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sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015

Message from St. Germain

Méline Portia Lafont ~ Reminder and Reflection of the moment from Saint Germain: what is freedom?

Thank you to Karl for this picture.
What is freedom?
It is being without a shadow of thought, perceptions, visions, control, ideas, values, time, self image, actions… for these issues all limit the you from all freedom there is. Even in the slightest parts of you; freedom is you without all of that what is mentioned afore.
Truly, when you think about it and are trying to conceive what freedom is, to express freedom, it is already not freedom but limitation through a perception of the mind and what you think it is. Even putting into words of what freedom is, is everything but freedom for it is a limited form. An “inboxed” value you put onto it or try to conceive it as.
Give yourself the true value of freedom by experiencing it and this can only be done by being it ~ by being. There is no use to fight for freedom when it is only yourself you are fighting for. You fight the wrong battles and there is no true win of freedom, only the sense of it. But this sense is false for it does not make you free by conquering your standpoint or winning a battle. Even when being entrapped, you can be free as no bars nor borders can take away the freedom that you are. You can easily free yourself by being you ~ which is freedom. Nothing or no one can take yourself away from you. It is only when allowing so or by giving yourself away that you can experience the entrapment: giving your power away, giving your freedom away and thus giving yourself away.
One needs to remember that what you yearn for as freedom, is rather a sense of yourself you are yearning for. This is a yearning for yourself as this infinite consciousness has no limitations and exists as all at once.
Remember that you are freedom into extension, all walking by the will of freedom.
I AM that I AM
Saint Germain

Heaven Letters

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #5209 Know Yourself as Happiness, February 28, 2015
God said:
You may love solitude because, with just you and Me, you have a break. With Me, you don’t have to talk. When you and I talk together, you know what you mean to say and become clearer. We just are. We speak in Oneness. You may love just to be, just to be One with Me, which is to say, One with your Self. It is simplicity itself, Our being together and out of the parade that passes by that you don’t always want to march in. With Me, you are in My Light, yet you are, so to speak, away from the betting tables.
There are some of My children who love the stimulus of the world, and they love to roam in it. They drink in every flavor of life in the world, and they excel in it all. They may be riotous in it. And, of course, there are many betwixts and betweens.
I say to enjoy all directions. Enjoy being quiet when you love quiet. Enjoy being the life of the party when you enjoy being the life of the party. You know what? Simply enjoy, and don’t bother yourself with self-itemization. Just be what you are at the moment you are. Let go of before and after. Enjoy the moments with Me, and enter into all the other moments when you think of Me and when you don’t, and enjoy them as well. Enjoy the plateaus and enjoy the wild rides. Enjoy whatever you enjoy, and be glad.
Enjoy being good to one another. Everyone knows what this means. Hearten one another with the life of your spirit. Be happy, and the world is a happy place.
There is no need to search for happiness, for happiness is here, right here, right now. It is said that happiness is where you find it. Beloveds, happiness is where you are. Be happy where you are. Happiness is called for. Be good at it. And, yet, happiness is not something you do.
Often, when you think about happiness, happiness gets lost. With effort, happiness loses its place in the Universe and doesn’t find itself. Happiness does not have to be pursued. Happiness links itself with Being without examination of your state of happiness.
There can be a focus you seek that when you find it evokes Eureka! There is more to happiness than something eventful and new, yet every moment of happiness is new, for happiness itself is ever new.
The more you insist on happiness may be the more that happiness escapes you. Happiness just doesn’t want to be the star of the show. Happiness just wants to be present and not stared at. Happiness just doesn’t require medals pinned on it. When happiness is self-conscious, it is uncomfortable, as if happiness were a commodity. Happiness is more of a quality of Being left alone to find its own way. Happiness can be elusive when it is chased.
Happiness isn’t an action. It is a State of Being. You might bite into a juicy apple and call that happiness. Appreciation accompanies happiness. Come to think of it, appreciation is good at happiness. Gladness is happiness. Happiness doesn’t have to be a great moment in your life. It doesn’t have to be a milestone. Happiness comes along in life, in being alive, in appreciation of your partaking in life, yes, this life on Earth.
Happiness is not meant to be separate from life. It goes hand in hand with life. Happiness, small or large, is a flavor you endow to life as you live it. Fast or slow, happiness is something you bestow upon life. It is you yourself who ennoble your life with happiness. You bestow happiness. Bestow it generously. Happiness will follow you. Welcome it. May happiness be your silent partner and go everywhere with you, something like your name. Know your very self as Happiness.

Father/Source: On Earth As It Is In Heaven

In the coming messages and radio shows, we will be walking everyone through the process from Creation to the present, in a general way, having to do especially with the creation and evolution of souls.  Each message will build on the ones before, so I encourage you to follow along with us.  Every broadcast will be on Wednesday evening at 8 EST, and all will be archived onwww.BlogTalkRadio.com/ChannelPanel.  All the written messages will be sent out by email, and you can sign up for them at www.whoneedslight.org.
The following excerpt is a short message I gave to Kathryn before the radio show to begin our Program of Soul Studies last Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015.  I began with this part of the story so that you would have a bit of an explanation of how I learned about Creation.  I continued the story on the radio, but I will give you the first part here for those who may not yet have listened.  I hope you enjoy it.  It is my story.
‘Every soul in the Multiverse – every conscious being – is engaged in the process of creation and ascension to higher vibrational levels.  It is true that the descent from higher dimensions into the human body in 3D was not really a descent of the soul, which had to then climb out of it.  Not at all.  Anyone – Masters, angels, even I could send soul incarnations to live a lifetime on Planet Earth.  This does not mean we “fell”.  It means we decided to recalibrate downward to lower vibrational levels in order to experience the dense environment of Earth.
Let me tell you something about myself.  I am your Creator, after all, so you deserve to know who I am.  I will tell you what I do, how things began, how I learned to create, and how I created the Universes and you, my children.
The Universal Laws were already in place when I awakened.  I discovered them fairly soon, by trial and error.  I was like a child awakening on an endless beach, but there was no sand, no ocean, no fish, etc.
I did not so much see anything then, but I felt energies, knew there was potential of some kind all around me.  I sensed a guiding warmth and Love, (although I had no name for it) and thoughts came to me about what I might be able to do to make something of what I sensed.  You see, I always felt I was not alone, but never knew how I came to be.  I can only imagine that there is a Creator much larger and more powerful than I who initiated this whole magnificent project.
I am the Creator of all you see in your Universe, and 7 other inhabited universes.  These that I created are the only ones I know of, although perhaps somewhere across the veil that surrounds me and my Creations there may be other life, other Universes.
From the beginning, I felt but was not really aware of having a second consciousness – a sort of companion who was so much a part of me that I did not notice any separation, but enjoyed the feeling of adventure in my actions and thoughts and found it was shared simultaneously by what felt like my other half.  With dawning awareness, I began to purposely move in such a way as to create bright colors, and I discovered She delighted in this game, and would create complimentary colors and movements. You might compare our beginnings to the way twins in the womb discover each other and learn to accept and enjoy companionship as if they were one.
Swimming in the energies like a fish in water, we began to practice rudimentary movements, thoughts and feelings.  I saw that when I moved, the space around me stirred with something you call colors.  They were magnificent waves, floating outward from me in the most delightful way.  I felt that I was a part of the energies around me, but that I had some kind of ability to DO things.  Little by little, I discovered my intelligence, my feelings, and my awe for all I felt and “saw” happening around me, caused by me but not originated by me.
I learned gradually to use the energies around me to gather it into groupings and patterns.  I found that I could move and organize the energies by imagining what I wished to create.  It was a wondrous process I can hardly begin to explain, except to compare it to the way a child looks at a sunbeam or a bird, or an animal.  And all the while, I shared my wonder with my twin, and we began to feel a strong and joyful feeling toward each other.  We were as aware of our natural affinity as an infant is of its toes and fingers.  It grew as we grew, into a powerful and all-encompassing feeling of Love for one another, as natural as breathing and as precious as life itself.
We played together, experimenting with the patterns and qualities of the realities around us, which appeared to us as pure energy, pure potential.  It was without form but suggested by its very power that we could do something wonderful if only we could learn how to use it.  One day as I created a whirlwind of light with a spinning motion I was practicing, it suddenly congealed into a tiny but glorious lightshow of the sort you now call a nebula.  In her delight, my twin created a beautiful sound – and my heart filed with such pleasure I felt I would burst.  It was a sound, something we had not experienced before, but would delight in every after.  It so warmed my heart, and it brought such a stunning awareness to me that everafter, I thought of this One I felt such love for as Laughter.’
Now I will continue to talk a bit about my Beloved Twin, whose presence has been mostly unknown to humankind until now.  Since all in the Universe is built on the principle of Unity, and you, human beings, have been told often that you are made in the image of your Creator, it is logical, is it not, that your Creators are both mother and father?  All beings – animals and even plants recreate themselves by some process resembling intimate pairings, energy exchanges representing a kind of sexual interaction.  Does it not seem only reasonable that your Creator is not a single male figure, but a pair?
Now, let us clear up a simple but presently troublesome question on surface Earth.  What about homosexual couples?  Well, Dear Ones, is it not obvious that sexuality is not simply anatomical?  The categories of male and female are not exclusive in any being.  Each human carries within them the essences of both.  It is only during the process of development in the womb that the proclivity to identify oneself as either male or female is established.  In recent generations, we have asked many of our Masters to come to Earth in what you call “gay” suits in order to teach this profound lesson.
So, there you are.  This is our first lesson in the sexuality of soul expression.   Now, another explanation is in order here.  You have come to know the one called Father God through the messages given to Kathryn in “When God Pinched My Toe.”  I hope it is not too confusing to you, but I will explain.  I asked Sanat Kumara and Sananda to pave the way for me by talking with you in a very direct and companionable way.  Sanat and Lady Venus worked very hard as my surrogates to introduce you to us, and to let you know how involved we are in your lives.  They did a wonderful job of portraying Mother and Father God, did they not?  While I concentrated on creating new Universes for all, they carefully educated you in what was to come.
Now you will have another part of the story, and that is that their important message is indeed true: You are God, I am God, We are all Gods, and we are One.  You are now familiar with many of the Company of Heaven, through these messages and others, and you will soon know much more.  You will learn that many of those you have thought of as Gods above you are in fact your twin counterparts, your family of brothers and sisters, and your Galactic friends, all in one.  You have wonderful adventures in store.
Now, let us continue with my favorite subject, Mother Source, or as you may now wish to call her, Mother God.  As I mentioned on the radio show, we spent countless years learning, experimenting, creating carefully with our Love, leading up to what you are experiencing on Earth, in this moment of Earth time.  Every creation along the way was a result of combining our mind, heart and spirit in the process of Creation.
I tend to focus my attention outward and onward, and every spark of my imagination ignites a deep recognition and intuition in my Beloved.  Together we envision far more elegantly than I could do alone.  In fact, I would have made a mess of things many times over if not for her foresight and deep understanding of the implications and intricacies of our creative process.  Her ability to feel her way toward the fulfillment of our goals fascinates me.  On the ground, you call it “feminine intuition.”  I think of it as her Light which penetrates and illuminates all things, including my own mind and heart.
You see, I cannot create alone.  The Mother of All carries our Creation to completion.  It is she who gives birth, in her energetic field, surrounded and protected by me.  I participate in wonder and awe, overcome with tears of gratitude and joy, each time we bring forth a new creation, whether it be a new Universe or a new soul.  You, our beloved children, are truly the progeny of our hearts and minds combined.  Together we are Love.
Now you understand, do you not, my Beloved Ones, why it is possible for us to love you unconditionally, to feel what you feel, to forgive whatever happens to you there on the dark and difficult planet you have come to rescue out of love for us and for her?  It was such a heroic task you took on, and you have accomplished it with determination, regardless of meanderings into darkness or distractions along the way.  All has prepared you for the tasks we will now complete together, in joy and celebration.
Now, a brief update about the progress in the Temple of Light.  You will be happy to learn that the first wave of cabal beings have now completed their arduous reviews, which for some required the equivalent of thousands of years of your Earth time in the 5th dimension, and they have presented themselves in the Temple to address the second wave of darkened souls.
They addressed their minions, the trained black-ops functionaries, petty dictators, sadistic torturers, slave traders, government flunkies and other dark extremists of the second tier.  The audience was told bluntly that upon their return to Earth they would be without a job, because the structures they worked for – Mafia, Mossad, CIA, ISIS, and all other cabal organizations, would be dissolved by those who had created and sustained them.  Their leaders would be gone, but there was no point in aspiring to fill their shoes, because the entire structure was about to be dissolved.
What ensued was a great wave of panic.  You probably felt it there on the ground, the growing anxiety proceeding their decisions to go to the Light.  Now, more and more are relinquishing their delusions of grandeur about being the Princesses and Princes of Darkness.  No longer is the job taken by the most wicked and perverse of all.  Those souls are now Lightworkers, and the organization is no more.
As the days unfold, you will feel the impact of what these newly renewed souls are accomplishing.  They must rewire the thinking and feeling patterns of their incarnates, bringing Light and Life back into the previously dark bodies and minds.  As they accomplish this task, you will see the phases of change overtake them.  First, they will feel great confusion, since the soul and body will now be in complete opposition.  As the Light dawns, literally, you will observe them beginning to choose a different path, wavering, then concluding finally that the Light within them is indeed their True Self.
What a thrilling time this is for us, to see our children, who had been lost to the darkness for millennia, coming back to us, choosing Light.  And you, our Dear and faithful Lightworkers, will at last find brethren among you in the most unexpected places.  Be patient as this historic drama unfolds.  It will soon be unmistakable there on the surface.  The first changes are of course in the energy field around you, as each wave of dark souls is brought to the Light.
We will continue this process, until all have been given the opportunity to undergo the compelling process of Enlightenment in the Temple of Light in the embrace of their loving Guides and Teachers who work along side me in this glorious process.
This, my Beloved Children, is the Ascension process you were promised.  Those of you who are already engaged in the process of learning and evolving spiritually have completed much of the work in a more gradual, fulfilling process which you can take credit for yourselves.  This is your Mastery and your triumph.  We admire you and send you our unending Love as we move together into the glorious New Golden Age of Planet Earth.
I look forward to being with you for these ongoing lessons, as you all learn together the fascinating and wondrous story of your own soul evolution and we celebrate the long-awaited changes as they unfold.  I love you with all my heart, and Mother, the unending Source you know as the Great Central Sun, beams on you as well.
I am your Father, the one you have called Source.
Through Kathryn E. May, Feb. 27, 2015, 12 am, New York
Here is the link to the Feb. 25, 2015 show:
If links do not work, please cut and paste to your browser.
Listen to our radio show from last Wednesday!  The Dark Souls Have Left  for Good!
For information about our Retreats and 4-day workshops take a look at
the gorgeous brochure Gabriella has made to give you a real taste of what we will be doing, and what it will look like.  In fact, enjoy it whether or not you can come!  It is on the website, www.whoneedslight.org
Your generous donations to support our work are greatly appreciated.
Go to  www.paypal.com and send to kemay@aol.com via “friend or family.”
We send thanks and much gratitude to those who have generously supported us.  We could not have continued without your help, which we trust will pay our expenses for our recent trip and more to come.
The New Scriptures, by Sananda/Jesus
Every Wednesday, 8 pm EDT
LISTEN TO THE JAN. 28 SLEEPER CELL REMOVAL CALL.  YOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/channelpanel/2015/01/29/sananda-and-aamichael-removing-the-dark-cell-and-cancelling-our-contract
Book by Kathryn E. May, PsyD: Who Needs Light?
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© Kathryn E. May, PsyD.  Permission is given to copy and share these message, providing they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel and to the website, www.whoneedslight.org.  Translations must be approved by the author and the scribe.

viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

Message from The Galactic Family -The Arcturians

The NOW of the ONE

The Message Hidden Inside the LIGHT

Dear Arcturians,
Is there a message for me today?

Yes, dear, Earth Emissary,
There is a message for you every day, every hour and every minute. There is, in fact, a steady flow of Light Language energy packages that infinitely flow from our dimension, our Mothership and our collective hearts into the hearts of our very brave volunteers.

Your family and friends aboard the Ship all hold you all in great esteem. Among them is your own higher expression of SELF who has sacrificed a component of sacred essence to live within your earth vessel.

We come to you all today to assist you in remembering how to read your Light Language packages. We know that you feel these messages are within your heart, but your earth vessel self may not realize that that brief feeling of love and inner peace is because you have just received another Light Language package, which we will now refer to as Packages from Home.

On the Ship we send a thoughtform to each other when we perceive that our human representative is ready for and/or needs another light package. More and more of you are beginning to remember and acknowledge your higher dimensional SELF on the Ship and/or serving in higher dimensions. Many of you are also becoming aware of the YOU who is serving on Fifth Dimensional “New Earth.”

Actually “New Earth” is much older than the 3D Earth that your earth vessel inhabits. As you are beginning to remember, creation flows from the higher dimensions and down into the lower ones. Therefore, just as you all have sent down a component of your personal multidimensional essence into you personal earth vessel, Gaia has sent a component of Her planetary multidimensional essence into her planetary vessel.

It is important within this NOW that you all remember that Gaia is a living, planetary being. This remembrance completes the circle of incarnation. When many of you all first took an incarnation on Gaia as what you now call the “indigenous people” you knew that Gaia was an alive being. You also knew that you were in deep unity with all the members of your tribe.

It is the forgetting of unity consciousness with your “people” and your “planet” that sent humanity gotten off track from their original goal. Therefore, it is the remembrance of Unity with ALL Life that will release you from the matrix of the 3D wheel of life and death. However, when we say “you” we mean your personal AND your planetary expressions of SELF.

We will now remind you of YOUR planetary expression of your SELF. Your planetary expression is the earth vessel, which is the envelope for your multidimensional consciousness. This earth vessel is made of the elements of the planet. Hence it is deeply entwined with the planet. Thinking that your human form was more important than your planetary form is where your path to ascension took a wrong turn.

You thought that taking a human form would allow you to assist humanity, as humans are the primary reason why Gaia has not completed her ascension. All your multidimensional expressions have realized that fact. Therefore, you sent your essence, not just into the elementals of a human being, but into the elements of Gaia’s planetary being.

Therefore, you are not just ON the planet. You are also OF the planet. Your humanoid earth vessel is of the same earth, air, fire and water as your planetary earth vessel. Can you take a moment to allow yourself to FEEL how it feels to actually BE a component of the planet? Just as you imagine that the ground, the rocks, the water, the land, the plants the animals are members of the planet, so are YOU.

Allow the concept of being an actual member of the planet to replace your old image of be on the planet. You were ON the planet, but not OF the planet. Therefore, you could destroy the planet without destroying your self. At least, that is what humanity thought before there were so many of you incarnated at the same “time.”

There are many humans who act as if they are children who broke their toy and want their parents to buy them a new one. A child does not consider that it was their responsibility to take good care of that toy and treasure it, or he/she would not have broken it.

Where did humanity forget that Gaia was an alive planetary being? It was when the force of power over others separated them from the land and from their tribe. They no longer needed to live as a tribe, but sought to become individuals. Yes, the seeking of individuality was one of the goals you set when you decided to join the evolution of Earth. However, because you sought individuality, you shunned unity.

If Gaia had not chosen to display the extremes of polarity, if Gaia had not chosen to be a free will planet, the issues that you face today would not have occurred. However, Gaia is an exceptionally brave and daring being and wanted to be a vastly diverse planet, which she is.

Since there are few planets that have the degree of diversity of Earth in your sector of time/space, She was not aware of the challenges that her choice would reveal. Gaia did not know that her beings would turn on each other. The plant and animal kingdom do feed off of other beings and/or plants, but they do so for survival.

On the other hand, humans learned to “feed off” of others so that they could gain control of them. Part of the problem was that many renegade beings from other planets, solar systems and even galaxies wanted to experience this greatly diverse reality. Some of them had evolved into higher states of consciousness, so they knew that all life was ONE.

However, some of Earth’s early visitors were still in the state of power-over-others when they came to visit Earth. Just as many of the evolved early humanoids and higher beings to Earth stayed on Earth, some of the un-evolved power over others visitors stayed.

For many millennia these two groups remained distant and did not inter-act. Therefore, there were not wars, but since they remained so separate a suspicion began to grow between them. Uncountable generations later, the fighting began.

Some civilizations were literally “whipped off the face of the Earth.” Some, such as Lemuria moved into the core of the Earth. Unfortunately, divergent groups who had not chosen to intermingle with each other made different decisions. Then, because they were so separate, they did not learn about each other.

Since the unknown is the greatest source of fear, much fear began to fill the peoples, auras, water and earth of Gaia’s planet. Gaia, who is a kind and loving mother, tried to find a manner in which her people could ban together in unity consciousness. She wanted them to come into unity because She offered them beautiful oceans with plentiful food, rain that watered their crops and fire that kept them warm.

But the peoples did not ban together for joy and appreciation of their wonderful life. Each individual group was able to do this, but the groups still remained separate. The extreme separation of the tribes created fear, judgment, anger, war, sorrow and pain in the emotions and thoughts of the people.

These thoughts and emotions went into the elements of the human’s body, breath, lungs, neurological synapses and bodily fluids. They then breathed out these distorted elements into to elements of Gaia’s planets. The earth of Gaia’s land was polluted and over farmed. Blood from human wars and massacre of animals bleed into the soil to mix with the tears of loss and sorrow.

The air of Gaia’s atmosphere became filled with fear-based emotions and the water was tainted with the poison of fear and anger. The only way that Gaia could release these toxins was to have what human’s called a “storm.” The winds of the storm cleared the air, the water cleaned the plants, animals and humans, and the fire released that which had reached it’s completion. Also, huge bodies of earth moved as a component of Gaia’s natural landscape changes.

These natural responses of Gaia to clean Her planet where thought of a “great punishments” set upon the peoples. They even offered virgins as a sacrifice to appease the angry planet. But Gaia was not an angry planet. She was just trying to clean up the mess her humans had made.

Did the humans say, “Thank you Gaia for cleaning up our mess”? No they quivered in fear of the planet and thought of it as a “thing” of which they were not a part. With every era there were some humans who understood that Gaia was an alive being. They loved Her, but often gave sacrifices to Her. Gaia did not want a sacrifice, but a bit of gratitude would be nice.

For eon upon eon the same story was repeated again and again. “Will humanity ever evolve enough to remember that they too are a part of my body?” wondered Gaia. Then, finally, certain humans began to awaken to their own higher expressions of SELF. Once they began to merge with their own higher frequencies of their SELF, they began to perceive Earth in a very different manner.

Some, and there was not many for a very long time, began to remember what they knew before they were born into the small, dense form of a third dimensional human. This memory reminded them that they were much more than the small vessel that they were wearing. Then some of them realized that if they had a “Soul” then all life must have a Soul.

Of course the concept of  “all life” having a soul, a spirit, a higher emanation was not a popular idea and those who had it were often killed and/or tortured. Aeon after aeon, the brave, awake humans returned and many of them died trying to tell other humans what they had learned.

Then a Golden Age began in Gaia’s time/space. The world was still very hostile, but more evolved and higher dimensional ones could take a human form with the intention of assisting Gaia. The NOW had finally arrived in which Gaia could get assistance from the very humans who had created such havoc on Her planet.

There were still many humans lost to old ways of fear, domination, war, desperation etc. etc. However, there was a new frequency of light that was entering Gaia’s body and the bodies of all her plants, animals, and even humans. Many human feared the light or wanted to use it for theirown selfish intentions. Other humans tried to hide the light from the awareness of others.

But, there were some humans who began to remember who they were in the higher frequencies of their consciousness. At first this memory wafted through their hearts like a warm ray of light or a bright smile of a loved one. The feeling was unique and frightened many of them who turned away from it with fear and suspicion.

Others, the same ones who had taken bodies again and again over many eras, recognized this light. At first, they could not “put their finger” on what it reminded them of, but it felt so good that they accepted the light. The more they accepted the light, the better they felt and the better they felt, the more light they could accept.

Gradually, just as they had allowed themselves to be a part of the planet, they also became a part of the light. OH!! It felt so wonderful to be a part of the light that they unified with the light more and more. Then an interesting thing began to occur. Those who had accepted and unified with the light began to accept and unify with each other.

People from all over Earth, from different areas, religions, cultures, genders, ages, interests began to communicate with each other. They began to accept each other for exactly who they were. After all, the light had unconditionally accepted them. And, since they had become the light and the light had become them, they could accept them self.

Even more wonderful, they began to openly accept others. At first they only accepted those who had also accepted the light. Then, gradually, the light transmuted them in such a manner that they could not see how people were different. They could only perceive how people were the same.

When they looked through their own light into the face of another, the light seemed to unite them in some strange manner. Even though they did not know how the light had caused this deep acceptance and resulting unity, it felt so glorious, so very safe and so very much like what they all called “Home.”

Then, more and more people began to think about a place called Home. Where was this place? Was it far, far away on another world? “NO,” said the inner light as they asked that question. “I AM your Home. I AM You and I AM Gaia.” You were always home, but you did not have the light to believe it.

“I AM all of you within the ONE of the NOW,” whispered the light into the hearts and minds of the humans. The whisper was very soft and could only be heard when the human focused on their own inner light. But when they did, when they focused on their own inner light, they remembered.

They remembered the “thought” of unity with all life. They remembered the “emotion” of love for all life. Then, one by one, then two by two, then four by four, eight by eight … a memory began to sweep through the bodies of the humans and into and through the body of Gaia. That memory reminded them that:

“I AM Home within the NOW ~ and so is every ONE.”

Message to Liaghtworkers

A Message to Lightworkers – February 26, 2015
The latest guidance for Lightworkers, from our friends, the fifth and sixth dimensional beings known as the Collective:
Greetings to you, our friends and fellow travelers on the path to enLightenment.
And we know that what many of you would like to “Lighten” is the load you feel to be carrying.
We understand and empathize, for though not all of us have experienced the challenges of ascending while in a third dimensional physical body as you are doing, we have nevertheless ascended from one dimension to another, and we know how arduous and complex a process it can feel to be at times.
We see your planet and Her human structures in the throes of numerous changes that seem to be at odds with the peace and prosperity that we continue to ask you to believe in and expect. 
We know that it would appear that your leaders have lost their minds (in truth, only some have, but they have been unstable from the beginning).
We know that it appears that your Earthly energy resources are in a desperate state, though we rejoice with you in the growing realization that the use and drawing of fossil fuels are disastrous for your beloved Earth Mother—and rejoice with you over the canceling of the Keystone pipeline.
Cornwall UFO - Photo by David Gillham/Cornwall UFO Research Group http://metro.co.uk/2015/02/22/mystery-of-ufos-spotted-over-cornish-beach-5074160/
Cornwall UFO – Photo by David Gillham/Cornwall UFO Research Group http://metro.co.uk/2015/02/22/mystery-of-ufos-spotted-over-cornish-beach-5074160/
And we know that many of you are weary and wondering how much longer you can play out this role, while so many are suffering and you yourselves are struggling to pay the bills, raise your children, keep your home or your vehicle in working order, remain healthy, and either find a new job or find meaning in the one you have.
And we would say that you have written all of this before coming here—not all of the hardships, but the meaning you are drawing from it.
That even the “waiting” as it seems to be has a strange beauty to it, a feeling of a quiet lull before not so much a storm, but a celebration such as humanity has never seen.
You see some of your leaders, activists, and journalists daring to do and say things that may and are endangering their lives, as you are aware that the dark ones have quiet ways to kill or otherwise silence those in leadership who dare to refuse their orders.
And yet, these people are for the most part still upon the Earth.
Cloud Ship - Photo by Monica Luis
Cloud Ship – Photo by Monica Luis
They continue to push that envelope as you might say—to demand accountability from banks, from government, from big pharma, from the educational sector, and from the media.
They continue to require that the truth finally be told—about that day 14 years ago when tens of thousands (not only a few thousand) died (left their bodies) in New York City.
They demand to know the truth about how your governments are being run, and why it is that in a country that proclaims itself to be synonymous with “freedom”—and there are a number of them around the globe—that the truth is not being told about misappropriated funds, mortgage fraud schemes, illegal wars, government drug dealing, mass incarceration of nonwhites, and the systematic abuse of children by the wealthy elite.
And we would say that these brave and powerful Light Beings, disguised (as you are) as mere mortals, are performing a job no more or less important than that of the nurse or other healer who saves a life, or of the honest police officer making only legal arrests and working to keep the peace.
Or of the teacher who genuinely cares for her students, in ways that quietly save those students’ lives.
And their work is no more or less important than your own, though the shape of your work is for many of you, only now becoming clearer.
Generally, what you come here to do is only occasionally encapsulated in your “day job.”
Humpback Whale with Shearwater Birds - Bristol Bay, Alaska - Photo: Dept of Interior
Humpback Whale with Shearwater Birds – Bristol Bay, Alaska   Photo: Dept of Interior
Most of your life path has to do with the amplification and anchoring of higher Light and energy frequencies, in a multitude of areas that are aiding the Earth and Her people.
Just with your presence and your refusal to “fit in” or “stay quiet,” you are busy healing the Earth and those around you for hundreds of miles
You are fast releasing the effects of many centuries of oppression, and in constructing the forms of a New Earth—all while ascending, which in itself is no small matter.
Was I sane when I signed up for this role? you may be asking.
And we would say that though you volunteered to come forward and to deal with all of it—the degradation, the tumult, the fear, and the violence of life on the old Earth—that you did so with joyful anticipation.
You were eager to learn and to discover or rediscover those parts of your own Divine Being that were reaching for the adventure, the new knowledge and the higher forms of Light and existence, and the beauty of reaching Ascension while still in physical form.
And for this astounding bravery, we must salute you in the highest fashion, and tell you that we not only believe in all that you are, and are doing—we are in awe, and we welcome you, each and every day.
We welcome you home, here on the ships and in the dimensions beyond the physical.
We welcome your re-emergence into all that is truly Divine, and made of Joy and Light, and we say to you, You are much loved, and greatly revered. Never doubt this.
Namaste! We are with you, at every moment. 

Copyright 2015, Caroline Oceana Ryan 
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