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lunes, 31 de agosto de 2015

WE CAME FOR GAIA by The Children of Mother Earth 8-30-15 Please join us in our ongoing 4 For Gaia Webinar Series JOIN US – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 – 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. PACIFIC CHECK YOUR LOCAL TIME ZONE: PLANETARY PLEDGE: $40 This will be an on-going process of how we can assist our Mother Earth. Stay tuned for more details HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US WE CAME FOR GAIA By The Children of Mother Earth Things are really “hot”. All you can do now is hang on and wait. Of course, it is an active wait, as we are in constant contact with the higher frequencies of light that seem to accelerate more and more each day. Then suddenly, it appears that that the connection stops—then it is on---then it is off. This experience is similar to a short circuit, or a lamp that is not totally plugged into the wall. Yes, that is it. We have not yet totally plugged our consciousness into the multidimensional power source for our earth vessel. This “power source” is our multidimensional consciousness, our higher dimensional SELF, and the core of our planetary Mother, Gaia. As we “plugin” to our multidimensional power, we discover that we can see through the illusions of the 3D. In fact, that which was so important to our physical body reality is being transmuted into that which is increasingly important in our Light Body reality. When we blink out of the 3D, it is often because we have just blinked in to the portal through the 4D and into Gaia’s Light Planet. Then, it is components of our physical world that seem to blink into and out of is our perceptions. Concepts such as time, polarity, sequence, and polarity are perceived as the disorientations of third dimensional reality. While riding the wave of higher consciousness, that which was once “normal, physical life” is balanced by an inner knowing that “something REALLY important is happening.” Therefore, we can wait. For those of us who have held earth vessels for many decades, waiting is natural, and we only hope that our earth vessel can join the party form this dimension, as well as from our higher dimensions. Only those who have learned patience have been able to remain on this path for decade after decade and disappointment after disappointment. Fortunately, we realize that the well laid out plan for WW III did NOT occur in OUR version of reality. Because we survived the darkest of dark times, when Gaia’s very existence was gravely threatened, we can feel the juxtaposition of the light of this NOW. The light that we are feeling now is filled with unconditional love. The concept of unconditional love is VERY new to the masses, and many humans still have not cognition of it. Unconditional love is the creative power of the Multiverse. The fact that more and more humans are consciously experiencing, embracing and projecting Unconditional Love, we KNOW that something very important is occurring. We ask our higher guides to explain what is happening, and they remind us that WE are the creators of our reality. Some of us are ready for that responsibility, but far too many are not. Some of us know that we have always been the creators of our life, but that concept was far beyond the ability of the masses to understand. Humanity had been well trained to “follow the leader,” even if they did not agree with that leader. In fact, sometimes very evil leaders were followed and the consequences were extreme. Now, we must think of Gaia. We must think of our Planet. Our consciousness is expanding beyond the 3D concept that we are “just humans.” We are remembering our visits to our Starship and to other Homeworlds. “Just a dream,” we say as we awaken. But the dream will not go away. We are beginning to meet more and more people who are strangely familiar, even though we know we have never seen them before. Also, we are discovering hidden talents that we never believed we could posses. We are eating very differently, working differently, thinking differently and feeling like there is this other version of our SELF that wafts through our attend, then is gone for days. Where does this vision go when it is “out” of our attention? The truth is, that WE are wafting into and out of higher frequencies of reality. We are also remembering past, parallel and simultaneous realties that fly past the corner of our eye. Can we jump into these realities, or are we already there? Then we ask, “If we are already in the HERE of that reality, than who is the one that is perceiving that reality. Are we the one IN that reality OR are we the one observing that reality. Also, is there a difference? All our touchstones of time, space and sequence are being forgotten in our constant quest to return to the NOW in which we are ONE. Even though our physical world appears much the same, random moments of Unity come into our awareness. We are not positive what, who, where or when we are uniting. However, that which was once totally separate is slowly merging with that which is becoming ONE. Somehow we know that if we think too much with our 3D brain we will lose our awareness of these expanding perceptions. We have heard myriad stories of where we are going, but we have no sense of movement away from, except in our choices. If we look closely at ourselves and at world, we can see that there are minute changes towards a new, expanded version of reality. Simultaneously, there seems to be very “loud” steps backwards, which seem like a “hook” to take our attention away from our new experiences of life. Or is it our experiences of “new life.” These experiences are not actually “new,” but that which was once rare, is becoming more common. Changes are occurring in our body, which is simultaneously exhausted and enlivened. Our bodies are exhausted with the grind of 3D repetition, work and illusion. Within that same NOW our Kundalini is beginning to stir within our spine and higher perceptions are coming online in our daily life. “Did you see the starships?” and “I dreamt I was on the Ship the other night” are becoming a part of our “normal life.” In fact, ascension itself is becoming “normal” amongst those who are ready to embrace the new world that is developing around us. Most important, we are realizing that ascension is NOT just for humanity. Ascension is for GAIA. Gaia, and Her earth body, are transmuting into the fifth dimension. Gaia, the great mother that She is, will not leave her human children, even though many of those children would happily leave Her. Are we amongst the group of humans who just want “out of here” and are willing to leave their mess behind for someone else to clear? Or, are we the loving children who remember how our mother has cared for us, we will NOT abandon Her. Gaia has been waiting for Her humans to remember their true SELF before she returns to Her fifth dimensional comfort “zone of habitation.” Are we, the humans who have lived on Earth, willing to take care of our Mother, just as she has taken care of her? There are many who cannot imagine that a planet is a living being. But these are the lost ones who cannot remember any of their true SELF. Even the “Power Over Others” humans had a mother. Do they treat their human mother the same way they treat their planetary mother? Gaia has been waiting for these “prodigal children” to return to their awareness of SELF. Now, the destructive force of these lost ones must be healed as Gaia has been deeply wounded by the destructive forces of those who have lived by “power over others.” Fortunately, many humans have been returning to their own “power within.” These children of Gaia wish to bless and heal their Mother Planet who has provided them with a home on which they could remember their true Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we the children of Gaia will NOT return without our mother planet. We, the children who have learned to love unconditionally and remembered our Multidimensional SELF, KNOW that we have the infinite wisdom, multidimensional power and unconditional love that is necessary to heal our Mother Earth. Therefore, we WILL heal Her! Because our version of earth reality is steadily transmuting into the higher fourth and fifth dimensional resonance, the power of the thought forms that WE create with our thoughts and emotions is ever expanding. With the power of our thoughts, our emotions, our intensions, decrees and meditations WE can use our innate healing ability to assist Gaia to heal her planetary self. Just as we have learned to heal ourselves, heal others, send unconditional love and violet fire into our own wounded places, we can send OUR healing force into Gaia’s wounded places. Please join us, the loyal children of Gaia, as we work together as ONE to heal our Mother Earth. “What can I, just one person, do?” you ask. “We are gathering many persons into the ONE intention of healing our wounded planet.” If you look on the Internet, you will find countless articles and websites on the healing power of meditation for our human body. However, we humans are constructed of the same elements of ether, earth, air, fire and water as our planetary mother. Therefore, if we can heal our self with our own inner powers, we can heal our planet as well. Thus, we will work as small groups that will also join together in larger groups via Webinars, to all do the same thing on many different places and time zones to heal our Mother Earth. We are inviting people for ALL over Gaia’s globe to join together in “Planetary Unity.” t Most, if not all, of the damage done to Gaia has been done by humanity. In the same manner that a Doctor is not the one who harmed the patient, those who heal Gaia are not those who damaged her. Because we are embracing the return of our fifth dimensional and beyond consciousness, our multidimensional wisdom, power and love is coming online in our daily life. We have learned that we are opened portals who took an earth vessel to pull our own higher dimensional energy fields into our earth vessel and out into our world to assist others. NOW, we are called on the assist our planet. We are NOW able to answer that Clarion Call because our consciousness has expanded: · From Personal Consciousness to- · Group Consciousness to- · Community Consciousness to- · State Consciousness to- · National Conscious to- · Continent Consciousness to- · Hemisphere Consciousness to- · Planetary Consciousness and beyond… Within our Planetary Consciousness we will serve a ONE to assist our Mother Earth. With our expanded multidimensional consciousness we can work on myriad levels within the NOW to clear all darkness from Gaia. Hence, we will clear our areas at the level of the elements of Either, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. When complete, we will meet in the Core of Gaia to assist Her with the transmutation of her Core and Cornerstone Crystals. We will work within the NOW of the instructions we receive from our own Multidimensional SELF who is working in unity with the other members of our small group. We will then merge with the ONE cohesive, international group. “HOW will we do this?” we ask our Multidimensional SELVES. “We don’t know,” they reply. “YOU have not created it yet.” Join us as together we: Remember our innate multidimensional skills that we chose before this incarnation. Before we took our form in this NOW, we ALL knew that: WE CAME FOR GAIA TOGETHER we will remember how WE, individually and within our small and large groups, can heal and assist our Mother Gaia to return to Her fifth dimensional SELF. To sign up please click: http://arcturiancorridor.com/4-for-gaia/ FIRST WEBINAR IS: – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2015 – 11:00 A.M. – 12:30 P.M. PACIFIC CHECK YOUR LOCAL TIME ZONE: PLANETARY PLEDGE: $40 HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US HOW IS YOUR ASCENSION GOING? With Monica

Heavenletter #5394

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #5394 Speaking Up for Yourself, August 31, 2015 God said: For the sake of politeness, you may not always say what you are thinking. You want to be kind, and you don’t know how to be nice and also say what you really think. This may be a conflict for you. You don’t want to be rude, and you also don’t want your feelings left by the wayside. For those of you who find yourself equivocating, life in the world, life is too short to forgo your own feelings by putting other people’s feelings ahead of your own. You don’t have to play the line of least resistance. You do not have to belie yourself and say what you think other people want you to say. You do not always have to acquiesce to what others want from you or to what you think they want. Of course, if you are out in public, and your friend asks you how you like the dress she is wearing – she is wearing it, after all, so, yes, be discreet. Even if don’t like the dress on her, say something you really do like, like the color. However, where how you feel impacts you and your life, what makes you think you have to beat around the bush? If you wish not to participate in something, you don’t have to. Say what you feel. For how long will you evade saying what matters to you? For most of your life on Earth? First of all, other people are not made of glass. You don’t have to tiptoe around. There is no percentage in it. Or the percentage to you may be only dissatisfaction with yourself and your friend down the road. I understand you want to be gentle. At the same time, you can be honest. To be a straight talker when it matters isn’t rude. It is honest. It is simply stating what you feel. Are you not entitled to state what you feel as much as anyone else? I understand your desire to be kind. We are not speaking of rudeness. We are speaking of your saying what you honestly feel. Because someone is happy with something a certain way doesn’t mean you have to be happy with it when it concerns you. Conceding to others’ feelings can only go so far. In the same way, some others tend to go roughshod over other people’s feelings. They may go roughshod over your feelings. Some of these instances that you experience that cause you a certain amount of heartache whatever you do may indeed result from your having beaten around the bush too long. You missed opportunities to say what was yours to say. You put your honesty aside. What you conveyed was obscure, perhaps dishonest. You overlooked yourself. Absolutely, be a straight talker. What does being agreeable amount to when, in your heart, you are not agreeable? What is so wrong about your saying something like the following long before a crisis erupts: “You know, I look at this situation in a different way.” This isn’t unkind. It is honest. You are open for discussion. To have thoughts and feelings in the open is a good thing. It is a natural way of dealing in life. Many of My children may have stifled this naturalness in exchange for pleasing. Your decisions in life are not all based on kindness or unkindness. When a sales clerk happens to give you the wrong change, you speak up. Is there anything wrong with that? Why would you give your perspective away out of a mistaken consideration for others’ perceptions? If truth be known, you give your truth away to save your own feelings. You just like to think you are the good guy, yet, in dealing with friends as We speak of here, you may be as good as a provocateur keeping secrets. Keeping secrets and appeasing others is no favor to anyone. The act of keeping secrets is like pulling the wool over someone’s eyes. Given a choice – and you do have choice – in too many circumstances, pulling the wool over someone’s eyes is unkind, and being truthful is kind. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/speaking-up-for-yourself.html

domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

Judith Kusel ~ NEW ENERGIES: DISINTEGRATION OF LOWER SOUL SELF. 3038_474090749288876_1746347345_n This is the time for immense energy changes, and what will impact the most at this time is the disintegration, the leaving, the dying, of the Old Adam, the Old Eve, so that we can be resurrected and reborn into our new Adam/Eve Kadmon Lightbodies. So many of us have been put through severe initiations in the last few years and we have had to shed skin after skin, memory bank after memory bank. We have been stripped naked and bare to our very core soul self, and then some more. That little boy, the bewildered teenager, the little girl and the bewildered teenager, has to be released, for it is the LOWER soul self, the animal self, which makes us sometimes behave irrationally, and holds on prisoners of fear: the fear of truly opening ourselves to love and being loved, the fear of abandonment, of loss, the fear of dying, the fear change, the fear of having to move out of our self-made prisons and into the utter freedom of just BEING. The Higher Soul Self KNOWS and is not planetary bound, but flies free cosmically. It is the infinite expanded version of ourselves, the limitless soul which has had billions of lives, parallel lives in cosmic Universes and Omni verses. It limitless, eternal and therefore knows no time and bounds. It is free to BE – just BE in any existence or form. In Ancient times those high adepts and initiation could easily shape-shift into any form they wished to adopt for certain energy work. They literally BECAME the force, in allowing themselves to be disintegrated and reassembled. There was no fear of loss of the physical form, for one was not attached to this form. One knew that the physical body was but a vessel, a vehicle one adopted for a short eyewink in eternity, for its true soul-form was that of pure Light-energy. The Higher Soul Self knows just LOVE. It cannot be other than love ever expanding upon itself. However, when our lower soul self rules us while we are here on this planet and are sinking into the Sea of Forgetfulness, fears move in to hold us prisoner, and blame, shame and low self-confidence, low self-worth, make us shrinking violets who fear the power of love and who fear the catalyst of change. We hold on for dear life to our pain, our fears, and our limitations. The Higher Soul Self knows only love, and in expanded form, knows no fear, knows no loss, knows no boundaries, for it only functions, operates from a cosmic KNOWING and deep inner WISDOM, that knows that there is no such thing as fear, no such thing as ever losing love, nor gaining love, nor does it see limitations. It only knows the cosmic expansive BEINGNESS, CONSCIOUSNESS in its limitless form. I gained this understanding of the limitless, the expansiveness of the Higher Soul Self, in those times when I was asked to open up massive energy portals, and I literally had to allow myself, my lower soul self, to be disintegrated, so that my Higher Soul Self, could totally step in and allow itself to BECOME the energy and energy fields and then allow all to shift as it should. The I, as in my lower self, the fearing, bound, I, had to completely leave so that this energy clearing work could be done. It gave me immense understanding that when I was totally able to step up and into my Higher Soul Self, then it did not matter what happened in and around me, it did not matter how everything disintegrated, I could stand fully in my power, my Higher Soul Self power, and allow myself to be expanded cosmically into the infinite realms, where I BECAME that which was ever Present, ever expanded, ever re-creating itself. There was no fear of loss, no fear of disintegration, no fear of losing self, no fear of losing bodily form, no fear of change or expansion. I had nothing to hold onto, to cling to, no self-made empires, no self-made prisons, and no self. The SELF had disappeared, but simultaneously activated the limitless ME, the limitless SOUL-SELF, the TRUTH of who and what I am. This is now exactly what is happening to all of us at this time. The Old Adam and Old Eve served their purpose. This was the lowest form of existence the human soul ever experienced on this planet in the 3D world. This is now disintegrating. We will only fear change, fear to love another soul with all that we are, or fear pain, or fear to lose ourselves totally and our self-made prisons, if we refuse to let go. Some people cling onto their little boy, girl, then teenager, the lower self with all they have, for that little one is like a bewildered and scared self, who is scared to lose, scared of loving with an open heart, is scared of being hurt, is scared of being abandoned, is scared of the world at large. It conjures up fierce and scary monsters, where in reality there are none. It always find excuses not to love, not to be, not to expand, not to get out of its own prisons and comfort zones. It fears its own power most of all, and it fears taking responsibility for its own life, in the measure of what the soul wishes to bring in. Once it was hurt or pained, it builds fortresses around itself and its heart, and then some more for the very frightened and hurt inner child, wants to cuddle back into the mother’s womb for protection and not face the world at large. There is no need for that little child anymore. That little child and teenager, has to now step up into the higher vibrational frequency fields, and in truth it cannot go there. It has to disintegrate in order for the true soul self to step through the portals opening up, and into the full expanded soul-core-self, the Higher Soul Self, which knows no limitations. Only the Higher Soul-Self can step into the full power of Co-CREATION, which is what the New Earth will be created from. I see this as expansive consciousness, the conscious awareness of co-creatorship and taking full responsibility for what one creates. One cannot truly love another human being, as long as that fearing inner child is present, for one will always hit out where one is most vulnerable, create fortresses because one fears pain, and separation, one fears that in loving the other, something will have to give way – one fears a dying inside and outside oneself. This has to be released so that one can step into full soul maturity and full soul activation as well as incredible high ranking service work. We cannot allow ourselves to be shrunk by the lower soul self anymore in these next few months and years. We have to step into full maturity and full activation, as well expanded cosmic service. The Old Adam and Eve and all the fear-based personas, the lower self personas, the masks, the pretense, ALL of it, has to go. If we are not willing to let go of this consciousness, parts of ourselves will disintegrate, and if we cannot sustain our physical form because of this, we will have to leave the planet. This is the reality of this time. As the earth ascends in to much higher and more potent frequency bands, our lower selves have to be put through the fires of purification and this is what this time is all about. Purification. Disintegration, so that we can be reassembled into the much higher version of ourselves and into expanded consciousness and BEING. Let those who have inner ears – hear with full activation. Let those who inner eyes – see with full activation. Let those who have knowing – understand with full activation. Let this be written. Let this be done. So it is for all immortal cosmic Sun consciousness. (Judith Kusel) http://www.judithkusel.com
Natalie Glasson ~ Saint Germain ~ Instigating and Observing Transformation Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 28th August 2015 – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa My love and the vibration of transformation which the Creator delivers and anchors through my being is expressed to you now, available for you to receive and embody to support your ascension. I am St Germain, some may call me a Master of Transformation, and yet I am simply observant of the energy of the Creator realising the potential for growth and expansion that is waiting to take place. It is my simple observation and understanding of energy which allows me to instigate and experience transformation of all forms. I invite you to contemplate, do you know your own potential? Do you know how you can transform? Do you understand the outcome if you allowed yourself to transform? These are interesting questions. I also wish to share with you that it is valuable to your spiritual evolution to ask yourself questions such as these as it inspires understanding as well as new aspects of your truth to awaken. However when you ask yourself a question there is no need to expect an answer, this is because the question is a far more powerful instigator and activator of your energy than receiving the answer. When you receive the answer to your question this is only a response grounding into your physical body and awareness from a major shift which has occurred energetically. In truth the answer you receive can in no way describe the response which has taken place energetically. When you ask yourself questions you are encouraging your inner core energy to blossom, expand and become its truth, it is an energetic reaction which occurs within you synthesising you with the Creator. The answer you receive is almost like the description of the energetic reaction which is almost unfulfilling compared to the shift and awakening taken place within your being. It is the same when you invite a guide or your soul to impart wisdom or guidance to you, you may receive wisdom which satisfies you, or maybe you find it challenging to receive guidance or any form of connection. The important thing is that the question has been asked, whether you receive the guidance or inspiration through your mental or emotional body it doesn’t matter because a blossoming of your truth is taking place which is impacting your ascension and connection with the Creator whether you are aware of it or not, you have received all that is appropriate and necessary. Therefore you can have faith that you are always growing, activating and transforming, the key is to encourage yourself to be observant of the beautiful energetic reactions taking place within your being. I invite you to sit peacefully or to simply allow yourself time to commune with your inner most sacred energy. As you are breathing deeply focusing upon the beauty of light, love and consciousness that you are which exists within your being, I invite you to ask these questions only one at a time allowing yourself to take time to feel and observe the energetic response and blossoming taking place within your being. Who am I? What is my key skill or ability in this lifetime? How can I heal myself? What is my potential or purpose? Why am I here on the Earth? You may wish to compose questions which resonate with your soul and current existence. Ask yourself in your mind, ‘Who am I?’ Then take the attention of your mind to your heart chakra and be observant of the energy at this area. Observe any energy, colour, sensation or feeling which rises or swells into your being in response. Even if you are not aware of what is occurring, know and hold faith that beauty is arising from within your being. Do not try to understand, analyse or investigate the energy simply be accepting because the energy awakening from within your being in response to your question is so valuable and sacred. Even if you cannot understand the energy something more important is occurring, you are embodying the energy, it is embedding within your physical being and will become a natural expression. This signifies that when you ask the question, ‘Who am I?’ the answer from your soul is synthesised with your entire being, thus accelerating your ascension dramatically. Imagine then if you were to ask the same question with honesty and love several times a day, each time giving yourself space to experience the energy reaction forming within your being, then you would allow yourself to embody your true self through this simple practice. This is to instigate and observe your own transformation in a very simply way. Sometimes it is easier to observe the transformation of another rather than yourself, this is also valuable as it encourages you to be aware, sensitive and attentive. When you are observing the transformation of yourself or another you are witnessing the energy of the Creator evolve into a greater potential, you are expanding all limitations in order to recognise the Creator with greater truth and awareness. This is an ability to be encouraged because when you allow yourself to observe the greatness of the Creator you allow yourself to move away from living with limiting perspectives. It is truly freeing for your heart and soul when you hold the belief that anything and everything is possible and that each soul is far more expansive and beautiful than their current existence. Transformation is to observe and allow the energy of the Creator to expand into its beauty and perfection. You have this divine right in every moment of your reality, thus realising your greatness and potential on the Earth as a spiritual being of light and an aspect of the Creator. I invite you to call my energy, St Germain, forth to be present with you. Allow yourself to breathe my energy deep into your being sensing my energy, light and consciousness. When you can sense my energy present with you I invite you to ask me a question. Say in your mind, ‘What is your truth?’ then simply allow yourself to be observant of my energy. I, St Germain, will transform before you, I am already my truth and yet my soul will heighten my entire being bringing forth purer aspects of my truth to merge with you. You may feel the transformation of my energy within your own being, this is simply because we are connected and present together in this space. It is also due to the fact that all aspects of the Creator, including you and I are united as one, never separate. Simply allow yourself to practice this free from expectations, as you poise the question your own soul will blossom and expand in response as well. Additionally I invite you to sit before a flower, plant or tree. I invite you to hold the intention of recognising the energy of the flower, plant or tree, then when you feel ready ask in your mind a question such as, ‘What is your truth?’ Allow yourself to simply be aware of the energy, vibration and colour of the flower, plant or tree as it evolves into an expanded greatness. Observe the transformation, even if you simply hold an intention or sense the transformation occurring. It is a wonderful technique to practice as it will encourage your deeper understanding of transformation as well as developing your sensitivity to the subtle shifts occurring within your being and within all aspects of the Creator. It is techniques such as these that I share and encourage within my ashram upon the inner planes and which Lady Portia shares within the Seventh Ray of Light Ashram. If you wish to work closer with myself, St Germain or with Lady Portia focusing upon activating, observing and experiencing transformation of the energy of the Creator then you can call upon us sharing with us your wishes to study with us upon the inner planes. This will mean that during your sleep state your attention and awareness will be transported to either my ashram or Lady Portia’s ashram on the inner planes to continue a focus upon activating, observing and experiencing transformation. We will share with you many teaching which will support the evolution of your soul upon the Earth, your enhanced sensitivity to the energy and presence of the Creator as well as encouraging you to support the ascension of all upon the Earth. You can also call upon myself, St Germain to meditate with you downloading the same teachings concerning transformation so you may receive them with conscious awareness. It is my purpose to ignite abundant transformation and alignment with the Creator, Saint Germain

Suzanne Lie ~ Returning to New Earth--The Arcturians

Suzanne Lie ~ Returning to New Earth--The Arcturians 8-28-15 Returning to New Earth Source The Arcturians Our Dearest Ascending Ones, We are happy that you have been able to maintain the consciousness of unconditional love since you opened your Doorway to New Earth. It is the continuous FEEL of unconditional love that assures our ascending ones that they are “in the process of creating New Earth.” We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a “failure” in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to “habit.” Habit is the primary survival mechanism that you have created in order to survive the extremely challenging time of the close Kali Yuga (the final 2,000 years of the third dimensional reality). These habits were not bad; they were necessary. Therefore, do not judge yourself. Instead, congratulate yourself. Being conscious of old habits is a huge achievement because habits hide in your unconscious and deep subconscious mind. Habits are the “primary survival mechanisms” on which all of your programs of behavior were written. Hence, they are the ones and zeros of your third dimensional thinking. However, as you release your third dimensional thinking, you automatically release the baseline programing that has been the foundation of that thinking. Because you have released your old programing, you do not need to delve deeply into your past to heal it. Now, you can simply love it free with the power of your unconditional self-love, which is the higher-frequency format of your multidimensional thinking. Multidimensional thinking is truly the only way in which you can fully understand your ascension process of creating New Earth. Yes, beloved ones, because you have volunteered to assist Gaia with Her transmutation back to SELF, you have joined in a wonderful experiment that all the multiverse is observing with encouragement and unconditional love. Before the advent of “time” many Souls decided to join together to create the adventure of being a planet. Some of you wanted to experience being the actual body of Gaia, who was destined to enter into the lower frequencies of polarity and separation. Therefore, you became members of the Mineral Kingdom to partner with the fourth dimensional Elementals, the Gnomes. Some of you wanted to be members of the Plant Kingdom, who would work in unity with the Sylph Elementals of the air and the UndineElementals of the water to beautify the body of Gaia. Others wished to be rays of sunlight and joined with the Salamander Elementals. Some of you volunteered to join the Plant or the Animal Kingdom, and some joined the Human Kingdom. For eons, the third and fourth dimensional beings lived in cooperation, harmony and great peace. The Blue Planet, Earth, was one of the most beautiful jewels in this Local Universe. Many developing civilizations visited Gaia to experience Her beauty and peace. However, since these civilizations were still an “adolescent” in development, they were often selfish and took from Gaia without replacing what they had taken. They experimented with Gaia’s Kingdoms, especially the Animal Kingdom, to attempt to create workers for their selfish needs. Wars were fought, and dear Gaia was left on the edge of annihilation more times than She would wish to count. Again and again, Gaia had to call on her fourth dimensional Elemental Kingdom and Her sponsors in the higher dimensions to pull Her from the grasp of destruction. However, being the brave Planetary Being that She is, she repeatedly rebuilt Her body. Fortunately, Gaia also had the assistance of Her higher dimensional supporters. Hence, again and again she returned to Her true beauty and splendor. Now, She is complete with Her experience of being a polarized being of form. Gaia has learned all the lessons that Her third and fourth dimensional expressions of SELF desired to experience, and She is ascending into her fifth dimensional expression of New Earth. We wish to tell you that, ALL of you “waited in line” and “signed petitions” to have the great honor of incarnating on Earth at this “time.” Just as Gaia had no idea how challenging a polarized body could be, many of you who lowered your great multidimensional essence into your current clay vessel, were greatly surprised by how difficult it is to live within the illusion of separation from the ONE. Fortunately, many of you who are incarnated on Gaia during her transition aremembers of Gaia’s first manifestation and have returned to assist Her with Her transmutation into New Earth. Hence, you have met your many challenges with bravery and great dedication to your Mother Earth. Many of you heard Gaia’s call for assistance during the Fall of Atlantis. When you entered a form on Her planet at the time, you volunteered to join the Circle of Death and Rebirth until Gaia’s final victory of ascension. Those of you who made that great sacrifice to lower your multidimensional consciousness into a third dimensional form are NOW incarnated or living within Gaia’s aura to assist with Her great Planetary Ascension. Dear ones, you were Her Priests and Priestesses, Her warriors and Her creators. You suffered many lives of war, poverty and subjugation. Fortunately, you also lived some glorious lives of wisdom, power and love. However, just like Gaia, you are now feeling complete with the experience of polarity and have incarnated one last time to assist your beloved planet Earth to slip into Her fifth dimensional expression. We, the Galactics, many of whom have also held an embodiment on Gaia, assist you from the higher dimensions. We are your supporters, your advisors and we are YOU. Yes, many of us have sent an imprint of our consciousness into a third dimensional form to be in the “front lines” of Planetary Ascension. We are joyous that many of our grounded expressions are awake and communing with us on a regular basis. In fact, more and more of you are communing with us on a continual basis. You see, NOW we are ONE with our grounded expressions—our ascending ones. If any of you feel that you are not connected to your Galactic and Celestial Source, do not be discouraged. Each of you has a “flash point” of returning to your SELF, which was decided before your birth. You may not have come to that flash point yet, or you have not acknowledged it. This lack of acknowledgement of your SELF is likely because you are still in the grips ofhabit. You are not alone. We are with you. In fact, we are YOU! We are here now to assist you in releasing the habit of separation so that you can more easily return to your forgotten habit of being fifth dimensional and living in unity with all life. Listen to the silent voice that caresses your High Heart and perceive the visions of New Earth that flicker into your Opened Third Eye. Polarity is closing, and unity is returning. Time is ending. Hence the separation from your SELF that was created by the Illusion of Time created is ending. You do not need to “do” anything for “doing” is a third dimensional concept, whereas “being” is a multidimensional concept. Hence, all you need “do” is to BE your SELF. As you continually and consciously return to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you will increasingly hear your constant communication with your SELF and perceive the higher frequencies of reality that were closed to your third dimensional perception. It is true that you are creating New Earth, but since time is an illusion, it is also true that you are returning to New Earth. However, while you continue the habit of time-bound thinking, you are bound to third dimensional perceptions. On the other hand, as you continually download and integrate your Multidimensional SELF into your daily life, you will gradually, or swiftly, return to multidimensional thinking. Remember, practice makes perfect. Actually, it is correct to say that the practice of being your SELF will allow you to return to the YOU that has always been perfect. · Therefore, we ask that you close your eyes and take a deep inhale and long, slow exhale to calibrate your perceptions to your innate, Multidimensional SELF. · Continue your deep breathing until you feel your consciousness expand into the higher frequencies. · With your physical eyes closed, open your Third Eye to perceive the higher frequencies of reality that are intermingling with your physical reality. · You will be able to discern between “fifth-dimension-and-beyond” and “fourth-dimension-and-below” by the feeling it in your High Heart. Please do this process now… Please practice this exercise as often as you can. Just take a few moments throughout your busy day to: · Close your eyes, · Breathe deeply to see through your Third Eye · Use your High Heart to discern · Third Dimensional-Earth from New-Earth. Initially, you may need to close your physical eyes to shut out the third dimensional stimuli to see through your Third Eye. The higher frequencies of reality are not bound by the stark edges and bright colors of the physical world. Fifth dimensional colors are an octave up from third/fourth dimensional colors. Therefore, they are filled with more light and often have a silver over-glow. There are no “edges” and sharp boundaries in the fifth dimension and beyond. Objects, persons and places seem to waver, much like a reflection on a still pond. Once you are fully “within that pond”, the wavering motion will decrease and become “normal.” Therefore, if you see wavering, unique colors of unknown form, you most likely perceive New Earth. If you were a blind person for all of your life and suddenly had a surgery that totally restored your vision, you would see the world around you, but you would have no neural connections in your brain to identify that which you could see. In the same manner, you have spent myriad lives on Gaia in which you only returned to the fourth dimension when you died, were asleep, or in deep meditations. Therefore, you have forgotten your neural connections to your Multidimensional Mind. When you restore your fifth dimensional consciousness, you will restore your connection to your Multidimensional Mind. It is through practice and patience that you will restore these connections enough to be able to identify that which you areperceiving. Be patient with yourselves, Beloveds, for you are returning to New Earth, and we, the Galactics and the Celestials, are here to assist you in your remembering. We say “remembering” rather than “learning,” for you are as much a Galactic and a Celestial as those who are assisting you. It is just that you will need practice to remember what you have always known, but have forgotten. Therefore, as you practice the above exercise, relax into the experience and allow yourself the illusion of time to accustom to your Multidimensional SELF. You are just awakening from a very long dream, which you thought was reality. As you practice discerning between “old 3D Earth” and “new Multidimensional Earth,” remember to ALWAYS follow the feeling of unconditional love. That feeling of unconditional love is your High Heart saying, “This is the feel of New Earth." Place your attention on that feeling, for: Where you attention is, there you are also!

The New Earth Times ~ Edition # 26 ~ Saturday, August 29, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015 Edition #26 Subscription FREE or by Donation TODAY'S HEADLINES Exposing the Frequency War Part 1: Your Etheric Body Takes the Hit by Mother God Community Corner "A Lesson Newly Learnt Brings a Sense of Peace and Contentment" Jesus through John Smallman Exposing the Frequency War Part 1: Your Etheric Body Takes the Hit by Mother God Kathryn: Today we're going to open a brand new topic. We will be working under the guidance of Mother God, enlisting our Arcturian Medical Team Leaders, Ashtar and the Galactic Security Teams and Archangel Michael and the Angelic Teams. Together, we will explain the cabal-generated frequencies that are affecting everyone on Earth in ways no one has yet fully understood. We will help you to protect yourselves, and we will begin an ongoing program to teach you how to repair and heal the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual shields that have been damaged by life on Earth. Before we begin, I ask you to build your shining Pillar of Light. Light up the diamond in your brain, your heart and your solar plexus (your will), anchor into the crystal heart of Mother Terra, and extend upward to connect with Mother and Father God. They are pouring their HoneyLove down through your Pillar to nourish, sustain and heal you in every moment. You only need to do your part by envisioning it, taking part in building and enjoying it, along with your Higher Self, your Twin Flame and anyone else of the Company of Heaven you wish to call upon for support and Love. As we tell this story and join with you to design and implement healing strategies which will take us to higher levels of knowledge and understanding, we will be joined in turn by Team Leader, Ashtar, Michael or Mother, depending on the area of expertise we are addressing. All have been working together to present this complex information in the clearest and most helpful way possible. This is how much they love us and want to lift us up, to ride through these last days of the old Matrix with joy and grace. Mother will begin by explaining what our etheric shields are, why they are so important to our protection, and how they have been damaged by Earthly activities. Mother God: Dearest Children, you are now in transition between the old Earth and the New Golden Age. You are building the Rainbow Bridge that connects you to 5th dimensional Earth day by day. Understanding the damage to your own shields will help you see where your own troubles originate, and how healing them will change your experience of life. Please remember as I tell you these things to stay inside your Pillar where you are safe and sound. We are teaching you about these damaging techniques only so that you can defeat them and heal, not to upset or frighten you. If you succumb to anxiety, defeat or awe, you will be turning yourself over, giving power to the crumbling Matrix and its rag-tag former leaders rather than dismantling it. Stay with me in Light and Love and we will walk out of this together. Please refer to this paragraph after every section you read. It will help to remind you - this train is bound for Glory! Here is a picture that will help you understand how your shields were created as part of your original human design. Your natural state is to be completely surrounded and protected by these etheric shields which exist around your body, insulating you within a protective barrier that preserves your integrity as a conscious being - a beloved Child of God. The Physical Shield Your physical shield protects you from outside interference, especially when you are sick or injured. It also provides a direct conduit to your healing teams of Light to access your body and to bring etheric medical interventions, with your permission. This precious shield can be damaged by ongoing, chronic illnesses and by many of the cabal interventions, like toxins in your food, water and air. Most pharmaceutical drugs, like vaccines, psychiatric drugs and antibiotics carry molecules that act like time-bombs to shred and destroy your physical shields. The same is true of the engineered parasites and nano particles that have rained down on you and have been relentlessly sprayed on your food. All these toxic substances are designed to weaken your physical shields, making you more vulnerable to the frequencies that are designed to control you. You have called it "mind control" but it is much more pervasive than just taking over your mind, as you will see. The Emotional Shield Your emotional shield acts like a buffer, to help you heal and restore yourself after a painful emotional blow, a loss of one you love, or a difficult separation. The dark ones who invaded this planet long ago "upped the ante" by introducing betrayal, deceit and cold-blooded emotional manipulation. As the eons passed, they developed diabolical techniques like traumatic sexual abuse that would damage both physical and emotional bodies simultaneously. Torture techniques are designed to tear apart all the etheric bodies, not just the physical body - the more the better, from the dark point of view. They have taken pride in their successes with various forms of torture. (Dick Cheney has given a number of interviews and speeches proudly detailing the effectiveness and good use of various torture tactics. This is an example of the sheer arrogance and smugness of the cabal. They no longer fear exposure, because so many humans have been so damaged as to either agree with or ignore the horrific implications of such revelations.) Damage occurs to the emotional body when you experience a severe emotional attack from another, especially someone you have trusted and loved, or when you submit yourself to a continuing abusive relationship. Indulging in rage, conflict or argument, even when you are right and think you are defending yourself, causes damage to your emotional body. This is the reason so many soldiers have come home suffering from "battle fatigue" or the more recent description, "Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome." They are really suffering from damage to their etheric bodies. You do damage to your own emotional body when you indulge in feelings of superiority or inferiority. Either one is a way of co-opting the position of God to judge yourself and others. It is not your province to judge or to condemn, not even yourself. This is a misunderstanding of who we are and how we see you, thus a violent attack against your own innate emotional shield. The Mental Shield The mental body really encompasses all the others; no one of the etheric bodies is actually separate from the others, any more than a body can exist separate from its brain, but for our purposes here, I will emphasize the elements of the mental body as it pertains to damage and distortion from Earthly experience. Let us emphasize here that your innate etheric bodies are designed to keep you in balance and to help you remain in Light and Truth. Damage to the mental body opens the self to being susceptible to lies, propaganda and robotic manipulation - a relinquishing of one's Free Will. You are all familiar with the uses of television advertising to sell products, but this is not their primary intention. The constant barrage of images of impossibly beautiful bodies and impossibly "successful" people is designed to tear apart the protective mental body. Intact, it would combine spiritual and emotional feelings about God's acceptance and love to forma self-image based in secure self-respect and esteem. Loving encounters on the Earth plane would build an ever more impermeable barrier to any manipulation or lies. Instead, you are under constant attack on every level, to engender feelings of worthlessness, self-doubt, fear and alienation. Organized religions, especially those that promote violence, separation and hatred in the name of God, do damage to your mental body by force-feeding ideas that place a wedge between you person and your intuition, your common sense and your innate respect and love for other beings of Light, including other species. We have never condoned such divisive behavior, nor did we send Jesus or any other prophet to promote these dark ideas. You cause damage to your mental body when you believe a lie. It tears at your fabric, because all of you were originally designed to detect untruth and to turn away from it. Unfortunately, the introduction of what we have called the "Sleeper Cell" which humankind agreed to long ago, compromised your ability to see/feel/know Truth about us, about life, and about each other. It is one of the reasons you have found it so difficult to see the Light in those around you who are here to assist you in this Ascension process, and to distinguish them from the false prophets. A glaring present example of damage to the collective mental shield is the hatred for President Obama, in spite of his obviously gentle kindness and steady Light. He came here to hold off chaos in a world completely controlled by the dark cabal, yet even Lightworkers blame him for not having forged ahead alone to defeat the cabal. Of course, had he followed his heart's desire and done that, he would not have lived to give a single inspiring speech or to guide the behind-the-scenes revolution he has steadfastly nurtured. Together with other undercover Lightworkers, he has brought the U.S. to the moment of releasing the RV, NESARA and all the other revolutionary changes that will fuel the New Golden Age. Only now can we publicly give credit to the beloved Sirian Commander who risked all to hold the Light against the most vicious, ruthless and bloodthirsty opposition ever known on any planet. He has remained under our protection and guidance as he carried out the most difficult challenge of all - to remain balanced, calm and unruffled while under constant attack. He is here to show you what it looks like to be intact. This is the most valuable lesson a leading Lightworker can offer in this time of transition. The Spiritual Shield The spiritual body is, of course, the enveloping energy that forms a conduit to all of us in Higher Dimensions. Coming to Earth behind a Veil of Forgetfulness not only meant that you did not remember former lives or your experience with us, it also meant you did not have conscious awareness of the absolute integrity of our connection to you. The golden thread to your loving Mother and Father God that cannot be broken is inherent in your humanness, whether you realize it or not. We are with you, loving you without end, and your Higher Self and your Twin Flame remain as your conduit to us throughout your life on Earth, no matter what your experiences might be. It matters not if you fell deeply into the dark or whether you carry our Light as your life's work, our connection to you remains inviolate. You who were born with souls made from Mother and Father God carry the three-fold flame of Life, no matter how many lifetimes you have lived or what damage you may have experienced to your spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies. You are our beloved children, and you can heal any and all damage, no matter how severe and painful it might have been, no matter how discouraged or alone you might feel. We invite you to join with us in this new healing adventure, exploring deeply and moving joyfully with us into the New Age. Humankind and all the other conscious beings on Earth will heal along with you as you take this journey with us - a journey that has never been attempted before. You, Beloved Ones, as you heal the traumatic wounds of lifetimes on Earth, are leading the way for all the collective to rise up, throw off the chains of slavery that have bound all of you in ways you have not yet fully understood, and to dance triumphantly across the Rainbow Bridge you have already built by connecting with us. I am delighted to introduce and oversee this exciting series of articles that will offer advanced training to Lightworkers who will carry the Light of the New Golden Age whoever they are, wherever they go. You, Children of My Heart, are truly the hope for beloved Terra. She weeps with joy seeing your willingness and excitement to overcome all that has come before. We will show you the connections between the frequencies bombarding you this week and the previous damage you have endured. Our brilliant team and I will also teach you how to completely restore your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual integrity. Be daring, Dear Ones. As Sananda says, "Leap!" and we will be here to catch you. I am your Mother God, loving you without end. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In our next Edition: Ashtar will explain what the annoying frequencies you are hearing are intended to do to humankind and how they are generated. Team Leader will give pointers on how to become immune to their effects and how to heal from lifelong intrusion into your etheric bodies by dark forces. Coming soon: Kathryn will describe her plunge into the frequencies, as Sananda shielded her, and what she learned. Christine will reveal how she has healed from physical attack and the resultant severe disease by using her spiritual strength to heal her physical body. Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May, New York, August 29, 2015 Community Corner A Lesson Newly Learnt Brings a Sense of Peace and Contentment by Jesus through John Smallman Hello, this is John with Jesus' message for Saturday August 29 th 2015. For a change I am including my whole channeling exchange with Jesus today (Friday August 28 th) just so that you can see (or hear) how it happens. I do take breaks, as the energy gets quite intense at times, and then I return to my computer and we continue from where we broke off. Jesus Blog No.263 for Saturday August 29th;Channeled Friday August 28th 2015 10.50. A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment. Me: Good morning Dear Jesus. Thank you very much for your last message, it is nice to be communing with you once again after the long summer break that I took. I seem to be more at peace, more content, more relaxed than I was earlier in the summer, so I hope I have released most of what was blocking our channel or leaving me unmotivated to be open to you or even positively not wanting to channel your loving and inspiring messages. So, if you are available, can we please start a new one? Jesus: A very good morning to you, John. Yes I am most definitely available to commune with you. I am always available, so never hesitate to call on me as my task, my duty, my loving service is to be available to all who call on me. Relax for just a moment, then we can start. As I keep telling you, keep on hammering into you, all are One! The state of separation from one another that appears to be the human condition is illusory, even though it seems so real to you all. When God created You He gave You everything that He is - infinite unconditional Love and also therefore the absolute freedom, free will, that is one of its innumerable loving aspects - because Love just loves without conditions, eternally setting You free while at the same time maintaining You in a state of Oneness with Itself. Within the illusion, as humans, that seems to be a very paradoxical and confusing idea because the illusion you constructed was intended to allow you to experience separation, and so the sense or state of Oneness had to be hidden, cloaked, or disguised. In freedom you chose to establish an illusory state of limitation, of separation from God and therefore from Yourself! Real separation is not possible because there is only One - God and You eternally engaged in an infinitely loving embrace that can never be broken. It really is that simple. All that you - humanity - have to do is open yourselves to your natural state, the state in which you were created and which you have never left, but which you have chosen to hide from yourselves under a cloak of darkness. As an allegory you can think of the illusion as dark clouds that can obscure the sun. But, the sun is always there, and although the clouds will dissipate, it seems that whether or not you can see the sun depends on fickle weather patterns flowing across the planet and over which you have no control. However, the clouds hiding Reality from you are of your own making, and only you can dissolve them. When you open to Love they dissolve. Most of you have experienced moments of intense love when the radiance of the moment has shone briefly through the clouds of fear that mostly envelop you. But you have considered those moments an aberration, a lucky meeting of minds or bodies when you inadvertently let your guard down and experienced a brief moment of ecstasy. Often, before you have reset your guard, you have been hurt or betrayed by another proving to you that Love invariably leads to pain and suffering. As you mature, or age, that safety barrier becomes ever more firmly established between you and the world outside to protect you from the inevitable attacks and betrayals that you know are just waiting to breach it. And yet, you see others, maybe only a very few, who do not install those barriers to protect themselves from the dangers surrounding them. They enjoy being vulnerable! You dismiss their behavior as insane, especially if you see them apparently under attack or being betrayed. But it still puzzles you because despite these attacks and betrayals they remain at peace. Well the reason for that is that to be vulnerable makes you invulnerable! To be offended is a choice you have to make. Offensive behavior can only offend you if you choose to be offended. And those loving souls who do not hide behind protective psychological barriers with their emotions safely locked away have not only realized this, but have also discovered that to be loving attracts others who are loving into their personal space, adding to their peace and contentment To reiterate, from your perspective to be vulnerable appears to make it very likely that you will be taken advantage of and hurt, but in fact the opposite is the case. Being vulnerable is being openly loving, being absolutely nonthreatening, and while it might appear that that is a very dangerous state to maintain, it in fact draws to you others who are willing and desirous of being loving. To live in such a state dissolves fear and anxiety and allows you to behave in the most appropriate way in every moment because the Holy Spirit is guiding your every thought, word, and action. It is a most relaxed and powerful way to go through life. It will not obliterate pain and suffering but it will ensure that you are not overwhelmed when experiencing them. Life in the illusion is painful, and suffering is unavoidable, but how you respond in each situation is a choice you are always free to make. Often you react out of habit, instead of seeing each moment as independent of previous moments, and so you keep on repeating painful experiences, seeing them as imposed on you by a vicious world or a punishing god, and seeing yourselves as helpless victims in a very unsafe environment. This is never the case. Each one of you is following a life path that you planned prior to incarnating as a human with the loving guidance and assistance of your mentors in the spiritual realms - or, if you prefer, you may see it as guidance from God, the Holy Spirit, or the divine Mother. The life path you are on is not random, everything that occurs during your life has a purpose, either for you directly, or for someone with whom you have a relationship - either long term or only momentary - nothing is accidental. Your task on Earth is to learn each lesson that you placed upon your path as it arises. If you do not, then it will arise again, possibly in a slightly different form, until eventually awareness dawns on you and you do learn it. The lessons can be rather painful in order to catch your attention, but once learnt do not need repeating. A lesson newly learnt brings a sense of peace and contentment, and leads to a greater willingness to accept life as it unfolds because you then realize that indeed everything does have a purpose which is far easier to see when you accept it instead of fighting against it. In the spiritual realms you have guides and mentors watching over you constantly, ready and waiting for you to ask them for assistance which they will then most graciously and willingly provide, but only when you ask. To assist before you asked would be an invasion of your personal energy field, an overriding of your free will, and none in the spiritual realms, not even God Himself, would do that. But as soon as you ask we are there for you, because we love you and we do not want to see you suffering. So, today's message is basically a reiteration of the fact that there is only Love, all else is illusory, and that we in the spiritual realms are watching over you constantly and ready to assist you instantly when you call on us. Therefore Please call on us for assistance with even the smallest or seemingly most insignificant of issues because it is our joy and our duty to serve you in any way that we can. Your loving brother, Jesus. More from John Smallman: HERE. Quote of the Day "As our beloved Sananda has told you... LEAP into our awaiting arms! We are calling to you across the thinning Veil. Hear our whispers and feel our urging. Every bit of contact - whether in a heartfelt conversation, a moment of longing or a daydream of closeness - builds the bridge between us and you and between all of humankind and the Company of Heaven. So plunge, run, jump or fall into our outstretched arms of love. We will catch you and rise with you to the majestic heights you are now bound for." ~ Archangel Michael alongside the Twin Flames of Heaven 8/29/15 Transcribed by Christine, New York, 8/29/15 From the Editor's Desk... ~ ~ ~ ANNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~ Live Radio Show "Channel Panel" Has Resumed! Friends and Family across Earth, We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to begin anew their weekly live radio shows. The shows will sport a new and improved format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven. We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration. Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age! JOIN US! Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM EST Our Latest Show... "Family Time! Sananda, Michael, Ashtar, St. Germain, Mother and Father God!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015 A warm welcome to THE NEW EARTH TIMES, a brand new venture in co-creation. We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven: Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL. We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features. The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity. We share an important Mission: restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory. We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love. Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including: Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more. Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals. I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you. Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation. We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding. We speak and laugh together all throughout every day. Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done. Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly. It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph! I have often said that all communication is for Union. This is our wish and the inevitability we share. Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth: the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age. I am your brother, Archangel Michael Namaste All. Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015 Photo Credit: Griffith Observatory © Kathryn E. May, PsyD. Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org. Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe. ...Links... Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!): DONATE Website: whoneedslight.org Featured Radio Show: AA Michael's Etheric Retreat, with Sananda/Jesus: Becoming Your Higher Self Sleeper Cell Removal: Part 3 - Dark Cell Removal & The Pillar Portal of Peace with AA Michael Please enjoy our YouTube channel. WHO NEEDS LIGHT? Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May, endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension." It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix. Who Needs Light is a Mission. It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age. Who Needs Light? We all do! We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy. In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family. Order Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy. The author will match all donations.

Heavenletter #5393

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven. HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken: * Our connection to God * * Our belief in ourselves * * Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God * * Peace on Earth * God is always bringing us closer to Him. Heavenletter #5393 In the Land of Time and Space, August 30, 2015 God said: Whatever is going on in your life is going on within you, and this too shall pass. Consider life like terrain you pass by. Here are smooth rolling hills coming up. Here are rocks and tundra. Here are beautiful waters. Here are mud-holes. Whatever you may be passing by, you are still you, and you are still My beloved. You are not the scenery you pass by. The scenery is the scenery. You are the passerby. You will get past the scenery. You do get past it. The scenery is a movie reel. You are not the movie reel. Just don’t take passing things too seriously which is the same as taking yourself too seriously! So you get wet. So a little mud splashes on you. So you expect too much or not enough. Regardless, you do not make yourself a victim of what you happen to be passing by. The sun does shine on you. I am in Heaven, and I do not pull switch and bait with you. I love and draw you to Me. What matter the crowds? What matter the rapscallions? What matter the considerate or the inconsiderate? What matter your moods except that they are yours to choose or not? Forget moods. Go on your merry way. You are not stuck unless you say you are. What matters this incident or that one? What matters others’ wisdom or their ignorance? What is the importance of your moods except that you may pile them up and carry them around? They are cantankerous, your moods. Let go of them. They are not here to stay. They will mosey along soon enough. They are not so important to you. You do not have to keep them. Just as Cupid shoots darts of love at you, you also get hit with brambles. Who is it who shoots thorns at you doesn’t matter that much. When you walk through rose bushes, it is not startling news that thorns may scratch you. They do not kill your body nor do they tarnish your soul. They are pin-pricks, no more. They are part of life. Life seems to have archers who shoot darts at you. Do not take the darts to heart. Some people let you down. Every time you are surprised. Do not expect plaudits, and you won’t be surprised, nor will you feel discounted, beloveds. Listen and respect yourself. See clearly before you. Don’t let little difficulties grow big. You exist. Perhaps you will do well to announce yourself. You are not shabby, nor are you in shambles. If that you are a Child of God does not seem to be evident to others, stand tall. Your Greatness is looming. You are growing taller. It is not for you to carry this humbleness too far. No one is to be overlooked or discounted, yet this also happens in the world. You are responsible for how you are treated. Even if you are surrounded by nonsense, it is you who responds to nonsense or does not. Therefore, you are responsible. You are a mighty soul. That does not mean you have to be a mighty warrior or offense-holder. When people are careless, it is their carelessness. Beloveds, you do not have to depend upon others so much, not even for common courtesy. How others accord respect to you or disrespect to you is not to be skin off your nose. At the same time, you are not to be debased for others’ lack of consideration. It is their lack, not yours, and, so, you rise above. It is good advice always to move right along. Neither repentance nor forgiveness is the issue. Moving on is the issue. Whether you are hopping from one rough stepping-stone to another across a stream or you are hopping from one beautiful lotus to another across a stream, the advice to you is the same. Keep going. Keep going. Neither look back with pain nor look back with joy. You cannot look back and look ahead at the same time in the Land of Time and Space. So look forward. The sun always comes out. Exit dark chambers. Flow on, neutral one, flow on. Add Comment || Printer friendly version Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/in-the-land-of-time-and-space.html

sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015

Message to Lightworkers

A Message to Lightworkers – August 28, 2015 The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective: Greetings, friends! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you today. In this empowering month of August, you have seen many changes, and they are not over yet. They are building in their intensity so that the changes in energetic climate that will occur in September will not come as such as a shock to your systems. One might say, that all of the energy shifts and activations occurring in human bodies and consciousness now, come in preparation for the next step up—the next step toward creating your Light bodies, toward building the New Earth, toward embracing your freedom and sovereignty as independent beings and intergalactic citizens. You may have noticed a change in your thoughts and feelings lately. Old issues that had seemed solved or resolved have suddenly surfaced, requiring a whole new level of attention. It is no longer sufficient to say, “I have dealt with that issue—I am no longer angry at that person,” or “I am all right with that situation—I can’t expect it to get much better.” For there is now a whole new energy of expectation happening in and around you. You are having to look at old issues and realize that a deeper healing is required, one that stretches back to the events of past lives, as well as this one. You are in fact settling the karma or old third dimensional density that is yours to solve in this life, and that must be settled before you can make the move to fifth dimensional living. 5-08-13-single-strike We will address far more of this in our next Ascension Manual book, which will be out later this year. But for now, let us say that the Light upon the planet has reached a level that proves that nothing and no one can hide from it. Certainly, you have lived under great deceptions for many centuries. Workers have been paid and treated poorly in most parts of the world. Animals have suffered ill treatment, as have many vulnerable persons who were either not powerful enough to ensure their own protection, or not protected by others. Those termed “vulnerable persons” are in fact the majority of the human race. They are women, elderly, children, adolescents, and LGBTQ. They are workers, slaves, trafficked persons, addicts, and illiterates. They are immigrants, members of numerous religions, indigenous persons, nonwhites, and those living with disabilities. The insistence that all persons be treated with dignity and respect began to gather momentum in the nineteenth century, when it was still a new idea for most, building to a crescendo in the twentieth century, into your current century. You have been asked to accept these inequalities for thousands of years, as if they were normal and needn’t be righted. Great teachers such as Yeshua and Gautama Buddha appeared upon the Earth to teach the opposite—that we are here to care for and respect one another, and ourselves, and that no one should be trampled on the way to creating or sustaining someone’s empire, or someone’s survival. For many, this is still a new idea. 11800168_972516912809739_2476888755199756443_n The notion that some persons do not deserve to live in the United States, whether or not they were originally born in that country, is being touted by one presidential hopeful, and many are unthinkingly agreeing, though more with his angry, demanding tone than with the idea itself. You will see now, that there is a separation in thought and behavior amongst Earth’s peoples. Some groups and individuals will, in the unprecedented power and Light of these current energies, demand that nothing on the Earth change, and that the current system snap shut tightly to ensure that what little empire remains under the dark ones’ control stay exactly as it is. Other groups and individuals will see that everything is now up for renewal, for transformation, for transmutation, and for healing. They will openly admit in conversations and inner realizations where they have not loved, not allowed another their path, and not been their true and genuine selves. In the midst of this astounding Light, they will come to see what must change before they go on, and they will seek to make those changes. And will these changes occur because they are grounded in the old paradigm of shame and self-criticism, of feeling small and helpless before a great and angry god? No, for those walking in this higher Light understand that they are themselves Creators. Millions are now seeing that they have within them the entire expanse of the Universe, with its endless possibilities and infinite dreams of joy and renewal. This is Ascension—the change of heart that puts the heart in charge, and seeks to purify that heart with Love, self-Love, openness, acceptance, and desire for growth. We are aware that your media is still on the path of speaking mainly or only of the negative, charting these rough seas and high winds as if they were foretelling disaster, and yet we tell you, it is not disaster that you are creating now. 11752624_974402099287887_3719064423887851216_n We would say, for those of you who are becoming Light Itself, that it is time to clean house now, and to allow yourselves to feel what you must in order to allow the renewal and rebirth that is occurring Much of that will involve facing the old pain—the old shock of what has occurred in this and other Earth lives you have lived. Allow your anger, and allow your tears, and love both into a place of acceptance for all that has transpired in your families, your communities, your classes, your races, your countries, and belief systems. Understand that as Earth moves to Her rightful place in the Universe, nothing is to be hidden now. And so there is both a celebration and a realization that September’s energies are the energies of the New Earth. As citizens of that New Earth, you are the ones to not only celebrate its coming, as if you were being gifted with it or led to it, but to consciously create it. And so, in this New Earth, will there be joy, good will, and acceptance of all? Will there be fairness, equality, respectful treatment of all, provision of the essentials of life for all? Or will you delay its creation, spending more time in division, in deciding who “deserves” acceptance, abundance, equality, respect? You would not be here at this time if you had not already decided the path you wish to take. And yet we would ask that you look within, and find those quiet and not so quiet parts of your own heart and psyche that are desperate for your Love and acceptance, and decide now that you will offer those gifts, in very great abundance. 11403018_970235966371167_6001386259140912342_n For in this New Earth you are fast creating, there is only honesty and clarity, and all things reverting to the right thing—to their highest form. And so again we welcome you! We celebrate with you all that you are creating, and we say, “Walk your path, friends and fellow Light warriors! You came here to learn to Love, and now the way is made clear. And so, begin. The abundance you seek, the freedoms and equality you seek are finally here, because you have required them. And you are paving that path with the same Love you have sought for yourself and your children.” For it is so, that Love is all there is. And all of you, as Creators, have made it thus. Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you.

Returning to New Earth--The Arcturians

FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2015 Returning to New Earth--The Arcturians 8-28-15 Returning to New Earth The Arcturians Our Dearest Ascending Ones, We are happy that you have been able to maintain the consciousness of unconditional love since you opened your Doorway to New Earth. It is the continuous FEEL of unconditional love that assures our ascending ones that they are “in the process of creating New Earth.” We know that you all will experience some moments of fear-based third dimensional thinking, but we want you to realize that those moments are not a “failure” in any way. Instead, they are moments when you have temporarily returned to “habit.” Habit is the primary survival mechanism that you have created in order to survive the extremely challenging time of the close Kali Yuga (the final 2,000 years of the third dimensional reality). These habits were not bad; they were necessary. Therefore, do not judge yourself. Instead, congratulate yourself. Being consciousness of old habits is a huge achievement because habits hide in your unconscious and deep subconscious mind. Habits are the “primary survival mechanisms” on which all of your programs of behavior were written. Hence, they are the ones and zeros of your third dimensional thinking. However, as you release your third dimensional thinking, you automatically release the baseline programing that has been the foundation of that thinking. Because you have released your old programing, you do not need to delve deeply into your past to heal it. Now, you can simply love it free with the power of your unconditional self-love, which is the higher-frequency format of your multidimensional thinking. Multidimensional thinking is truly the only way in which you can fully understand your ascension process of creating New Earth. Yes, beloved ones, because you have volunteered to assist Gaia with Her transmutation back to SELF, you have joined in a wonderful experiment that all the multiverse is observing with encouragement and unconditional love. Before the advent of “time” many Souls decided to join together to create the adventure of being a planet. Some of you wanted to experience being the actual body of Gaia, who was destined to enter into the lower frequencies of polarity and separation. Therefore, you became members of the Mineral Kingdom to partner with the fourth dimensional Elementals, the Gnomes. Some of you wanted to be members of the Plant Kingdom, who would work in unity with the Sylph Elementals of the air and the Undine Elementals of the water to beautify the body of Gaia. Others wished to be rays of sunlight and joined with the Salamander Elementals. Some of you volunteered to join the Plant or the Animal Kingdom, and some joined the Human Kingdom. For eons, the third and fourth dimensional beings lived in cooperation, harmony and great peace. The Blue Planet, Earth, was one of the most beautiful jewels in this Local Universe. Many developing civilizations visited Gaia to experience Her beauty and peace. However, since these civilizations were still an “adolescent” in development, they were often selfish and took from Gaia without replacing what they had taken. They experimented with Gaia’s Kingdoms, especially the Animal Kingdom, to attempt to create workers for their selfish needs. Wars were fought and dear Gaia was left on the edge of annihilation more times than She would wish to count. Again and again, Gaia had to call on her fourth dimensional Elemental Kingdom and Her sponsors in the higher dimensions to pull Her from the grasp of destruction. However, being the brave Planetary Being that She is, she repeatedly rebuilt Her body. Fortunately, Gaia also had the assistance of Her higher dimensional supporters. Hence, again and again she returned to Her true beauty and splendor. Now, She is complete with Her experience of being a polarized being of form. Gaia has learned all the lessons that Her third and fourth dimensional expressions of SELF desired to experience, and She is ascending into her fifth dimensional expression of New Earth. We wish to tell you that, ALL of you “waited in line” and “signed petitions” to have the great honor of incarnating on Earth at this “time.” Just as Gaia had no idea how challenging a polarized body could be, many of you who lowered your great multidimensional essence into your current clay vessel, were greatly surprised by how difficult it is to live within the illusion of separation from the ONE. Fortunately, many of you who are incarnated on Gaia during her transition are members of Gaia’s first manifestation and have returned to assist Her with Her transmutation into New Earth. Hence, you have met your many challenges with bravery and great dedication to your Mother Earth. Many of you heard Gaia’s call for assistance during the Fall of Atlantis. When you entered a form on Her planet at the time, you volunteered to join the Circle of Death and Rebirth until Gaia’s final victory of ascension. Those of you who made that great sacrifice to lower your multidimensional consciousness into a third dimensional form are NOW incarnated or living within Gaia’s aura to assist with Her great Planetary Ascension. Dear ones, you were Her Priests and Priestesses, Her warriors and Her creators. You suffered many lives of war, poverty and subjugation. Fortunately, you also lived some glorious lives of wisdom, power and love. However, just like Gaia, you are now feeling complete with the experience of polarity and have incarnated one last time to assist your beloved planet Earth to slip into Her fifth dimensional expression. We, the Galactics, many of whom have also held an embodiment on Gaia, assist you from the higher dimensions. We are your supporters, your advisors and we are YOU. Yes, many of us have sent an imprint of our consciousness into a third dimensional form to be in the “front lines” of Planetary Ascension. We are joyous that many of our grounded expressions are awake and communing with us on a regular basis. In fact, more and more of you are communing with us on a continual basis. You see, NOW we are ONE with our grounded expressions—our ascending ones. If any of you feel that you are not connected to your Galactic and Celestial Source, do not be discouraged. Each of you has a “flash point” of returning to your SELF, which was decided before your birth. You may not have come to that flash point yet, or you have not acknowledged it. This lack of acknowledgement of your SELF is likely because you are still in the grips of habit. You are not alone. We are with you. In fact, we are YOU! We are here now to assist you in releasing the habit of separation so that you can more easily return to your forgotten habit of being fifth dimensional and living in unity with all life. Listen to the silent voice that caresses your High Heart and perceive the visions of New Earth that flicker into your Opened Third Eye. Polarity is closing and unity is returning. Time is ending. Hence the separation from your SELF that was created by the Illusion of Time created is ending. You do not need to “do” anything for “doing” is a third dimensional concept, whereas “being” is a multidimensional concept. Hence, all you need “do” is to BE your SELF. As you continually and consciously return to your true, Multidimensional SELF, you will increasingly hear your constant communication with your SELF and perceive the higher frequencies of reality that were closed to your third dimensional perception. It is true that you are creating New Earth, but since time is an illusion, it is also true that you are returning to New Earth. However, while you continue the habit of time-bound thinking, you are bound to third dimensional perceptions. On the other hand, as you continually download and integrate your Multidimensional SELF into your daily life, you will gradually, or swiftly, return to multidimensional thinking. Remember, practice makes perfect. Actually, it is correct to say that the practice of being your SELF will allow you to return to the YOU that has always been perfect. · Therefore, we ask that you close your eyes and take a deep inhale and long, slow exhale to calibrate your perceptions to your innate, Multidimensional SELF. · Continue your deep breathing until you feel your consciousness expand into the higher frequencies. · With your physical eyes closed, open your Third Eye to perceive the higher frequencies of reality that are intermingling with your physical reality. · You will be able to discern between “fifth-dimension-and-beyond” and “fourth-dimension-and-below” by the feeling it in your High Heart. Please do this process now… Please practice this exercise as often as you can. Just take a few moments throughout your busy day to: · Close your eyes, · Breathe deeply to see through your Third Eye · Use your High Heart to discern · Third Dimensional-Earth from New-Earth. Initially, you may need to close your physical eyes to shut out the third dimensional stimuli to see through your Third Eye. The higher frequencies of reality are not bound by the stark edges and bright colors of the physical world. Fifth dimensional colors are an octave up from third/fourth dimensional colors. Therefore, they are filled with more light and often have a silver over-glow. There are no “edges” and sharp boundaries in the fifth dimension and beyond. Objects, persons and places seem to waver, much like a reflection on a still pond. Once you are fully “within that pond” the wavering motion will decrease and become “normal.” Therefore, if you see wavering, unique colors of unknown form, you most likely perceive New Earth. If you were a blind person for all of your life and suddenly had a surgery that totally restored your vision, you would see the world around you, but you would have no neural connections in your brain to identify that which you could see. In the same manner, you have spent myriad lives on Gaia in which you only returned to the fourth dimension when you died, were asleep, or in deep meditations. Therefore, you have forgotten your neural connections to your Multidimensional Mind. When you restore your fifth dimensional consciousness, you will restore your connection to your Multidimensional Mind. It is through practice and patience that you will restore these connections enough to be able to identify that which you are perceiving. Be patient with yourselves, Beloveds, for you are returning to New Earth, and we, the Galactics and the Celestials, are here to assist you in your remembering. We say “remembering” rather than “learning,” for you are as much a Galactic and a Celestial as those who are assisting you. It is just that you will need practice to remember what you have always known, but have forgotten. Therefore, as you practice the above exercise, relax into the experience and allow yourself the illusion of time to accustom to your Multidimensional SELF. You are just awakening from a very long dream, which you thought was reality. As you practice discerning between “old 3D Earth” and “new Multidimensional Earth,” remember to ALWAYS follow the feeling of unconditional love. That feeling of unconditional love is your High Heart saying, “This is the feel of New Earth. Place your attention on that feeling, for: Where you attention is, there you are also!

Message from Heaven _ Saul

« Hearts were made to be filled with Love. You are the collective, and the collective has decided to awaken from the nightmare. 08/28/2015 by John Smallman Audio Player 00:0000:00Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Saul audio Blog for Friday August 28th Here in the spiritual realms we have been observing with great joy the amazing progress humanity has been making recently towards awakening from the illusion. Yes, you truly are making wonderful progress. Vast numbers are now holding the intent to be loving in every moment and to release all aspects of themselves that are not in harmony or in alignment with Love. Doing that is enormously powerful, and it is having a tremendous affect all across the world. If you could see what you light holders and light workers are achieving you would be absolutely amazed. Keep on doing what you are doing because it is an essential part of the awakening process, and also because it is so very effective. You are greatly honored for the great work you are doing. Most of you do not experience much of anything in the way of positive feedback for your efforts, but I assure you that what you are doing is changing the world! You are the collective, and the collective has decided to awaken from the nightmare, the illusion, and that awakening is happening right now, in this eternal now moment. For an enormous number of you this is being made apparent by the fact that your shadow side, the part of you in which you hide or deny aspects of yourselves that you judge bad, shameful, evil, or just generally unacceptable, are, as it were, blasting themselves into your awareness causing you shock and dismay! This “stuff” has to be acknowledged because it is part of who you are as humans, and for you to awaken every aspect of yourselves has to be accepted and lovingly integrated. When you do this all that is not in alignment with Love will just fall away because it is unreal. Nevertheless, you do ask yourselves, often quite fearfully, “if I am continually making and holding the intent to be loving in every situation, and if I am meditating, praying regularly, and visiting my holy inner sanctuary daily, how can I be having these terrible and often murderous thoughts? How can I possibly have such horrific thoughts and ideas? Only mad men and brutal dictators think like this.” Well, as you have so often been told, God created One Son. Then one day God’s Son thought, momentarily, that He would separate Himself from His Father and prove to Himself that He had no need of God. Most of you are well aware of teenage rebellion, well that is how the illusion started! These murderous thoughts are just “out there,” they are not yours. You all have the ability to “receive” them, BUT there is no need to act on them, and the vast majority of humans have no desire or intent to do so. However, because every human race and culture has rules of behavior, has “no go” areas within themselves where they refuse to look, where they are in denial, there is a lot of buried “treasure!” That is thoughts and ideas that are a direct result of choosing to separate from God, from your heavenly Source, that are in absolute opposition to or denial of your true nature, Love. In choosing to separate Yourself from God You had to choose a state that was completely opposite to Love, and it is from that idea that these thoughts arose. It is “treasure” in the sense that when you acknowledge and release it all you will be free, for there is NO opposite to Love, there is only Love! To be separated from God, as it seemed that you were, was a terrifying concept, a horrifying reality. You saw yourselves as unacceptable, unworthy of God’s Love, because you had separated yourselves from Him, and so, out of fear, you developed the ability to hide and deny aspects of yourselves for which you believed God would punish you severely – condemning you to hell where you would burn forever in excruciating pain. But hell is part of the illusion. There is no such place or environment. As you have so often been most lovingly informed, there is only God, Heaven, Reality, Love. And it is here that you have your eternal existence in every moment, without break, interruption, or even in a temporary state of quarantine. As all in the spiritual realms keep telling you through channeled messages, and as the mystics and masters who have spent time on Earth in all races, religions, and cultures have also told you through the eons, the only Reality is Love. But, because of the fear that the illusion instills and encourages, especially when you believe that you are only bodies with a very short life span, the reasonable and logical result of that belief is that you must defend yourselves from the death that appears to be waiting most enthusiastically to strike you down permanently at the first opportunity. Then the small joys and pleasures that you may have briefly enjoyed as humans will be lost as you cease to exist, and you most definitely do not want to cease to exist. Deep in your hearts the knowledge of eternal life and all that it entails – God’s eternal and infinite Love for each one of you – lies hidden, but it still influences your beliefs and thought patterns so that the concept of non-existence, loss of His infinite Love, is fearful. And you will never cease to exist! God created you in Love for all eternity to enjoy endless life with Him, and nothing can change that, ever. Death is but the laying down of the vehicle that enables you to experience life within the illusion as a human, but in truth it is unreal, despite the intense sense of reality with which it presents you, especially when your bodies are in pain or are suffering. Within the illusion, fear is a strong motivator of highly irrational and dangerous behavior as fearful humans attempt to secure for themselves, their families, their loved ones, their tribes, and their nations a safe environment in which to live their human lives. Most believe that with luck and with the help of modern science that war, pestilence, disease, and death, can be eradicated, often by exterminating those whom they believe are a constant threat to their existence, their imagined enemies. How can you possibly have enemies when all are One? Spelt out clearly like that it is quite obvious that that concept is insane, and modern spiritual psychology would agree. However, your fears are so intense that while you might agree that the way humans often interact is insane, most of humanity is unable or unwilling to rise above their intense sense of fear and embrace the ultimate and only solution – LOVE! To do so appears at best unwise, and at worst, totally irrational, which is why it seems utterly impossible that a consistent state of world peace can be achieved. Each of you light holders and light workers, by intending to be loving in every moment, are focusing and integrating the Tsunami of Love that surrounds you into a personal energy field of great strength that extends way beyond your human bodies and interacts lovingly with the energy fields of every sentient being on Earth. You are helping to awaken the Love latent within all humans without exception, very often unseen and unacknowledged, and it is Love that is leading them forwards towards their own inevitable awakening, and from there you will move into a state of worldwide peace and harmony as all cooperate as one for the good of all, and poverty and disease are eradicated, permanently. With so very much love, Saul.