The structural component grids of the aforementioned genesis of creation has been recalibrated with the new frequency of being and new set of accords has been instituted into the physical institutions and representations of that which humanity believes to be.
For through the representation of the highest octave of being, you shall begin to see candid facts of eternal angelic guidance and the flower of life and the eternal flame of the violet, manifest into your daily activities through the truth of that which shall be bestowed upon you by those who hold the books of the ancients, for the books of the ancients carry the informational decree of eons past.
The profitable encounters with those of the past, have led the ones who are in charge to dispense such information for all to see. Uncovered and realized through the veil of misinformation, the ones that shall lay their eyes upon such personalized decrees shall become masters of the ages. Masters of the ages of the eons past and eons yet to come.
For the structural grids, and components and encodings of the alphabetical structure of the ancients, shall spur he newly formed understanding of reality, and the physical proof that many are eagerly awaiting.
For the ones in command of the religions texts of your known world have indeed been called upon to make necessary adjustments based on the newly found principles of being. For once more we you shall bear witness to the rising of a newly constructed idealisms, ideas and representation of the heavenly abodes.

I have not formally spoken to St. Germain prior to receiving this tool, and found myself flabbergasted when he came to me early in the morning as I was awakening from sleep. I saw him clearly and he pointed to this tool and explained to me in detail how to use it! And as soon as I took it into my hands and closed my eyes, I felt my crown chakra vibrating surprisingly much and felt myself surrounded by so much Violet that I felt myself actually becoming it! Then complete, peace and serenity filled my body and uncontrollable joy! This frequency operates on opening up our 8th chakra and crown chakra, the chakras of divinity and connects us with the divine. In doing so, it purifies our whole body, removes blockages, releases the past and transmutes all that stands in the way of total recognition and understanding of self. Click here to learn more about it :http://www.metaphysicalascensionpowertools.com/product-p/st.-germain-disc.htm
For once more a new spiritual infrastructure shall arise, breaking apart that which all have been led to believe. And when such moment occurs, the ones that have indeed past the ring past not, shall be there to gather the pieces of the fallen ones. The pieces of the fallen ones, for the fallen ones shall spin in a centrifuge of their being, rebirthing and giving rise to a new energy source. The new energy source of light and love, appreciation and warmth, beauty and serenity, peace and harmony, abundance and health, abundance and understanding of the eternal influence of the eternal OM.
And so, as has been preordained, as has been established and as you have indeed been informed of what’s to come, we once again reiterate the importance of liberating yourselves form the past of your ego structures.
For once again the phase into which you all have entered shall take leaps and bounds brining the fruitful outcome for all involved. For through the upheavals and downfalls shall a new world, a new structure be fully integrated into ones being. And thus, you are once again to stay strong in your convictions, to stay true to you chosen path, to stay true to that which you have come here to accomplish and that which you have come here to be.
For the flower of life, and eternal flame of the violet shall play a very important role in the days to come. The eternal flame of the violet and the flower of life shall merge and intertwine into your being, clearing the pathway for new conscious grids, clearing a pathway to a newfound freedom and bridging you the core of your being, and allowing new portals and new octaves of light to operate in your vehicles and the world in which you dwell.
New octave and a new set of accords of which we speak, shall be revealed to you step by step in due time. For now we ask that you attune yourselves to the new frequency flowing freely within your world. Flowing freely and embracing each one of you in unconditional co creation of being.
That is al that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
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