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lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

The New Earth Times ~ Edition # 40 ~ Sunday, November 29, 2015

TODAY'S HEADLINES Be Gentle and Compassionate as WE PREVAIL! by Sananda Community Corner: "Be Joyous and Ready for a Most Marvelous Future!" Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy Community Corner "Look for Love Everywhere, It Is Endemic" Saul through John Smallman Sunday, November 29, 2015 Edition #40 Subscription FREE or by Donation TODAY'S HEADLINES Be Gentle and Compassionate as WE PREVAIL! by Sananda Community Corner: "Be Joyous and Ready for a Most Marvelous Future!" Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy Community Corner: "Look for Love Everywhere, It Is Endemic" Saul though John Smallman Be Gentle and Compassionate as WE PREVAIL! by Sananda Sananda: Beloved Brothers and Sisters of the Light, we are aware of your discomfort, your struggles, and even your doubts. It is understandable that you should be discouraged at times. This lifetime has been a rollercoaster of painful disappointments and betrayals in the public forums, and most of you have experienced such painful experiences in your private lives as well. We know how difficult life on Planet Earth has been, and we come close to you to offer solace, comfort and encouragement. We know how tired you are on this last leg of our thousand-year marathon, but I am here to shout it across the mountaintops: "We prevail!" The Light on Earth increases moment by moment, by small and steady increments. We are all helped by Mother and Father God in the form of their Loving energies that sweep across the globe, gently settling into the hearts and minds of those who have previously been caught up in the labyrinth of the Matrix. Every thread in your lives - your economic well-being, your cultural teachings, your religions and your entire belief systems have been dictated by the teachings of the Anunnaki and their minions for thousands of years now. It would not be possible for anyone to have been unaffected by these deliberate manipulations, promises, lies and seductions. This is the web we are now unraveling together. Look around you, Beloved Ones. Notice how much energy and approval is still given by many to honoring anyone who wears the mantle of power, whether real or imaginary. The Mythology of Power has consumed those on Terra without their conscious awareness of the deliberate destructiveness of these illusions. Children are taught to long for power and privilege, with titles like Princess, Superhero, Power Ranger, World Warrior, The Don, the King and so forth. There has been a headlong plunge into romance with killing and the "art" of warfare, in the form of "Power," which always implies power over others - over other's resources, other's rights, other's hearts, minds and bodies. You, courageous Lightworkers, are moment by moment, sometimes even millisecond by millisecond, unraveling those deadly misconceptions within yourselves. By doing this, you are dismantling the Matrix, for without belief in its power, no illusion can stand. It is not the radical dismantling of political and financial systems alone that will bring in the New Day, although that is a part of the pivotal work on Surface Earth. Look with me, dear friends, and see how each small shift has been possible because of the dedication within our brave Lightworkers which allowed them to forge ahead into an unknown future. The Faith that flows so generously from their Loving hearts grows daily with their freedom to think and feel authentically, unhampered by previous false belief systems. Their acts of service in alignment with other Loving hearts in turn strengthens their resolve. You see, we are building our new life, individually and together. You have all lived lives saturated, inundated in an atmosphere of casual cruelty as the cultural baseline. It is inevitable that this backdrop of cavalier disrespect for Life would erupt into constant acts of war and personal experiences of diminishment and degradation. No one has escaped the insults and injuries, and it has left a lingering shadow of despair and rage in every human psyche, even in the most privileged and supposedly happy lives. Be gentle and compassionate with yourself and others, and be resolved to free yourself from all these dark shadows, as a gift of freedom to yourself. Every time you free yourself from a past resentment, a gnawing need for revenge or vindication, or the corrosive self-hatred it engenders (along with its virulent cousin, self-doubt), you raise yourself and your world simultaneously. The freedom of which I speak comes not from the repetition of pleasant mantras or even from prayers of entreaty to Mother and Father God begging to be released from your pain, although that may be a beginning. Taking on the project of changing your own mind, breaking away the shackles from your own heart is the quickest and surest way to freedom and a new sense of self-respect. You will have our constant respect, support and endless Love. You are truth-seekers all, in your human nature. It is a part of your great strength as Creators. To take up your mantle as Creators, you must be free to join heart and mind, in the kind of Mastery for which you were made. You have been taught that the manifestation of our Great Dream comes from merging heartfelt desire with Vision - our vision of peace, abundance and loving cooperation across the boundaries of race, religion and nationality. The purer that Vision, the greater your impact on the outcome. Here is a simple formula that describes Mastery. Being true to yourself and your Vision is an all-encompassing condition of harmonious feelings, thoughts and actions. In so doing, you align with your God-self, your direct connection with Mother and Father God. You are gradually, courageously softening and widening your entire outlook on what you call reality, to include your Higher Self, your deep connections with one another and with all of us in Higher Dimensions. Therein lies your greatest strength - greater than any power one could claim for themselves in the 3rd dimension. Here in the previously forbidden land of deep feeling, intuition and inner connection with your Self and all other beings, you will find peace of mind as you have never known before. Just beyond the current 3-dimensional viewpoint, great strides toward freedom are playing out. You just need to turn up your innate intuitive skills to read the currents of change as they ripple around you. Great battles are being won by peaceful means; great triumphs are unfolding through the efforts of valiant Lightworkers everywhere, in every Kingdom on Earth. Don't expect to see evidence on your cabal-controlled "news." Even the so-called "liberal media" is tainted beyond any semblance of truth. You may be able to glean small clues to the change underway, but you will need to read with an eye to the whole picture, rather than focusing on any single event or story. Do not invest energy in worrying about things like ISIS, terrorism or nuclear holocaust. These last and relatively small conflicts are not a sign of impending World War. They are pre-contracted events, the epilogue to the darkness that has enveloped our beloved Terra. Put all these horrific last-ditch revenge maneuvers in your mental file folder: "Lest we forget how terrible the deeds were of those who lusted for power." Our Galactic teams, under the command of our beloved Ashtar, are overseeing the protection of Earth and all upon her. No massive disaster will be allowed to overwhelm you or hamper your progress toward Ascension. Your march toward the Light has already made great dispensations possible, in the form of increasing assistance from your Heavenly Brothers and Sisters under Mother and Father God's Loving direction. Each new day presents opportunities to shine with the Light of your newfound God-self. Confirmation of your progress will come in the form of warm ripples of laughter and celebration from your doting Guides and Helpers in Higher Dimensions, who are beside you sharing your hard-won triumphs with unending delight. This is how we feel when you rise above old beliefs, pick yourself up and take yourself under your own wing with compassion and resolve. With each step forward, each sincere effort, the applause can be heard 'round the great stadium which is your playing field on Earth. You are expanding, Beloved Ones. We have seen the waxing and waning of your Light as you have overcome doubts and forged ahead with new resolve. You are waxing anew, just as the moon herself inevitably reflects Light. Your individual and collective Light is now recognized and acclaimed throughout the Universe as you steadily march toward your collective Ascension. We are beyond tears of joy as we reach out to take your hand, put an arm around your shoulder and look deeply into your soul with respect, Love and Brotherhood. We are your Family of Light. We have been so for eons, but it is only now that you reach your hand toward us in recognition of our equality, shared responsibility and companionship. We are truly One; you are our dear incarnated representatives on the ground. You have created the glorious Rainbow Bridge that is your portal to the 5th dimension - your goal and your destiny. As it has been prophesied long ago, humankind on Earth is rising again, freeing yourselves from the yoke of tyranny, and All rejoice in your triumph. As some of you have asked, "Where is the after-party St. Germain has invited us all to?" It will be in your hearts, Beloved Ones, and in the hearts of all who share your Dream, in whatever place or time you find yourselves when the Prosperity Packages are publicly acknowledged. (They have already been released. It is now just a matter of public recognition.) Get your party duds ready, my friends. It's going to be a really good time! I am your brother Sananda, touching your heart with my enduring Love. Drink in the joy I feel in your companionship. We are Creators, and we are One. Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, November 29, 2015 "Be Joyous and Ready for the Most Marvelous Future!" by Sheldan Nidle for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy 24 November 2015 3 Lamat, 1 Yaxk'in, 12 Manik Dratzo! The world continues to move in a positive direction. All settlement funds and reserves are moving and most have reached their points of distribution. All such movements are done under the highest security. In the past, the main worry was the great masses of sympathetic minions to the dark's delay retribution. These worries are no longer the prime motive for this massive security. The new wrinkle has been the general faux pas created by sudden glitches in the overall telecommunication process. Most of these things have been corrected. Nevertheless, a large degree of money wires, critical web sites and movement of key preliminary documents was disrupted. A lesser degree of this problem still exists. However, this difficulty is no longer the primary concern that it once was. To counter this, a number of key arrests were carried out. This operation is still ongoing. Our services were largely employed to gather intelligence on what other desperate moves were next for these dark oligarchs. This combined operation has prevented any large-scale terrorism from hijacking the distribution procedure. We are now in the final step of delivering funds and establishing a new worldwide financial system. This process has yielded new centers for the disbursement of your blessings and a means to prevent large or small-scale fraud. In addition, a currency wire system is ready to be introduced to counter the discrepancies of the old SWIFT process. Introductory instructions have been sent to a number of important nations and financial institutions. A set of special replies was needed to move forward and these vital elements have been received. Caution has long been a foundational element for the ancient families and select royals. They have long lived in dictatorial realms run by the dark oligarchs. Thus, there was the slow-moving process by which all was dutifully carried out. We are presently in a receiving mode, which is expected to permit some of you to receive the first testing of this new, recently implemented delivery system. So, expect the first funds shortly. As you prepare for finally receiving your blessings, those who have defeated the cabal are in the last set of negotiations regarding the dark's surrender. This momentous event requires you to realize what this profoundly means. In Atlantis, you began a grand journey that is presently to end in your final victory over the dark. The Anunnaki, who were their original overseers, set up a society to enslave you in a number of different ways. This 13 millennia system is to be replaced with a system to give you the freedom, truth and prosperity that you richly deserve. Take time to assess the implications of what is now happening. Not only are you to regain the truth, but as well the society that is the precursor to our arrival. This grand series of transitions is the final link needed to restore this orb and permit you to make the adjustments, which can return you to full consciousness. This process reunites you with your spiritual and space families. It as well makes you the denizens of a truly special solar system. This operation means that you need to alter your fundamental perceptions that you now live by. We have used this time to change the very make-up of this reality. While this operation has somewhat delayed our desired goals, it has as well made sure that your blessings are to be received and securely protected from loss. The immediate time is to see events that to most are to seem like a miracle. The royals and ancient families have created a bounty that can be used by you to end poverty, ghettoes, and most of all, to supply this realm with clean water, electricity and clean air. These new sets of global societies are only the beginning of new opportunities for all. Use this coming time to manifest your dreams. Technologies that can alter local and global travel are just the start of a new reality for humanity. In addition, you are to meet those who represent your distant ancestors. Be joyous and ready for a most marvelous future! Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Your world is rapidly changing as the new energies for an ever-growing consciousness flood this reality. Heaven is blessing us as this divine energy is meant to assist your heavenly guides in bringing in the foundation for a new physical body. These energies are to aid your Crystal Light Chamber in preparing you for full consciousness. The Divine is to shortly intensify these energies as we near the time when the next set of such energies is to arrive. The new year is therefore to be a time of greater change as these energies are to be the instruments for new perceptions and new wealth. Heaven intends for this precious blue-green orb to mark a time when this realm truly began to alter its ancient dark ways. Our tasks include a basic monitoring of each of you. Realize deep in your heart that new ways are starting to revise ancient scenarios and reset how this realm is to operate. We are assisting the various medical teams from the Galactic Federation. We take their findings and update them with our own. Together, these packets are setting the time for your own entry into Agartha. Our greatest joy is to prepare you for the grand transformation that is to take place in the Crystal Chambers. We all went through a special ceremony, which only took place because of the exemplary lives we led in succeeding life times. At the right divine time, Heaven arranged for a special transformative ceremony. Due to the great disconnect which you have had in each lifetime here, you require a special sacred, living device to achieve your return to physical Angelhood. We are using the qualities of grace and mercy to guide you to this truly miraculous operation. The dark can only sense the preliminary events to your ascension that are taking place Ever since the fall of Atlantis, the then dark Anunnaki were your merciless overlords. These nearly 13 millennia of dire miscare have left most of you surrounded by an inner stress compounded by a general confusion about who you really are. What now needs to happen is to correct this by announcing inwardly that you are great Beings and that this lack of belief in yourselves is being transmuted into a positive and strongly focused perception of your true soul-based selves. We Masters have been inculcating this mantra in you. Use this mantra to alter how you see yourselves. You are moving into a place where the great inner powers you possess can be returned by simply strongly focusing on this strong mantra of true self. It is time to transform the perceptions given you by the dark ones. Be strong and ready to envision who you really are! Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Use your new inner strength to focus on and manifest this new reality. The dark has willy-nilly ridden roughshod through this reality. It is the moment for you to focus with others and achieve this most wonderful new reality filled with your strengths, freedom and prosperity! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) More from Sheldan Nidle and PAO: HERE Community Corner "Look for Love Everywhere, It Is Endemic" Saul through John Smallman The illusory world, the world in which you experience life as humans, does appear to be undergoing an upsurge in violence, suffering, and conflict. Your mainstream media are taking full advantage of these events to encourage you to engage with an increasing sense of fear. Doing so just drags you deeper into the nightmare that is the illusion. Focus, therefore, on the "now moment," this actual moment in which all your needs in this moment are met. Doing that brings you inwards to your holy inner space where the Light of God's Love for you burns inextinguishably. Then you will feel the warmth of the confirmation that you are eternally held lovingly in the divine Embrace. Feeling that your energy fields expand and Love flows through you, out into the world, where it is so sorely needed to help bring people to their inevitable awakening. You all chose to incarnate as humans at this point in your evolutionary journey because you knew that your services were needed, and because you could envision how effective your service as humans would be. You are all extremely effective in every moment in which you intend to share and extend Love to those in need and suffering, whether they be the flood of migrants camping out in harsh weather conditions on the borders of European countries, or those suffering oppression and persecution in their home countries, or those experiencing intense poverty in your own localities. What is presently occurring is making it very difficult for anyone to ignore or be unaware of the desperate need of so many impoverished ones across the planet. And you know there is no need for this state of affairs. The problems of poverty can be solved, but the main political focus worldwide tends in fact to be very localized - "what need I do to be re-elected?" - and is of course fear-based. Fear is a severe drain on your energy fields, and feeds those who would control or oppress you. Focus on Love, knowing, as you do, that Love is Real and that anything not in alignment with It is unreal. When you do this you strengthen and empower yourselves and you drop the fearful egoic masks that you have been presenting to the world, replacing them with the vision of the loving being that you truly are and eternally remain. Your appearance then changes to align with your loving intent, the stress and agelines of your faces become far less prominent, and others then see an utterly non-threatening being whose loving energy field interacts with their own creating a space of peace and trust between you. As you have so often been told "You are eternal spiritual beings having a temporary physical experience." It is your inevitable and unavoidable destiny to awaken into Reality, into the Presence of God, into Heaven, because there is absolutely nowhere else! You have never left that holy and wondrous state, you have just shut down your memories of it to enable you to engage with the illusion and the sense of separation it provides. It is your collective will that maintains it, but you have recently changed your collective will, and as a result the illusion is disintegrating in preparation for your awakening. What appears to be happening, in what most see as the real world, are the activities of the executives and minions of those who have for so long enslaved and oppressed humanity, as they desperately seek to retain their grasp on power. By bringing about events and instances of violence and conflict that are apparently moving the world towards division, and even anarchy, they are attempting to arouse intense fear so that people will seek a return to the status quo, to the apparent stability they remember of previous times, by supporting wholeheartedly the system that has caused all these problems in the first place. Do not be misled by the false promises of those whose concerns are not and never have been in the best interests of humanity, for if you allow that to happen you will be very disappointed indeed. Taking sides, supporting one side - nation, religion, political party - against another has never worked, it is divisive and always leads to further conflict. Many of your sporting activities encourage this most enthusiastically, and many of you have come to believe that it is the normal way to engage with one another. Competition is thought to lead to improvements and advances in most of your fields of human endeavor, but the cost in terms of human suffering is enormous! And the truth of that is demonstrated wherever you choose to focus your attention. Once more I am encouraging to you focus on being loving in every moment, regardless of the situations in which you find yourselves. It has been clearly shown throughout the eons of the illusion that conflict never resolves issues, it only escalates the troubles and establishes a larger area of conflict, as people feel obliged to take sides and make disingenuous judgments to support their opinions for doing so. Love does not enlist support against, instead It offers space in which harmonious cooperation can peacefully resolve issues to the benefit of all involved. With Love there are no losers! First, forgive yourselves for whatever you feel is unworthy of you in thought, word or deed. Having done that, then accept yourselves as you are with unconditional love. When you cease your own internal wars and make peace with yourselves you can then offer forgiveness to others. And because of the personal changes you have made within yourselves by making this intent and holding to it, others will see you differently and will respond differently to you. You can only change yourself, as you all know, but all across the world people are changing themselves, and in doing so opening their hearts to Love. Look for Love everywhere, It is endemic, so expect to find It by offering nothing else. Initially you will be surprised by what you find, then you will come to expect It as you naturally share It. Your nature is and always has been Love, and now many are realizing this and removing the inner cloaks or veils that have kept It hidden. This is the time of humanity's awakening, it is an awakening into Love, so be your true and natural selves, be loving! That is all that is asked of you, and you have the ability and the desire to do it perfectly! With so very much love, Saul. More from John Smallman: HERE Quote of the Day "I Am the open door for Mother and Father God's Honey Love showering all frecuencies and their originators and machines " "I Am the Love that Welcomes All to be of One Love Family" "I Am the Divine Love that bring back the Original Light in All" "I Am the Highest Good in All spreading it's Goodness as One" "I Am the Galactic Peace blessing us All" ~ Decree by Marcia Mariscal From the Editor's Desk... ~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~ Live Radio Show "Channel Panel" Has Resumed! Friends and Family across Earth, We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to begin anew their weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age! JOIN US! Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM EST Last Weeks Live Show: "Hold Fast to Us and Your Own Inner Strength As We Crest the Mountaintop Together" HERE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015 A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features. The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love. Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you. Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph! I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share. Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age. I am your brother, Archangel Michael Namaste All. Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015 Photo Credit: Griffith Observatory © Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe. ...Links... Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE Website: whoneedslight.org Featured Radio Show: AA Michael's Etheric Retreat, with Sananda/Jesus: Becoming Your Higher Self Sleeper Cell Removal: Part 3 - Dark Cell Removal & The Pillar Portal of Peace with AA Michael Please enjoy our YouTube channel. WHO NEEDS LIGHT? Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix. Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age. Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family. Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations. | Who Needs Light? | starshipterra@outlook.com | Join Us! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our profile on LinkedIn ... [Mensaje recortado] Ver todo el mensaje

Heavenletter #5484 Bring a Brother with you, November 29, 2015

God said: You may be at My feet as you ask: “God, please let my family win the lottery, or, in some way, God, get Good Fortune to come forward so that we may be next in line for wealth. Now, as I ask You this, it doesn’t feel right to me ask You this, for this could be my ego asking. It’s not that I have not worked very hard, God, yet something doesn’t feel really right for me to ask You this. “So, I say it differently now. Dear God, may my family and I fulfill whatever is ours to fulfill? Have we somehow blocked our very own desires? Has something within me squelched my family’s very desires? If we have a blockage from some fear or threat within us, then, something within also has to unblock what holds us back from fulfilling our nethermost desires. God, please help us to recognize great sustaining happiness. Let us be grateful for all sweet breezes that blow.” Yes, I answer you, why wouldn’t I? It would be My pleasure. Some people have to wait awhile for their will to blossom or their True Will to come from another direction. Perhaps you have to wait. This is something that comes from a reason of your own. This isn’t something that I ordain. This is something that you enjoin. Here is how I suggest you get up every morning: Get up with the idea in your mind that many blessings are on their way to you. Go to sleep every night with the same sort of idea in your mind. Think: "What I desire belongs to me. Let my blessed thoughts light all blessings. I have these thoughts in my own mind as joy-fulfilling thoughts. Let it be that my thoughts are like taking out a cloth to polish silver with. I pull out these powerful thoughts of my desires fulfilled and shared. ”I give my desires a light polish when I awake and again when I go to sleep. Just a nice easy polish. No big deal. My desires will find me. Calmness will light my thoughts that attract and proclaim my heart’s desires. I am not anxious. I am well-aware. My desires are wending their way to me." You understand that the desires you express are asking to be updated. Your desires want to come forth on their own without hassle. Easy does it. You are not greedy nor are you needy. You do not have to have. You want to meet your desires and accept them just the way you accept an apple when someone offers an apple to you. If apples are the genies of your thoughts, then apples gravitate toward you and want to hop into your arms. I offer Myself to you in the same way. I am eager to support you. Supporting you is supporting Myself. I don't know the difference. I really don’t stand on ceremony. I don’t see any difference between serving you or serving Myself. When I look hard, I only see a difference in your view of Me and Life and all its ramifications while I see you as the lovelight that issues from your eyes. Left to My own devices, this is what I see. I Who know everything find it very hard to understand why you wouldn’t want to embrace Me as your Very Self. I repeat and repeat that We are One. You look at Me lovingly, yet you look at Me as if I were too innocent for this world. For Heaven’s sakes, I created the world, and I created you for My very Own Joy. Give Me My Joy. Give it to Me as eagerly as I stand before you right now. Don’t be coy with Me. I offer Myself to you. Yes, yes, receive your Self from Me right now. Of course, I will offer Myself to you without reservation. As strange as it may seem, you hold back. Can you imagine the stage that is set before you! Let Me state this bluntly: When God invites you to come closer, say, “Yes, God.” Stay with Me with confidence, or stay with Me with perplexity, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you stay with Me. At the very least move closer to Me. Truly, what does it matter if I move more closely to you, or you move more closely to Me? This is what I’m telling you. Keep moving closer to Me and avail yourself of your heritage. Why on Earth would you act like a fatherless child when I am right here with My love? My love has always been meant for you. Always, there is a warm spot in My heart for you. When I offer you a banquet, don’t wait until every last man on Earth has arrived. Come, sit down, and supper will be served. Many will come anon or, perhaps, you will come tomorrow and bring a brother with you. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/bring-a-brother-with-you.html

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

JFK: "We Are the Light of Love - Nous Sommes Unis" Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 24, 2015

JFK: "We Are the Light of Love - Nous Sommes Unis" Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - November 24, 2015 "Greetings, my Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth! I am President John Fitzgerald Kennedy of the United States of America. And the dream I dreamt has never been more alive than it is in this moment for, you see, when I was the President, I had the dream for the World! But as the leader of what was deemed to be, at least one of the most powerful countries in the World, I had the vision that I could make great changes. I had the vision for bringing the World to Peace!!! And while, yes, as President, I had to make decisions to stand up, and sometimes to send military personnel to places where wars were going on; nevertheless, I held fast to that vision, as did my brothers, my family, and many, many citizens of the World. "I was regarded with mixed feelings. There were those who felt that my human side was a bit excessive, shall we say, but that is of no consequence, because my legacy to the World was not of, third dimensional vibration, but rather High Dimensional Love!For it is only through True Love, Unconditional, Compassionate, Forgiving - and, yes, with Gratitude for the wisdoms gained - that true Peace on Earth can be accomplished. And this was what I chose to further, because I knew that I had a Mission!!! "Now my father thought that that Mission lay with my older brother*, but he left his body, and it fell to me. This is not the first time that this kind of an event has happened on Planet Earth. But I did get elected to the Office of the President and there was not a day when I did not confer with my brothers** and others who shared my vision. "And, yes, I knew about the space programs and, yes, I knew that at some point the Ashtar Command and our Galactic brothers and sisters would be able to come forward to help make the Peace and to help keep the Peace!!! For I knew that it was not the few who were at that time seeming to be in charge,but I knew that there was a vast company, ready to come in and be of assistance and, indeed, I gave permission. That is how I was taken up on the ship and a clone was put in my place on that day in Dallas. I still live in my body! And thanks to the technologies that I have been able to avail myself of while on the ship, I’m in pretty good shape for someone my age - a human that is - and I shall return, because there are many that I have special connections with – Love Connections!!! "There were many who recognized the Light in me, and they began shining their Lights even brighter. And there were those who lit the candles and the Eternal Flame*** to let me know that we do share this Love, this Connection, this Light. And so you see, even though it might seem as though my life was cut short, my legacy has lived on and grown even stronger and more radiant! "Now I do not give myself full credit or, I should say, the totality of the credit. I give the credit to you, my Beloved Fellow Citizens! I honor each and every one of you, and your lives.Some of you are back for the second time since you lived when I was President. I honor you for your commitment, for your quest, your determination and your accomplishments in bringing in the Light, keeping the visions of Peace on Earth in your Hearts and fanning it into this beautiful flame which is predominating in the Hearts of Humanity! "Do not be discouraged! Do not be deterred at all in your Missions. For I promise you, I see the Lights of all of you, and I know that you and those who are committed to this Worldwide -below, on and above - have joined together in the greatest assemblage of Light Beings and Light Workers ever seen, and that you are successful in accomplishing the Mission of bringing the World into the Light, the LoveLight, the Higher Dimensional Destination, which has always been the promise that you made long ago and far away. And I was among you then!!! "And so - and so, my fellow citizens. It is to keep the Lights bright. It is to SHINE THE LIGHT for those who are in charge of making the various Announcements that will truly open the doors to the Golden Age! You all so deserve to enjoy it, not because of what you have done as much as because of Who You Are, Beings of Light, Beings of Love. So stay the Course and know that I am with you in my Heart, and that I share the LoveLight with you! "You know, there are many events which are called 'events of terrorism,' which are taking place in the World. It is to shine the Lights of Love upon ALL involved with Compassion. There is a Great One who stands with me now. You know him as Sananda.And there is a quote that has been given to him, or ascribed to him, which is Truth. And it is to apply to all, and that quotation, of course, is 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' Well, I tell you, Beloved Fellow Citizens, it is for all of us to forgive – ourselves and everyone else - because we all share the same energies, the same knowing!!! "And for those who insist upon remaining in the dark, it is to steadfastly shine the Light for them as well, that they, too, may come Home. And if they choose not so to do, let them find justice, but send them on their way with only Love and Gratitude for what they have taught, because they are teaching the World right now that violence is what the World wants to end! The Consciousness is calling for Peace on Earth, and that Peace is found in Love!!! "So let us celebrate together the return to Love, the lighting of all of the flames, or the candles. Where once I stood in a place in the country of Germany, and proclaimed for the World to hear, 'Ich bin ein Berliner.'**** I now join with you in saying to the World, all of the World, 'NOUS SOMMES UNIS!!!'***** And so it is! "Thank you, my Beloved Citizens, Fellow Citizens of Planet Earth.We travel the Path together.We are the Light that we have been waiting for!!! Peace unto all and Joy and, most of all, Eternal, Unconditional and High Dimensional, Divine Love. Thank you!Namaste!" * Joseph Kennedy, Jr ** Robert and Edward Kennedy *** The Eternal Flame is on JFK's grave in Arlington National Cemetary **** "I am a Berliner" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ich_bin_ein_Berliner *****"We are United" http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/jfk-nous-sommes-unis.html Transcription by Marta. Given through Susan Leland, November 24, 2015. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2015. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Heavenletter #5483 Truth Is a Great Gift, November 28, 2015

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #5483 Truth Is a Great Gift, November 28, 2015 God said: Has it not been a gift for you to see a blue sky as well a night blue sky sparkling with stars and hope? How about leaves on trees changing colors and appearing and later disappearing? And what about babies so innocent and powerful and so aware of their needs and knowing that their needs will be filled! You live in a great miracle of life that is not to be overlooked. There are puppies and kittens, and elephants and all kinds of animals who naturally know just how to take care of their babies. Is this not a gift given? How remarkable and full life is! Yes, when there is plenty of milk, why would anyone cry over spilled milk? There is nothing eminently wrong with crying. It’s also part of life, yet is it necessary to cry over so much as you may and perhaps extend crying's expiration date in testament to overwhelming heartache? Find that which gives you pleasure in life and thus gives you delight from inside yourself. Come to life with the idea of being well-pleased. Make it as easy to be pleased as it is to be displeased. Focus on what gives you happiness. Is it so hard to count your blessings? Or are you better at counting other people's blessings and lack of your own? Dear Ones, sometimes you are cranky with life. One of the best things you can do for life is to be good-natured about it. Okay, the toast was burnt this morning. Is this really so important to you? Even if your toast was burnt, you can welcome life. Perfection is not owed to you. When you find perfection, you have received a bonus. It makes a difference whether you expect perfection, insist on it, or welcome it as an invited gift. How do you want to be greeted? Do you want life to grumble at you? When real trouble hits, you know the difference. You lingered over mourning a boyfriend who ran off with a friend of yours. How your heart was wounded, and how you suffered. Then, when your mother or father dies, oh, yes, you feel the difference in your loss now. You wasted your heart on something less vital. Now you know how deep loss can be. So many people are sure they will be happier when something in their life changes, yet there are many who have the treasure you may seek, and they haven’t found the happiness that you are sure will come with it. You look for one thing after another to bring you great happiness. Happiness is more than receiving gifts. Greater happiness comes from giving. Natural giving brings you greater happiness than giving in order to receive a return. Yes, always be real. Give for the joy of giving itself. A dress-up of giving doesn’t pass for the real thing. Yes, be true to yourself and not to an idol you put forward in your mind. Put your true heart forward, and then you are ideal. Truth is a great gift, not a designated return down the road. You are always seeking Truth. It is such peace to simply be true. Patting yourself on your back may too often not be true. A piece of fruit, an apple, for instance can look perfect, and yet it may lack the flavor of a runty little apple that was not hand-picked and fell from a tree. You want to give and receive the great goods, without having to receive in return. It is you who has to give with the idea that you wish to give, and that's it. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/truth-is-a-great-gift.html

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Heavenletter #5482 What Is Life Supposed to Be Anyway?, November 27, 2015

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #5482 What Is Life Supposed to Be Anyway?, November 27, 2015 God said: You know, it is fine to sort things out in your mind, yet you also have to know that everything in life is not here for you to organize. Life isn’t accounting that follows a certain format. Life isn't like that. The way Life plays out is how it’s supposed to play out. You are part of a plan bigger than you imagine. Life in the world does not usually follow a straight line. Life in the world more often than not goes every which way, and you don’t know what this Life is going to give you until it has cast itself before you. Life isn’t as predictable as you might like. But, hey, that’s life. Life isn’t rigid nor must you be. Life is to accept. You are to get up and move right along. This is Life. Today may well not present the weather you favor. It may be too hot for you, too cold, too many puddles or too dry. Mostly, you have the weather you have, and you do just fine in the weather whatever it may be. The weather is what it is. The weather is not meant to disconcert you or ruin your day. We know that Life can startle you in unexpected ways. You are in a state of shock, yet, what is there for you to do but to keep chugging along? The fact that a train is derailed doesn't mean you have to be. Whatever happens in your Life, you still have Life. It may not be the Life you had yesterday, yet, nevertheless, you have Life. Life is not always what you want it to be, yet this is no great surprise, is it? Why would My children think that life has to be hunky-dory according to their particular desire and impression at any given moment? You may see your Life as imperfect. Why does your life have to be perfect according to your wishes? Nor does Life have to be so rigorous as you may see it. Life may give you days that soak up all your energy, ravage your heart, leave you mourning. By and by, hearts mend. There are joys you can't replace or rewind to what once they were. It’s all right for your heart to mend. You will improvise your life and find other blessings. You can be easy-going. You can be happy in new ways. Now listen to this: You don’t have to be deliriously happy every moment, yet, without exception, while you are alive on Earth, you do receive many blessings. Notice them. What if you could accept Life as it comes, would you be demolished by Life? What is Life supposed to be? Life isn’t always a feast served at a fancy hotel. You know, you don’t have to ride in a Mercedes. You don’t even have to ride in a car. You can walk and find pleasure as well. Nothing in Life in the World has to be exactly as you would like it to be, yet this doesn’t mean that you have to object when Life doesn’t have a new paint job. I will tell you something. Life isn’t a game you have to win. Life is a game you play and give your heart to and derive much from. Life is not like the stock market that you mandate as having to go higher and higher without fail. When it comes to you, you have to accommodate each day regardless of what color coat the day wears. There is such a thing as your growing higher and higher every day, and you gain the wisdom means taking Life just as it comes to you. Yes, Life is not a given. It is a gift. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/what-is-life-supposed-to-be-anyway.html

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Heavenletter #5481 An Infinitesimal Something, November 26, 2015

God said: What do you want? What do you truly want? Whatever it is that you crave, even its fulfillment is not quite enough for you. There is an infinitesimal something missing in your life. You don’t quite know what it is. You don’t have it yet. Sometimes you feel that you will never have it, that missing something. You are beginning to figure out that all the blessings of the world aren’t quite enough. You don’t know how to describe what is missing. You do know that the missing something is not of this world, yet how can you describe that which you imagine you are devoid of? If you are missing something, you are missing it. If you can’t perceive what exactly it is you are missing, you feel a great lack of it, nonetheless. You don’t even know its name, this that you are missing. Until you know you have it, you are missing it. There is a hole in your heart. How can you know its name when you don’t have it? You do begin to know that what is missing is something beyond the level of this world. You’d think money would do it, yet money does not. You’d think status would do it, yet status does not. Strange, lack of money and lack of status can lead you to unhappiness yet not to happiness, hmm. Lack does not lead you to happiness. And the arrival of what you are lacking, or envision that you are lacking, also doesn't give you enough of the happiness you are longing for. It seems that in the world, everything fizzles sooner or later. This isn’t because you don’t deserve fullness. What is missing is missing. It seems to you that True Long-Lasting Happiness isn't yours on this Earth plane for long if at all. What if you were like the animals who do not think so far ahead? You might then be quite happy with the Enlightenment that is yours right now. How can it be that animals have greater contentment and happiness than you do? Maybe blessed animals do know more than you know. They seem to be satisfied with little, and you are not. The cats and dogs you know seem to be far more content than you. They do not ask for as much as you do. You may have thought they knew less than you. Yes, it certainly does seem that animals actually know more than you. They certainly have less discontent than you. Yet you keep striving. Discontent is not enough for you, nor should it be. It must be that underlying discontent is the realization that there is greater ahead for you. There is more to you than you know, and you have to find out what this is. Therefore you seek more of this unknown quality. While you are on Earth, you may indeed always seek more and more. You may translate that wanting more into discontent. What if you would translate discontent into simply wanting more and not as discontent? What if you interpreted your wanting as just right? Perhaps then you could yearn for more of Me and be content with more of Me. Striving doesn’t have to mean lacking. Perhaps you could be content with striving and moving forward. This is great progress. Is not wanting a good thing? Then why do you look at seeking as gaining greater discontent? Perhaps, at present, there simply is no pleasing you. It could be that you think being dissatisfied is better than being satisfied, and you yearn to be of the Highest. It so happens that you really are of the Highest. This may just not have quite sunk into you yet. It will, beloveds. It will. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/an-infinitesimal-something.html


eloved Ones, Let us have discourse on the quality of love called knowingness which is an inner way of knowing through listening to the voice within that tells the individual things they could not actually know based on logic. Each individual has spiritual powers that they possess and the capability to function at high levels of perception, clarity, creativity and intuitive knowingness. As they learn to trust and utilize new ways of perceiving and communicating with their inner knowingness, they reawaken subtle senses that work in their everyday lives. They experience a flow of information and synchronicity that offers them guidance and validation through their intuition. Intuitive knowingness is a solid, unwavering and simple knowledge that may not make sense but is a knowing of things to happen. It is important that one appreciates their own inner knowingness and trust in it, as this is the voice of their divine guidance speaking to them. Knowing ones inner self requires a high level of introspection and self awareness. It is a process of discovery that is a life long journey. To know ones inner self is the first step of living a conscious life of ones own making. Each individual has that aspect within them that is able to bring them divine guidance. It gives them sensitivity to the subtle worlds that exist in the invisible realms around them. There is clarity of direction that allows them to become attuned to that insight that is able to flow from their divine essence. They become empowered through this higher level of knowing and consciousness. Divine consciousness, with its capacity for bestowing inner knowingness has always been available to every individual. It opens them to a whole new level of awareness. It begins a lifelong process of living from insight, rather than making decisions strictly from ones conscious mind. The more one relaxes in a state of trust and allows themselves to be infused with the divine presence that leads them, the more the quality of conscious living becomes their everyday reality. Each individual has the power to access their own deep wisdom, and use it to create a better life. Every day of their life is a learning journey in the discovery of what they stand for. The more they uncover and reveal about themselves, the more clearly they are able to live in a conscious manner. As one becomes still and quiet enough within themselves to be able to feel their inner being, it allows a greater mind to emerge and reveal its wisdom. This prepares them for greater revelation and for true insight from that space inside of them that has their most important answers. In its purest form, intuitive knowingness is a neutral, calm awareness. Knowingness will take one towards what feels true to them, that deeper calling within them to live their life aligned with their heart, mind and soul. Living by ones intuitive knowingness takes them where they want to go. They will find their way and will know exactly what their calling is when the time is right and they are ready to listen by trusting self and their inner knowingness. No one can tell another person what they are here on Earth to do or the right time to do something. This is their life and they alone must live it. They have the right to their choices and can even enjoy the mistakes they have made and learn from them. They can enjoy all their triumphs and then let them go, opening themselves to ever greater experiences. The unknown is really all that there is. Life is constantly shifting in ways that one can never logically or rationally know, for everyone is a part of a greater existence and its power and consciousness dwells within them. To reclaim trust in divine truth is to become aware of ones inner wisdom, authenticity and knowingness. Seeing the divine order in one’s self as a wise being filled with light and energy of love is an intuitive and wise knowingness. It connects them to their innermost wisdom and the knowledge that lies beneath the surface of intellectual thinking. It requires a willingness to have an open mind and to look deep within and trust and accept what ones wisdom reveals to them. Each individual has the wisdom within them to make the transformation to being more empowered and open to change. They thrive by continuously learning, growing and looking beyond external life to discover what they really want for themselves in order to really enjoy their lives. As one aligns with their inner self, they make a commitment to ensure that every action they take will move them toward full alignment with this higher presence. This comes about as a result of ones conscious effort and intention. Knowingness is a connection to an unexplainable intuitive guidance and the guidance one receives from this wise and loving presence is often protective to them. Each individual has access to this aware and watchful guidance inside them. In order to benefit from its guidance and direction, they must learn to trust that their intuitive knowingness is accurate. A lifetime of experience teaches them that the key to benefiting from their internal knowingness is that they learn to trust its wisdom over their conscious surface thoughts. Each individual receives these intuitive knowingness messages each day. It is important that they act on their higher inner knowingness as it brings its guidance to their awareness. To have the best, safest and most happy life possible, it pays to trust ones inner knowingness. Without fail, each time one courageously acts upon its protective, loving, and responsible guidance, their life is greatly enhanced. May you always hear your inner intuitive knowingness and allow yourself to be fully present in each moment of your life. I AM Archangel Gabriel 2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. www.therainbowscribe.com

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

Matthew’s Messages

November 20, 2015 Russian plane; attacks in Paris; Illuminati/government; roots of terrorism; energy momentum, changes underway; souls helping souls; twin souls; soul contract flexibility; memory loss; “lost” souls’ progeny With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As some in the Illuminati ranks are being arrested or ousted from influential positions and others are abandoning ship, the hardliners are digging in their heels where they still have some leverage. Most noticeable is what their international drug trade funds—CIA and Mossad “black ops” activities, which include downing the Russian plane, and ISIS, the source of the recent massacre in Paris. Because the public at large isn’t aware that the Illuminati even exist, there is no understanding that they act independently of their countries’ governments in planning and carrying out acts of violence. Thus finger-pointing is at the United States, home of the CIA, or Israel, which is thought of as the Zionist homeland. The truth is, a rogue faction of the CIA follows Illuminati orders; and the Zionist movement is the Illuminati’s militant and spy operation that never has served the best interests of Israelis or Jewish people anywhere else. Eventually those distinctions will become widely known, and indeed that is important; however, it cannot ease the sorrow of losing loved ones or other life-changing traumas in any of the tragedies perpetrated by the Illuminati. The assault on Paris served their aim by causing death, grief and, initially, chaos and fear, but the act was born of growing desperation about fast-waning control and decreasing numbers of minions, and desperate individuals act without thinking rationally about the consequences. They intended to put and keep the world in the grip of fear—they feed on the energy of fear; instead, they united the world in the high vibrations of compassion and resolve to stand strong against terrorism. Military might has been galvanized, police are pursuing instigators and suspects, and the search for potential terrorists extends across national borders, but finding and fighting terrorist groups wherever they are will not stop them. Only eradicating terrorism’s roots can do that. The hatred that underlies terrorism—and has led to millions in refugee populations—is rooted in one or more circumstances that can be linked to Illuminati activities or teachings: self-serving foreign interference, betrayal, economic exploitation, bigotry. Each generation instills in the next that all who generate such circumstances must be eliminated, and none realizes that all of them are merely puppets in a diabolical play scripted by manipulative individuals who are fast losing ground. As vibratory rates keep rising, minds and hearts on both sides of this heart-wrenching divide in your society will be opening so that empathy, mutual respect and kindness can replace hatred, prejudices, vengeance and fear of differences. Momentum in Earth’s energy field of potential has been moving ever more forcibly toward the end times of dark controllers as their opposition has grown increasingly formidable and widespread. Along with intensifying light on the planet, the expanding strength of parties collaborating to uproot all of the Illuminati’s malicious tentacles assures that their worldwide network is on its way to permanent dismantlement. Then the society can proceed full tilt to continue what amounts to a global salvage operation after a massive storm swirled around the world. The first steps were taken when some of Earth’s Golden Age planners met with some of your wisest individuals to determine the best ways to hold the Illuminati accountable for their crimes against humanity; recover their vast fortunes that were illegally and immorally amassed and fairly distribute those monies as well as release technologies they have long suppressed; end polluting and remedy environmental damage; and disclose and halt the various forms of mind control. Along with those efforts underway, truths will come forth about the presence and assistance of other civilizations, the laws that govern life in this universe, and the interconnected consciousness of everything in existence. Energy streamers in those areas and all others where change and enlightenment are needed are gathering power to propel Earth to her destiny: Restoration to her original health and beauty and her humankind living peacefully, cooperatively and in harmony with all of Nature. Beloved family, we understand your impatience for that destiny to reach fruition. You don’t remember that by comparison with other civilizations, the passage of Earth’s peoples out of millennia of dark captivity into the light of freedom is occurring almost in the blink of an eye. How we wish you could see your world from our vantage point! Not only would you marvel at the speed and scope of accomplishments, but you would see how greatly your light is contributing to the progress and upliftment of your society. Now we shall continue answering your insightful questions about the soul. “When souls were breathed/birthed/created by the Creator, did it all happen at once or has it taken place spasmodically over time and is, perhaps, still happening?” The “ingredient” of every soul, which is pure love-light energy, came into being with Creator’s first expression of Itself in what you call “the big bang.” The “birth” of independent, inviolate, eternal soul-selves, which began after that momentous occasion when their “ingredient” was created, has been happening ever since then in your concept of linear time and, as far as we know, will continue until every soul in the cosmos remembers and returns to its Beginnings in Creator. “Am I right in thinking that the Creator births us in groups of about 60 souls, about 30 of which become our family soul group? We mostly move through our chosen incarnations playing out different agreed roles within those groups but sharing contracts, occasionally, with souls from other soul groups as the need arises?” There is no rigidity about the numbers of souls within any group, or cluster; but indeed souls from one group may share contracts with those in another as the need arises. However, during this era when the entire universe is in acceleration mode and countless souls are taking advantage of the unique opportunity to choose concentrated karmic lessons so they can complete them in one lifetime rather than several or even many lifetimes in a third density world, another form of cooperation is much more prevalent. In addition to experiencing their own chosen lessons, many souls are assisting others with theirs. Heretofore this was usually within the cumulative soul group—which can number in the thousands—but now strong souls are sharing the karmic burdens of weaker souls in any group anywhere in the universe. The purpose of this extraordinary assistance that exemplifies unconditional love is to strengthen weak links within the Oneness of All. “Does every soul split into a Twin Soul?” It isn’t that souls “split,” and twin souls, or twin flames, are rare. They are the simultaneously co-created first two personages in a root soul’s long lineage, and because they are endowed with identical qualities, their feelings for each other are the most intense that any soul can feel for another. Twin souls in a physical civilization are irresistibly attracted to each other, and while the sexual aspect is strong, it is their profound feeling of needing to be together that overwhelms all other considerations; often this highly emotional attachment leads to serious disagreements and the souls part ways. In a spirit world, the twins are equally attracted to each other but without physicality’s “smothering” love; and however far apart the two may be in the universe, their bond enables joyous telepathic communication and sublime feelings about a shared beginning in pure love. “It sounds as if ‘soul contract flexibility’ means that even if people don’t follow their contracts, they still evolve. How is this fair to people who do live according to their contracts?” Flexibility doesn’t pertain to conscious decisions that are contrary to contract provisions, but to the ways whereby provisions may be experienced. Say, for example, that the choice is to leave this lifetime suddenly at age 25 in a vehicle crash. Shortly before reaching that age, the person is skiing and gets buried deeply in snow when an avalanche roars down the mountain; or, a few weeks after celebrating the 25th birthday, the person is hiking in the woods and fatally hit by a hunter’s stray bullet. Either of those possibilities would serve the same purpose as the contract choice. That is a dramatic example, to be sure, but flexibility applies to any provision—perhaps a job, residence location, financial investment or special event—that offers the same karmic lessons and the same growth potential to all souls in the pre-birth agreement. “Matthew said, ‘a person’s etheric body and lifetime memories enter Nirvana.’ What happens to people with dementia who lost their memory?” Dementia creates layers of forgetfulness around a person’s memory bank, the repository of all memories throughout the lifetime. After personalized healing in Nirvana, where the layers are gently removed, all memory is restored, including the stages of “losing” it. “When a soul in the tiny orb part of Nirvana accepts the light, is that what Christians call redemption?” No, at least not knowledgeably. Christian teachings about redemption are akin to a person gaining God’s forgiveness by repenting for having lived wickedly according to religious concepts of sin and Judgment Day. A soul that absorbs enough light to embody and start evolution anew is in accordance with universal laws that people steeped in religious dogma most likely don’t know exist. “I know a child who fits what I’ve heard about souls ‘born bad.’ Why would a soul choose this?” There is no such thing as a soul “born bad”—the composition of every soul is pure love-light energy. We don’t know about that child’s circumstances, but we can mention possibilities that could apply to any child who may be thought of as “chronically misbehaving.” The family’s pre-birth agreement may include the child’s behavior as opportunities for the parents to learn patience and other parenting skills such as accepting the child’s limited capabilities, nurturing his or her abilities and interests, and equitable treatment of siblings. Discomfort due to an undiagnosed physical condition could underlie a child’s rebelliousness; so could adverse reactions to chemicals in food, water or medications, and toxicity in vaccines may have produced symptoms similar to autism. If there is ongoing tension in the home, a child could be responding to the low vibrations emitted in that kind of atmosphere. A discarnate entity that doesn’t realize its physical life ended could have attached itself to a child during a period of severe physical, mental or emotional stress; if so, an experienced energy worker can help the entity understand its status and help it move on to a spirit world. If there is no pet in the home, let us offer this suggestion: Let the child choose a companion animal and discuss at the appropriate age level the child’s responsibilities in caring for it. It is immensely heartening that many in your world, including in the medical establishment, are seeing the significant benefits of a close human-animal relationship for people of all ages—this is a significant step in a society’s advancement. “If souls who are stillborn or die as infants chose that in their contracts, can they remember doing it or anything at all about other lives?” In the case of stillborn infants, souls leave the bodies with full knowledge that this is in accordance with the family’s pre-birth agreements, which are designed for the experiencing needs of all participants. As babies who die in infancy grow older in Nirvana—and they age there much more quickly than your calendar years pass—they remember their choices and purpose, to provide soul growth opportunities to others in the pre-birth agreements. And, like all others in spirit worlds, they become consciously aware of soul-level knowledge to the extent it was remembered or experienced in all other lifetimes. ` Our message about lost souls evoked the following questions. “Is a lost soul still an inseparable part of God?” It is as long as it remains in the basest part of a spirit world in this universe. If it is deemed by Creator to be permanently light-resistant, or “lost”—and only Creator can decide that—the soul’s energy is reabsorbed into Creator’s cosmic essence, where it had its Beginnings. “Do a lost root soul’s progeny know what happened to them?” No. The instant their life force is withdrawn, they lose the ability to know anything whatsoever. However, that their energy and the root soul’s energy were reabsorbed by Creator is within cosmic consciousness, therefore within the mass consciousness of this universe; and when the progeny reemerge from Creator’s essence and regain their memory fields, knowledge of what happened to them is available. “When people in lost root souls’ lineage are ‘redeemed,’ where will they start over? How will they explain to others what happened to them?” They won’t need to explain anything to anyone. When their lives abruptly ended, family and friends who believe in an afterlife assumed that’s where those souls are. And so they will be—they will regain conscious awareness and all memories in their civilization’s spirit realm. Of course we shall happily answer other questions you may have about the soul, and we hope that the information in this and prior messages has shown the infinite importance of each and every soul and the inseparability of all in the Oneness of All. Dear brothers and sisters, as you continue your Earth journey, know that light beings throughout this universe honor your steadfastness in the light and embrace you with unconditional love. __________________________ LOVE and PEACE Suzanne Ward suzy@matthewbooks.com

Heavenletter #5480 Let Your Eyes Be Loving, November 25, 2015

God said: What is important to you simply may not be important to someone else. What is important to someone else may simply not be important to you. This is what life in the world seems to be about -- all these contrasts and even contradictions. Someone loves fishing. You may not be someone who would like to put a worm on a hook, nor would you take joy in catching a fish. Who is to say you must or must not like worms or fishing? Someone else grows a moustache, and you would never grow a moustache, yet, if you were alone on a deserted island, by default, you would grow a moustache and a beard to boot. You never know. Something may matter a lot to someone else but not to you. He has his life, and you have yours. Let it be glorious that everyone who has Oneness with Me – and that is everyone -- can make all kinds of different choices in the world. Let it be glorious that there are enough choices for everyone around the world to make. Silly, you are not authorized to put a friend on the carpet because his life choices do not agree with yours. Let it be glorious that there are different ways of thinking and liking or not liking, preferring or not preferring a myriad of colors, for instance, and a myriad of sports and a myriad of minds and a myriad of books and myriad cups of tea. Let Us applaud that there are many right ways to make a cup of coffee, and you are free to brew coffee as you like, and so is another free. Be glad that all have freedom of choice even as one’s freedom of choice is different from yours. Celebrate someone else's choices as well as the superlative ones that you choose for yourself. Celebrate life rather than haggling over it. Enjoy your friend just as he is. Celebrate that there are enough choices for everyone, and be glad that not everyone is a carbon copy of everyone else. For Heaven’s sake, be free of concern when others make choices different from yours. Where did the idea come from that everyone does better to choose as you do? Why must everyone believe as you do and go to the church of your choice or go to no church at all? Who says so? Who declares that what you prefer ought to be the lay of the land? Let your eyes be the beholder who sees beauty everywhere. You wouldn't want to betray your own preferences and give lip service to someone else’s preferences. There are places and times in the world when you would have had to hide your true choices in order to stay alive and, thus, be denied the Free Will I give you. Let it not be you who feels righteous over another's way of being. Beloveds, would you deny the world I made and insist on another? Feel good about others, and feel good about yourself. Love is better than a sense of supremacy any day of the week. The world is more than a toss-up. The world is a place to learn and practice love. Have your happiness and freedom in your own life, and allow others the same. There is plenty of happiness to go around. No matter how well-meaning your desires for another are, honor another his choices for the life that is his. Entitle him to his own life. Unless your friend asks you for advice, keep your hands off. You cannot live life for any other but yourself. By the same token, the only person you can revise is yourself. Look, love surpasses improvement. Love your friend simply as he is, and your friend will blossom. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/let-your-eyes-be-loving.html

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Heavenletter #5479 Your Life from Its Highest Branch, November 24, 2015

God said: As natural as life is, life often feels strange to you. There is an old song called Stranger in Paradise. Stranger in Paradise is not the Truth of you. You are no stranger to paradise. You are a stranger on Earth. Paradise is plenty familiar to you. And, yet, here you are with a role to play for a while on Earth. In truth, you are not a Stranger on Earth either. Everyone you meet, you already know. You don’t consciously remember. Nevertheless, you react. Anything is possible in Earth. There have been so many lives, and so many stories, and not one the same. So many people, one after the other, and no two personalities alike. And, yet, each of the variations are One with Me, just as you are One with Me. Life on Earth is a paradox. On Earth, everything has gradations, and everything has its opposite or many opposites. The Earth is a land of opposites. And so We have words like near and far, right-side-up and upside-down, now and then, and why and why not. Earth is many-layered everywhere you look. Earth is a foreign land. Paradise is where you come from. Paradise is where you have mostly lived and gone to school. Paradise is the school everyone went to first and majored in. On Earth, there are multitude kinds of terrain. Right now you have what amounts to a spree on Earth even as you may well want to flee from Earth and get right back to Paradise. You may well prefer Paradise. Despite the difference between Paradise and Earth, despite the fact that Earth seems to take from you, Earth gives you fantastic experiences, and I am with you either way. Earth and Paradise each offer you its own specialty. You evolve. Sometimes you can hardly believe how much you learn. And that which seems to take a while is Infinity which is no time at all. Come, get comfortable wherever you are. An oasis and a playground both offer you great opportunity. Grab opportunity to you. You have golden opportunity even where you may see none Fling your life wide open. Get up and dance wherever you may be. Shake a leg. There is something worthwhile for you to grow by regardless of what circumstances may look like. There is love to keep and love to give away. There is the ladder of life to climb. There is juice in every lime. There is the strength of might, and there is the strength of tenderness. And so you evolve. Right now you are living your evolution. That means evolving, and so you grow, and so you fly, and so you soar, and your heart grows bigger, and so you bless a world hungry for your blessings. You find trump cards within yourself that you had no idea of. All the treasures are from within. Appurtenances are only appurtenances. The real gold is inside you, and you are beginning to see how you can supercharge your life by living it, by taking hold of it, and by letting go of it. You begin to own your life, and you make your life what you will. You make your life, and life expands. Your vision expands. The world is how you look at it. You make your way in your life, and you make your life what it is regardless of outside circumstances. The outside world is not the making of you. You are the making of you. You make your way in life. You make your life. You have many opportunities to spend your life from its highest branch. You are closer to the Sun and the Stars than you know. You are in pursuit of them, and they are in pursuit of you. There is a coming together of glory. Within your heart is glory, looking to find its match in the world. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/your-life-from-its-highest-branch.html

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

Message to Lightworkers

A Message to Lightworkers – November 23, 2015 The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have the opportunity to speak with you again today. For many, this is a time of approaching holidays and time with family or community. A time of taking stock of the events and important moments of the past year, with dreams and hopeful thoughts for what may occur in the next year. Amidst our blessings for a joyful holiday time, whatever that may mean for you, we would ask, that among your dreams for this next year, you include full Disclosure of the Galactic presence. You are “within range” of this occurring in the next year, along with the full enactment of NESARA law. Though we have often mentioned these two aspects of your increasingly fifth dimensional Earth life, we mention them again now, as you are again entering a new window of potential for these to occur fully, though they have been unfolding in quiet ways for many months now. 11215783_971953496199414_6111219695787180974_n You are not only being guided by those of us in the Intergalactic Confederation. You are also constantly watched over and sent healing, empowering, enlightening energies—now more than at any time since the fall of Atlantis—by numerous Angelic circles who are surrounding the Earth and singing in tones of high resonance that is Love Itself. These tones contain the sorts of frequencies that awaken those willing to become awakened, and that open doors in human consciousness that in turn open doors within the Earth’s social, economic, and political structures. There are additionally new waves of Galactics arriving, who are aiding Earth by helping to dismantle the old energy technologies long ago put in place by the old power structure, in an effort to keep your consciousness low and disempowered. We ask now that you daily envision NESARA fully enacted, and Disclosure fully occurring. Hold also in your hearts the image of the Violet Flame of St Germaine enveloping the Earth, as often as possible throughout the day. Not only because these will bring great movements forward in terms of human awareness, human rights, and astounding economic and political renewal and reform, though these are powerfully significant. But because your own consciousness is requiring these changes, as expressions of your ongoing forward and upward movement in this Universe, which is also evolving and Ascending. 11822668_978953532166077_769527783745624036_n You have asked us, in your own etheric travels and your times speaking with us and those whom we serve with, to encourage these historic events. Not only for the outer changes they will bring, but for the Love, Light, and higher awareness that must naturally accompany them. And so we ask, at this time when so many will be having a special day and special meal of giving Thanks, that you thank your higher selves and souls, who require this great change now to occur upon the Earth. Not only for the resulting reforms and economic and social justice that will result. But for the mass awakening that their unveiling will signify. Like a great snowball gathering speed and volume as it races down the hill, so will the amount of celebration, Love, and Unity around the planet grow exponentially, even in the moment that these are formally announced. So envision that moment often, and feel deeply the joy and elation you will experience in that moment—and yes, give Thanks! 11745576_714783095295017_8343356138673978468_n For in your hearts, in your dreams of what is and what will be—this is already your Truth. This has already occurred. Know and believe this, for it is your own creation. Namaste! We give thanks for your courage, your consciousness, and the ongoing beauty of your Earth lives. Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.

“One Who Serves” Ashira

Greetings to you. “OWS” here to take you on further here. We wish to share something very briefly. That is your movement in consciousness as you watched a video in the group here. And those of you on the phone who were also participating with this. This is the beginning of something, is it not? This is something new and it will begin to happen more and more. Where there are parts of what you have considered different parts of the Cabal previously as a portion of this, this is all going to begin to change where these ones will begin a change over. A change over from the violence. The movement in the movies and such from now is beginning to change. The violence in them will begin to dissipate more and more. To move more into peace and love and heartwarming connections. OK? This is our message here. We ask if there are any questions here. Ashira is standing by to see if there are any questions. Those on phone can unmute and ask questions if they wish. Yes. You have a burning question! Question: Yes. Tell me what brought on the issues I had on my dream trip and how can I get back into the positive again? “OWS”: Yes. We can answer this but first “Ashira” would you like to take this? “Áshira”: Thank you so much! What we would share is this was an opportunity for you to prove to you who is in charge. You were responsible for creating this and you were in charge of making decisions to not let it get in the way! You had opportunities to face your fears. You had opportunities to face your fears many times on the trip. During these times you stood alone. You took charge. And you did not walk the way you could have by listening to others who told you what to do. You won! And we bless you and give you a standing ovation for this opportunity that you could have fallen into a past behavior. This was for you to see how you have changed. We bless you. “OWS” : Like to add something here. We would like to add that somewhat due to stress and those types of things leading up to all of this is what brought about this sense of discomfort that you had. We are not going to say sickness or anything of this nature but they were discomforts. Yes, this was very discomfiture for you for some time. But you did overcome it as “Ashira” has said. It was brought about by the change in the atmosphere or change in your environment. Also by being around others of much more negativity. You were a Lightworker coming on board the ship and being surrounded by those who may not be Lightworkers or they were more of a negative 3D, very much so. That is not to say that you cannot have an experience aboard one of these ships and have a 3D experience and have a wonderful time. The next time you have another experience it won’t be so much on this type of ship but on another type. It will be completely different because you will be in a different environment you might say. Surrounded by others who are of like mind and all of this is coming for you. OK? It is not the end. Certainly. It is only the beginning. Would there be other question here now? Question: Is it possible for our soul to be in more than one physical body in the NOW? OWS: Yes. Very possible. Very probable. And most definitely. That is not to say all are in this respect but many are. Wish to add here, Ashira? “Ashira”: No. I think that you were pretty concise. “OWS”: We try to be as concise as we can and still be understood. But without giving away too much! We do not like to give away too much of the surprise. Other questions here? Question: I want to know why it seems that the media seems to be in charge. They have carried the Paris attacks over and over. Why? "OWS": This is a very good question. We would say that they are not winning. They are certainly not winning. They win a battle here or there but the war, and we do not like to use that terminology but we use it to emphasize a point. The war is certainly not being won by them. They are only winning the skirmishes here and there. In the final analysis it is all done. It is already done at the higher levels. We have given this before. All the Disclosure and the re-val and all of these things have already happened. Not in your time and space but they have already happened. So it is coming. Those ones that do these types of deeds and have control over your various media and all of this are doing their last gasps you might say. Holding on as much as they can. Trying to spread fear wherever they can. And to hold off the Ascension process. Do you not think that they know about Ascension? They do and they have known about it for a very long time. They have done all that they can to hold off your Ascension. They thought they did it in the 9-11 but they found out that it only hastened their entire demise. As well as this that happened now in France. They are hastening their demise. It may not seem that way to you here on the planet because you are immersed in it all. But from the point of view from those of us in the skies and wherever we may be it is an entirely different understanding and glimpse of what is happening. Do you wish to add here, Ashira? “Ashira”: Yes, I will. Dear One, you are one who wants to stay abreast of what is going on in the world and you and others in the room are invited to ignore that information. It is not of truth. And as “OWS” has shared, this is a tool used by those who want to stay in what they consider their area of control. It is not of control. But as the airwaves blast their propaganda and their information across the air it maintains for them their sense of power because that is what the main population is hearing and seeing and reading. Do not be in turmoil about this. Turn back to the work you are doing with your own websites such as Ancient Awakenings. Turn back to those sites that are saying positive things about the world. If you could see the world from our view you would know that this is done. And that love and compassion and sharing are the tools for the New World. That is the tool for you. You are doing so many beautiful works in this world, my friend. Turn off the old views of the world and watch as the New World unfurls before you. “OWS”: Wish to add one more thing here on this. That is those various media broadcasts and news shows and things of this nature, the reporters are going to begin to say more and more here, “enough is enough”. They are not going to want to say the same thing over and over like all of the broadcasts do. They are going to say, we want to tell the truth. We want to begin to reveal what is real out there. Not what you are programming us or controlling us to say. They are going to come out more and more with this. You will see them as “whistleblowers” or just to tell the truth. That is why they are here. That is what reporting is all about. To tell the truth of what is happening. To inform the public. Not to discourage the public or put fear within the public. You see? It is all going to change. It is already changing. You will see this more and more. Would there be other questions here? Question: How successful was yesterday’s Cobra meditation? “OWS”: More than you can possibly imagine! More questions? Question: Is there something we are not doing or we are not doing right that is holding everything up? "OWS": We would say to this that it is the God Source you are speaking of and we think this Source has it well in hand. It is all being orchestrated that we have given many, many times. There is nothing to be concerned about. It is not that you are not doing enough. Or that anyone else is not doing enough. You are doing it just right. All is happening as it needs to. We know that from your point of view it is too slow. It is too gradual. Let’s get this show on the road. All of these types of things. The James has this as well sometimes although becoming less and less as we are finding. Those of you who have this type of thinking, be of good cheer! It is changing! It is all happening! There are many forces that are bringing this about. There are many forces that, as we have said, are behind the scenes that you have no idea of what is happening here. It is destined to be here. It will all come out. And you will all be a part of this. You came here for this. It is NOW. When you think of this being slow in nature think how long this programming has been going on for. For a very, very long time. More than just a few years here. We are speaking in terms of thousands of years here. For all of this to have happened in short times, in decades as we find it, is very fast for this to have happened and changed all the programming that has gone into this. For you it is a very monumental change in this situation here. In all the programming. So allow it to be. You are a part of it. Each of you is a part of it in your own way. In your own meditations. In your own thinking. In your visualizations. In your prayers. All of this is a part of this. There is no bigger and no smaller part. OK? Anything to add here, Ashira? “Ashira” No, I think I will keep mine for our ending. Thank you. “OWS” Very good. Any further questions? Then we are ready to release channel. We sign off! Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One. “Ashira” I am Ashira. Divine Mother has been Susan all week whispering in her ear and in her heart that which she wanted to bring today. It has been an interesting week indeed. Interesting to watch all of you upon this planet process what happened in Paris and what every day since has been filled with. This has been the beating of a heart in time upon the planet. This has been very fast that everything has come into fruition. This group that has come into existence has brought together a marvelous group of Lightworkers. Those who know they are gods and goddesses making changes in the moment! In the NOW! For all of you enjoy your coming week. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Have love in your hearts. Feel it grow in your body around to reach everyone in your life and everyone upon the planet. Send your love forth knowing that every one of you is changing the planet right now. Time for love and joy. Enjoy your week and your Thanksgiving. Peace and love. Namaste. Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco www.meetup.com/ancient-awakenings www.ancientawakenings.org Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

“Divine Mother”

Good afternoon. The dogs (James' 2 huskies) heralded my arrival earlier. I come to speak to you today of love. All this past week there have been so many stories upon the planet. So many stories. Some would take you into fear. Some would bring you into light. We call you into light and into love. It is not a time to be concerned about why’s and where’s. It is not a time to be concerned about who done it. It is time for you to be concerned as Lightworkers with love and light. To bring love and light with all those you share with. And love and light to those things which you place your concentration in. There have been so many different stories today filled with love and light. I am reminding you that you are not the bodies you are in. You are the multi-level, multi-dimensional soul beings. We asked Susan to ask James to do this meditation today with you. He was led and guided in ways to bring you back to love. Love is the power in the universe. Know that there are battles that occur. Know that there are things that happen. Do you not remember that sometimes in your life upon the planet, you have behaved in ways that were perhaps greedy, perhaps unloving? But here you are forgiving yourself of all of that for it is but a part of the love experiences you needed to put you are where you are today. Today you stand in love remembering that the words you speak and the thoughts that you have are creating for the future. The Now. You are remembering the responsibility you have. Remembering the responsibility you are. Remembering that if this life ended you have an eternity to come back into this world further down the road. This is all in the moment. With all of this to come. All of those things you think about. All of those things that you meditate on. All of those things that you talk about. All are already in the Now. Ignore the noisy parts of your world. We know that this is challenging for each and every one of you because each of you checks on certain sites on a fairly constant basis to see how soon things are happening. The coming week is the week of Thanksgiving. Time to be grateful. As you spend that time in gratitude also spend that time in being and giving to others compassion and love. This is the time of year that is celebrated. These are important times. We call you back to love because that is who you are. We call you back to compassion. Share with others your understanding and your insight. Speak not only to those in this group. Speak to others with whom you are working in the world. Speak to those with who you are sharing space with. Listen to what others are speaking about and drop in a nugget of wisdom. All of you are gifted. All of you have an understanding that the light shining in the world. Of the light changing the world. Believing as James has done in this meditation that “believing is seeing.” We have given this group this saying and it is spreading. We know surely what the outcome shall be. Do not worry about those things that dissuade you, that take your attention aside. These are only children having tantrums. Remember that you are gods and goddesses. Remember that you are powerful beings. Remember that you have everything you need right now to change the world. As you see the world, as you see the changes that you see with your cameras, with your naked eyes, with your experience it is all good. I leave you today with this message of love. Knowing that you are our children. We love you. We bless yo

Heavenletter #5479 Your Life from Its Highest Branch, November 24, 2015

God said: As natural as life is, life often feels strange to you. There is an old song called Stranger in Paradise. Stranger in Paradise is not the Truth of you. You are no stranger to paradise. You are a stranger on Earth. Paradise is plenty familiar to you. And, yet, here you are with a role to play for a while on Earth. In truth, you are not a Stranger on Earth either. Everyone you meet, you already know. You don’t consciously remember. Nevertheless, you react. Anything is possible in Earth. There have been so many lives, and so many stories, and not one the same. So many people, one after the other, and no two personalities alike. And, yet, each of the variations are One with Me, just as you are One with Me. Life on Earth is a paradox. On Earth, everything has gradations, and everything has its opposite or many opposites. The Earth is a land of opposites. And so We have words like near and far, right-side-up and upside-down, now and then, and why and why not. Earth is many-layered everywhere you look. Earth is a foreign land. Paradise is where you come from. Paradise is where you have mostly lived and gone to school. Paradise is the is school everyone went to first and majored in. On Earth, there are multitude kinds of terrain. Right now you have what amounts to a spree on Earth even as you may well want to flee from Earth and get right back to Paradise. You may well prefer Paradise. Despite the difference between Paradise and Earth, despite the fact that Earth seems to take from you, Earth gives you fantastic experiences, and I am with you either way. Earth and Paradise each offer you its own specialty. You evolve. Sometimes you can hardly believe how much you learn. And that which seems to take a while is Infinity which is no time at all. Come, get comfortable wherever you are. An oasis and a playground both offer you great opportunity. Grab opportunity to you. You have golden opportunity even where you may see none Fling your life wide open. Get up and dance wherever you may be. Shake a leg. There is something worthwhile for you to grow by regardless of what circumstances may look like. There is love to keep and love to give away. There is the ladder of life to climb. There is juice in every lime. There is the strength of might, and there is the strength of tenderness. And so you evolve. Right now you are living your evolution. That means evolving, and so you grow, and so you fly, and so you soar, and your heart grows bigger, and so you bless a world hungry for your blessings. You find trump cards within yourself that you had no idea of. All the treasures are from within. Appurtenances are only appurtenances. The real gold is inside you, and you are beginning to see how you can supercharge your life by living it, by taking hold of it, and by letting go of it. You begin to own your life, and you make it what you will. You make your life, and life expands. Your vision expands. The world is how you look at it. You make your way in your life, and you make your life what it is regardless of outside circumstances. The outside world is not the making of you. You are the making of you. You make your way in life. You make your life. You have many opportunities to spend your life from its highest branch. You are closer to the Sun and the Stars than you know. You are in pursuit of them, and they are in pursuit of you. There is a coming together of glory. Within your heart is glory, looking to find its match in the world. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/your-life-from-its-highest-branch.html