The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings, on this beautiful weekend of renewal and revitalization!
For you are now, with your collective power, ushering in a new era of intensified Light and higher vibration that is manifesting itself in countless astounding ways.
The door has been flung wide open in the heavens (and now upon the Earth) by the blood moon lunar eclipse, spring equinox, and solar eclipse energies that you have been and are increasingly receiving.
And we would say that the many millions of you who witnessed the initial agreement between the United States and Iran yesterday, forged by Lightworkers and led by the US president.
(You note his words—that reference to himself as “commander-in-chief” was not only a reminder to the dark hats in Congress, but a veiled reference to his position as Sirian commander.)
And as you watched, you were not merely witnessing a political or a military pre-agreement.
For your intuition has correctly led you to understand that a vital move has been now made toward establishing Earth’s Galactic citizenry, and not only toward peace, however significant peace may be.
For in the creation of this pre-agreement, the old structure has been made to step down to a level it has not occupied for thousands of years—not since it took control of your planet eons ago.
This agreement could not have been forged if the Galactic presence was not as strong as it is, and actively involved in US and world affairs. And we say this not merely to say that we of the Ashtar Command (and higher levels such as Mother Sekhmet) have stepped forward to lend a hand.
We say this because in the creation of this moment, you were as a race creating one of the first above-board, peace-building agreements with the aid of the Galactics that you have ever created.
It was a form of accepting our presence, and even a form of making it known.
We congratulate you—all of you working so constantly and so brilliantly upon the Earth’s surface, for your steady blazing of the Violet Flame of St Germaine, for your ongoing work (since birth) in holding, reflecting, and anchoring the higher energies reaching the planet.
And for your bravery in continuing this work even when it seemed that all was lost.
In fact, all is found—you are found, in your upward Ascension movements, and we are here with you, and welcome you with open hearts and open arms.
And so as you take this first vital step, after many initiatory moments, toward full Galactic citizenry, we celebrate with you that the way is being paved in powerful and tangible ways.
This is a time of year in which the image of resurrection is powerful for so many, a time when the notion of planting of seeds and the death of old, the birth of new, is uppermost in so many people’s imaginations and hearts.
And we would say, that the seed you planted many years ago has now begun to spring forth.
The resurrection of human aspiration is here—your decision to climb out of the dungeons of the third dimension and step into the beauty, peace, abundance, and freedoms of the fifth dimension is coming forth, and cannot be stopped.
Photo by Society Índiofobia –
You have heard the old expression, that “nothing can stop us now,” and we would say, you are correct.
You have won not only the battle but the war for the human spirit and for human freedom and sovereignty, and as always, we salute you, and join you in your celebration.
Namaste! Call upon us—we wish to appear to you, and are not even a heartbeat away.
Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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