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lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2013

Message from Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene: You Are All Exalted Beings of the Light –Channeled by Fran Zepeda – September 29, 2013

Mary Magdalene:
My dear friends, my dear beloveds, I come before you today to discuss an important topic in your development. Not all will relate to this in the same way and not all will understand it in the same way. For you are all developing at different speeds and rates and all is perfect for each of you individually at this time.
What I have to share today is about your connection to your higher selves, to look at it in a different perspective and to understand it in a different way. You all have the potential to be one with your higher selves and with your higher aspects and all have the ability to connect with Source in this lifetime.
You do not need to go through an intermediary. Yes, until your telepathic abilities are completely honed, it is helpful to receive information through pure channeled sources, and it is also helpful in allowing your connection and your confidence and your abilities to develop as you connect with the love energy from channels connected with Source information.
But by all means do not discount the fact that as you continue to raise your vibration and build your crystalline structures and be more integrated with your multidimensional selves through the acceptance and integration of light energies available to you now, that you are steadily and surely building a connection with your higher selves and Source. And this is important: You have then the potential to connect with Source AS your higher selves and aspects.
For you are all sovereign and contain a spark and aspect of Source through which your higher selves and aspects are connected.  The time is now to acknowledge that you are integrating and thriving in a new milieu of energy that is conducive to this realization and connection with Source. You all can do it. You all are capable.
Allow yourselves to step-up your vibrations daily and ask to be merged with your higher aspects and higher ascended selves. In that, you can recognize that you are all Masters with complete access to information that you need to grow and thrive in the 5th dimension.
Now does this mean that you are all there right now? It means that you all have the potential. And the clearings and the integration and the building of your light bodies are all leading you there to inhabit the higher dimensions more and more. Many of you are straddling and going back and forth, and many are learning to live in both and several dimensions all at once.
As you increase your light quotient and as you let go of your old outmoded concepts of duality bit by bit, you are honing your energies to be more steadily in the 5th dimension and higher, and many are becoming much more comfortable with this.
It is all just stair-steps really, and how fast you go is dependent on your contracts and individual physical capability of holding the Light that you truly are, of course, but also on your ability to let go of attachments to the 3rddimensional concepts of yesteryear. You know this; I don’t have to go into it further. But as you sense and experience the freedom that comes from letting go of all attachments and beliefs and issues and fears that bring you back to your old way of living and thinking, like a tether attached to you, you will have the means and ability to soar even higher.
You are all doing very well, and many are experiencing many inspirations and validations of their true divine selves. And this is wonderful to see as you all, at your own pace, let the “light bulbs” go off in the form of  “ahas” and sweet subtle knowings of what you know deep down inside to be true and pure. You are experimenting now with staying in that mode, of always connecting to your highest aspects with complete confidence that what you are getting is true and pure.
You will know this by the simple affirmation you receive from your guides and higher aspects that you are on the right path in the form of a calm certainty and gentle clear perspective on things that has nothing to do with rationalization and misgivings coming from old fears and old beliefs. It is a quiet knowing that you are receiving clear information, and it is accompanied by a loving, exalted excitement, yet peaceful sense of being centered in your hearts. It is accompanied with that feeling of wanting the best outcome for all, no matter what, and it is accompanied by your acknowledgment of yourself as part of One Source.
The minute you try to analyze it, you enter a lower vibration, so practice working with your higher aspects during and after each meditation, being sure in your meditations to raise your vibration by connecting with your heart and the highest vibration of Christ Consciousness and then let go and surrender to what comes in, without monitoring it or coloring it with old concepts and beliefs that used to drive you.
Practice it and you will get better at it, dear ones. I guarantee it. You are presently being lifted with these present energies to allow you to be connected more and more with your higher aspects, and all the work you have done to clear yourselves of fears and connection to false and limiting beliefs, is leading you there.
I beseech you to be in your quiet still space more and more throughout your day in order to connect, and soon you will find you are connecting throughout all your activities because the connection will start to rule your whole perspective and mode of operation in your daily lives.
I leave you now with this advice to ponder and practice. You are all exalted beings of the light and you all have full capability of this connection with your higher aspects constantly, to merge completely, and to operate as the true Divine Beings that you are – full and complete Exalted Beings of the Light, full and complete sparks and aspects of Creator of All-That-Is.
All my love,
Mary Magdalene

Heaven Letters

To Each His Own

God said:
Never mind half the matters that you do mind! Take all of the annoyances in your stride. All of them!

Another way to say this is: “Let it go!”

Another way to say this is: “It doesn’t matter.”

Another way to say this is: “Don’t take whatever it is as an affront.”

Another way to say this is: “Don’t take it personally.”

Absolve yourself from reproaching any others for their misdemeanors. Even if someone invades your privacy, let it roll off your back. What is sufficient reason for you to let an annoyance fester in you and spoil your morning or afternoon or day? Even if someone scolds you as if you were a child, what do you care? What’s done is done.

Turn on another station of the radio of your mind and heart.

Listen, dear Children, even if someone disrespects you, that’s their business, not yours. You are not accountable to anyone but yourself -- and Me. Everyone else is also not accountable to anyone but himself and to Me. Another person is not to try to mend your ways any more than you are to try to mend others’ ways.

Yes, certainly, every other person on Earth would do well to refrain from what is really not his business, and, yet, dear one, that is true for you as well. Think twice about what is your business to take care of and what is not. Another’s lack of consideration or manners or awareness is theirs to deal with, not yours.  Even when their lack has encroached on you, it is not your business to reform others. It is not your business to teach another the error of his ways. Not at all. You are not the overseer of the world any more than anyone else is.

Is this new thinking for you? Perhaps you have thought that everything in the world is your business to set straight. Be glad that you are off the hook. Because another intrudes upon your peace and quiet is not cause for you to intrude upon theirs. There is no tit for tat, beloveds. You have enough to take care of with yourself. Unless you are the cook, don’t open the lid. Unless you are the cook, don’t stir the soup. Unless you are the cook, don’t add salt.

You say there are exceptions? Yes, of course. When We are talking about your dependent children, they are an exception. When you are a teacher, you do have some say over another’s behavior. When you are a traffic cop, intruding is an option. At the same time, take caution that you do not go beyond what is yours to do. As much as possible, rather than impose, wait until someone asks you for your advice.

No matter how much you think you know how another is supposed to be in the world, the truth is that you have enough to do to take care of yourself. No one is really an authority on someone else’s ways of living in the world. Do you want to be a free spirit? Then make sure you allow this freedom to everyone else as well.

You have matters that are most important to you, and others have their own priorities. You are not going to make anyone think exactly like you anyway, and why should you? Who are you to tell others what they should do or should have done or must do from now on? They have their reasons for doing as they do, and you have yours.

This may come as a shock to you, or to some of you, that you yourself, in terms of the world, are not perfect either.

Yes, dear ones, to each his own.

Message from Lord Sananda

You Can Change Your Destiny on Earth a Message from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 30, 2013
Greetings, this is Lord Sananda. 
You can change your destiny on Earth. Transform yourself. Transform your World. Let go of those programs still holding you back. Ego. Selfishness. Doubt. Fear. Leave these things behind and Join with Your Highest Self. Surrender these old patterns and you become the new you. Freedom to move on past one level of consciousness and move out of stuckness. 
After change over you will be asked to use your economic power, social power, talent, time and resources to help Co-Create New Earth. What are you doing with these things now? Are you wasting your time and talent? Have you thought about what you will want to do? Visualize yourself absolutely loving your work. Serve the needie in your life. There are so many ways to Serve: your children, your parents, your animal companions, the hungry in your community, the environment, your government, your country. Serve where you are called to and do not limit your Service. Be Guided by your Heart.
The most recent Full Moon on September 19, 2013 marked the beginning of a Vedic tradition called Shradh in English. This is a ceremony which lasts from the Full Moon until the New Moon this time each year and it is a very sacred time which honors our ancestors. Śrāddha or Shradh is a practice which is required by the Holy before their SatGuru will initiate them into the highest teachings. Many of the self-proclaimed Svami’s today, many known for their millions and scandals never practiced this Holy Rite. This is such a pivotal practice I would like to lead you in a new understanding today.
As we move through the Equinox Energies following the Full Moon I would like you to consider that you are genetically and karmically connected to every person who ever came before you. As you acknowledge all of your ancestors for the last seven generations you assist them from this realm. Some of them may still be stuck between the dimensions and as we recognize them together, it helps them move on. Remember we are all Pure Consciousness. It also helps you clear your energy on a deeper level. It prepares you for New Earth. Their consciousness exists still, maybe within another body, maybe in another dimension, they all continue to exist somewhere. In addition to recognizing the past seven generations we will also look ahead to the next seven generations. Acknowledging these Souls helps us anchor in the changes we incarnated to bring in. Remember the WingMakers came back to Earth from 175 million years in the future to help exact change because Earth did not survive as it should have. We came back in time to heal the Timelines.
Go back to the 1500’s when St. Germain was living as Sir Frances Bacon. It was at that time he gave the riches from Atlantis to the Rothchild’s and put them in charge of the World’s wealth. Consider the karmic connections we all have back to that moment. This is HUGE. As we acknowledge all of our ancestors which we are either genetically or karmically related to then we can see how this effects every Soul ever incarnate on Earth going back 450 billion years. Understand, this Master Plan of dissolving duality Consciousness and restoring Unity Consciousness on Earth was considered and put into place the very first morning duality began. This was the great experiment and it is ending now. In order to give homage to all of our past we stop for a moment of silence and contemplate every Soul to ever breathe air on Earth and the role they played. 
Now consider the new children, the crystals, the indigos, the golden and rainbow children, just to name a few. Continue to consider every Soul you will be connected to either genetically or karmically for the next seven generations on Earth. Bless them All.
Consider also all of those who have passed who played a seemingly negative role on Earth in recent history. Take them into your heart and remember their original innocence and Bless Them. Honor Them. Realize the role you came to play and acknowledging all of these Souls as a vital part of the Master Plan.
What will Earth look like after Disclosure?
One of the first things which will happen after Disclosure will be mass landings which will happen at Sacred Sites to restore their original function as part of the system which holds the Energy for Zero Point. The Golden Temple, The Temple of Kukulkan, Chichen Itza, Yucatán, Preah Khan Temple at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, The Taktsang Palphug monastery, Bhutan, Greek Doric Temple at Segesta, Sicily, Wat Rong Khun in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand, The Parthenon Temple at the Acropolis in Athens, Kapaleeshwar, a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Shiva in India, The Temple of Borobudur, Indonesia and The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut on the west bank of the Nile, Egypt, are just some of the sacred places which will line up with the portals, StarGates, obelisks and zero point modules linking with the Earth Grid. Immediately landings at these sacred sites will be witnessed all over the World. These sites will be restored to their perfection right before our eyes. 
Another aspect of Disclosure we have spoken about a long time is that each person will receive their own Mentors to help them through the changes on Earth. What has not been revealed before is that anyone who passed on after September 11, 2001 has been given the option to return to Earth in a body as they were before. Not everyone chose this option. When those who chose to return join with their family members shortly after landings they will be fully restored Enlightened Ascended Masters trained to Mentor their own families on Earth. This will add so much joy and so much acceptance to the changes. All will be healed. This is as it should be. We have already restored the Timelines. This has always been a part of the Plan. Connecting to this Truth draws the moment of Reunions closer. This period of Shradh from September 19 - October 4, 2013 has never been more important. Focus your offerings, from an innocent heart to all of your relations for the last seven generations and into the next seven generations. 
As we move on into Ascension with activated DNA new considerations become important. There are 14 memory banks called chromosomes which hold the Divine Blue Print and on both ends of each are telomeres. As cells continue to divide in a body filled with stress, living on a bad diet, not exercising, not meditating then the telomeres become shortened and disease ensues. There are 14 chromosomes and these hold all the memories through the maternal blood line of the seven generations which came before and the seven generations which will follow. Only by choosing to integrate healthy choices and a healthy lifestyle will healing be possible. Choosing a plant based diet now has never been more important. I invite you today to join with all those who have ever been in your DNA mitochondrial line, through all times, through all dimensions and CELEBRATE YOUR ONENESS. 
The day after Shradh ends begins the Vedic Celebration called Navratri. This literally translates as Nine Nights. This is the Celebration of Divine Mother Durga. She is also known as Kali and also Mother Sekhmet, Mother Zudiakus. We have known that Disclosure begins with Alcyone and Mother Sekhmet greeting us from Niburu and then on stage with the other nineteen who will be there for Announcements: Lady Master Nada, Lord Sananda, Lady Master Athena, Lord Ashtar, Lady Master Diuja, Lord Lincor, Mother Sekhmet, Lord Alcyone, St. Germain, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron, President Clinton, Stephen Bassett, Lord Haaton, Lord Korton, Lord Mon Ka and Lord Rama Arjuna. Remember Alcyone is also known as Vishnu who had 24 Earth Incarnations including Sanat Kumara. His consort is Lady Master Venus. He is the same as Alcyone and she is Mother Sekhmet.
These ceremonial Celebrations of first our Ancestors and next Our Mother, through which all things were born all take place now. Simultaneously we are quite literally watching the fall of major governments and the largest banks. This is in play and cannot be reversed. The Stage has been set for NESARA Law. Continue to hold thoughts of The Greatest Good for All. Acknowledge the role you have played in Duality. Greet The New with Joy and Bliss. What matters now is you open your heart and your mind to bring more love to each other. Make your mind more generous more kind and more giving to All. Let us enter these changes in Unity Consciousness. Namaste! This is Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin, September 30, 2013 © All Rights Reserved. http://ElizabethTrutwin.org

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2013

Message from The Galactic Family - The Arcturian Group

SEPTEMBER 28, 2013
Greetings dear ones. We bring you hope and comfort for we know many are suffering in these times of great change. You are in the process of releasing old energy from your physical, emotional, and mental levels which can be and often is uncomfortable and stressful. Understand that clearing and releasing has levels to it. You may think you have cleared experiences or emotions, and then suddenly there they are again. Much of this deeper clearing has to do with ancient lives lived within the structure of rites and rituals. The clearing process moves at whatever pace your Higher Self knows you are ready for. The more profound experiences of your past lives often have deeper levels which up to now you have buried within and are only recently ready to clear.
Please do not expect ordinary life to continue as it has in the past because daily living up to now has been based in universal concepts–some good and some bad (duality and separation) most of which are now dissolving. Nothing is going to remain the same nor can it, although general appearances may still seem unchanged. It is the people as a whole who are choosing to no longer accept the status quo, a sign of spiritual growth. As the energy frequency of Gaia changes and as you become more enlightened, the higher frequency energy will appear in new and higher ways of doing what you do each day. You are creators and your state of consciousness will manifest in the outer.
Everything is spiritual for there is nothing else–One Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient Consciousness manifesting ITSELF AS… It has been mankind’s ignorance of this and his belief in duality and separation that has created the world you have come to know and believe in–one filled with pairs of opposites.
Awareness is the goal of the spiritual journey and is what you are awakening to now. You are ready. As consciousness awakens individually and globally to the truth of being and the error of duality and separation, the outer scene will, must, automatically change. Each realization of truth adds to Universal Light and helps to dissolve those false appearances created in and of ignorance.
Let go of everything that no longer serves you dear ones. Why do you continue to hold to those things, people, places, beliefs that you no longer resonate with? Honestly ask yourselves this question. Many are not even aware that they are doing it, even as their intuition is prodding them to let go of all that no longer serves their Higher good. Clinging to ideas and ways of living that you have evolved beyond out of habit or some misplaced loyalty slows spiritual growth and keeps you in bondage to the past.
Where there is an inability to let go, it always involves fear. Humans have been programmed lifetime after lifetime (and often for good reason) to fear the unknown. Fear has been a tool used by the power hungry to dominate so the fear of making a mistake is common. Fear stems from any intense past life experiences and for most remains firmly entrenched within cellular memory (particularly within the root chakra) until consciously released. Release and clearings happen in several ways. It often starts when a students energy level starts to rise through meditation or energy work done by enlightened persons. Clearings can be general, but deeper issues must usually come up and be recognized in some way (physically, emotionally, or mentally). All clearings are guided by the Higher Self and a student need never fear that they are not ready for some clearing experience.
Many of these intense past life experiences still held in cellular memory activate whenever the individual comes close to making a choice similar to that which he may of made at the time of the original horrific experience. To prevent this, the body set up protective responses–fear of heights, fear of water, fear of dogs etc. etc.)–FEAR. Send Light often to the cells of your body, especially during meditation. State the intention that your cellular memory release this old energy and allow in the Light of the Divine blueprint. Inform your cells that they will never have to experience this thing again even if you do not actually know what the experience was.
When irrational fears present to you, take the time to ask yourself; “What am I believing that is making me feel this? Is it true?”. This way you can identify, release, and move beyond fear through higher awareness and the intention to clear and move beyond fear. Intention is very important in everything you say or do. Ask your Higher Self and Guides to help you with this for they are there to help and love you very much. However, as with everything, it is your choice.
The evolving soul bravely begins to trust the unknown when he comes to understand that all that is real is held in Divine order by law in spite of any appearances to the contrary–for there is nothing else. Mankind has been taught to find his solutions on the mental level, believing the brain to be the most important organ of the body. The brain is simply a tool and consciousness is the activator of this tool.
Children are taught from an early age to think and plan and plot every aspect of life in order that everything will flow without any problems (based upon third dimensional concepts of how things need to be). Realize that when working from a consciousness of duality and separation, there will then always be the pairs of opposites no matter how well you plan for you are creating perfectly within this energy of duality and separation. This is the third dimensional experience.
Planning is necessary when booking an airline ticket and taking care of daily issues. We are not saying that you cannot plan, but we are saying that it is time to learn to first listen to your intuition, acknowledge the truth behind every appearance, and then take whatever human footsteps are needed. Humans have been taught to do it the other way around, plotting, planning, and scheming through life and then secondarily and perhaps on a Sunday at church, consider the spiritual aspects of a situation. Spiritual consciousness is very practical. The completeness and harmony embodied within Divine Consciousness (and you) when realized, will manifest in ways that are perfect for you which may not be the same as they would be for another.
The spiritual life must be lived every moment of every day and night. Truth must become your state of consciousness–the lens with which you perceive everything in your lives. Your real identity is that you are spiritual beings, and therefore it is imperative that the serious spiritual student acknowledge and begin to live this awareness. You chose to be in the denser third dimensional energies of earth in order to awaken in spite of any appearances to the contrary.
Many know truth on an intellectual level and go no further. Truth cannot be experienced on an intellectual level, no matter how many classes you attend or how many books you read. Truth kept at an intellectual level simply holds the spiritual student in place and adds to the third dimensional energy of the world. The Divine cannot be understood with the brain, it is too profound, too universal, and too sacred. Truth gradually unfolds from within as an individual is spiritually ready, intellectual knowledge of truth is only a first baby step.
Anyone who is serious in their choice to evolve, must start walking the walk dear ones, instead of just talking the talk. It is time, and is past time for many. Remember, mankind is not on earth simply to enjoy the scenery, but to awaken. All reading these messages are ready, and know it, yet many hesitate to actually live it.
Living a spiritually awakened life does not mean standing, arms folded in a pose of prayer 24/7, nor does it mean saying; “Oh God is all, everything is illusion, so I will let this starving baby just die”. Living out from truth does not mean being anyone’s doormat either, as one of the many concepts about spirituality would have you believe. Living out from Center means living, moving, and having your being in a foundation of truth at all times in spite of outer appearances. You are then guided through everything needing to be done on the human level.
Understand that discord and disharmony have no law to hold them in place but are simply the illusory interpretations of a universal, impersonal, and un-enlightened world consciousness enmeshed in beliefs of duality and separation.
Send Light and love to all those you see struggling, always recognizing their true Divine nature.
Much is coming that you will perceive as chaos but do not go into fear for all is simply the removal of old and finished energy from Gaia as well as from individuals.
Never doubt that you are Divine beings having human experiences. Those evolved enough to be reading messages such as these, are on your way and fully capable of adding much Light to the world at this time–if you choose.
We are the Arcturian Group 9/28/13

Heaven Letters

God Loves Beyond Measure

God said:
Accept how much I love you, love you as you are. Accept how much I love you and how much My love is dependent upon nothing but My love for you and not upon qualifying standards that you may think you have to strive for. It behooves you not to wait for My love dependent upon your earning it. My love is sacrosanct. My love is not changeable. My love for you is dependent upon My love for you which is a constant. It is not dependent upon your sense of peace or worth or anything. My love is not something that you have to qualify for. Judgment is not My way nor is judgment your way. My love is not a kind of fraternity in which you have to be selected. My love is not exclusive. My love is inclusive.

I award My love to all. My love is a given. It is the one thing you can count on. My love for you is a given, and it is a given never withdrawn from you. I do not give with one hand and take back with another. My love is a sure thing. My love is given freely. And you are to do the same.

You are not to assess My love as though it were a levy according to your perception of events in your life. You do not total up all the figures to make sure I did it right. No, My love is given spontaneously. I do not size you up. I do not weigh you on a scale. I do not deal in pounds and ounces or other kinds of worldly measures.

I do not measure. I love.

I do not look askance. How are you to go beyond worldly measurements unless I do the same? If I had a scale, which I don’t, by what right would I weigh a child of Mine with My thumb on the scale? Would I have a cut-off? Would I be so arbitrary? No. I have no elite squad. My children are not required to be what you call enlightened.

Life itself is an initiation. You learn your way in life. I am not a God Who tells you to do what I say and not what I do. Not at all. My love is not hit or miss or just sometimes depending. There is a big difference between earmarking love and simply giving it. I give. I bet on everyone.

I am not a dealer nor an assessor. I do not give to only those with a proven record. Your record does not proceed you. Love proceeds you, beloveds. What does My love have to do with performance? As if you first have to measure up, and then I love you. I love you first. I love you first, and I love you irrevocably. I do not tease you with love. What kind of a God do you think I am?

I am a constant God. It is not hit or miss with Me. I am definitely for you, and for you regardless of the relative world. If you want to say I love you anyway, you can say that, but I do not see it as loving you regardless. I simply love you. There is nothing I have to set aside or hold in abeyance.

You can say, if you like, that you have to earn My love, yet that is not how it is. Let Us say that I give you all My love before anything else, and, then, as it happens, love swirls in your heart. But nowhere do I have the idea of your meriting My love or not meriting it. I don’t think that way. I do not think in those terms. My love is well-founded. It is My love, and I give it across the board. I give love. I give it. I give it. I give it.

sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Message from Jesus

There is no sin

Many of you are experiencing emotional turmoil as your unaddressed issues keep bursting into your awareness in ways that seriously unsettle you but which do not seem to have any identifiable cause.  All you need to do is acknowledge them.  There is absolutely no need at all to identify a cause or a lesson that they might be presenting to you which requires you to offer restitution or self-abasement.  By simply accepting them and letting them be – letting them, as it were, rest in your conscious awareness – you release your attachment to them so that they can pass through, as they will, rather like the weather.
It is a case of allowing yourselves to forgive yourselves for any and all errors and mistakes, including any belief that some of your deeply buried and unrecognized thoughts, words, or actions may have seriously harmed others.  Your discomfort arises from unacknowledged issues that you have denied because you fear that you have done things and taken part in activities that are unforgivable.  But all that is part of the illusion and in truth never happened –because it is illusory, unreal.  You are all beings of Love, and although you have at times apparently “misbehaved,” it is now time for you to release any guilt, shame, or emotional suffering by allowing it to pass through your minds without engaging with it.  Love is reasserting Itself as your true Essence and dissolving every remaining unreal and unloving aspect of yourselves that you have clung to, along with the illusion itself.
There is no sin.  All consciousness is one with God, Who is infinite Love in infinite abundance, and therefore every conscious entity is and always has been pure Love – and nothing else.  That is difficult for you to grasp as you observe the conflicts on Earth, both present and from your long history, and the immense amounts of suffering that they have caused.  In the illusion there is and has been much suffering that humanity has experienced as very, very real, but you are all on your paths out of the illusion and home to Reality where your true presence has always been, and where you remain, eternally present.  Love is your nature, and at the depths of your essence, as you experience it in the illusion, you have no desire and never have had the desire or intent to hurt or offend anyone, even though you have engaged in a game of doing so.  Love – you, as you truly are – could never intend anything that is in the slightest way unloving because there is nothing that is unloving.
Within the illusion that incontrovertible truth seems impossible to believe or accept, and that is why you find it so difficult to forgive, unless and until you have seen the guilty one – yourself or another – discovered, judged, blamed, shamed, and punished.  This is the biggest stumbling-block on your path to awakening: non-forgiveness.  The absolute essentiality of forgiving, if personal peace and self-acceptance is to be achieved, is now recognized by mainstream psychology.  It is a very recent recognition.  Previously, and for eons, all that is unforgiving was believed to be normal because even the gods you had invented would not forgive. In the last one hundred years enormous progress has been made by humanity on its spiritual path of evolution, as shown just by your recognition of this one momentous but long-denied truth.
Nevertheless, there are still many on Earth who, because of the pain and suffering they have undergone in their present lives or in past ones, are unable and unwilling to accept that forgiveness is a loving balm that heals all wounds.  Those of you reading or listening to this know this is the truth, but some of you also have difficulty with it because of your own personal and very intense suffering, or, more likely, due to your awareness of and involvement in the apparently utterly unjustifiable suffering that others are undergoing.
So when you go within to that quiet and inviolate inner space to which each of you has access, ask those in the spiritual realms on whom you call for help to assist you in understanding and then accepting that forgiveness is the balm that heals all wounds.  Then practice forgiving.  Not conditional forgiving: “Only if that person acknowledges their error, apologizes, or promises never again to make it, will I forgive them!”  But unconditional forgiving. . . forgiving without any conditions at all. By doing so you release the charge you have on the one you are forgiving, and the words or actions which caused you pain no longer fester in your mind, demanding restitution or an apology which may never be forthcoming.  By holding on to offenses committed against you, you deny yourselves healing and cause yourselves further pain.  By forgiving, you free yourselves; your stress levels fall, and you start to live in the now moment where you can enjoy smelling the roses.
Keep reminding yourselves: “Forgiveness is the loving balm that heals all wounds.” Deep within, you know this is the truth, so practice it until it becomes automatic, and enjoy the peace, the calm, and the freedom it brings you.  And when you have forgiven, a most amazing thing will happen.  Because, Love having filled your heart, you will realize that in truth there was never anything to forgive. . . because there is only Love. . . which can never be hurt, offended, or angered.  It can only Love!
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Heaven Letters

The Sun Comes Out

God said:
Today you are starting on a new adventure. Every single day of your life is a new adventure. Do you really think that your life just hangs around?

Everything is new under the Sun. Every day is a beginning. When you go to bed at night, you are leaving yesterday to the past where it belongs, and you are preparing for the morrow.

You do not know where your dreams are going to take you or show you or what they are going to prepare you for. What you can know is that you are at a threshold. Yes, today is a new beginning. In this day today you seek to find your fortune.

You dig your fortune. It pops up before your very eyes. The script is spontaneous. It is as if it erupts. There are no supposed to’s or must be’s in this day today. You may have predicted a private day, and many visitors come to your door. You may have anticipated a day with many visitors, and no one comes. No need to think that your day is amiss because of one thing or another. Your day is just as it is, and who can say that your day today is not exactly what it is meant to be.

Beloveds, there are no have to’s today. You do not have to have peace and quiet. You do have to have upset and stress. Certainly one day may be more cooperative than another. Nevertheless, it is for you to oblige your day. Your day is one thing. How you embrace your day is another.

What goes on in a day is not to be your standard for conduct. The day very definitely has its say, yet it is not meant to be the decider of who you are and how you move in the day. The day is not to be your master and describe you.

On this day you may have an upset stomach. This does not require you to set the tone of your day to upset. You are the master of the song you sing. One aspect of a day does not have to be the clock by which the whole day runs.

In any one day, you can have a thunderstorm, and you can also have rainbows. Certainly a thunderstorm has an effect on you. It may well get you wet. You may cover your ears and go inside. Nevertheless, you are your own person. Be it. If a day is dark and stormy, you don’t have to be the same.

And when a rainbow comes, are you not then okay with a rainstorm?

You, beloveds, are not meant to be the result of a thunderstorm. You are not a foregone conclusion.

If you hear someone play the bassoon, you do not have to echo the tone of a bassoon. When you hear a drumbeat, that drumbeat does not have to become the beat of your day. Let the song you sing, no matter the tune of the day, be harmonious. You can do it.

Because today is Trash Pick-Up Day, doesn’t mean your day has to be trashed.

You are not your day. You are not the mood of your day.

You are a Divine human being. You are above your day. You are beyond your day. There is more than the character of any day. There are many days in your life. Your life is not even the sum total of all the days of your life. You supersede your days. You are the Sun that comes out. You are the Rainbow the Sun creates to remind you of Heaven.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Message from The Galactic Family - SaLuSa

SaLuSa 27.09.2013

This purification of All that is occurring now within you and Mother Earth is leading you straight into your higher reality of experiencing. Do feel the change that is happening to you at this moment, as it is the one that opens the door, which were previously not visible to you. At this point some of you might be “taken” to certain moments in your many lives only to see the reason for your clearing of an issue or more issues that you thought were already cleared. It is allowing you to see them as they are, without lower vibrations present, including judging yourselves, and you can now let them go and free yourselves completely. Do accept this deeper, or shall we say deepest clearing and understand that it is happening because all unconscious is becoming conscious and nothing can stay hidden, as in higher reality you are aware of all aspects of yourself, and it gives you that amazing Freedom to choose the perfect experience for you. Your dreams might change now, and it is a sign for you to know that your personal clearing is at the end. We cannot tell you how your dreams should change, as it is upon you to find out because all of you are experiencing different dream realities, but you will surely know.

We are with you all the time, those who wish to be with us surely feel it, and we are ready to welcome you in your true home. Those who are not sure yet or do not wish to be connected to us, will get enough time to decide, but because so many of you are awakening to the inevitable truth, that time is shortening, as your collective voice is getting much stronger and demanding to know the truth about all matters –most of all about your history, life outside of your own planet, spirituality. Usually their description was ridiculed and twisted and some of you still feel slight discomfort when hearing these words that describing your own experiences of such wonderful change that is happening to All. We want to inform you that we see very clear change also in nature of information you receive daily. For example most of your Leaders are speaking openly and without hidden agenda behind their words. They might use the usual words, but the difference can be felt when focusing on energy behind them.

We feel you are getting used to the constant flow of energy from higher realms and allowing your bodies to accept even more which allows you to finish the necessary changes. The more energy you accept, the more you can share with All and also ease the process of clearing of the negative energies that are present on Mother Earth. Focus again on those places and send them your healing energy of Love and Light, as this is the most valuable help. This energy transfer will also cause manifestation of physical help of those who are able to do so, and do not forget that people living in those areas will feel that immense Love being sent to them and it will also help them in their own transformation. All is perfectly planned and designed and we want you to see it on your world too.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and I cannot express with words how beautiful I feel right now. In spite of all obstacles placed before you, you were able to rise yourselves and clear all that what is no longer serving you on your way. We are with you, and doing all that we can and are allowed to do, to help you fulfill your desires and dreams. They are becoming your reality and you are able to see more each moment that passes within your current reality. Know that the moment of your final transformation is very close. Truly feel it and accept it, as it will comfort you and you will be able to relax into the new.  

Channeller: MADAD

Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light

Messages from Heaven - Saul

The awakening of humanity is almost upon you.  Yes, you have been hearing this for some considerable time, and that is because you, through humanity’s collective intent, is bringing it about and you need to be regularly reminded to hold the intention for it to happen.  You also need to hold the intention to be constantly loving as you release all within yourselves that is not in alignment with the divine field of Love that forever embraces you.  The vast majority of you want to be loving, nevertheless, many also hold a deep desire to see the “wrongdoers” on your world exposed and shamed, and even possibly punished for their nefarious activities.
You have all at some time been wrongdoers, and over many human lifetimes you have learnt that by being wrongdoers you hurt yourselves as much as you hurt others, but it is easy to forget that when you are incarnate as humans – amnesia is one of the limitations with which you have to deal.  Consequently, we keep reminding you so that you remain focused on your task to be loving always and thus help humanity to awaken.  Many of the present wrongdoers are being exposed, but you must release your charge on seeing them blamed and punished for the various atrocities that they have perpetrated – REMEMBER all are one!  Any blame, shame, or punishment hurts all of humanity!
You are all divine creations of infinite value, infinitely and unconditionally loved by your heavenly Father – who wills only Love and never punishment for His children – and in order to return to His Presence you must release all that is not in harmony with His loving intent for all of His creation.  Many of you have discovered that by daily making the intent to be only loving your stress levels and your fears and anxieties have been considerably reduced.  When you are at peace within it is fareasier to be loving, which is why it is essential to your well-being that you enter your quiet inner space frequently, even if only for a moment, to renew your intentions. When you feel truly at peace you have no desire to attack, punish, or shame anyone.  And regular meditation, or just relaxation, as you rest in that place of inner stillness strengthens your ability to remain peaceful even when there is chaos all around you.
Your loving intent, your loving presence is extremely powerful; it acts as a profoundly stabilizing influence on those in your vicinity, calming the energies of fear that can lead to conflict and encouraging all to seek peaceful solutions to issues that concern or worry them.  And in your energy field, that you hold and share with those around you, miracles will occur.  You desire miracles, you can create miracles, so intend to do so.  Expect them, and enjoy the results.  As more and more of humanity turns to Love the numbers of miracles will also increase as will their significance, reinforcing and strengthening your awareness of them.
Miracles should occur frequently because your nature is Love, and Love loves miracles because they are God’s Will for you.  You open yourselves to creating miracles when you open fully to Love and let go of fear and anxiety.  Fear and anxiety are negative intentions that prevent miracles, so let your faith in your divine nature intensify until you feel very secure in it, then there will be no space for fear or any of its unpleasant aspects.  When you let go of fear, all sense of need for security or defenses evaporates because you are then aware that you are secure and that no further precautions or defenses are required to provide something you have always had.
Fear expects things to go wrong, that accidents or catastrophes will happen, and it encourages you to take precautions to limit the damage that may occur.  But focusing your attention there is akin to intending that things go wrong, and the power of your intent is awesome.  Many of you have experienced this, when things you greatly feared came to pass.  Where you focus your attention is where you focus your intent; so focus on Love.
In this New Age, the field of divine energy enveloping Earth and all her inhabitants is far stronger and more effective than it has ever been in your entire history because humanity has made the decision to awaken from the illusion.  That decision is irreversible.  It means that the corner has been turned from fear to Love, and the effects of that decision are being seen more and more clearly all over the planet. Situations that had seemed insoluble or likely to extend humanity’s suffering are losing their fearful intensity, their sense of impending conflict, and they are recasting themselves as situations in which those involved find themselves opening to Love and allowing compassionate discussion to supersede any desire for competitive confrontation that would lead to winners and losers.  Instead, an arena in which all will win has replaced the arena of mistrust, betrayal, and war that humanity has used for so long that it had come to believe that there was no other adequate way to resolve conflicts.  Even though those ways never worked!
You are fully enveloped in the New Age with its light and loving energies.  You know that!  Deep within yourselves you do know, and when you enter your space of quiet inner peace you can feel it.  Focus on it, remind yourselves that it is true, and then wholeheartedly accept and embrace the Love that is sweeping and swirling all around you, and intend that all of humanity feel it and engage with it, and bring yourselves and humanity out of the dark dream that has brought you so much suffering.
With so very much love, Saul.

Heaven Letters

How to Express Infinity

God said:
You know how waves flow out and expand, and more waves come and more and more and still yet more. This is one way Vastness is expressed.

Another way to express eternal expansion is to say: In one drop, all is contained.

How many ways are there to express Infinity? There is no end to the ways, even as Oneness Alone Is, and there is no way but Vastness Itself.

What is love but Vastness? What is Eternity but Vastness? What is Infinity but the quality of Vastness? What are you but Vastness?

What wealth you inherit with your DNA! Infinite is your wealth, your health, your joy, your Life.

Or, We can sum up Vastness as Love, love expanding like the Ocean, love with no limits, love going as far as itself with no closure, love crossing the Earth, filling it, taking over the Earth and all that seems to occur when there is love and love alone and no more to express than love and fullness of life and beauty to behold.

When you see love, feel love, come close to love, you are experiencing Vastness. This is what is so lovely about life on Earth, its Vastness. Life is not far from Vastness. Life occurs in Vastness. Is that right? Not quite right because Vastness is something even greater than a container for Life. Life cannot be contained. Life goes all over the place, spills out, overflows, enwraps you as it plays and plays again like waves lapping.

Have fun in Life and Love.

We can say that life is a kind of fingerpainting. Instructions do not come with the fingerpaints. You simply spatter the paint, and you spatter any way you feel like, and your hands play. After a while, you may come to a style that is uniquely yours. How many ways can fingerpaints be expressed? Infinite I suppose are the ways that fingerpaints can be expressed and the ways love can be expressed and the ways you can express the uniqueness of your individuality and the Oneness of your Self. There are so many supporting ways love can find to serve you, and you to serve love.

Indeed, notice love and note how love comes out from corners to make you as you are, not only make you love, but also make you an object of love. Love brandishes itself before you. Love wants you to see it, the real thing. Love wants you to take notice of it so you are at ease with giving it, giving it joyfully, never stinting at it, never holding love in or love back, but love right out there, love speaking up, never minding what an observer may think.

This day I give you full permission to love without asking for permission, without anything but love itself, love itself yearning to come out without hesitation, without repression, love not for appearances’ sake, but for the sake of love itself.

Honor the love in your heart. Endorse it. Know that love is good, good to give and good to receive. Love is all good when it is love and not some kind of toll you pay.

Love has to come at no cost. At all costs, love must have the freedom to be itself without appraisal. Love must know its value. The value of love is so high that no appraisal can be put on it. Love is an open door. This is good enough, your heart to have easy access, your heart open for love to come in and love to find a way to enact itself, love not corralled but love pouring down, and love filling all the empty coffers in the world. Be love.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Message from The Galactic Family - The Andromedans

Karen Doonan: Andromedan Message to the Peoples of Planet Earth

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture

Greetings beloved ones, we are the Andromedans and we come to support and to guide at a time where ALL are now beginning to remember why they have incarnated upon this planet. The Andromedan Council now connect at deeper and expanded levels with all who have incarnated from our planetary system. The LIGHT codings needed by our children in human form are being sent out aross the dimensional timelines allowing for more knowledge to be downloaded into the human vehicle.
This process will see many more of our children begin to “wake” to their prime directive at this time. We stand ready to support and to guide further at both public and very personal level. We ask for ALL our children to BREATHE and to BE and to allow the dissolving of the old earth frequencies in TRUTH, for ALL that remains is TRUTH and TRUTH is why you have incarnated into human form upon this planet in this dimensional reality.
We place the dragons mouth before you and ask that you see beyond the teeth and the jaws and remember this ancient symbol from our culture. We place the chinese symbol of the yin/yang and ask for all to understand the balance of ALL at this time. We ask for our children to understand the need to find balance within the human vehicle at a time where they are shifting akin to the sands of time both within their human vehicles and also at SOUL level, for as the human race now begin their ascension process in TRUTH, ALL begin to ascend once more for ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS.
We send out the frequency of GOLD and ask ALL to ingest and to anchor fully this frequency for this is the frequency of the new GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANKIND IN TRUTH. Mother Earth now begins her climb in vibration to allow those who are here to walk the earth in non human form the ability and acess to the portals to begin this work in TRUTH. Many are incarnate into human form and at this time are now understanding their purpose and their position in the Galactic Federation of LIGHT in TRUTH for ALL is not as it appears to the human race at this time.
Vast energetic upgrades will see many who had anchored their human form well into the planet’s surface begin to stir from their sleep and fully understand their role and purpose within the overall ascension process of an entire universe in TRUTH. We ask for all to open their hearts at this time, the logical mind may go into overdrive trying to find the route to peace but peace is birthed from the LOVE that IS that flows from the heart space beloved ones. Let PEACE and the LOVE that IS FLOW through you, around you and within you for YOU ARE PEACE in TRUTH.
Events that were predicted will now begin to anchor for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE. The ability to accept your stellar origins will now increase, expand and grow for the energetic signature of Mother Earth is now heightening in preparation for the birth of the dreams of the human race in TRUTH, understand beloved ones that DREAMS are born through you, they are not created FOR YOU, that which makes the heart space come alive is TRUTH beloved ones. DARE to DREAM and DREAM to DARE for ALL IS NOW in TRUTH.
The outpouring of emotions across and within the human race is now fully underway for only in emptying the heart space can it be refilled with the LOVE that IS in TRUTH. Allow all to dissolve and then wipe away the tears beloved ones for the new world that is within your DREAMS will reveal itself to you in technicolour.
We are the Andromedans and we will connect with our children in their dreamtime for ALL is now dissolving and ALL is now birthing for the foundations of the LOVE that IS are fertile, these foundations will see many changes to the outer reality that is called the human life experience and the ripples of this will be felt by ALL upon and within planet earth.
BE at PEACE beloved ones for NOW is the birth of your DREAMS in TRUTH.
(c) Karen Doonan, all rights reserved.
This article may be reproduced in its entirety if author and authors website is clearly stated and article remains intact and in its original format. No permission is granted to change the format of this article which is written and article must remain free to access at all times

Message from The Galactic Family - The Arcturians

Arcturian Message via Suzanne Lie – The First Landing

Posted by Andrew Eardley
mDmindArcturian Message – The First Landing. Channelled by Suzanne Lie. September 24, 2013.http://suzanneliephd.blogspot.co.uk/
The first landing is the landing and interconnection of your multidimensional mind with your third dimensional brain. The brain is completely encased within the skull, but the multidimensional mind is just above your brain where it resonates to the fourth dimension and beyond. Thereby, the aura of your physical body is the primary connecting device between your third dimensional brain and your multidimensional mind.
Once your multidimensional mind has fully “landed” and interconnected with your physical brain, your Earth vessel begins its metamorphosis into Lightbody. This metamorphosis is much like the shift from a caterpillar to a butterfly, in that it is not a transformation in which a new element has been added. Instead, it is a transmutation in which your body is aligned to a higher frequency of resonance.
This higher frequency of resonance always existed in the higher frequency, but it was not visible to the limited perceptions of your Earth vessel. As the energy patterns of your multidimensional mind begin to interlace and interact with your physical brain, higher dimensional perceptions come online to your human consciousness. However, you are only conscious of these perceptions while you are in a higher state of consciousness.
In a low state of consciousness, which is created by fear-based thoughts and emotions, your Earth vessel is filled with adrenalin and is on alert for any incoming danger. Therefore, all attention is placed on the physical world. Conversely, when you are in a higher state of consciousness, which is created by love-based thoughts and emotions, your Earth vessel is filled with endorphins.
These endorphins amplify the sense of joy, love and wellbeing that first initiated their release. While you are in this state of consciousness, all is safe in the world. When you feel safe your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions, which allows you to move beyond the confines of your daily life enough to consciously perceive glimpses of the higher dimensions.
In this state of consciousness, you are able to expand your perceptions beyond the normal human “visible” field into the higher expressions of light in the ultraviolet range of the electromagnetic field. At first, you will likely perceive the fourth dimension, as you have become accustomed to that reality via your dream life.
Your physical Earth vessel is living within a hologram in which everything resonates to the limited range of the “visible” electromagnetic spectrum. One of your greatest challenges in your process of Ascension is to release the habit of believing that the physical plane is the only reality. With the release this habitual thinking, you can begin to remember that you are not your Earth vessel, but you are wearing your Earth vessel.
You have many realities in which you hold/wear a higher frequency vessel, such as a Pleiadian vessel, a Sirian vessel or an Arcturian vessel. Yes, we Arcturians have long ago released our need to wear a vessel. However, many of us have “landed” within the forms of Earth vessels. In fact, many of us came to answer Gaia’s call for assistance at the fall of Atlantis knowing that we would continue to take Earth vessels until Gaia could fully transmute back into Her fifth dimensional expression.
Our contract is now up, and we/you can return to our true Arcturian, Pleiadian or Sirian form etc. However, your consciousness has worn an Earth vessel for many incarnations. Thus, your consciousness will need to go through the process of remembering how your multidimensional Light-based form feels as opposed to how your third dimensional matter-based form feels. It is the landing of the multidimensional mind that will facilitate this process.
The human brain resonates to the small “visible” field of the electro magnetic spectrum and cannot read data of higher frequencies unless you expand your consciousness into that frequency. The landing and interconnection of your multidimensional mind is your personal portal out of the 3D hologram, as it serves as a “control tower” high on a mountain that can transmit and receive higher frequencies of Light.
Living in a hologram means that you are living in a world of Light that is structured to resonate to the aforementioned “visible” frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum. As your connection to your multidimensional mind progresses, you will begin to remember your higher expressions of Self in the myriad realities of the higher dimensions. Since your Earth vessel is holographic, you too are made of Light. Hence, you do not need to create or activate your Lightbody.
You ARE a Lightbody right now resonating to a lower frequency of Light. Your physical brain projects out the frequency of Light that illuminates your perceptions of that frequency. However, as you expand your connection with your multidimensional mind, your conscious and unconscious communications with your higher expressions sends you information from your higher dimensional realities.
This information is constantly reminding you to raise your state of consciousness into the ultraviolet spectrum to re-activate your innate perceptions of the higher dimensions. Your physical form can only perceive the third dimension. However, when you expand your consciousness into your multidimensional mind you can create a conscious connection with one or several of your higher dimensional Selves.
Via this connection, your higher expressions of Self can easily perceive fifth-dimensional Gaia and send those perceptions to your Earth vessel. Your higher expressions can also download information into your consciousness. However, your physical brain is incapable of receiving, storing and understanding this frequency of data. Therefore, you must expand your consciousness into your multidimensional mind in order to consciously receive and understand this information.
With a higher state of consciousness, you have the ability to perceive the fifth dimensional reality in which you NOW live. However, first you must deny your brain’s belief that the only “real” world is the physical world and the higher dimensional worlds are “just your imagination”. This restructuring of cognition can only occur when you clear your 3D computer brain of low frequency, fear-based data.
When your computer is full, distortions occur when you attempt to add new data. This is the same situation with your human brain/computer. Hence, old memories of fear, anger and sorrow that fill your memory banks must be cleared to create the necessary “space” for your physical brain to interconnect with your multidimensional mind.
These old fear-based emotions also create a “drag” on your consciousness and limit your ability to maintain a high enough state of consciousness to consciously use with your multidimensional mind to commune and interact with the myriad higher expressions of reality. Fortunately, these fear-based experiences and memories are stored as energy patterns. Therefore, they can be released, not even as memories, but as patterns of energy.
For example, take a moment to connect with your physical brain so that you can perceive the energy pattern of fear. Do no become attached to the cause, situation of emotions of this energy pattern. Merely observe the color, density and movement of an energy pattern of fear. Do you see how this energy is dark, dense, sluggish or completely immobile?
Feel this fear-based energy pattern in your physical form. Do you understand now how this energy dampens your state of consciousness to trap you in third dimensional illusions? Can you see now why the remaining beings of darkness continue to create fearful scenarios to lower humanity’s consciousness?
Fortunately, you have the antidote to all fear, which is Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love resonates to the highest frequencies of Light. We ask you now to direct your attention into the energy field of Unconditional Love. Do you see how it is filled with myriad octaves of Light?
Observe as the energy pattern of Multidimensional Love swirls towards the higher worlds into an ever-expanding vortex to create a living portal to your Multidimensional Self.
Now we ask you to place your fear, your anger and your sorrow into this beautiful, infinite vortex. As you allow these fear-based energy patterns to escape from your conscious, unconscious and subconscious brain, heart and body, see how the dark, dense energy pattern of fear disappears into the swirling Light of Unconditional Love to be transmuted back to Light.
This swirling Light of Unconditional Love also neutralizes any danger by surrounding your with the protection of your own higher resonance of Self. Within the safe envelope of Unconditional Love, your body releases the endorphins that expand your consciousness back into your multidimensional mind.
Additionally, the higher Light streaming into your planet from the Galactic Center is constantly entering your physical form. This resonance of Light is extremely uncomfortable to all fear-based energy fields, and serves to flush them to the surface of your consciousness. Emotions feel the same way leaving your form as they did when they entered your form.
Therefore, remember to tell yourself, “I am not having these emotions. I am releasing these emotions.” With this knowledge that the higher Light is purging your memory of fear-based files, you do not need to remember these situations or partake in the purge in any way. Just call in Unconditional Love to assist with the purging and surround your Self with the higher Light.
Hot-air Balloon
Your form is much like a hot-air balloon
  • First you release anything that is so heavy that it will diminish your flight…
  • Then, you are unhooking the balloon from the ground and taking off into the skies…
  • In this manner, you are releasing the third dimension from the lowest frequencies up…
  • As the weight of your inner darkness/fear diminishes, your journey into the “skies” of the higher worlds escalates…
To assist this process of transmuting darkness into Light:
  • Listen to the fear-based energy patterns that tell you that you do not deserve to…
  • Send these dark energies the Multidimensional Light of Unconditional Love…
  • Observe as these energy patterns transmute within the Unconditional Love…
  • Feel how your Earth vessel becomes lighter and purer with each release…
You are expanding into your higher expressions of Self by releasing the lower frequency memories that have trapped you in the illusion of the third dimensional world. In this manner, you free that which has limited your consciousness so that you can consciously participate in the landing, docking and interconnection of your multidimensional mind into your third dimensional brain.
Once your multidimensional mind is fully integrated with your physical brain, you will be in constant connection with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional Self. You will then be able to release your attachment to the limitation and separations of the 3D hologram and find your portal out of the holographic program and into YOU, the programmer.
We are the members of your Multidimensional Self
We are YOU
The Arcturians and the Galactic Federation of Light