domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012
Messages from Heaven
Messages from The Star Family
We would like to share the news that Earth is integrating the vibrations from the 7th Dimension. Since all time Earth has experienced different Dimensions in different areas of Earth. The Holy Sacred Sites have always retained their Higher Dimensional frequencies even as Earth fell in frequency over a period of thousands of years. Today you experience this as you leave your vehicles and breathe in the Higher Vibrations when walking onto the land within the Higher Dimension. It is these areas of Earth where the StarGates reside. The land around the StarGates never fell. The Star Masters gathered here have remained as partners with Earth and have never lost their connection or commitment to Earth. Maitreya, Sananda and Michael have incarnated on Earth and have never been born into bodies. They are descendant Souls who remain incarnate and never die. They come and go on Earth and travel from one spot on Earth to the other as they Will. They walk through walls and enter unannounced. They may visit you in your home in their Etheric Body. You may place your hand right through their Etheric Body also called a Glowie Body. Invite them in. Earth has obtained a majority level of 5D Multidimensional frequencies beginning in 2008 and 2009. You all experienced the surge in your awakening process then. We continued to bring messages of Higher Dimensional frequencies without revealing that Earth was moving finally into the 7th Dimension. We could see then that many would ridicule this concept so we talked for many years about moving from 3D to 5D. The even numbered Dimensions are the Twin to its odd numbered Dimension. The 4th Dimension denotes Time. Space as experienced from a point in Time. Many old time Lightworkers still describe the 4th Dimension as the Astral Plane. This is misunderstood because the dark Ones had actually infiltrated the 4th Dimension of Time and were manipulating the Timelines. This was never the Astral Plane but was overcome with Astral Bodies working for the dark Ones and that has now been completely cleared. Time is a lower form of Vibration. The 5th Dimension is No Time. We are there. You have experienced more than glimmers of it if you allow yourself to remember. How many of you have experienced ʻLost Timeʻ? This is when you went into your Etheric Body to join with us and view your Mission and returned to your 3D Avatar Body a couple of hours later. You did not fall asleep during those periods. You were not napping. You were experiencing a shift in frequency and preparing your Earth Avatar Body for the quickening. The even Dimensions represent the dark Matter and the odd Dimensions represent the light Matter. The 6th Dimension represents the dark Matter of Space. The 7th Dimension is the bridge between the 5th and 9th Dimensions. Obtaining the 7th Dimensional Earth simply means energetically accessing more connections to the Higher Realms of Truth. Your bodies are changing rapidly to hold the Light at the Higher Frequencies. The Dimensions which exist within the dark Matter Universe work as partners such as a double helix. The even numbers hold the frequency patterns of light and sound frequency vibration of dark Matter and the odd numbers hold the frequency patterns of light and sound frequency vibration of light Matter. These spiral into infinity as fractal patterns up to the 13th Dimension. Beyond 13D all Dimensions are pure light frequency. Earth is now halfway Home! She will regain her status in the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds as she enters this Higher Dimension. It is not always easy to grasp that Earth exists in the Now on all of these Dimensions. You are free to travel back and forth in your Avatar bodies at will. You need only remember how. You do this by calling on your Angelic Galactic Guides to show you how. It is not hard. It requires ecstatic joy. Meditation is how to reach that State of Consciousness. The 7th Dimension enters the Realm of Pure Expression. This is the learning ground for Light Beings who are preparing to live at the Higher Dimensions of Light Expression in the Matter Universe at the 9th and 11th Dimensions before becoming Pure Light. In the 7th Dimension the need for money completely dissolves. The need for healing dissolves. There is a balancing between the dark and light Realms. It is a place of pure creativity and pure expression where Beings of Collective Consciousness learn together as One. It is like a Swarm of Starlings moving on the wind together in a Collective effort merely through Consciousness. We will spend the very next immediate moment with you in Earthʻs new Light Cities. We will link these with our great Light Ships - our Great Cities of Light - Niburu, the Dove, the New Jerusalem, the New Bethlehem, the Phoenix, the Surya, the Medusa and the Ships from Andromeda, Arcturus, Sirius, Alpha Centauri and other near Stars. In the immediate Now you will learn to travel in your Etheric Body as in a Shuttle Craft anywhere you like at will. You will do this and also stay on Earth to help with the integrations of Energy entering the Planet. As Sparks of Light from Source it is your Mission to Ground into to Earth the Higher Energies by holding your vibration here. We will land and live among you joining our Mission with yours. We have entered the levels where Cosmic Consciousness integrates into your Beingness. Many may be saying that ʻnothing happenedʻ on December 21st 2012. That is a misunderstanding. If you have been scanning the front pages you have noticed that everyday a new obituary of the dark Ones has been there. These are like candles being blown out. These lives cannot hold the Higher Vibrational frequencies of Love pervading every cell on Earth. Your media holds back other direct clues to Ascension which are popping up all over the Globe and often presented in ʻweird newsʻ with no proper explanation. These include sudden appearance of Sacred Holy Sites being uncovered under the sea and in the desserts as new pyramids near StarGates. These include phenomena of Zero Point and the Earth Grid illuminating for our Collective use. As Earth approached Galactic Center within the Cosmos the dark Ones fearing their demise, their snuffing out, then they made a last ditch effort to hold you Great Light Warriors in their grip. They have launched phishing schemes promising you awards of money and have posted about it on websites which are considered trusted and are very dark. Think about it. Have you been there requesting pre-NESARA funds? There is no such thing. This is a Black Ops scheme. People have been removed from their homes and taken out after providing all their details to these dark Ops. Those promoting these payouts, these Freedom Funds and Peoples Trust will be invited to pay the price for this misinformation. Lightworkers grow weary and feel they want to give up and so join in on this self-indulgent fantasy that this is the real thing we have all waited for! It is wise today to go inside. Reconsider all of your relationships and be honest with those around you. Reconsider your authentic Self. Reconnect with your Twin Flame. Call to your Guides to help dissolve your ego longing for lower base needs. Due to these new schemes there was a postponement of activities bringing us into Ascension. Mother Sekhmet called for meetings to consider alternate options where the dark Ones could no longer interrupt completion of details required to raise the vibration of each cell on Earth. Father Alcyone looked into the Whole to find a solution which would work. This called for the two of them to work together from their incarnate Avatar forms on Earth. This was very dangerous work which spanned form and non form to bypass roadblocks in the form Realm and allow the Higher Frequencies to penetrate the moving and nonmoving bodies of Earth. This work was initiated 72 hours after the Cosmic alignment on December 21st. It was like a deft operation with a large team of Intergalactic light surgeons focusing a beam of Energy to Mother Sekhmet as she is the only one capable of bypassing these Higher Levels. This lasted around 12 hours and prepared for the December 28th opening of the Tibetan inner Earth portals and Higher Activations with the Kumaras of Pleiades, Venus and Niburu. Incarnate Rishis and Galactic helpers coordinated their efforts and the operation has been a huge success. In 72 hours on New Years Eve will be a culmination of the Highest Energies from this operation making open doors long closed inviting and invoking Beings from the Higher Realms to bring gifts to Earth of instant manifestation. This operation anchors every cell on Earth into the 7th Dimension. You can feel this truth resonate deep inside as you reflect on the Divine Grace within. Your final moments before changes can be spent wisely and will catapult you forward at light speed to your next task. As an alternative you may choose to spend your last moments unwisely and you will hold yourself back. No One will be able to skip steps in their unfoldment of Knowledge. Remaining inside the spiderweb of lies and deceit will hold you back. As an example understand that the U.S. fiscal cliff talks are a giant manipulation by the media. They spoon feed stories about Boehner made a statement, Geithner made a statement, Obama made a statement and Reid made a statement and this is what it means. None of it is true. President Obama will tax the 2% in the end and even that does not matter in the long run. The Grand Illusion is winding down, the dark Ones are dying off, fines are paid, indictments continue. It is all dissolving as our perception fades the old 3D to 5D and perception fine tunes as the 7th Dimension appears before us on the Event Horizon of No Time. Sitting in the corner crying in a fear fetal position about lack of money will hold you back. Continuing in petty discussions of right and wrong, hate and like, back stabbing and holding down the youth of your culture will hold you back. Holding on to power and control will hold you back. Holding on to money and Spiritual Gifts without sharing them will hold you back. Give All You Have Each Day and move forward quickly. Now it is opportune to take inventory inside. Do the Inner Work. Interview your Highest Form. Your Highest Self. Your Atma. Ask yourself which parts of you are your Authentic Self and which parts of you are Inauthentic? The inauthentic parts are the programming within the matrix. What ideas do you carry about politics, religion, parents, school, sex, children and ecology that are Authentic and from your Highest Form? Which ideas should you trim away and turn your back on? Everything is Consciousness. Where you launch from here into 7D will be determined by the Inner Work you accomplish in a very narrow space in time. Be Awake! Everything you can See, Hear, Taste, Touch and Think About DOES NOT EXIST. Only Consciousness Exists. When you do the Inner Inventory and Clean House radically in the next few days then you open the channel for more Abundance and more Love. Enter Higher and Higher States of Consciousness through Inner Purging. Collectively we move forward from a very High vantage point. Remember your Connection to Oneness and the Reason You Came Here : to play your role Ascending Earth and ALL on Her: Namaste! This is Lord Salvington from Galactic Center through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 28, 2012. © All Rights Reserved. ElizabethTrutwin.org/messages.html |
sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012
Messages from The Angels
Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Emotions
By Rain - Posted on 29 December 2012
Source: PlayingWithTheUniverse - 12/29/12
There is lots of energy to utilize on the earth plane at this time. Choose to use this energy to help you heal your emotions, allow your thoughts to be tempered with your passion and desires and to help you create what you desire in the physical realm. Consider the mental and emotional aspects to the words you choose to say, especially when you are trying to make a point. This helps to bring balance into your conversation and allows you to speak with confidence and love.
Release any thoughts of discontent over previously missed opportunities. If they are important to your souls growth they will come around again. Open your eyes to the possibilities you have available to you right now, and act upon those. Let your concerns fade away and make positive, optimistic long term plans. You are on the right path. Let your love of life be your guide.
Affirmation: "I speak my truth with confidence and love; I keep my thoughts positive and optimistic about my plans and release any other thoughts to the angels."
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.
Messages from Heaven
the sun shine brighter and more beautiful than ever? – Lady Maria through
Isabel Henn December 27, 2012
My beloved Lightworkers, do not doubt the success, even if you can not see any major changes. Please be open, acknowledge that the shift into a higher dimension has occurred, allow it and let the other changes happen. I hear all of your cries, many of you doubt and lose faith in what have been told so often to you. I hear everything. Please continue to trust us, look into yourself for the first signs of the change. Welcome these signs and then you can find them outside of you. Doesn’t the sun shine brighter and more beautiful than ever? Aren’t the colors not even brighter? Look around and you will discover so much.
Your bodies and your consciousness are in a process of adaptation. It takes a while, so please stay patient and do not block this process by a denial. Your guides and your Higher Selves are working tirelessly in your sleeptimes on this process. You’ll find a kind of post-ascension symptoms that are similar to your so well known Ascension symptoms. Headaches, fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision and more. You’re familiar with them. Accept the symptoms and it will be easier for you, they are finally signs of a major step in your spiritual development. And again some often heard advice: drink lots of pure, clean water, eat lightly and rest a lot. This adjustment process is very strenous for your body, additionally to that are the high energies, but be assured from me, this will get better over time. You can keep a diary or journal about your changes, it helps you to cope better with everything and also to recognize the changes over time. Some of the changes to you can be: clear-sightedness, clairaudience, seeing the aura of people, animals and objects, enhanced intuition, developing telepathic abilities, faster healing of the body, the ability to heal, and many others.
All this does not happen within days, it takes time and can take months. No one has in mind to overload you and your body. This would probably not be in your best interest. Trust in your Higher Self. It knows very well what is reasonable for you and what needs to be saved for later. It also determines more or less the rate of adjustments. You are now One with your Higher Self. You have been always, but now it resides in your heart and is closer to you than ever.
Be patient with yourselves, my beloved children. You now have all eternity for your further development. Please stay in your light and your love. Help your fellow men when they come to you and ask for the reasons for all these changes. This is even now still a part of your tasks as Lightworkers and Wayshowers. There is now no longer a date, which need to be considered, you stand now at the beginning of a glorious wonderful future.
Your stellan brothers and sisters want to give you some time for the initial adjustments and take a breather, which ye now urgently need. Enjoy this holiday season and the holidays that come in one or another of your countries. You can then continue to work with the restoration of the beauty of Gaia, by your love and your energies anchored through you in your homeworld. You are with that helping Gaia to dissolve still more old negative energies. In this way, major disasters can be avoided. It will continue to have earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, this can not be avoided as the expression of the cleaning process, but you can through your love and energy help Gaia to minimize the amount. In return, and as expression of her love to her residents, she extends the opportunity for humanity to participate in the ascension process.
Once it is worthwile and beneficial for you, your stellan families can help and support in building your new society. It would still be too early now. Nobody wants to spread fear and chaos in this crucial moment. We had all hoped that the changes in your daily life and also the arrival of your stellan brothers and sisters could be accomplished before Ascension, but we had to delay it in favor of an undisturbed ascension process in consultation with all those involved directly. Your attention on your really big goal should not be distracted by other upheavals of all type and a possible outbreak of fear and chaos. Please forgive us this further delays. Your reliefs will be performed gradually according to your adjustments to the 5th Dimension.
I am aware like many that you’re disappointed and have expected more. Immediate full awareness, instant healing of all kinds, and a life in paradise. An awakening from the illusion and immersion into the 5th Dimension or higher. A sudden change of the dimensions would have been too great a burden for you as humankind, as a whole. A gradual adjustment, which is also supported by the opening of your perspectives is much less stressful for you, and that was the only possible option for you.
Live your love and let go all three-dimensional conceptions and beliefs and open yourselves therefore to the higher dimension. Live a five-dimensional life and it manifests itself before your eyes.
My beloved children and newly Ascended Masters, for this you are now, build now full of confidence and joy your new 5D-life in a new society that is no longer in service to self, but meets the requirements of service to all. You are all One, so act now further thereafter, supported by numerous volunteers from all over the universe and all higher dimensions and realms.
As your mother, I embrace each one of you and wrap you in my infinite eternal love. I am Lady Maria, your Divine Mother.
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/
viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2012
Messages from The Star Family
It does not matter how many predictions are made because as given they are all possibilities, dependent on the extent of your creative powers as to whether they materialize. So we are telling you that what you experienced was what you created, but for those of you expecting more evidence of Ascension it was disappointing. We understand your feelings, but the process of the awakening Ascension energies has not stopped and will proceed even more quickly than previously. The upliftment of energies in your Solar System, took place through the alignment of your Sun and the great Central Sun of the Galaxy, and as many souls experienced some evidence of it, as did not.
Ascension took place but to your surprise souls of the lower vibrations are still with you. That is because many were able to absorb the energy and their vibrations lifted sufficiently for them to rise up, but they will need to raise them at a faster rate if they are to remain with you. Also bear in mind that many souls were unaware of the importance of the 21st. December, so not all of them who did experience something would have known what caused it. It is so to say, their last opportunity to stay in the process of Ascension and avoid having to be taken off Earth if it proves to be in their best interests. All along it has been hoped that as many souls as possible would be able to accept the new energies. So we feel that when you acknowledge the positive outcome, you will be pleased that more of your family of souls have remained.
The New Age has commenced and time will show that nothing has been lost by the nature of your experience. From hereon you will find a much more positive outcome, as it is you who are now in charge of your own future. Your personal cleansing of still unwanted energies can go ahead with all speed, and you should not find any difficulty in being successful. You are now at a new level of happiness and joy for just being alive, and know that you can now proceed to live a new life with more freedom than ever before. As a result of receiving the energies of the 21st. December, you have moved more into the "Now" and that means you will experience less of time and space. As you move within the 5th. dimension so you will realize that time is no longer linear, and you will sometimes lose all perspective of where you are or how you got there. Do not be afraid however, as you will be able to "think" yourself back to where you were. In time you will begin to perceive other dimensions and realities, and even see other entities that have their being in them.
Your present government along with others largely in your Western World are near to being replaced, and it is an important move that will enable so many other things to go forward. They cannot handle the present crisis brought about by the collapse of a number of banks, and the corrupt systems used by them to bolster their own profits through false trading. The answers are already known to us, and the new ways are prepared and ready for implementation at very short notice. Day by day every soul will continue to grow in awareness, and the net result is that as a civilization you will find yourselves less interested in what the past had to offer you. You are becoming wiser and more astute in discovering how you have been mislead for centuries of time. You are no longer prepared to accept "more of the same", and are demanding a new approach to life that honors everyone's sovereignty and peace and abundance. You need to be able to freely express yourself and relate to all others as One, as unity is what we wish to see you achieving.
We fully understand why some of you are disheartened at the passing of Ascension in a rather quiet manner, but look at the positive aspects. We have tried to guide you to reach the highest perception you have of yourself, and of what you could expect in the New Age, and that encouragement will still continue. The 21st. December alignment took place, and you have commenced the New Age with a higher level of consciousness. It will enable you to accelerate the process of Ascension, and you will see changes taking place in quick succession. Everything you have been led to expect to herald the New Age in will still occur with a greater backing than before, as the way ahead is now virtually clear. You have had great patience so far and we are most grateful for your dedication to the Light and all other souls. Events will now flow much more smoothly, and we can assure you that the work you have put in to bring the Light and Love to people, has had tremendous results.
Naturally Mother Earth has also ascended, and will go ahead and work with you to bring the New Age into being. There have been few incidents of people having to leave the Earth, and that is a credit to the Lightworkers who have worked so hard to bring all souls into the Light. We are pleased to note that it has released the tension and doubts that some people held, because they were so concerned about friends or family. It holds great hope for those souls who have hitherto, been unaware of the importance of the new period that you have moved into. We know that some of you will look back and question why the impression was given that so much could have been achieved prior to Ascension. We would say that our motivation has been to place before you every opportunity to advance, through your own creative powers.
We know that the Lightworkers put a lot of time and effort into achieving success, and the apparent failure is no criticism of them. Indeed, there is absolutely no fault in their dedication to their task. It is simply that the circumstances did not meet the criterion for full manifestation of the initial changes that you expected. Yes, there were times when you were so close to seeing your efforts rewarded, but often it was the dark Ones who posed a threat or delay that we could not ignore. Bear in mind that we do not have the authority to force issues unless it is divinely decreed, as it is you who are guiding the outcome and responsible for it.
Be assured that no time has been lost because little progress appears to have been made. Behind the scenes our allies continue to be busy, and are close to bringing about the governmental changes. These are so essential in putting the remains of the old 3D politics behind you, and appointing leaders in power that are aware of the need for immense changes to establish the New Age. You will shortly notice a wave of love sweep the Earth, that will show that your civilization has taken a quantum leap forward. That being so it will bring a strong unity of purpose that will help the establishment of world peace. If you continue to focus on areas of the world that are still experiencing conflict, your intent will soon bring a positive result. When world peace has been achieved we will make sure that war will not return, and will enforce that edict if necessary.
As each day passes the prospects of a greater show of our craft will also dramatically increase. Many eyes will soon be turned towards the poverty and need in the Middle East and far Eastern countries, as compassion and understanding will place the focus where the greatest needs exist. It will force Governments to seriously look at such issues, and take some action. The efforts of our allies will also bring forward the re-distribution of wealth, that has been illegally obtained. So much is at the point of coming out, and with the lower vibrations disappearing more quickly there is less chance of delays taking place.
Dear Ones, consider that you have not lost anything at all by not having your dreams fulfilled, in fact you have gained more than you had before. The way has become clearer and more certain, and our help can begin to be more open. It is why we are eager for disclosure to come as quickly as possible. Then we can really get going without any hindrance. The whole outlook has changed for the better, and your efforts will in time be more productive. We are of course close to you most of the time but rarely show ourselves, but that will also change in time. There is to be a coming together, and eventually you will be joined by us, the Masters and your family from the Inner Earth. It will be quite a time of celebration, and the whole world will know we have arrived.
Nothing ever happens by chance, but will follow each divine edict. There are powerful Beings that carry out the word of God without question, but we do understand your doubts and difficulties when things do not seem to go to plan. Yet all events will come to be and fulfill the promises that have been made. It is known to be so as all exists in the Now and simply waits for the right time to manifest. Meaning that when it is going to be of the maximum benefit to your civilization. What is to occur is clearly not just for those who have already awakened, but perhaps in some ways is directed even more strongly at those who still slumber. Now that the lower vibrations are disappearing, they are being given a gentle push and reminder that they are at their own crossroads. They must make a firm decision as to what they want to do, otherwise they will be unable to make progress into the New Age. It is their choice and on a higher level they subconsciously know what is at stake.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and let me say that it will not be long before many of you look back at this time, and find the proof of your Ascension by recognizing the changes in yourself. You will also see it in your friends and family, and realize that they are creating a more peaceful aura around them. As the higher energies continue to arrive on Earth their effect will be there for all to see, as Humanity will reach out in Love and bring powerful energies of Light to bear upon those who are still held in the darkness. The Ascension process still proceeds as powerful as ever, and our love will be with you all of the way.
Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Hi Friends,
Please note that from today SaLuSa's messages will go out weekly, every Friday. SaLuSa has "told" me that in time the messages will be unnecessary as events will have taken over. May I wish you all a Happy New Year, and a Happy New Age.
In Love and Light, Mike.
miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012
Messages from Jesus Sananda, Archangel Michael and Divine Mother
Transcripts from Dec. 22: The Day After Webinar
2012 DECEMBER 26
Posted by Steve Beckow
December 22: The Day After
Council of Love Webinar 12-22-12 Channeled by Linda Dillon
Channelings by Jesus Sananda, Archangel Michael, and the Universal Mother.
Jesus Sananda
Greetings. I AM Jesus Sananda, I AM Jeshua. And I continue on where I have left off with each of you my beloved brothers, sisters, friends, family. Do you really think or feel that we could forget you? That we would abandon you? That the Archangels are not shining your grid even as we speak?
You are in the process of the Shift, my friends. You are in the middle, most of you, of the portal; you are standing right there in bliss, some confusion, joy, love, unity, and I am standing there with you not as gatekeeper but as brother, as one that is with you right now. Let me tend to you, let me embrace you and let me walk you through, with me always, always, always, always.
We have told you that all are welcome forever and always and so this process has been slower than anticipated. But a process is exactly what it is, it is the beauty of you, it is the beauty of our union and the unfoldment of the Mother.
The Divine Convergence has taken place; we are in alignment. Gaia has ascended and you, defacto, are upon her. No, you have not relocated to an alternate universe, you have not relocated even to a holographic situation; that would not be of love. This is simply taking what you think of as time.
Each of you are in readiness. My beloved ones, what did you think when we asked you and when you committed eons ago to be pathfinders and then wayshowers, gatekeepers, pillars, participants? Did you think that that would just be a five-minute job? It is not. Much the same way as my job, my service to each one of you is not yet complete. But, never, never do I or will I walk away. I am with you.
Do not allow the old realm of the 3rddimension to cloud your vision and more importantly, to cloud your heart. Claim your birthright. No I am not wishing to suggest that you have not done your part, you absolutely have. Is there further yet to go? Yes. You are talking about the absolute shift of an entire collective, of about seven billion people; it’s going to take a few minutes.
But each of you in your own way, many of you in your own way have already been experiencing the changes, the bliss, the joy, and recognizing that this is a collective undertaking. I ask of you, as my family, as part of your journey, do not turn away now; that simply will not do. So I step aside because we wish to create the time and space for the Divine Mother to address you at the end of this gathering. Go with my love. Farewell.
Archangel Michael
Greetings. I AM Michael, warrior of peace, Archangel of love. No, I am not in charge of the downloads but I do wish to speak to each of you who feel that you have not experienced the bliss, the upliftment, the Shift within your sacred self.
Dear heart, dear hearts, there is not one of you who is listening to this broadcast now, later, or even a year from now who have not experienced the influx of light, the shift in your DNA, the shift in your structure from carbon to crystalline.
Those of you primarily who feel that you have not had a tangible bliss experience or a download experience are very grounded. And that is absolutely necessary, you are part of my legion, you are part of those who are holding the energy for the collective and you are taking care of others, either as parents, as caretakers, as teachers, as custodians, as caretakers, as wayshowers. That is what is going on with you.
And many of you are pillars, you are waiting until the last second. That does not mean that you have not been through the Ascension portal and come back and you are holding and grounding, grounding into Gaia, the energy that is necessary for the collective to go forward. Will you have your tangible experiences, and I do not just mean of bliss, I mean of what you can see, smell, taste, touch? The answer, my beloved ones, is yes.
Let go, let go of any concern; I will not use the word ‘fear’ or ‘worry’. Let go of any concern that you somehow have missed out, that you have been forgotten or abandoned. That is simply not so; there is not one being upon the planet that is been overlooked, not one.
Even those who are still in the process of saying “Yes”, “No”, “Yes”, “No”. They are still being given opportunity and you who feel very little are there next to them helping them decide. And this is a sacred undertaking of teaching and healing. You are a steward of unity and you carry the love. You care enough that you have put your desires aside.
But do not worry my beloved ones, you will have your experience and you will have your Ascension. This does not change. You are wide awake; that is why you know, “well, I’m not feeling particularly blissful.” Do you really think that this is something the general collective thinks about? “Well, I am not seeing my star brothers and sisters.” They do not anticipate seeing their star brothers and sisters. “I am not seeing Jesus Sananda today, where is he?” The collective doesn’t think or feel this way.
So take this as your compass, as your Geiger counter, as your litmus test: you are underway and we are counting on you. We are counting on you because we are in Divine, sacred partnership. We always have been but never like right now. Please do not turn away from us. And we will give you what you need, what you desire, and what you are co-creating with us. I have promised you this before and I promise you this again. Farewell.
The Divine Mother
I AM the Divine Mother of all, Mother of One, and I come to embrace you in my convergence with the joining of above and below. And yes, you are correct, I am gathering all of you because so many of you have asked and prayed that not one soul be excluded.
But I do this with you, I do not do this to you and my beloved ones, I do this with your soul agreement. Gaia is radiant in her beautiful self; the kingdoms and the animals, the oceans and the mountains vibrate with love. But you, you my beloved children, children of my heart, you are glistening, you are radiant, you are not becoming whole, you already are.
The wisdom and the awakening, yes, the acceptance is underway and I am penetrating you more and more because you can take it, you can handle the downloads, you can handle the energies. I do not wish to blow your circuits, none of us do. You are in the middle and you are going forward and we are amongst you and with you; you are with us as we have not been since the beginning.
You are love. You have taken form, I have given you form. You have adapted it and shifted it but that is just a collection of energy, the rearrangement of energy in space, of molecules, subatomic particles, all my creation, by the way. You are love.
How you wish to arrange these molecules of love, how you wish to demonstrate and bring forth these love particles in creation is your choice and decision. But as always, you say to me “Well Mother, what do you think?”
I trust you and I know what you bring forth with me, in this union, is and will be magnificent.
Do not turn away from me child; we do not turn away from you. Look for us everywhere and you will see us. I will lighten the hearts of those who are downhearted, I will lighten the load of those that carry burden, I will lighten the load and we will speed this up. It is your time and it is Divine Time as One. Go in peace. Go in completion. We are with you. Farewell.
Messages from The Star Family
Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of
Light and Spiritual Hierarchy
Your precious hearts are open and ready to receive a most
gracious gift. Let us use this time to spread a message of freedom, prosperity,
and a return to divine Truth. Let all the lies and endless manipulation of the
dark cease forthwith and may the great flow of holy Light from the Creator
bring us all in joy to the new reality and the new sovereignty given to all.
This is the time we have long waited for and it is at last coming to fruition.
Ummac Dan
5 Kan, 12 Mol, 9
Dratzo! We
return! During this holiday season we are preparing a series of final surprises
for the dark which will mark the end of our waiting-period. Then our sacred
allies' many programs for manifesting your new reality can begin. Much has
transpired over the past few months that can finally permit us to start the
final moves toward new governance and a formal disclosure announcement. Here it
is important to note that disclosure will allow us to address you directly for
the very first time. Once we can speak directly with you, we intent to deal
with various vital subjects right from the outset. Your world has been run for
millennia by a group of ultra-wealthy and very powerful men and women whose
sole concern was for themselves alone. It is now time for your interests to be
fully represented and this we intend to secure! Your present economic and
societal predicaments need to be looked after properly by those who are about
to take the helms of your new governments and new financial institutions. You
also must be informed about what has been happening over the last decade to
prevent all this from manifesting as was originally planned.
As you know, the dark's many members have controlled the
world's major governments for millennia. Each regime is given a catalog of set
responses that they must adhere to in order to control any given situation.
Moreover, each leader has a handler whose task is to ensure that 'given'
government agendas are followed assiduously. In the main this has produced
behavior that ensures the power of the dark's minions; however, what is about
to happen will short-circuit this self-perpetuating closed-loop. The new
governance will restore your rightful power which you unwittingly gave up at
birth. These divine rights will be returned to you and we implore you to
exercise them with rigor and joy! The new governance and financial system will
end the turmoil of war and the anguish of want. Use these coming assets to
further your consciousness training and to make sure that your local and
regional governance is carrying out your wishes and being transparent in their
dealings with you. It is vital that a strong bond be established between you which
is based on openness, not on blind trust or the glamor of authority. These are
your first steps in practicing the responsibilities inherent in galactic
Galactic society forges a bond between you and all the
elements that make up this all-inclusive, wide-ranging society, and so you need
to begin to see society as an organic, interactive whole of which you are a
vital part. Its essence is unity consciousness, and in the interim before you
become fully conscious, you can use your intuition to interact with these
forerunner governments in bold and innovative ways. Very quickly you can begin
to see what a powerful and creative impact you have on your society. However,
we have one caveat for you: be lovingly aware of one another, and use your Love
and generosity to guide your actions. Learn how to flow with each other with
new understanding. Our mentors will be on hand to advise you when necessary and
to guide you in these very new ways, as you are likely to find so much newness
somewhat confusing at first. Your mentors can take a look at your intentions
and advise you on your most viable options. As you progress, you will find a
host of questions popping up which will shape your understanding of your roles
in this new, more conscious society.
Our purpose is to prepare you for full consciousness. Once
you scale back the cycles of war, destruction, and hate, you can explore the
myriad ways to implement cooperation and Love for the good of all. This is
something of a 'tall order' because your societies are crammed with barrier
upon barrier of every sort and description, many of which you take as
inevitable, which they are not. You are being asked to launch forth and reverse
just about everything you grew up with, in order to create a foundation for
your galactic society. This truly is a massive education project and you can
begin to comprehend the necessity for having mentors to guide you in the
beginning. You will be learning through practice and we hope that the societal
'rules' we shall introduce to you will quickly be seen as optimally beneficial.
This is a strange but exciting and challenging time for you because so much is
expected of you. It is no easy matter to lay aside what you have learned from
your parents and peers. Your mentors will be lovingly at your side to help you
'root' a society that is to be very different from what you now know.
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We
come on this day to celebrate the blessings that the holidays bring and to
rejoice in the fact that a grand gift is to be given to humanity. Many
millennia ago on your planet, you were witness to what you were capable of
creating before the Anunnaki came and, in a fit of anger, destroyed your golden
cities filled with scientific marvels. This was only around 8,000 years ago.
Since then you have been in a straitjacket with only the most minimal
technologies to light your weary path. The dark rulers were ever fearful of
what you were capable of, and of your unbreakable allegiance to the Light and
the deeply buried memories of the glories of the Creator. Finally the sacred
moment has arrived when the truth of your Beingness can be revealed. The
Creator has summoned legions from across this galaxy to come and take a hand in
a massive transformation of your lives. A Light of great import has flashed
through their ranks and your liberation is ensured!
We wish you to be very clear that this time has been decreed
by the Creator as the moment when your liberation from the whims of the dark
finally happens! This full-scale turnabout in your affairs is due to the
unceasing blessings of Heaven. What you are seeing in the world about you are
the signs that shamans and prophets through the ages have predicted for this
golden moment. This is when you can regain your liberty and begin to receive
the many sacred truths long withheld from you. We Ascended Masters have kept
these truths alive in our teachings, and in so doing, prepared humanity for this
great shift in consciousness. You are being made aware every day of what you
are capable of and the amazing power that you as a collective possesses. Our
role is to use the resources given to us to carry out this blessed task and
join with Heaven's liberators to manifest a new day for all who dwell here!
Your precious hearts are open and ready to receive a most
gracious gift. Let us use this time to spread a message of freedom, prosperity,
and a return to divine Truth. Let all the lies and endless manipulation of the
dark cease forthwith and may the great flow of holy Light from the Creator
bring us all in joy to the new reality and the new sovereignty given to all.
This is the time we have long waited for and it is at last coming to fruition.
Very shortly we are to manifest among you and teach many sacred truths given to
us by the host of Seraphim that daily pour their sacred Light from AEON. This
Light grows stronger with each day and is reflected in the brightness of our
Sun. This grand Light is blasting away the power of the dark and giving true
sustenance to those who follow the sacred edicts of the Light!
Today we continued our messages. They are intended to
provide you with a fundamental comprehension of what is going on around you.
The dawn of a new reality has come and with it, the moments when you are to
meet your spiritual and space families. This is indeed a most special time to
be in embodiment on the Earth plane! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply
and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat
Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012
Messages from Heaven
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4413 Change That Tune, December 24, 2012
God said:
Even as time does not exist, now is time for you to cease
being disappointed in yourself. You know exactly what I mean. You are hard to
please. There is no end to the fault you find in yourself. Often you ask
yourself: "Why did I do that? Why did I say that? Why didn't I this and
why didn't I that?" Your list is endless. It may begin with: "Why is
my nose shaped this way?" to "Where has the love in my heart
Or you may project your plaints with yourself upon others:
"What is the matter with those people? Look what so and so said." You
may not like the sound of someone's voice, and you hold it against him or her.
Like yourself more. Be content more with yourself, and you
will perceive life, and your life, quite differently.
What you really complain about, what your axe is to grind,
stems from your attitude toward yourself.
You have picked on yourself enough. You have picked on the
world enough. Desist piling on your plaints on yourself and on others. It has
been so easy for you to find fault. You can pick at anything.
You do know the cure, beloveds. Count your blessings. Make a
different kind of assessment.
You may like to think that you are being noble to
acknowledge what you would like to change about yourself. Stop acknowledging,
and change then.
You are not a terrible person. You are a good person only
you cast dispersions too much, on yourself and all around you. Turn in all your
complaints. Like your looks. Like, for like breeds like. Fault-finders breed
fault. Love yourself. Love the Universe. Love even those you like to think you
don't like. The truth is that you are fond of them. They may drive you up the
wall. The truth is that you drive yourself up the wall of yourself you have
Build yourself up instead of pulling yourself down. Become a
friend to yourself. Be your own best booster. And when you have a complaint
about another (yourself,) you don't have to voice it.
When you want to criticize your child, substitute what you
like about your child. Reinforce your child. Beloveds, this is the only way to
make your way in the world. Become a rose who bursts forth and forget the
thorns, the sharp thorns of your own thoughts. Choose the round edges of life.
Choose the blessings to see and the blessings to grow. What you want yourself
to be more of is something to like in yourself. How wonderful that you aspire
to be greater. Yes, that is good. And now be it.
If you want to be less critical, then be less critical. If
you want to be more open-hearted, then be more open-hearted. If you want to know
a great love, then be love. Love is opposed to criticism. Love says to another:
"You are wonderful right now. This is what I like about you." Love
says the same to yourself. Love lifts you up. It certainly doesn't pull you
Beloveds, what if you were I? What if you were God? Would
you then sit around bemoaning the past? If you were I, would you yell error?
If you were I, how you would love. Your attention would be
so turned to love that you wouldn't even have the notion to think of anything
less. Love thyself. And if you are an imperfect human being, still love
yourself. You have come far. You are a stellar being. Now, enlighten yourself
to your own worth, and you enlighten the world.
Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ
December 2012
The Time is Now!
Part II
You are each moving through quantum shifts in consciousness that cannot really be defined by what you have experienced in the past because what is happening in your present is unprecedented and you have no reference for it. This is exciting for some and frightening to others, depending on how attached you are to the way things have been in the past. In my time, I agreed to take my soul through whatever would bring me closer to my Father in Heaven, until I knew no separation between us and I could truly say, “I and my Father are one.” In these days you might relate the “Father” to your own God Presence or to whatever you would consider the Source, yet in essence it is all connected into the same unquenchable thirst to reunite with the Divine Creator and that reunion is ultimately found within. I see that many of you have spent centuries trying to satisfy this thirst by indulging in whatever gave you temporary pleasure, yet now you want to live in the kind of peace, love and fulfillment that is not dependent on the outer world or on another person. We in the ascended realms are here to help you actualize what is essentially your own True Self.
~ Jeshua and the Councils of the Christ
domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012
Messages from Heaven
Updated: Dec 22, 2012 - 2:41:45 AM
By Rosie
Dec 22, 2012 - 2:37:07 AM
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Message 5, Mother Nebadonia through Rosie, 22.12.2012
R: Dearest Mother Nebadonia: I feel like today is a new
beginning in the sense that a new era of the HEART has begun. So many people
have used their mental capacities to determine END OF THE WORLD scenarios of
all descriptions, which have turned out to be hollow and futile, and now there
is the possibility of a shift towards using other tools to access knowledge,
like following intuition and answers received during periods of stillness or
meditation. It is as if the tools of intellect have failed, and that the tools
of the heart are taking over….
N: The spirit of the Great Mother greets you most tenderly,
including all those and ESPECIALLY those who sink into depression and acute
disappointment at this time. Let me take you in my arms and rock you tenderly as
if you have returned to the state of childhood, where nothing matters but the
warmth of your mother’s breast and love, a place where THINKING IS SUPERFLUOUS,
And when I have calmed your fears and rocked your pain away
completely, however long this may take, then may you feel complete relaxation:
may you regain your strength and confidence; may you stretch your fingers into
the outside world, feeling your way tentatively into new realms and new
experiences, treading each step with awareness, one step at a time, in complete wonder and gentleness,
astounded at the variety and depth of what surrounds you, excited by the smallest
flower. May you drop onto your knees in gratitude at the beauteous sight of a
glorious meadow of flowers, where the beauty of one tiny flower is multiplied a
thousand fold. May you sigh in amazement at the sight of the stars. May you
wonder at the huge variety of creatures of all shapes and sizes which are to be
found in this world and which I and my consort HAVE CREATED, AS WE CREATED YOU,
And may you now move AS OUR CHILDREN on a voyage of
it is to look through the eyes of a child, to instinctively move towards that
which is attractive and interesting, to explore uncovered ground, to experience
the exhilaration of movement on a swing or roundabout, to taste new fruits and
to SMILE instinctively at all who offer you love.
These are my qualities, which small children have not yet
lost. Observe them well, and note how their reactions and enthusiasm delight
you, humble you, and REMIND YOU OF HOW YOU ONCE WERE. May you all return to
this state of natural innocence and friendliness which has been TRAINED OUT OF
YOU over the years through structures, concepts and fears of your own making,
For those of you who do not understand the meaning of these
words immediately, sit in stillness and contemplate where you are going in life
and what is your ultimate aim. You will come to realise that it will not
benefit you to visualise a linear progression of yourself as a particle moving
along a road through time, with a specific goal in mind which your REASONING
has determined. Leave your reason out of the equation and see your journey as a
network, with yourself sometimes at the centre, sometimes at the edge, or
somewhere inbetween, but always putting your hand on your heart before taking
your next step sideways, upwards or downwards, and always stepping to THE PLACE
It is not a question – as so many people have discussed
during the END OF THE WORLD ILLUSION – of where or when the darkness will come.
As I have stated before, and as I state again with love in
my heart: put your hand in mine and we will travel this road together.
This piece is under copyright protection of http://www.abundanthope.net It may be placed
anywhere on the web as long as it is not changed in anyway and a link placed
back to this site. It is preferred you
place the entire piece, and if not possible to do so, you must note that the
rest of it can be found at the link.
Thankyou, Candace.
Messages from Heaven
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4412 The Lingering Light of the Sun, December
23, 2012
God said:
Do you want to be happy? Then be happy.
Does this sound like poor advice? Beloveds, it is very good
advice, for you can be happy regardless of the reason why you may think you
can't be.
By and large, happiness is your choice. If you can choose
unhappiness, you can choose happiness. I do understand that unhappiness seems
to be something thrust upon you, yet it is a hot potato that you choose. If
unhappiness seems to approach you, you don't have to accept it. Consider it a
package in the mail sent to you by mistake. You have happiness available to
you. Accept it. Through thick and thin, accept happiness. Why not? Why not find
the happiness that is yours?
You may well not have full say over your circumstances, yet
you do have full say over your awareness. You may have convinced yourself that
something is terrible. If something is terrible, you tell yourself, what can
you do but be unhappy? This is programming, beloveds. You have convinced
yourself of sequence in life. You have convinced yourself that, because of this
or that, it is not possible to be happy. Yes, you give mighty reasons and
forget all the reasons under God's sun to be happy.
In this moment, beloveds, you can be happy.
Let Me hear no more from you about the world being hard or
awful. I have even heard it said that the world is hopeless. No, beloveds, the
world is beautiful, and the world offers you bounty, and you are available to
make the world richer because you are in it.
The world welcomes you. Be a good guest. You are visiting in
My house. You are My guest in a Paradise on
Earth that I have made for you.
So the bed isn't as comfortable as you would like it to be?
Perhaps the other guests are noisy. Perhaps you couldn't sleep well last night.
Perhaps you have a sore back. Perhaps you are too cold or too hot. Perhaps you
have an upset tummy. Perhaps you have heard that doom is foretold. Perhaps your
heart has been broken. Perhaps your eyesight is failing. Consider a new perhaps
and another and another.
Perhaps you are blessed. Perhaps you are loved. Perhaps you
love. Perhaps you are an abundance of love and good fortune. Perhaps you can
make hay while the sun shines. Perhaps you can put a pillow under someone else's
head. Perhaps you can sing a song, take a walk around the block, dance a dance,
pick a flower or plant one, eat a cookie or bake some, or you can smile, and
you can laugh. Perhaps you have an idea. Perhaps you can climb a tree, a
mountain, a ladder. There are perhaps so many things that the world offers you.
What keeps you back from happiness is not the world you are surrounded with.
Love this world, and take happiness from it.
Hopeless? Never. Never, never, never. No matter what, you
can get your spirits up and make good sense of relishing happiness. It is
available to you. There is no shortage of happiness. You may not have been
looking, or you have been looking in the wrong places. There is something
simple here that I am saying. You may be overlooking what I am saying. Perhaps
you are attached to being a tragedian. Perhaps you find sorrow somehow more
gratifying or worthwhile than happiness. Perhaps you are so used to the shade
that you prefer it to the sunshine.
Come with Me. Come with Me now, and We'll ease you out of
shadow into the lingering light of the sun.
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