Mother Sekhmet Speaks with the Great Council at Shambhalla regarding Changeover on Earth ~ A Message through Elizabeth Trutwin, July 14, 2013
When we originally began the Grand Experiment of Duality, MotherFather Gods first born named Jehovah and Lilith were sparks. They were souls that were complete and whole unto each other. TwinFlames in one ball of light. They flowed along side each other in the light matter Universe. We all were Created together as TwinFlames complete and Whole at this same time.
As they developed and grew from plasma sparks of light into Spheres then they gained Wisdom and grew more. Jehovah (Yahweh) was then part of the light. He began to have miscreated thoughts that maybe when he was created he was not the same as his Father and Mother. Maybe something had been held back. This anguish he felt made him want to Dual his Father. He wanted to see if his strength matched his Father’s strength. He threw his wife aside and decided to fight the war on his own. He left his Twin Flame. He began the war between the sexes where the Divine Feminine was ignored. He gathered and Army of those who held his miscreated thoughts to begin the Great War.
Jehovah first went to the Constellation Lyra and ravaged it. From there he destroyed all the Suns in the Aurora Sun System of 23 Suns. His goal was to create a matter Universe where he could rule over everything. He had to tear a hole in the space-time continuum from the anti-matter Universe to the matter Universe in order to have an entry way, a landing place. This very brutal process had Jehovah commandeer Niburu, Mother Sekhmet’s Home Planet. It is a 300 mile wide MotherShip. This was the Ship with the 144,000 Holy Kumaras from Venus. Jehovah was driving Niburu right into Nebadon. When this occurred then there were two choices: Join Jehovah and crash land in Nebadon in the Fallen Universe or die. There was a lot of chaos and fear. The inhabitants of the Ship were wailing like babies crying to their Mother Father God: How Could You Let This Happen? Before that there was no death. Everyone was immortal. The information units called DNA were never programmed for death.
As Jehovah continued his wars and conquered places in this Solar System, including Earth - he called himself God and he forced the humans to call Jehovah (Yahweh) the God. This was a false teaching. This information made it into the Bible, yet over the years the stories were changed by men in control of the Church and the Commerce to control the masses. Countries were formed to show the boundaries of the rule of land. Control of the matter was the game. Armies were formed to enforce the power propagated by these warring Ones. Sananda was on Niburu when it entered the the Universe Nebadon. All of the 144,000 Kumaras are incarnate on Earth now. The time has come to reutrn Earth on its long journey back through the Central Sun Alcyone, back to the light matter Universe. This can happen in your lifetime.
God has spoken at the Council at Shambhalla. God told the Council that there is one unbreakable requisite regarding the Changeover. When it happens then not One Soul will experience Fear. Until that goal may be accomplished then we remain in a holding pattern on Earth. There will be no Ascension of Earth until it can be accomplished without fear. The only remedy for fear is love. Disclosure brings love. This is a conundrum. Disclosure cannot bring the needed love for the Planet because it does not meet the requirement of no fear. God has decreed this. This is why so many feel frustrated right now. They can feel the changes upon us and wonder: How Long?!
On July 13, 2013 Mother Sekhmet was escorted from her life on Earth and taken to speak before the Council at Shambhalla. She was invited by Sanat Kumara to do so. As she has spent this life incarnate on Earth she speaks a a representative of humanity, all the creatures, magical beings, plants and minerals - All Life On Earth - and Gaia Herself. Mother Sekhmet stood before the large ominous esteemed Members of the Council at Shambhalla to State the Case for Disclosure, Announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law now.
Master Serapis Bey had explained before the meeting, in a counceling session to prepare for the Presentation that the Conundrum of no fear was coming from Source Energy. As things stood there was an impasse because Source energy Itself, in all its Perfection, in All That Is, held the memory of the Fall into the Matter Universe and was pulsing out this through its magnificent impulses down through the Central Sun and down to Earth. As it sustained life here it sustained fear in a sense.
A Plan was hatched then. Mother Sekhmet requested a meeting with her Twin Flame Alcyone to visit the Ra Temple of Creation on the Planet Saturn. Ra, Alcyone and Sekhmet form the Holy Trinity at the Godhead. Together under certain conditions they can change Source Itself and thus change All That Is.
When Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone left their 3D bodies that they work from on Earth and travelled to Saturn then they landed before the great Ra Temple of Creation. Around the Temple are Paschat people in their Cat Form pacing in front of the Temple as Sentries. Mother Sekhmet in her female human form sat on the back of one of the Lion Sentries and entered the Temple with her Twin Flame Alcyone right by her side. They entered and joined Ra there. This was a grand reunion that has been scheduled since the beginning of the Fall. It was a Divine Decree. It was the next step for Earth Ascension.
In the Temple of Ra is Ra’s Staff. On top is a very special crystal. Gandolf the White carried a Staff that is similar in look to Ra’s Staff. In the inner parts of the Temple there is a large expanse of space and here there are very large rings of energy. The rings are visually similar to Saturn’s rings. These are the rings of Creation and they are patterned off the Rings of Alcyone at the Central Sun. When One enters the rings of energy in a State of Pure Love with Ra carrying his Staff, then they are able to Create ANYTHING.
Together Ra, Alcyone, and Sekhmet entered the Rings of Creation after entering a State of Pure Love and stating their intensions together. After entering this Holy Place of Creation they reset Source Energy at a Higher Pulse and superseded the lower vibration which had been going out sustaining the fear element which began the Grand Experiment. This caused Gods requisite that Changeover on Earth happen with not one bit of fear to be fulfilled. Because had this not been fulfilled, it would have been a crime to bring Changeover. Every last Soul on Earth will experience Changeover in a State of Pure Love or not at all. Otherwise, we repeat what happened when we first burst through to Nebadon into the denser parts of Creation. This Could Not Be Done! This is the true answer to: What Is Taking So Long? The correction has been made in ripe timing. Source Energy has been reset.
Lord Sananda has put everything into Place as he promised in the first moment when he witnessed the destruction from Niburu when Jehovah commandeered his Ship. Lord Ashtar has put everything into Place under the orders of Lord Sananda. Each having their own important part of the Mission. St. Germain has put everything into Place. St. Germain is using the gold to quickly bring resolve to the people and help them to spiritually grasp that this Mission is about Love and only Love.
Now with Source Energy reset and everything in place Sanat Kumara accompanied Mother Sekhmet into the Council on Shambhalla. She stood before the Highest Beings of Light to plead the Case for Changeover on Earth. She demonstrated how she had been earlier that day to Saturn with Alcyone joining with Ra. She explained they had been able to fulfill their Mission of reseting Source Energy to Higher Vibrations then had ever been achieved and this was the final step in resetting the Timelines. The old programs, the old Vibrations are no longer pulsing out. Without that transmission, everything will shut off. It will no longer go. It is like a car with a dead battery. There is no transmission of energy to make the car go. The old Timelines, without that transmission from Source essentially no longer exist. The memory of ‘Not Being Enough’ is erased from All Time in the Cosmos and All Beings return to their Perfect State of Being. Earth is no longer a Planet of Duality. Earth no longer exists within a Realm of Free Will. Earth is raised ABOVE that vibration and set into a Vibration of PURE LOVE.
Mother Sekhmet explained to the revered Council of Shambhalla that there no longer existed any conundrum and it was time to Commence Changeover. She explained how living as a human in a body on Earth she can testify that Earth Humanity has indeed reached the saturation point of no return. In other words, anyone who was staying on Earth through the changes had experienced the Highest Level prior to the Change as was possible at this moment and waiting longer would do more harm than good.
The Council heard Mother Sekhmet’s new story of Creation of Source with Alcyone and Ra. The Council heard her experiences from within the matrix on Earth and why it is the right timing for Changeover. The Council heard Lord Sananda, Lord Ashtar and St. Germain have their parts in hand. Now that the correction has been made, now that the Timelines are finalized.,The Changeover is inevitable. It is rolling down from the formless into form. From the causal Realm into the physical Realm. We now begin our long journey back to the Light Matter Universe.
As these changes come flooding down to Earth there are some things you can do. You are a Beacon of Light anchoring the new energies. Certain choices you make can make the transition much easier for you. Eat a vegetarian diet. As the units of design called DNA were manipulated by the dark fallen Ones then animal DNA was spliced in to our cells. So when you eat animal flesh it is a kind of cannibalism. Even fish. Even shellfish. We are a part of them and they are a part of us. Our next step is to receive light from Plant sources and soon we will be able to live strictly on Light. Do not drink alcohol. When your body is depressed by this substance it cannot be an effective vessel of light and it goes against the Plan. It goes against the promise you made to be an energy Source which brings Changeover. You are anchoring in the pulses from Source Energy through your body into Earth.
Stop fighting. Be nice. Don’t yell. Don’t Lie. Don’t Criticize Others. Be Calm. Peace within creates a World of Peace without. Be Love.
Meditate on Earth and send her All Your Love. Work with the New Energies coming from Source. Go within and look for the old Timelines and witness they no longer exist.
As we move through the month of July in Earth time we see the artificial Moon Luna passes through the constellations of Scorpio, Ophiuchus and Sagittarius between now and July 19-20th. This is the perfect Vibration for Changeover as the final arrests send these Souls back through Galactic Center, through the Scorpi Black Hole at 26 degrees Sagittarius. Ophiuchus represents St. Germain and his part for returning Oneness to Earth. St. Germain means ‘Holy Brother.’ He is and always has been One of the 144,000 Holy Kumaras, with Lord Ashtar and Lord Sananda who were on Niburu that fateful day of the Fall 450,000 billion years ago. All of the Holy Kumaras who were there then are on Earth now returning everything back to Love. Everything is Perfect. Raise your Vibration to One of Joy as we witness the Changeover together. In Shallah! This is Mother Sekhmet through Elizabeth Trutwin. © All Rights Reserved. http:// http://, http:/ /, http://, htt p:// Please support Full Galactic Disclosure and the enactment of NESARA Law. love, beth xxxooo An Invitation: Many have benefited from this and I would like to continue to offer it. For a one hour booking you may email me at It is amazing what comes through from Lord Sananda, the Higher Self of Jesus. This is a question and answer session on video Skype or telephone and you may ask anything you like. I have several written testimonials. Sananda’s Invitation through Elizabeth Trutwin: Many here are looking for answers about their personal life, Mission and what direction to take at this time. I have information I would like to share with certain individuals. As you read this you will know if it is for you. I have asked Beth to offer her Service for 1 hour telephone consultations where she will channel me, Sananda to you over the phone to answer your questions. You have worked very hard and it is time we sat down together to discuss your next steps. I thank you for your enduring service to the light. ~Lord Sananda For more information please visit http://ElizabethTrutwin. org/SanandaKumara Thank you so much for your ongoing support for my work which includes important upcoming required travel to assist with Disclosure. Donate
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