think about
getting involved or incite war or develop or use any tools of war on
this planet or in space, and to this
we/I all agree and swear with
(Delete as appropriate)
Nation, territory, council, religion, city,
town, body(s) and soul(s).”
Name ..............................
Signature ..............................
Date ..............................
Position ...
On behalf of the ..............................
Nation, territory, council, religion, city, town, individual
Name ..............................
Signature ..............................
Date ..............................
Position held ..............................
After signing this treaty, be proud to display this certificate
wherever you consider being important to you that everyone can see and
know your ethos to fellow men and the mankind and other created
beauties of creator.
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