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sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

Message from Archangel Michael

The Diamond Path: The New Creative Adventure of Love and Abundance in 2015 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

On this first day of the year 2015 you are stepping into a new beginning and a new adventure on Planet Earth.  2014 was experienced by many as a difficult and chaotic year with personal challenges to many of you. But, Beloved Family of Light, it was also the year in which the gateways and portals of Magical Abundance and Creativity were anchored on the Earth. The challenges that you faced helped you to truly stand in your power and be the Creator of your own Reality. This is the essence of a Multi-Dimensional Master of Light.
In the year 2015, you will be given the opportunity to further develop your skills and abilities as the powerful Diamond Light energies create further acceleration of consciousness and further activations of DNA codes for spiritual and physical evolution. We call this new Time Spiral the Diamond Path, and on this path you will discover the power of Infinite Love and Compassion. You will discover your power within the Galactic and Cosmic energies and you will focus this into the creation of a loving and harmonious reality as you travel the Diamond Path as multi-dimensional Masters and Creators.
The Energies of the Year 2015
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Beloved Family of Light, there will be three very powerful moments of Change and Transformation in 2015.  The first will be in March and April of 2015, and it will be initiated at the time of the Equinox.  At this time, the Earth will experience a Total Solar Eclipse that will provide the opportunity for the Planet to shift away from dualistic confrontation and aggression and into a more balanced and harmonious state of collective co-existence. For those of you who have opened up to a state of higher awareness and become Masters of Manifestation, this will be the moment to hold the energies of Inner Peace, Harmony and Love, and to focus on the Creation of a Reality of Harmony and Abundance on the Earth.  You will have the ability to harness the creative magic of the Sixth Dimension and assist in manifesting a new reality.
There will also be a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 4th of April, and the period between the 20th March and the 4th of April will see many shifts and changes on the Earth, opening the way for new forms and new creations.  These changes will be felt on the individual and the collective levels.  We ask you not to be intimidated by these changes, Beloved Ones, but to hold the focus of Love and Creativity, seizing the opportunity to align with the new Timeline Energy of 2015 and to create Abundance and Harmony rather than to contribute to lower timeline energies of conflict and chaos.
The Second powerful moment will be at the Planetary New Year, from the 26th of July to the 12th of August, and will include the energies of the Lion’s Gate as a fulcrum of evolutionary and creative progress.  The high point will be on the 8th of August at the 8/8/8 Time Gate.  The Cosmic Energies that pass through the Lion’s Gate will amplify the new higher energies and create opportunities for many to begin new projects or to step into a new career path that will be more in alignment with their revised mission and purpose on Earth. At this time, the Higher Councils of the Galaxy, in alignment with the Solar Council and Earth Councils, will initiate many new energy vortexes or timelines that will allow for manifestation of the New Reality in physical form.  These projects will prepare the way for the powerful initiations of 2016 and 2017.  The adventure of the Diamond Path is certainly under way!  Those of you who are ready will step forward into this new path of accelerated consciousness and opportunity.
The Third powerful moment will be at the September Equinox, which falls on the 23rd of September.  In this month there will also be a Partial Solar Eclipse on the 13th of September and a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 28th of September.  The themes of these powerful shifts will be a continuation of the new energies of higher awareness that were initiated at the March Equinox and Eclipses.  There will also be further opportunities to anchor the Diamond Light of Harmony, Peace and Abundance and to create a New Reality.  It will be an exciting and challenging time, but also filled with new opportunities.  Again, we ask that you focus on these opportunities to empower yourself as Masters of Light and Creativity, and to assist in grounding the New Reality for Planet Earth into the Human Collective Consciousness grid so that form may follow on the material plane.  This two week period will be rich in opportunities to work with the Beings of Light and the Angelic Realms, and also the Magical Elemental energies, to anchor this magical and miraculous New Reality.
The Diamond Path: Higher Consciousness and a Higher Frequency Reality
Beloved Family of Light, this higher consciousness and higher frequency of Being we call the Diamond Path.  It is the frequency that anchors the sixth dimension and allows you to fully experience your multi-dimensional being.
At this stage, your anchor in the sixth dimension of elemental Magic and Miracles will allow you to move between dimensions of being without anxiety or loss of equilibrium.  When you are centered in a deep sense of Inner Peace and Creative Compassion, then you will be able to experience the lower frequencies with this inner power and strength and without losing your inner connection and sense of direction.  You will be able to adventure in the fifth, fourth and third dimensional energies without adverse effects.
Of course, Beloved Ones, if you should find yourself on a mission or an adventure in third-dimensional density, and surrounded by duality, conflict and chaos, you will know how to find your center in your heart, ground yourself into the Earth and follow the guidance of your Higher Self and Spirit and the Infinite Creative Wisdom of the Divine Creative Intelligence.  And know, Beloved Ones, that simply as an act of magical choice, you will be able to return to the higher dimensions of consciousness.
How is this possible, you may ask?  Well, you must ensure that you are well connected to your Magical Higher Self.  You must cultivate the Magical Garden of Inner Peace, Serenity, Joy, Peace, Love and Abundance.  As you create this inner garden, so it will also manifest in your outer world as a Sacred Space that will anchor and reflect your personal frequency or Energy Signature on Earth.
Your personal Sacred Space will also transmit your Energy Signature, and will begin to interact with and to shape the external world around you as you open up a multi-dimensional space on Planet Earth!  Beloved Ones, the Earth herself is overjoyed to once again dance and play with Beings of Light in many dimensions.
So, Beloveds, the Diamond Path is your passage to Multi-Dimensional lightness and adventure.  You are becoming  creators of realities, initiators of timelines, and  co-creators of planetary consciousness in the higher frequencies.  You will gain the confidence to ride the Galactic waves and shift frequencies in creative adventures of light.  And you will learn how to manifest light and energy into form as you create a New Reality.
The Blue Diamond Children of 2015
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As you move into this new phase of Creativity and Empowerment, you will be supported, as always, by an incoming wave of newly arriving and incarnating souls. These will be called the “Blue Diamond Children”.
These children will derive from, or have a close connection to, the Angelic Family of the Elohim.  The Elohim are the Creators of Form in the Universe.  The purpose and mission of these incarnating beings will be to support and assist the creation and manifestation of the new forms on the Earth as the New Reality begins to take shape on the Earth.
These children will be Cosmic Spirits who are closely connected to the Galactic Families and the Galactic Council.  They will be Masters of Manifestation and will be skilled at bringing forth form in graceful and elegant ways.
They will also be empathic and powerful, and will be able to “read” the energies  and the people around them.  They will use their empathic skills to direct powerful energies of healing and abundance creation where they are needed.
These children will incarnate in Soul Pods or Groups, as twins or as siblings, or within communities where they can best work together to form a powerful focus of Blue Diamond Light to assist in the creation of new ideas and new forms of individual and collective being on the Earth.
Beloved Family of Light, we wish you a Grand Adventure on the Diamond Path in 2015!

Message from Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos

Christ Universal Level Gathering by Lord Melchizedek
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 30th January 2015- www.omna.org
Greetings and love is sent with great volumes from the Universal Level of the Creator’s universe, the Christ consciousness vibration is truly activating and penetrating its energies upon the Earth. The core vibrations of the Christ consciousness within the Universal Ashram are expanding and activating with power filling our Ashram and Chambers of light with such supreme vibrations of love. All Ascended Masters, Archangels and Angelic beings of the Universal Level are gathering to witness the deep awakening of love within the Core Christ energies of the Universal Level. It is akin to the most supreme golden ball of light so filled with vitality and life force energy continuously expanding its intensity and emanation from the Christ Chamber travelling throughout the entire Universal Ashram. The love vibrations are greater than we have previously experienced. I can only describe th e vibrations as delicious for all aspects of the being, clearing and deeply inspirational. We are all in awe as we gather to be present with the expanding and intensifying Christ Consciousness Core of the Universal Level, as we do we notice the same expansion and amplification within the essence of the Christ consciousness of our souls. We recognise this expansion as an outer example of the truth emerging from within our souls. It is such a glorious moment in our Ascension as we all gather as if before a blazing fire to observe within and absorb all that is given from the divine Creator.
I, Lord Melchizedek, the Universal Logos (overseer) share our experiences from the Universal Ashram as this is an awakening of the Christ Consciousness which is influencing all aspects of the Creator including yourself and humanity. The Creator has brought forth the Era of Love beginning from approximately 2012, since this time the Creator has been expressing pulsations of love into the universe of the Creator to support, awaken and guide all to a space of love within their beings and to therefore bring heightened vibrations of love into fruition and greater experience. These vibrations to me seem as if they are the heartbeat of the Creator beginning slowly and quietly gradually increasing speed, rhythm and volume. New and heightened vibrations of love are always expanding and flowing from the Creator, you can create an intention now, as many of us Ascended Masters have, to be in cont inuous and constant alignment with the love of the Creator.
‘All aspects of my being are in a continuous alignment of receiving the new, expansive and ever flowing love vibrations distributed from the core of the Creator to aid the Ascension of myself and all into Love Ascension, fulfilment and existence. I continuously receive the vibrations of love born from the Creator supporting every aspect of my being eternally. Thank you.’
Due to a focus upon love on the Earth and the inner planes all aspects of the Christ Consciousness are being united and empowered. The Christ Consciousness is a collective energy of supreme active love. It is a love which encourages each soul to breathe the fresh and true vibrations of the Creator, expressing a love born from truth thus encouraging creative expressions of love to be ever more present. Deeper expressions of love is the purpose of the Christ Consciousness especially at this time of Ascension, as it brings power, courage and strength to love so all may believe and place their trust in love. You will notice over the coming years that the Christ consciousness is ever present as it draws you deeper into the space of love within you. It is present to support deeper conscious awakening of love within your being. Imagine the space of love within your soul and heart like a cham ber being expanded and intensified a thousand times, can you imagine your experience of love and magnificent expression of love, this is one of the purposes of the growing presence of the Christ Consciousness.
Due to the love within you drawing greater love from the Creator into manifestation the Creator has expressed an energetic wave of Christ awakening which first entered into the core vibrations of the Christ consciousness in the Cosmic Level overseen by Mahatma , this then entered into the Multi-Universal Level overseen by Archangel Metatron and then into the Universal Level. Each Level experienced and still enjoys the heightened glow and ever expanding Christ consciousness light, gathering to observe and experience as we are doing in the Universal Level, we are absorbing so many insights, such healing and inspiration from the heightened presence. We are uncertain as to when the energy will journey into the Galactic Level overseen by Melchior, the Solar Level overseen by Helios and Vesta and the Planetary Level overseen by Lord Buddha. This Christ activation from the Creator  is a kin to a messenger fulfilling all who are drawn to be in its core presence, as well as touching and calling everyone into the space of love within their beings; their soul/ heart space.
The energy after moving through the dimensions of the Creator’s universe will move into Mother Earth. Mother Earth will receive the Christ light which she will use for some time to bring healing and rejuvenation to the Earth before distributing the energy into the cells of humanity to aid further physical embodiment of the Christ Consciousness. This entire process will occur three times shifting and guiding all and the Earth through the foundational Levels of the Era of Love in manifestation upon the Earth. As a soul you can visit one or all Levels of the Creator’s universe to bask in the sacred light, nurturing and nourishing your soul. We welcome you to visit the Universal Level in meditation or your sleep state to simply sit before the enhanced Christ Core of the Universal Level, breathing the delicious golden vibrations throughout your being.
‘Lord Melchizedek, it is my wish to sit before the Universal Level Christ Core to absorb all of the benefits of its presence, to anchor and embody love more fully within my being. Please transport me to the Christ Chamber within the Universal Ashram so I may sit amongst my light family, the Masters and Archangels of the Universal Level. Lord Melchizedek please transports me now with your protection and support, assisting me in anchoring back into my reality when I am ready. I am ready to receive and explore this heightened Christ Consciousness awakening born from the Creator. Thank you.’
We are discovering that many souls who visit the Christ Chamber at this time are experiencing a greater presence of flow and ease in their reality and interaction with their soul and the crucifixion vibrations enhancing the process of letting go and the end of old cycles. It is truly akin to a healing balm allowing many stagnant energies to accurately be dispersed, shifted and eased with greater comfort and simplicity. You may also feel guided and encouraged to consciously experience the Christ Chamber of the Multi- Universal and Cosmic Levels of the Creator’s Universe as well in a similar way as I have described. You may also feel guided when the anchoring continues to visit the other Levels of the Creator’s Universe.
As you absorb the enhanced Christ vibration you are achieving integration energetically in preparation for Mother Earth’s transmission of the Christ Consciousness into the Earth and cells of your body.
The enhanced vibrations of the Christ Consciousness and the energy wave of the Crucifixion also have a collective purpose which is to dissolve all unneeded beliefs, perspectives, theories and views of the Creator, the purpose of the Earth, the Ascension process and aspects of religious faith. It is a deep clearing of illusion which brings forth a consciousness and clear awareness within humanity which is more fully aligned with truth and fulfilment of the Creator.
Be prepared to recognise yourself, your reality and the Creator in a new, expansive and diverse way. You may wish to affirm:
‘I am ready to expand my consciousness, I easily let go of all unneeded aspects of my consciousness to bring forth the truth of the Creator.’
Please join us on the Universal Level we are in raptures of celebration,
Devoted Christ,
Lord Melchizedek

Heaven Letters

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Bright Eyes, You Are the Light of the World

God said:
Today I look into your eyes. Do you feel this when I remind you? I hold your head between My two hands, and I look lovingly into your two beaming eyes. Look into My eyes. You will see the great depths of your own. You will look into ocean-like pools of love, or you will look into the Dazzling Light of the Sun. There is a smooth-flow between Us. Whatever you may think or feel at a given moment, there is a lovely interchange between Us. You note Our engagement mainly when you have glanced away and then come back. You glimpse a contrast. You never left the light in My eyes. You have some awareness that it is impossible for eyes to look anywhere but into Mine, and Mine into yours. We are totally, thoroughly, continually, always, unceasingly looking into a treasure-trove of Our Love intermingled and reflected deep into each other’s eyes. There is nothing else to look at. We are all that exist.
As Our eyes are locked into each other’s, We gaze into Infinity and the Oneness of Love harbored within Us.
Another way to look at this is that anyone’s eyes you look into, you are looking into Mine. There is nowhere else to look.
We can even take this further. There are no eyes for you to look into but Mine. This is the Sum Total of the Existence you live in. There is no other place to look. Of course, you live in a dream where many other places and eyes are drawn with a magic marker, and so you look into sketches as if they were real. The physical simply is not true. It is a representation, and We are in that representation as well, yet We are more than mere representations of Oneness – We ARE Oneness.
In this world you believe you live in, fortunately, the Sun and the Stars and the Moon shine their light and reflect Ours. Did you not know, Bright Eyes, that you are the Light of the World?
There is no light but Mine, and you are My Light as Radiant as the Sun. Inasmuch as you reflect My Light, you are My Light. There is nothing else for you to be seen as, for you, dear ones, no matter what you may think you go through or not, you are the Light of My Eyes.
I have told you the Truth, and you hear Me only so far as you hear Me, else you would not hover in the world and know fright and uncertainty. You ask Me for Light that you already are. You ask Me to shield you, even as there is nothing to shield you from. You ask Me to take care of you when you already have all My help. What you need, beloveds, are the eyes to see, and the heart to beat, and love to set out for the world to find as you would set out milk for a beloved pet.
You ask Me to keep you in My arms. Where else do you think you can be but in My arms?
You ask Me to give you the full ability to love as I do love. What else have I been doing but giving you My love?
You ask Me to give the world freedom from fear and selfishness. I leave this to you. I gave you every freedom, including the freedom to remove blemishes from the world. Remove the splinter from your own eye. This is all that remains for you to do. Put away your toy swords. Bring up Peace. Wave joy. Carry the world in your heart and show the world what life in Enlightenment looks like. It looks like you, and it looks like Me, simply as We are, in Heaven and on Earth.

viernes, 30 de enero de 2015

Message from The Arcturians, The Pleiadians and The Galactic Federation of Light

Gamma Wave Lightbody - Arcturians and the Galactic Federation


Gamma Wave Lightbody

The Arcturians and the Galactic Federation

We come to you this day to remind you that WE are ONE. “We” encompass all our volunteers who logged in to the third/fourth holographic game of “Third Dimensional Earth.” You may have some movies on your television in which the “Greek Gods” are seeing the mere humans below them. They have the power to influence these mortals with their mere thought.

As you know, the above scenario is correct, but it is NOT correct that you are “mere humans.” YOU are actually the “Gods” that are over-lighting your way through the confusing maze of transmutational Earth. Yes, Lady Gaia is transmuting more every day. However, please remember that transformation and transmutation are very different terms.

Transformation means that something is added or taken away to create change. However, the frequency of that which is transformed remains the same. On the other hand, transmutation does NOT involve taking away or adding to, but transmutation does raise the frequency of the person, place, situation or thing.

Many of those who are logged into the 3D Game are trapped because they want to add, take away, or alter something or someone. However, that manner of thinking actually traps them in the Game because their third-dimensional thinking can only create a third dimensional solution.

Your return to lightbody begins with returning to the thoughts and emotions that resonate to the fifth dimensional NOW of the ONE. Once you choose to release thoughts that are time based and emotions about what someone “else” did or did not do to or for you, you find that YOU are the creator of your life.

For example, when you are focused on the NOW of YOUR decision to think, do, feel and/or respond, you are within the NOW of that choice. Then when you are tired, overworked and/or just not able to attend to your choices of perception and reactions, you realize that fact and give yourself unconditional love.

Ascension is not about being perfect, but about being loving and forgiving. Perfect, is a third dimension term, which is the opposing concept to being flawed. Both perfect and flawed are based on judgment as well as on polarized opposites.

How will it be to live in a reality in which there are no extremes such as perfect or flawed? How will it feel to live in a world in which there is no judgment or a concept of these concepts?

At first, you may not notice that the NOW of the ONE surrounds you, as even though you consciousness may be greatly expanded, the force of your 3D habit is difficult to break. Even now many of you are actually resonating beyond the 3D matrix, but are only aware of that fact while engaged in meditation or some spiritual and/or creative endeavor. Why does that occur?

How could you be within a higher state of consciousness and not be aware of it? Simple, you are not tuning into your SELF. You are looking “outside” of you and into the matrix. You are doing that because you forgot that the portal “out” of matrix is “inside” of YOU. You, which is your Lightbody, is in the core of your body inside your Kundalini, inside of your spinal cord.

Since your Kundalini is usually latent within your core, you do not realize your own force of transmutation. Hence, you are looking UP into the “heavens” and OUT into another person, place or thing. You have been trained by the 3D Game to believe that YOU are “not good enough.” You have been told that you must improve and/or heal your self.

We say to our dear away team, you do NOT need to improve or heal your self. You need to remember your Multidimensional SELF. Just as huge tree has leaves that die and fall from the tree, just as a rose bush has some buds that do not bloom, there are parts of your life that do not reach their potential.

It is not bad or embarrassing that you do not “reach your 3D potential,” as that potential was likely given to you by another person or by society. It is for this reason that so many of you totally change your life when you awaken to your higher consciousness.

Once your sense of self expands from the earth vessel you are wearing to the YOU who resides within that vessel, all the 3D indoctrinations of “good enough” begin to diminish. When you are the life force within the body you are wearing, your consciousness expands far beyond your physical limitation and into the NOW of the ONE.

That voice that you have always heard with your heart is YOU. That higher being that you have dreamed about is YOU. That goal that was unachievable in your physical version of self now resonates to the heart and mind of your higher dimensional SELF.

Once you come to that realization, you are no longer concerned about that “they” think. Instead you are concerned about what YOU think, do, have or believe. You begin to perceive others as lights of consciousness within in the 3D matrix of their human form.

Furthermore, your human form is not better than the form of an animal or plant. Once you realize that YOU are not your body, that YOU are merely wearing your body so that you could login to the 3D Game, other people in the Game are also seen as consciousness wearing a form.

Do you remember when you only knew about your 3D form and had no idea abut the consciousness who was wearing it? Your old perspective was almost like the old belief that the Earth was the center of the Universe and the Sun rotated around it. Now you look back and think, “How could they ever believe that the Sun rotated around the Earth?”

You will not need to answer that question, as there is no reason to complicate your life by trying to educate or change those who are not ready to know. However, more and more DO want to know. Your SELF will recognize their true SELF because of your joint expanded perceptions. Because of your shared awareness, you will KNOW that they are “wearing” their earth vessel. Then you can share with each other about how you first expanded your perceptions into your fourth dimensional astral body.

You can also share how you began to perceive your self as your fifth dimensional lightbody self. These conscious perceptions of your fifth dimensional lightbody are initially experienced via your gamma wave consciousness. You greatest challenge will be to remember that experience in your daily life. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you immediately document this experience.

Also, if you begin these meditations with a companion who can ask you questions about your experience, it will assist you to speak about what is occurring. In order to speak about your experience so that you can bring it into your 3D conscious brain to formulate the words.

In this manner, you will begin to learn, remember, how to allow the gamma wave consciousness to interface with your physical form in manner in which you can document, remember and share your adventures in the higher frequencies of the ONE. Each time you have a gamma wave experience, you will become more and more comfortable with the concepts that YOU are your lightbody, and your physical form is your outer shell.

Hence, you have progressed from believing that YOU are your physical form:
·      Into believing that YOU are the fourth dimensional consciousness that enlivens that form
·      Into knowing that YOU are the multidimensional consciousness that enlivens that form
·      Into knowing that YOU are the fifth dimensional, and beyond, lightbody that waits activation within the core of your spine
·      Into experiencing the FEEL of being your Lightbody

When you have your experience of “being Lightbody” you will need to make sure that your physical earth vessel is in a safe place. It is also helpful if you have a person to assist you in grounding your Lightbody by asking you questions about your experience and documenting them. You can also record your experience.

Remember, with your first adventures in Lightbody, your challenge will be to stay within that experience. Doubt or fear will pull your consciousness down into the lower brainwaves. On the other hand, unconditional love and compassion for all life will assist you to remain in a gamma state of consciousness.

Again, we highly suggest that you ask someone to be your grounding force. This person can also ask you questions about your experience so that you have a reminder of how it felt and what you experienced while traveling in the higher realities.

Yes, just as theta wave consciousness allows you to travel into the realms of the higher fourth dimension and delta wave consciousness places your perception of self “outside” of your physical form, gamma wave consciousness activates your Lightbody, also known as your Merkaba. Your Merkaba is your “chariot of the Gods.”

Within your NOW, “Gods” are not far away in “Heaven” or some “other” realm. You are ALL what has been titled “Gods” within your own gamma wave consciousness. Now this information has been higher suppressed by the forces of power over others.

If the “minions” of humanity where to know their true power within, the forces of power of others would be “put out of business.” In fact, this “power over others group”, also known as the Cabal, the Illuminati and many other names that we will not disclose at this NOW, have lost the final battle to gain complete power over Gaia.

As you are likely aware, they have had a very long run through all of the years of the Kali Yuga, which is the final cycle of the “darkest night before the dawn.” That dawn has NOW awakened. Many still slumber in the illusions of polarity and domination of an outside force.

Therefore, our dear ones who volunteered to enter your current incarnation to assist in awakening humanity and healing Gaia, we ask you to please: “Come out, come out wherever you are!” You no longer need to play “hide and seek” with your own higher SELF. It is the NOW to BE your SELF in your daily live.

There will be days in which you may feel as though you are flying through life and other days in which you will feel as though you are trudging through mud. Obviously, you will be able to maintain higher states of consciousness when you are flying and will likely fall into beta wave consciousness when you are trudging.

The up-down roller coaster of life in the third dimension is slowly coming to the end of its ride. You were joyful when the ride carried you UP and frightened when the ride sent you DOWN. But, the roller coaster ride is being retired, as is the entire 3D amusement park.

This “park” was invaded by darkness way back in the later days of Atlantis, and that darkness has grown by creating myriad wars in which both sides were backed by the same dark ones for the sole purpose of filling their own pockets. As this behavior escalated over the last 2000 years, Gaia began to take the greatest “hit” to Her health and welfare.

When the planet became so deeply wounded by the people who occupied her, in fact by a relatively small group of those people, your Galactic Family was given permission by the higher forces to assist the planet and the humans who would accept our unconditional love and multidimensional light.

Because humanity is choosing to accept your light and love, we did not “break the law of Gaia’s free will plane.” At first, only a few humans could hear that we were calling them. Therefore, many of us decided to implant the essence of our higher expression of SELF into the human form of those who accepted the assignment of assisting Gaia.

It was extremely challenging for our volunteers, who begin this process after the close of WWII. These first volunteers had to remain secret about their true self. Many of those who did not keep the secret were harmed or killed. However, over 3D time, those who survived were able to assist others to awaken and commune with their own higher expressions of SELF.

You are NOW beginning to open and enter your own Arcturian Corridor’s of ascension. These Corridors are entered and explored via your own gamma wave consciousness. Please remember that it is the force of unconditional love and compassion for all life that allows you to regain and retain your gamma consciousness.

In the next message we will offer a recording of our channel's experience of gamma wave consciousness. Please remember that perception IS creation. Therefore, as you each travel into the fifth dimension and beyond, you will experience what your own consciousness can best recognize and attend to.

Therefore, each of your may have very different experiences because each of you will choose different perceptions. In this manner, you will create myriad different versions of fifth dimensional New Earth. We remind you again that:


When you begin your conscious travel into and through the higher dimensions, each of you will gather your own “puzzle piece” of life in the fifth dimension and beyond. When you return to your physical reality, you will contribute your “puzzle pieces” that you have collected on your inter-dimensional journey to the planetary puzzle of “Ascending Gaia.”

Most important, ALWAYS remember that YOU are already ascended in the higher dimensional expressions of your own Multidimensional SELF. You did not take a body to advance your own spiritual growth. The days of “individual” spiritual leaders and saints ceased with the closing of the Piscean Age.

We thank you for remembering. It is this remembering that is vital so that you can remain clear of the jaws of your 3D ego. Love your ego unconditionally, and place your Multidimensional SELF in the driver’s seat of your Mission to Earth.

We now post Suzille’s fifth dimensional journey. Please remember that each of you will perceive that which is in alignment with your own “reason for incarnation.” Then you can add that “individual puzzle piece” to the ONE puzzle of Planetary Ascension.

We send you ALL unconditional love and unconditional gratitude.
The Arcturians, Pleiadian and other members of the Galactic Federation of Ligh

Message from The Galactic Family – SaLuSa

SaLuSa 30 January 2015
Nothing will change the predictions for the completion of this cycle, except the highest authority. Once made many Lightworkers are given the tasks of ensuring that all proceeds as required to fulfil them. You may therefore proceed with your life, knowing that there is a great finale to come with the end of the influence of the dark Ones. They shall find themselves unable to exert any influence on what takes place, as they will have their power taken away from them. They will also be removed from Earth to ensure that workers of the Light can go ahead with their missions. Until now the dark Ones have consistently interfered with your evolution, and been able to block or slow down progress. This situation is rapidly changing and will soon come under our control. You will then be able to go ahead with your tasks without fear, and make headway quicker than any previous occasion. Dear Ones we hear your pleas and requests for help, and soon we shall be able to assist you in a more direct manner. Have no fear at any time as the lower energies will attract a like energy, whereas you are working with the higher energies.
The significance of the coming changes are such that they can hardly be put into words. Everything will be affected to some degree, and much of the lower energies will be either changed or removed in the course of time. The Earth will become renewed and once more be seen a jewel in the firmament. While all this is taking place you too will be renewed as you become a fully-fledged Galactic Being. We tell you what lies ahead, because the knowledge will help you both understand and get through the various stages of the changes. You may be overwhelmed by the thought of what the future holds, but know that we will be having a more direct contact with you. So there is need to be concerned as the future is everything that you could wish for that would bring you peace, happiness and prosperity.
Meantime you can carry on with your work for the Light, knowing that you have many unseen helpers around you. It is only when you realise that you are not alone on your mission that you can begin to understand, why often things just seem to fall in place when you need them. You were aware of the arrangement before you came to Earth, but after dropping into the lower vibrations you became forgetful of your circumstances. However, with time you gradually raised your vibrations for which you deserve every praise. It is why that at this time we and others can approach you, and enlighten you as to what lies ahead. Your consciousness has grown and now you can accept the truth of your place in the Cosmos. The game that has been played on Earth is soon to change its course and lift you up from the challenges of the 3rd. dimension. They have well served their purpose, and you have progressed sufficiently to move further into the Light.
You have experienced the result of Man’s interpretation of the meaning and purpose of life and it has so to say, led you up the garden path. They have caused you to follow false creeds and believe in a Creator that is seen in Man’s image. Yet Jesus the greatest Teacher in your time made it clear that the Creator is All Love, and that no living creature or Being is outside of the Creator. The goal of every soul is to grow and progress within the Light until you once again become One with the Source. As you progress through your various life experiences, you will move further into the Light. You will become a greater Light Being with immense powers of creation, but much of this is way into your future. However, you do need to know the purpose of life. Nothing that you experience is by chance, so consider carefully why certain events in your life take place.
People normally gravitate to those who are of a similar vibration, but for the outworking of karma you may find yourself involved with souls from all different levels. That even extends to the union of two people in marriage, or their children. Karmic experiences can be arranged before you incarnate, so you will understand that nothing happens by chance. Of course there are many minor experiences that are of no real consequence but you never know for example, when a chance meeting may grow to become of prime importance. Because of your freewill, you may turn down an opportunity intended to bring you necessary experiences, but when it is important to your evolution you may be sure it will come up again.
Some people do not believe in God or that there is a purpose in life, yet both will affect the outcome of whatever experiences they choose. You cannot remove God from your life, and it will have been planned prior to your birth regardless of what you may believe. Naturally upon returning to the higher dimensions all is revealed to you when you review your life. No life opportunity to learn is wasted regardless of how it may appear. Indeed, you are not going to know exactly why a certain soul has elected to experience in a particular manner. However, when two or more people come together, each will have been aware as to what part they play. Sometimes a soul will come into life for only a very short period, simply to help create a situation that is necessary for the experiences of others. However, when you try to relate that to babies it may simply be that the soul has decided not to incarnate after all. That option is open to all but very few change their minds once the arrangements are settled. So as you can see, everything is not in black or white and souls do have a say in what type of life they are entering. Usually once the purpose of a life is decided and it is seen to advance the souls evolution, it is very rare for a soul to pull out. You do have many discarnate souls working with you to ensure your success.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I serve those souls who have bravely and without fear taken on an Earth life to be in service to others. However, all souls have Guides and no one, not even the dark Ones are excluded. Do not be reluctant to ask for help when it is needed, however Karma does not always allow what you request, so if your prayers seem unanswered, there will be a very good reason for it. I leave you with my Love and Light, and the best wishes from the Galactic Federation.
Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Heaven Letters

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

The Whole Truth

God said:
Life can be terrifying. You are so identified with your body. Here you go out into the world every day, and you have no armor. Anything could happen. You go out to face danger every day. Even your home isn’t a safe place when you put your mind to it. No place is safe. The sky can be falling. A germ could get you. What a long list of possibilities, no matter how remote, you carry as worry beads. What’s the point to worrying then?
Life is unpredictable. If you can’t predict your life to the minute, then you might as well relax. Worrying isn’t a preventive. Worry isn’t a chant that protects you. It makes your skin dry and gives you wrinkles. There are other possibilities to have your mind on.
So many possibilities are before you. Why limit yourself to the fearful possibilities? Why would you do that?
Have your good fortune in mind. It would indeed be good fortune if you would let go of worry. You may say it’s impossible for you to give up worry because of the realities of life on Earth. Doom in one form or another is what you see as the reality of life. Perhaps you see good fortune as an accident.
Blessings are also part of the realities of life. You don’t know what good fortune is waiting for you around the corner.
You could save a child’s life. You could receive unlimited money.
You don’t have to make good fortune happen. Be bright-eyed and allow all goodness and mercy to befall you. You deserve. You deserve as much as anyone. It is your birthright. What would you like to have happen? Have this in mind. How contagious your thinking is. Go ahead and visualize your good fortune. Become familiar with it. Cognize it. Manifest it. Enjoy the thought of it. Allow your merciful thoughts to rise to the surface.
I have told you that nothing bad can happen to you, and you lift your eyebrow. You are convinced that bad can happen to you around any corner. Of course, this is the world view. I tell you that nothing ill can befall you, and you foresee a million untoward things that can and might or definitely will. Beloveds, you don’t have My vision. You have a collection of fears. Undo your fears instead. Do not feed them. Let them disappear from life in the world.
You can’t believe I can say with a straight face that nothing bad can happen to you. Oh, yes, you have experienced nightmares too terrifying to think of. You do think of them.
I tell you that you come out fine in the wash. Heaven is your Home. You will be where you have never left. Your worst nightmares are only dreams reversed. Dream better dreams then. Excuse yourself from worrying about unlimited trouble.
Aggravated instituted fear is one of the worst nightmares you have. You have it a thousand times. I tell you that whatever happens in your life, regardless of your opinion about it, you are ahead. No matter how much you don’t want it, you are ahead. You say that if you are cut, you bleed.
And so you perhaps go out into the world as if to prove that fear is based on Truth. On certain dimensions, this may well be true. Your interpretation according to your consciousness tells the story. Your interpretation may or may not be Truth. Truth doesn’t change. Its interpretations change. Accordingly, life is slippery. In Truth, life is a landing place and, also, life is a place you take off from.
Illusion and Truth have been confused on Earth. None of the physical is Eternal, yet Eternity is absolutely true. You started off on the wrong foot, beloveds. Relative life is not true no matter how seeming-true it may be. Heaven is Truth and the Whole Truth.