Ashtar: Bulletin from the Bridge - May 4, 2013
"For it is Truth that you are accepting and assimilating the great energies coming to you, not only from the Great Central Sun - and beyond - but also from you, yourselves, Beloved Ones! Yes, you are expressing your radiance more and more to each other, and that is how the consciousness of the entire Planet is uplifting into Joy! So, we are merely reflecting back to you that which you are sending forth, and you just keep beaming brighter and brighter!
"This brings me to begin discussing with you the new phase, or level, of our Gatherings together. For, since you have reached this place on your Ascension Paths, we shall be focusing upon Living the Golden Age and Higher Dimensional Lifestyles!!! We shall continue to rely upon our Beloved News Team* for the preparations and assistances happening behind the scenes on Planet Earth. Indeed, we are most blessed to have them share with us, because they are already Masters of the Higher Dimensional perspective!
"We shall then be devoting the remaining time of our Gatherings to living from that perspective only, which shall be a most empowering shift for you all!!! For we know that, despite your awesome progress, you are all experiencing some 'down' moments here and there. And it is our Mission, and indeed, our very Highest Joy, to assist you in grounding these new and powerful energies into the totality of your beings, so that you literally are uplifted into the Golden Age and beyond. This is how you can be the Leaders in grounding this higher Dimensional consciousness everywhere on Planet Earth!
"We shall have more details for you in our next Bulletin. In this moment, know that we are even more in Oneness with you, because you have invited us to be so, Beloved Family! We love you beyond all words, as we always have and always will, in every moment - just stop and breathe in our loving energies! Salut!"
*Tara and Rama
Given through Susan Leland, May 4, 2013.
©Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013. All Rights Reserved.
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