Tara&Rama Report 2-24-15

Tara: Hello.
Rama: Greetings.
Tara: I’ll just say Ashtar is here now too. Have no doubts about it. There’s another wild sighting today. Rama showed me a beautiful colored lights all around in a triangular ship and it was just like, wow!
Rama: It was over California.
Tara: Well that’s a big state. Where?
Rama: It didn’t say on Twitter.
Tara: Okay, so the deal is that- just to back up a little bit, Lady Di and Lady Nada talked to Rama a little back farther here.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And they just got confirmed that things were going on at Langley and this has to do with the dragons – the big dragons – the archonic kind.
Rama: The great white dragons that are from Dracos.
Tara: Yeah, these are not nice dragons.
Rama: They are not humans.
Tara: They’re just not nice whoever they are.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And they’re playing around with moving nukes around..
Rama: Yes.
Tara: One to drop on…
Tara&Rama:..East Ukraine.
Tara: …and there was another one that was mobilized over there into the Russian territory, but the White Knights in Russia intercepted it. But the thing is, is that still does not compute as we know as these things don’t work. And I don’t know who…
Rama: They are kind of moving around giant mechanical things that are neutralized and basically speaking out of both sides of their mouth. Just a nuclear fissionable material is inert. So, in a certain context they’re lying through their teeth because there’s, you know, no nukes. But at the same time what…
Tara: This is the same time that the councils of 9,12,24,36,144, and 144000, all of the councils are right in their face. And there’s a total shake up across the whole planet of all the spook agencies.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And Angela Merkel is not long for this world. I think we might have said that the last time, but it must be repeated today. And the 13 families are extremely desperate. And so they’re extremely desperate messages going on. And of course Rudy Giuliani says Obama doesn’t love America routine. Well Obama shows how much he loves America today, he vetoed…
Rama:..The pipeline.
Tara: The pipeline bill. Amen! And they are ready to wring somebody’s neck and they don’t know who they can get to first.
Rama: And of course they want to…
Tara: What are we dealing with when Netanyahu gets here on the 3rd of March?
Rama: Right, and Netanyahu does not want to talk to the Democrats of course.
Tara: Oh, he just wants to do it for the Republicans?
Rama: Right.
Tara: Oh well, I don’t know what’s going to happen there. But in the meantime the Koch brothers have been found under every rock and cranny supporting Hillary Clinton in terms of all of their energy companies putting money down on her, not just the Republicans.
Rama: Right.
Tara: We’re was sitting here, what’s going on with this story? And we have a sneaking suspicion – Rama got a confirmation that, we said this last week, but Thom Hartmann is acting like a scared rabbit when people get on there and start talking about 9/11, he just lies.
Rama: Or hangs up on you.
Tara: Oh well he doesn’t hang up on you. I guess they’re screening a little more…
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: They won’t let you get on anymore.
Rama: No.
Tara: But on Monday last week and Tuesday and Wednesday there were lots of people calling in. He just denied the realities of – they’re being threatened big time and Elizabeth Warrenintroduced somebody in The Back Scene today. And it wasn’t a very good interview. It looked like you know, she was told by Hilary you dare not run. So we’re getting all of these mixed messages across the board.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: Yet the good news is that Greece they got their extension for four months. They have to have a more detailed report on things. But they have really said they’re going to raise the minimum wage, they’re not going to do austerity in the way that has been outlined in the way it was before. But they’re going to detail the way they’re doing it in April.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: They’re going to do more. But that all being said the story about Brian Williams , just to make it clear that there were three other ah-
Rama: Journalists.
Tara: Yeah well reporters of the main media. And they were all killed and he was the fourth one. He must have really sold his soul big time to stay alive. That’s all I can say.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: Because they were going to blow the whistle on 9/11 see? Everything is pushing that 9/11 right up front right now. The Code Pink ladies they went to Cuba together and Colonel Ann Wright was with them, and yeah know, Medea Benjamin, and her co-founder was there too, forgot her name. But they were just ecstatic. And that’s the same case for the last Congress people who went with Nancy Pelosi. And they have been exposing what has been going on, that the United States has been the real culprit for the terrible things that have been going on, because Castro has been an asset of our CIA all along. So our CIA’s quote unquote “the boss”.
Rama: Right.
Tara: About what is going on and USAID has been in there, but it’s been US espionage in there..
Rama: Right.
Tara:..causing all the hardships for the people. And Abby had an interview with a member of their parliament.
Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: I guess they have a parliament there. And she was describing how powerful the way they do things. They don’t do it the way they do it here. But they have thousands of people that come together on a very regular basis and they talk about all the issues and they come together in smaller groups. And they decide as a people representing the millions of other people. I mean that’s thousands of other people representing you, and everybody is choosing in their own groups and they actually decide what they want the policy to be. And usually up until now it looks like Obama’s going to help us out a big deal, the United States is going to come in there and make it now happen. It is notCastro. And that’s very interesting that that’s coming to the light at this late point in time.
And just to repeat, I don’t remember if we said that last time, but Barak Obama had a little visit from three of his handlers. And don’t be assuming that there aren’t handlers for every President. There always have been all the way back to the beginning, meaning 13 families-type handlers. And he had aphaser in his hand and he just told them, after they threatened to kill him because he wasn’t doing what they were telling him to do, and he said, you know, you will leave or you will be a pool of, of ah…
Tara&Rama: Goo.
Tara: …on the floor. And he had it set to do just that. And he made, this is very important, he made it very clear that they need to take Assata Shakur off of the most wanted list.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And Abby covered this and said that there has been and, I think Amy meant to do it this morning too. That she is not guilty in a way of poof of anything called killing a policeman. They are saying that she did. But the police actually shot her. She was injured. Then they were saying that she shot the other policeman on the New Jersey Turnpike. Yet the fact that she has been on the most wanted list, and she got put in prison, and she escaped. And she’s in Cuba and she’s been there since 1984. And right now there’s a whole lot of you might say people that have sought asylum and Cuba has been granting it. And Obama’s talking about helping them not to be yanked back here because they’re getting ready. I’m not sure what they’re going to accomplish on that, but they’re something being done about it, starting with Assata Shakur.
Rama: Right.
Tara: And Rama got to talk to – how did you want to describe this person?
Rama: He is a scholar of the right and left eye mystery schools.
Tara: Of Horus.
Rama: Of Horus.
Tara: Yeah, and Sekhmet, and Isis, and Osiris, and Set is the brother of Horus. And that whole story.

Tara: And we’re going to start playing some of his wonderful videos from Youtube. And he’s a good friend of the King of Swords, and the King of Swords was with him. Anyway this man said that Malcolm Xis in Obama You are seeing the son of Malcolm X taking the appropriate actions necessary to corral the reptilians for their crimes against humanity and galactic realms. And they said who is going to be the first one to announce Captain Ashtar’s presence to the world. Is it going to be Putin of Russia, or President Xi of China, or is it going to be President Obama? And that’s coming from what we were told a long time ago that these three, for the last four and a half years or so now, they have been monitoring the 13 families and staying together behind the scenes, even though it appears on certain other levels like all kinds of other stories are going on, which is not the true story.
Rama: Right, like the way that John Kerry said today that Mr. Putin is outright lying.
Tara: That’s just Kerry looking for who’s telling him what to say.
Rama: That’s right.

Rama: Mhmm.
Tara: Basically the blood is on his hands, and he’s being told he’s a puppet of Mr. McCain. So he’s responsible for Mr. McCain and friends putting Black Ops who made this and went against what Putin was saying, and were not representing the Russians and they went and killed almost 3000 of those soldiers. And it’s not being reported at all in any media. They’re saying maybe 100 died there. 3000 out of 7000 soldiers were murdered by our Black Ops.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: In the name of what they’re saying are Putin and Russian separatists. So I just wanted to get that straight.
Putin meets with the Andromedans, the Sirians, and the Pleaidians together and separately on a regular basis for the past three or four years or more. President Xi has been meeting mostly with the Pleaidians over the same period of time. Obama meets with the Ashtar Command, and Ashtar, Saint Germain, Sananda Kumara, and his protégé the King of Swords of the 7thinitiation, and Lady Master Nada, the 7th initiation incarnation of Lady Master Nada, on inter-planetary interactivity. And Obama has been meeting with Ashtar and the Command since he was 18, since he went to Mars in 1979, and it has become much more frequent, as a matter of fact, weekly now in the last year, where all of these folks are meeting in round circles every week at the White House…
Rama: Yes.
Tara: …everybody. And Obama has been taking counsel with [them on] the actual final move like we were saying, playing hardball right now. This is only his third veto, but he is not going to budge. And of course by midnight Friday it looks like Homeland securitywill be gone. And the King of Swords said good riddance.
Rama: They don’t have the money to fund it.
Tara: Okay Rama what did you say about that? You said one more thing about what happened with homeland security. They pulled the Republican [bill] since they took the immigration something away from them?
Rama: There they are playing around with this idea that as Homeland Security would not be funded, they’re talking about sending these people back to their various countries and Obama is saying, no, they’re going to stay.
Tara: Okay so, just to remind you that Heather from the One Peoples Trust she has been indicted by Lady Master Nada of theWorld Court and the rest of the world’s courts for fraud. So if you’ve been involved in that, that’s what’s happening there. And again, all things get absorbed into N.E.S.A.R.A. , all activity, even though the BRICS has announced that they’re going strong. It’s not true that they’re working to get away from the dollar by doing BRICS. The dollar backs BRICS all the way. So that is just another distraction of a phoney front, so N.E.S.A.R.A. now, Everybody!
We have $400 dollars for the rent which is due no later than the 1st. Um, we had some commitments for something’s coming yet ah, they may or may not be here in time. So as that comes a little late and that first week will pay for the bills that way. Um I’m just asking as from your hearts like Susan was saying. Ah, people can call forward and make a commitment that will make it more clear that- and you can put it in PayPal because the King of Swords has a way to help us get it right out. So that’s our situation. Thank you everyone! Ah, we’re very pleased that the Galactics are showing signs of being with us.
Rama: Every single-
Tara:..every single day.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: As you are on Twitter, every single day there are stories out there.
Rama: And our scholar friend said that, as you continue to meditate, don’t you miss a day, and despair is not an option. And we are here as the ones we’ve all been waiting for, and N.E.S.A.R.A. is coming stronger and stronger. Bring more folks to come and learn the way things are working with the higher Galactic government that’s already in operation. N.E.S.A.R.A. now! I pass the talking stick back to you all.
Transcription by Julie.
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