Transcripts from Dec. 22: The Day After Webinar
2012 DECEMBER 26
December 22: The Day After
Council of Love Webinar 12-22-12 Channeled by Linda Dillon
Channelings by Jesus Sananda, Archangel Michael, and the Universal Mother.
Jesus Sananda
Greetings. I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Jeshua. And I continue on where I have left off with each of you my beloved brothers, sisters, friends, family. Do you really think or feel that we could forget you? That we would abandon you? That the Archangels are not shining your grid even as we speak?
You are in the process of the Shift, my friends. You are in the middle, most of you, of the portal; you are standing right there in bliss, some confusion, joy, love, unity, and I am standing there with you not as gatekeeper but as brother, as one that is with you right now. Let me tend to you, let me embrace you and let me walk you through, with me always, always, always, always.
We have told you that all are welcome forever and always and so this process has been slower than anticipated. But a process is exactly what it is, it is the beauty of you, it is the beauty of our union and the unfoldment of the Mother.
The Divine Convergence has taken place; we are in alignment. Gaia has ascended and you, defacto, are upon her. No, you have not relocated to an alternate universe, you have not relocated even to a holographic situation; that would not be of love. This is simply taking what you think of as time.
Each of you are in readiness. My beloved ones, what did you think when we asked you and when you committed eons ago to be pathfinders and then wayshowers, gatekeepers, pillars, participants? Did you think that that would just be a five-minute job? It is not. Much the same way as my job, my service to each one of you is not yet complete. But, never, never do I or will I walk away. I am with you.
Do not allow the old realm of the 3rddimension to cloud your vision and more importantly, to cloud your heart. Claim your birthright. No I am not wishing to suggest that you have not done your part, you absolutely have. Is there further yet to go? Yes. You are talking about the absolute shift of an entire collective, of about seven billion people; it’s going to take a few minutes.
But each of you in your own way, many of you in your own way have already been experiencing the changes, the bliss, the joy, and recognizing that this is a collective undertaking. I ask of you, as my family, as part of your journey, do not turn away now; that simply will not do. So I step aside because we wish to create the time and space for the Divine Mother to address you at the end of this gathering. Go with my love. Farewell.
Archangel Michael
Greetings. I AM Michael, warrior of peace, Archangel of love. No, I am not in charge of the downloads but I do wish to speak to each of you who feel that you have not experienced the bliss, the upliftment, the Shift within your sacred self.
Dear heart, dear hearts, there is not one of you who is listening to this broadcast now, later, or even a year from now who have not experienced the influx of light, the shift in your DNA, the shift in your structure from carbon to crystalline.
Those of you primarily who feel that you have not had a tangible bliss experience or a download experience are very grounded. And that is absolutely necessary, you are part of my legion, you are part of those who are holding the energy for the collective and you are taking care of others, either as parents, as caretakers, as teachers, as custodians, as caretakers, as wayshowers. That is what is going on with you.
And many of you are pillars, you are waiting until the last second. That does not mean that you have not been through the Ascension portal and come back and you are holding and grounding, grounding into Gaia, the energy that is necessary for the collective to go forward. Will you have your tangible experiences, and I do not just mean of bliss, I mean of what you can see, smell, taste, touch? The answer, my beloved ones, is yes.
Let go, let go of any concern; I will not use the word ‘fear’ or ‘worry’. Let go of any concern that you somehow have missed out, that you have been forgotten or abandoned. That is simply not so; there is not one being upon the planet that is been overlooked, not one.
Even those who are still in the process of saying “Yes”, “No”, “Yes”, “No”. They are still being given opportunity and you who feel very little are there next to them helping them decide. And this is a sacred undertaking of teaching and healing. You are a steward of unity and you carry the love. You care enough that you have put your desires aside.
But do not worry my beloved ones, you will have your experience and you will have your Ascension. This does not change. You are wide awake; that is why you know, “well, I’m not feeling particularly blissful.” Do you really think that this is something the general collective thinks about? “Well, I am not seeing my star brothers and sisters.” They do not anticipate seeing their star brothers and sisters. “I am not seeing Jesus Sananda today, where is he?” The collective doesn’t think or feel this way.
So take this as your compass, as your Geiger counter, as your litmus test: you are underway and we are counting on you. We are counting on you because we are in Divine, sacred partnership. We always have been but never like right now. Please do not turn away from us. And we will give you what you need, what you desire, and what you are co-creating with us. I have promised you this before and I promise you this again. Farewell.
The Divine Mother
I AM the Divine Mother of all, Mother of One, and I come to embrace you in my convergence with the joining of above and below. And yes, you are correct, I am gathering all of you because so many of you have asked and prayed that not one soul be excluded.
But I do this with you, I do not do this to you and my beloved ones, I do this with your soul agreement. Gaia is radiant in her beautiful self; the kingdoms and the animals, the oceans and the mountains vibrate with love. But you, you my beloved children, children of my heart, you are glistening, you are radiant, you are not becoming whole, you already are.
The wisdom and the awakening, yes, the acceptance is underway and I am penetrating you more and more because you can take it, you can handle the downloads, you can handle the energies. I do not wish to blow your circuits, none of us do. You are in the middle and you are going forward and we are amongst you and with you; you are with us as we have not been since the beginning.
You are love. You have taken form, I have given you form. You have adapted it and shifted it but that is just a collection of energy, the rearrangement of energy in space, of molecules, subatomic particles, all my creation, by the way. You are love.
How you wish to arrange these molecules of love, how you wish to demonstrate and bring forth these love particles in creation is your choice and decision. But as always, you say to me “Well Mother, what do you think?”
I trust you and I know what you bring forth with me, in this union, is and will be magnificent.
Do not turn away from me child; we do not turn away from you. Look for us everywhere and you will see us. I will lighten the hearts of those who are downhearted, I will lighten the load of those that carry burden, I will lighten the load and we will speed this up. It is your time and it is Divine Time as One. Go in peace. Go in completion. We are with you. Farewell.
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