Ashtar on The Golden Age, Yertles Falling and SHAKA*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 25, 2014
"Greetings, Beloved Family! And welcome to the Bridge of my ship, The New Jerusalem. And we are a Grand Company indeed!And we invite you to breathe in the energies that are here - to be sure, excited, exhilarated at this Gathering – which you have chosen to come to. But even more, the energies of our Oneness, the energies that are all based in Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, to be sure. And let us focus particularly upon Gratitude.
"For it is the eve of a holiday. We call them Holy Days, as the entire season is made up of Holy Days and sacred moments.But it is the eve of a holiday which has become somewhat commercialized, and which is celebrated in the United States of America which has grown, shall we say, or evolved in its traditions, so that everyone is primarily thinking about a feast.And a magnificent feast it is in some places on some tables! It is a time for family togetherness to share this feast.
"And we offer to you a feast here aboard The New Jerusalem but of a, shall we say, a different component. It is comprised of our being together in the energies that we are generating. And this, indeed, is magnificent! And this indeed can last, for it has always been so. It simply is that there has not been general recognition.So think of your table - each of you - and think of your table filled with a feast of Love and all that Love engenders. And think of it as being an opportunity to say, 'thank you' in whatever language or languages you care to speak, as we greet you with our thanks for being here and for living the lives that you are currently living, for being each one of you, faithful in following your paths! And this is, of course, a time to be thankful that Planet Earth is past all point of return and, therefore, it is assured. I am speaking, of course, of Ascension!
"Now it is imminent - you’ve heard about commitments to bring forth the Truth of our existence and of our Love for you, and of our dedication to our mission of assisting in every way possible, the Ascension of Planet Earth and all that that means. And we shall speak for a moment to assure you that we are very dedicated to the assistance to you in every way possible of bringing in, or shall we say, opening to you officially - The Golden Age!!!
"Now you may have already been feeling lately as though you are living in The Golden Age, because there are so many changes coming about. We shall just sum it up to say that the shackles which have bound you through all these eons of time are being broken and cast away, one by one by one by one, and so on and so on. The dominoes are falling, and the sequential order is speeding up even more, that is they're falling, they are falling in order and it is speeding up – faster, faster, faster!
"And so, yes, there are resignations, and you are hearing why.There are many whose names are, shall we say, famous in your World, who are wanting to come forward, whether it is a genuine desire to be forgiven or whether it is simply that they are afraid.Well, when the Light shines upon dark deeds, those who have perpetrated the dark deeds do go into fear. Welcome them to the Light and be not in judgment of how or what has been motivating them to come forward. Just thank them for telling whatever Truths they have to tell.
"And, yes, it will be difficult to look upon, and to hear, to read about. That is why, Beloved Ones, we are showing you many Truths. You are receiving many more in your e-mails and on the internet and so on and so on. It is topractice Forgiveness, which is being without judgment. Yes, they do have to answer. But it is NOT that they have to answer to you, Beloved Ones, not directly. Give them Forgiveness and encourage them, shall we say, empower their Courage to come forward and tell the Truth, to own up to it, as it were. They will feel much better for doing so! And if they know that they are forgiven and they are loved no matter what it is they have done, then it will encourage them all the more, once they get over their initial reactions which are fear-based. And there is no power in the Universe which is more magnificent and effective in transmuting fear than the power of Love!!!
"And so shine the Lights, and if at first they try to scurry for cover, just assure them in your telepathic communications and in all ways that you find possible – your prayers, your meditations, and so on. Just let them know that the World is shining bright for them as well andthey, too, can be free!
"You have heard some examples of how it is that the dark hats -those at the very top of the dark hat pyramid - get people to do their bidding. They get people to perform heinous acts. They entrap them. They blackmail them. They drug them.They use methods of mind control. They threaten their families.And they have absolutely no concerns about killing anyone or torturing anyone, even members of their own families, even such as their own children! They have no sense of any kind of, shall we say, right or wrong doing. They are driven!
"Now you might say, 'Oh they are really, really miserable, bad beings who don’t deserve Compassion.' This is NOT true. They deserve Compassion, as do you. It is difficult! But just shine your Lights and invite them to come into the Light. And as more and more do so, you will find that it is YOU who are shining even brighter, lifting up even more, and more at ease because you have shed YOUR BAGGAGE of holding others guilty. Because, let me tell you something, Beloved Ones, you may think that you are blaming someone else for some heinous act or program which has been instituted or whatever. But those you are really blaming are yourselves!!!
"You have heard the expression - and I do appreciate this one – it is called, 'The buck stops here.' Well, let us say, that it STARTS here within each and every Heart. And so it is for you to join with us in Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and express it toward EVERYONE, every living being, everywhere, in this World and beyond!!!
"And all the members of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms are ready to receive your blessings. It is not just Humanity of which I speak. It is all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, so bless them all! And in so doing, Beloved Ones, you bless yourselves. You bring yourselves up into such a high realm of Love that youfeel your Oneness with all life, that you feel and know and in some ways understand - even if you cannot put it in words - that you, too, are Divine, and that you, too, are on the verge, we shall say, of entering into the fullness, the absolute fullness, of The Golden Age! We’re in transition right now. We’re getting there!!!
"And some of you are entering into Higher Realms. You do it when you sleep. You do it when you meditate, and so on and so on - Higher Realms, where the LoveLight is all that there is, where Love and all that Love is and all of the expressions are Love - they are all that is expressed! And you know what it is to be in the bliss, in that Peace 'which passeth all understanding' and which is where you’re heading, and Higher! And so there is much to be thankful for.
"Now we have one other comment before we complete our message to you and that is: We invite each and every one of you, when you are contemplating whatever it is that will comprise your feast - if you are feasting in celebration of the Holy Day of Thanksgiving or whatever you plan to have on your tables in the way of nourishment, whether you celebrate Thanksgiving or not -we advise you tohonor your divine selves. And when you go into the marketplace to purchase whatever it is that you’re not growing for yourselves for your nourishment, we advise you to consider that your bodies are Holy and Divine. And now is the time to commit to ingesting only the purest, most natural - and if we will say this once we have said it before - organic, non-GMO, nutritional foods for yourselves!!! Nourish your physical bodies with the best that you can - highest and best, we shall say - just as you nourish your other bodies with Love and all that Love is!
"Your physical body is not separate from the rest of you. It is a part of you. And it is time for you to start reading labels on packaged foods or canned foods or frozen foods. It is time for you to tell the merchants in the marketplace that you are requiring purefoods as though Mother Gaia had first presented them on Planet Earth. Think about this. It is to nurture and nourish yourselves in every way possible. It is to inform yourselves about what is the best nourishment that you can give to yourselves. Now that does sound like judgment but we shall call it 'discerning.' And if it means that you need to make some changes, well, be courageous and jump right in and make those changes!
"Yes, there are technologies – some of them are even 'unveiled' shall we say, in this now moment - technologies which can heal your bodies and rejuvenate your bodies, your physical bodies, but meet them! We are advising that instead of sitting back and waiting for them to appear, you enter into some kind of new contract whereby you do everything that you can possibly do, and that may be one new item a week or dropping one item, or whatever.
"All of you have something that you can do to further your nutrition and here is the key: It is to do it with Love! It is to give your physical body a precious gift during this Holy Day season, no matter what it is. And know that we have no judgment. We only assure you that your Ascension progress will be speeded up if you consider that it is your physical bodies which need to lighten up, which need to become less dense and more light, because you’re taking them with you!!!
"And so it is only a matter of committing to preparation in some manner, or shall we say, additional preparation of your physical bodies. Why are we saying this, Beloved Ones? It is because the entire planetary food system program is being changed. And so coming from an attitude of Gratitude for having information will serve you well and will enable you to assist others!!!
"But there was something happening, because this could not go on forever, because up there at the top of the stack, he was saying, 'Oh, I’m Yertle, the Turtle, oh marvelous me, for I am the ruler of all that I see!' And the stack kept getting higher. And it was that almost all of the turtles were in this one stack and you can figure that it was pretty uncomfortable, toward the bottom especially.
"But then something happened that changed the whole thing.Somewhere down in that stack of turtles there was a little guy named 'Mac,' and Mac burped loudly and with great energy! And that burp shook the throne of the king, and King Yertle tumbled into the muddy pond and that was the end of his grandiose rule.
"Well! SHAKA* has dared to burp! And SHAKA has shaken the throne of Monsanto and the other companies who have been ruling almost the entirety of Planet Earth, with their concepts of how to get richer and how to control the 99% of the people of Planet Earth by poisoning their foods. And it’s all tumbling out.And it’s going around the world and the voice, or shall we say 'the burp' is that of SHAKA!
"Well, I shall not continue.I am only telling you that the throne has been shaken. And so we invite all of you to join with all of us on The New Jerusalem and throughout the Universe in support of SHAKA, in support of Mother Gaia, in support of the absolute stoppage of all of the poisoning which is going on, of all of Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms, including Humanity. And that is something that you can do with your prayers and meditations, and you can also do it when you go into the marketplace to purchase whatever it is that you are going to eat, drink or put upon your physical bodies!
"We thank you. This is a most appropriate Gathering to be in discussion of this. And so let us be in Thanksgiving together, that this burp is one of the many changes! It’s not the only one. There are many, many in progress, but it is for the people, for Humanity of Planet Earth to take back its Freedom, doing so from the Highest Realms of Love, doing so with Compassion, with Forgiveness, and with Gratitude to all.
"And it is for you, Beloved Ones, to remember to give thanks that you are here at this momentous time in the history/herstory of Planet Earth, and for the entry into The Golden Age and beyond!And so it is we celebrate you, and we thank you for being one with us, for being the great Light Bearers, Lightworkers you are!Shine on, Beloved Ones, and know that We Are One With You, and that we love you beyond all words. And so it is! Namaste and Salut!"
* SHAKA - Sustainable Hawaiian Agriculture for the Keiki (Children) and the Aina (Land)
Transcription by Marta.
Given through Susan Leland, November 25, 2014.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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