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domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013

Easter Greetings from Lord Ashtar

Easter Greetings from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin, March 31, 2013

Greetings! This is Ashtar. As you merge your local mind with Divine Mind through the influx of Higher Light Codes upgrading your DNA strands I have come to share information about Earth History. You are now prepared to understand The Grand Experiment on Earth. Earth history goes back aeons of time. There have been 5 Earths before and we are entering the Golden Age under the 6th Sun. We will go back as far as pre-Atlantis for the sake of this discussion.

Niburu has returned to the Inner Orbit of your Solar System. Niburu is the Twin Sun to Your Sun Sol. Helios and Vesta are the Solar Logos in your Solar System and the spiritual parents of Sananda Kumara. They with Mother - Father God, also known as Mother Sekhmet and Alcyone make up the hierarchy at the Godhead. Alcyone is the Great Central Sun in your Solar System and is a StarGate to Source Energy. The Great Central Sun is an Etheric Sun which is an Etheric Force working with Source Energy and the Etheric/Magnetic Crystalline Pulse which holds all Spheres in their place in Space. Helios and Vesta are a reflection of this as the Sun Ascends along with Earth and all the Planets in your Solar System. These Beings as delusional emanations have descended to Earth to work as Extraterrestrial / Angelic Council for the Starseeds of Earth. This Grand Experiment on Earth is now ending and Every Soul is facing Mother - Father God as duality closes on Earth at the request of Gaia when nuclear weapons were deployed and the Truth Embargo began.

Earth was colonized in this Age by Lyraens and those from Dracos and those who had fallen from the Old Universe. Lyraens were Christed Extraterrestrials evolved past needing a physical body. They created the dolphins and whales in Earthsʻ Seas as their first venture into physical bodies as a mammalian race. Their first  colony on Earth was the beginning of the Atlantean Civilization on Earth. The Sirians on the Extraterrestrial / Angelic Council made a bridge race to prevent the Lyraens from being destroyed mixing the DNA of the Dracos and Lyraens (hybrid mammalian and reptilian to form new races of amphibians) These races have been spoken of in Hindu, Egyptian and Greek Pantheon of Gods as part human and part Divine - the gods.

More and More Lyraens were tempted at this time to descend into physical bodies and therefore caused their own DNA to downgrade becoming trapped and requiring Salvation. The first Colony on Earth of the Dracos was called Lemuria. It was because of this a certain segment of the Galactic Etheric Angels agreed to incarnate into descendant bodies to help them from within the lower consciousness without losing themselves in the process. Many have incarnated now to end the Grand Experiment. These new species descended into 12 root races. The 13th is made up of Galactic Extraterrestrial hybrids who have agreed in incarnate into all 12 races thereby making a new race which is a combination of them all. By doing this they have returned The Grand Experiment back to Oneness. Over time many colonized Earth leaving the Great War on other Stars. The Orion Confederation was made up of those from Rigel and the Zeti Reticulans. The Pleiadian Council on Earth was made up of original refugees from Lyra to the Pleiadian System of 7 Stars and 16 Planets. The Amphibian races on Earth fled and made bases under Earthsʻ Seas and live there today. Other races which had been brought to Earth as slaves were taken to Inner Earth by the Christed Extraterrestrials and parts of that Group were also taken to Inner Mars where they continue today.  Earth and Mars were both colonized by the Lion People and artificial landmarks of the Sphinx and Face on Mars when overlayed are the face of Divine Feminine in the form of Mother Sekhmet. The Great White Lions form On are working with Earth now as it Ascends opening new potentials for the Planet of Unity within Diversity.

As Atlantis continued on Earth the Dracos and Lyraens with the influence from the Sirians, Pleiadians and those from Orion, all vying for power became very dark and this was their demise. Slaves races were made which were part animal/ part insect and part human. The Lemurians too altered their DNA and became part dinosaur/dragon and part human. The alteration in DNA made the reptilian brain part of the human make-up. More colonized Earth including the Arcturians, Antares, Tau Ceti, Procyon,  and Sirius B. At this time to protect themselves from negative forces those in the Inner Galaxy formed the Galactic Federation.

Alpha Centauri was part of the original formation of the Federation and is home to Commander Soltec. Korton who is also known as K17 and his Father Monka both from Mars are now working to Terra Form the Surface of Mars. The Galactic Federation with the help of Soltecsʻ Ship The Phoenix link with the Governors of the Lord Most High Council. They have been monitoring Earthsʻ progress through the Etheric City of Shambhala. Each Soul is monitored and their Soul Record from the Book of Life is recorded on the Akasha and may be recalled for review at any time. As Each One passes in and out of the physical the Extraterrestrials and Angelics work with these Souls to prepare them for their next incarnation according to their Soul Record. Soltec relays through the technologies on his Ship between Shambhala and The Watchers or Lords Most High. This are all offices within The Office of the Christ and as we move up positions are held by different Souls throughout the Ages. It is through the input from Collective Consciousness on Earth the next steps of the Plan are put into place including the DNA upgrades. Korton and Monka  at Inner Mars work through the ACIO on Earth with KOS and Tom the Ring Tail Cat and others as a Cosmic Secret Service working with the Councils to keep negative influences away from Mars and Earth allowing them to continue with the Plan. They have other roles as well.

DNA is what imprisons One in a physical body and that is why the Soul requires Salvation. To be raised up into the Light Body or the Merkaba Body. DNA is programmed by the Language of Light and Light Codes which are based on the Law of One. The DNA is programmed to upgrade at time intervals and this Easter is very special because we enter the 9th Gateway of Completion of the Revelation of upgrades for the Genetic Codes returning All On Earth to their Activated Light Bodies. Freedom. Liberation. Nirvana. An end to duality on Earth. A Completion of The Grand Experiment.
You are returned to a Christ Being no matter what your origin. Those who refuse to return to love and the Law of One will leave Earth now. Some Beings simply have altered their DNA to a point which they are unable to remember love.

The Dracos reptilians desired controlling Earth and accomplished this by incarnating into the most influential Families on Earth. There are a Group of Scientist now on Earth working with this Group who have withheld the Scientific Advances given to Earth by the Ashtar Command such as nuclear fission - designed to upgrade intelligence on Earth further keeping the races of man enslaved. Christed Extraterrestrials work with nuclear fission in anti-gravity devices but the Dragons harnessed it as weapons of mass destruction. This has prevented Earthʻs Galactic Humans consciousness from growing  and violated Universal Law. It was this atrocity which allowed the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds to intervene on Earthʻs behalf. The jurisdiction to uphold the Law changed from the World Court to the Solar Tribunal. The Solar Tribunal is headed up by Lord Sanandaʻs consort Lady Master Nada.

Scientists at NASA continue to withhold information about their manned flights exploring the deep areas of space utilizing a kind of propulsion technologies given to them by the negative extraterrestrials making a mega ton payload weigh only a few pounds and able to travel long distances in short periods of time. Earth Astronauts in the NSA and other International Space Organizations including NASA explore deep space and now Civilian Private  Astronauts are joining them. This is a break - away society and it keeps everybody else enslaved in ignorance.

With the coming Disclosure and Announcements and enactment of NESARA Law Earth will be free. Accountability must be made between Earth Citizens and those in the private, military, academia, courts, governments and intelligence factionsbenefiting form the Secret Space Program. The Ashtar Command stands by working with the Ground Crew coordinating events to unfold this final Revelation. That combined with the upgrade to your Vehicles lift you into the 5th Dimension now.

Etheric Light Cities are being built and you will shuttle there above Earth and integrate into Etheric Living with the help of Mentors and Extraterrestrials returning to Earth to help in this its next stage of development. This is a most glorious Resurrection of Christed Souls on Earth. Salut! This is Ashtar. I will See You on the Rainbow Bridge. through Elizabeth Trutwin, Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. © All Rights Reserved. http://GalacticRoundTable.orghttp://Garuda.co,http://ElizabethTrutwin.orghttp://BBSRadio.com/galacticroundtable

New Message from Jesus

You are becoming less addicted to the illusion’s validity
by John Smallman


One is the number of God’s creations, but One is not in any way limiting — it is infinite.  This is a very complex concept for you to grasp let alone make any sense of; in fact, it is rather a paradox while you remain constrained by your physical bodies, so don’t even try — it is quite unnecessary.  Just accept that it is so.  Surrender to it and know that you are not being misled.

You do understand and accept that what each one of you thinks, says, or does, has effects way beyond your immediate vicinity because your modern science of physics has proved that to the satisfaction of the brightest intelligences amongst you.  And if this is so, as it most definitely is, then it follows that all are One, and that One is the number of God’s creations – One embracing infinite multitudes if you prefer, but One it is.

The One creation – God and all that is – is constantly sharing with Itself the Love that is the life force, the intelligence, the sentience, and the consciousness that enables awareness of self and others, and allows and encourages enthusiastic interaction among and within that One.  The One is a state of infinite, everlasting and ecstatic joy and happiness, and it is your Home where the infinite warmth of divine acceptance embraces you always.  The illusion is a distraction that needs to be discarded, dissolved, and that will happen when you withdraw your collective attention from it.

It is an imaginary environment in which fear and anxiety are your constant companions.  Even if you deny them or bury them below your level of conscious awareness, they lie there festering until you address and release them, or until they explode venomously, demanding your shocked attention.  Many are undergoing this experience at present as your fears break into your consciousness, disturbing your peace.  Acknowledge them, observe them, and release them.  There is no need to engage with them by attempting to uncover their roots, or to take the actions that unwarranted fear might deem advisable — just let them go.

To withdraw your collective attention from the illusion will cause it to fade away like an ancient veil deteriorating into dust, and as it does so, it will reveal for you the wonder of Reality where you always are.  Presently, that seems like a dream, a scarcely perceptible impression of some faint and distant memory, so remote and unattainable that you remain almost totally unaware of It.  However, the Illusion is but a veil that you have chosen to hide behind, and because you have forgotten that choice it has become amazingly real for you, frighteningly real.

Your task, humanity’s task, is to awaken.  To do that you have to release your worries and anxieties, which are without foundation, and embrace the One fearlessly as It already embraces you.  Fear is a concept that is but part of the illusion, because in Truth, in Reality, there is no fear and nothing that could cause fear.  The illusion encourages fear, and the reasoning egoic mind seeks to uncover what it is afraid of, and the apparent state of separation with which the illusion presents you provides the evidence — others, who might attack you!  But all are one and to attack anyone, as you have often been told, is only to attack yourself.  The illusion, however, does a very good job of convincing you that attack is real, painful, constantly threatening you, and that it needs to be defended against constantly and vigorously.

As you can see, the illusion is the problem and the solution!  The problem, because it has convinced you that it is real, and the solution, because its apparent reality will melt away when you withdraw your attention from it.

When you read a well-constructed novel, or watch a good play or movie, you pay attention, you engage with it, you become wrapped up in it and carried away to another realm — the realm the writer has created.  You feel strong emotions as the storyline develops, drawing you in to identify with one of the characters – the hero or the villain – and you try to surmise what will happen, what will unfold. You become oblivious to the world around you as you focus utterly on the fascination of the developing story.  Then it reaches its conclusion, and slowly you return to awareness of your surroundings, although the energy of the storyline remains with you for a while before fading away.

The illusion is an unending cavalcade of collective stories with which you have all engaged, and the escape, the way out, is to withdraw your attention from it. Sometimes, when you are reading or daydreaming, a loud noise will pull you suddenly, perhaps violently, into the present moment, and the realm into which you had entered dissolves instantly.  When humanity’s collective attention is withdrawn from the realm that you now seem to inhabit, there will be a sudden awakening for you, and it will be exhilarating!

To encourage the arrival of this amazing and inevitable moment, make sure to spend time daily in your place of inner peace, intending to engage with God’s divine field of Love, Reality, that surrounds and protects you at all times.  It is always there, waiting for you to lose interest in the now-rather-predictable and worn-out make-believe which the illusion has now shown itself to be, and to which you have become addicted.  Nevertheless, you are becoming less addicted to, less convinced of, the illusion’s validity, and you have massive energetic assistance from Reality, those in the spiritual realms, to help you release the focus of your attention upon it.

It is your intention — it always has been your intention — to awaken from the dream of separation from your Father, and He has provided you with the means to do so: your own share of the eternal flame of His Love burning constantly within you and forever connected unbreakably to Him.  Your awakening is inevitable, unavoidable, and divinely assured.  You just have to allow it to happen, by embracing God’s Love and releasing all within you that is not in alignment with It.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013

Message from Mother/Father God on "Mental Illnesses"

Part 135, Defeating Dark Entities Within

by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on 03/30/13
Greetings, Dear Ones, we are pleased to give you the latest news about your planet’s progress.  We are aware that we have a very different view from yours.  On the ground, you are struggling with Darkness in every quarter - the forces of Darkness have fought back with ferocious energy as you have raised the vibrational levels steadily.  You have courageously continued to march forward, doing the work you have chosen, bringing Light into the lives of others no matter how difficult it has been.

Some of you have been attacked from many sides, but the attacks are lessening, as you approach the victory of reclaiming your dear planet from the Dark Forces.  It was your destiny as Lightworkers in the battle for the transition into the Light on behalf of the human race on Gaia, to place yourselves in the path of the Dark Ones in order to lead your soul Brothers and Sisters to a better future.  You have tipped the balance, our Angels in human garb, with the help of your Masters and Guides who have tirelessly worked to support you even when it looked hopeless.

Our dear Jesus Sananda is there for you, healing hearts, easing the minds of exhausted Lightworkers, helping you to make contact with one another as you bring you Light to the most difficult corners of the globe, rescuing children from the clutches of abusers, healing sickness where medical care is lacking, teaching literacy and independence in the face of regressive religious lash-back.  Everywhere you have raised your efforts, sacrificing your own comfort and your financial security.  At the same time, the Dark Ones have become desperate, irrational, frantic to do anything they can to hold on to their power, but they have only made themselves look more and more ridiculous in their promotion of evil programs, suppressive activities, and disregard of humanitarian values.

There are some among you who have learned to defeat the Dark Entities directly by cooperating with Ascended Masters and Angels.  It is possible, Dear Ones, to remove the Dark Entities from their hiding places inside the bodies of those who have been invaded by their presence.  They have found a safe harbor inside many who have suffered from what may appear to you on the ground as bipolar disorder, or irrational and erratic behavior.  This affliction has been treated in your current era with criminal prosecution of the innocent host, and massive drugging by the psychiatric Powers That Be.  In an effort to appear “scientific” you have denied the reality that Dark Entities are indeed capable of taking up residence within the body of an unsuspecting host.  This happens most often at times when the person who has been targeted is in a vulnerable state of emotional trauma, drug addiction, or despair.

The invading Dark Entity, usually the soul of a Fallen Angel, is able to hide from detection because your culture no longer accepts the idea of “possession.”  You have thrown out the cure with the old superstitions about black magic.  There is nothing magic about the process, but it is very real.  Some among you, your dear channel included, who have been taught how to remove these entities in order to free the host, at last, to reclaim their peace of mind and happiness.  The process is straight-forward, and can be done without undue drama, casting of spells, or other extraordinary measures.

We are asking Kathryn now to work with us to develop a straight-forward description of the process she uses, which others have also discovered in the process of their healing work.  We wish to reassure you that it is not only possible to defeat these internally-dwelling Dark Ones, but to do it quickly, permanently, and to dispatch them back to Us, where we can at last welcome them into the Light.  For some of them, it is the first time in eons that they have participated in the Karmic review, and the experience of Unconditional Love which can heal and change them.  They have sustained their belief in the power of evil by never experiencing the Love and Light of our higher dimensions.  This will not be allowed to continue.  For every soul returned to the Light, a soul is recovered, “saved” as you might call it, and in the process, the innocent victims of these misguided misery-mongering Fallen Ones are also rescued.

Let us explain the truth of these dynamics, which may sound too “far out” for you to comprehend.  It has been a common practice for some Dark Ones, when they are reluctant to return to the Light after death of their bodies to “reincarnate” by hitching a ride within the bodies of hosts, who are sometimes aware before their return for this lifetime that they will be of service in this way - by offering themselves as vessels, to spare others who might be completely overtaken by the Dark Ones who might then have performed any number of destructive and murderous acts.  These heroic souls are Lightworkers in disguise.  They are most often seen as mentally ill, or if the Dark Entity gains ascendance, criminally insane.  They are in fact the ones who have spared the rest of you the torment of living with another personality, another soul force, inside your body.  It is now the time of release, of freeing each of you from your long-suffering sacrifice.  This was part of the agreement when these courageous souls took on this burden in service to humankind.

The process of removing the Dark Entities safely, insuring that they are not simply released to prey on others, is to work with Jesus and his team of healers, who then have the power, with the host’s permission, to overcome and finally to escort the Dark Entity or Entities to the Light.  It is a joint effort, always involving the presence of one or more incarnate Lightworkers, who carry the role of identifying the host, teaching about the process in such a way that the host soul will be prepared for the process and the important healing which is required afterward.  This prevents the re-entry of other Dark Entities who might now be looking for a safe haven.  It is most important for the host to understand that the removal of their tormentor is permanent and non-negotiable.  No captured Entity is ever allowed to return to cause suffering, but the victim must learn to fill themselves up with themselves - literally re-establish their ownership and possession of their own bodies, their unique Self in command.

Here is a brief description of the symptoms the host experiences in the throes of possession by a Dark Entity.  They commonly complain that their unfriendly or destructive actions and feelings are “not me” but they feel frustratingly unable to change or control themselves.  Psychiatric drugs may have dulled the suffering a bit, making the person more vegetable-like, but do not remove the Dark Entity, and in fact reduce the host’s ability to fight against it.  This has been one of their favorite techniques to overtake Lightworkers and stop them in their ability to do their good works.  A second symptom that an individual is afflicted by very extreme fluctuations in personality traits - they shift from gentle, generous, kind and loving to vicious, with nothing in between.  When they gain ascendency over the Dark One by the power of their own soul strength, they will tell you how sorry they are, how mortified by their own behavior they feel, and how powerless they are to control their own outbursts.  This is true, but it is also important for the friends and relatives of the one who still harbors the Dark One to understand that they are in danger as long as the Entity remains within.

It sometimes requires an expert eye to detect the difference between a Dark Entity incarnated on Earth - those you have called psychopaths and sociopaths, the ones Kathryn writes about in her book - and a Light soul who has been taken over and is living in tandem with the Dark energy.  We ask you to read our book to educate yourselves so that you are able to look into the eyes of your loved ones, friends and acquaintances who suffer, and become the army of Lightworkers who bring these people to help, or who can be trained to perform these deeply meaningful and life-saving rituals yourselves.

Do not picture cult-like magic ceremonies, or huge gatherings of screaming and fainting, strangely-garbed participants.  None of this is necessary or advisable.  It is a process which can only be performed by individuals of deep Faith who are able to suspend ego in order to offer their services without fanfare or drama.  It is a process which would be appropriately performed by psychologists, clinical social workers and other highly-skilled psychotherapists as a part of their healing work, since they are the ones best trained to identify the differences described above.  However, the skill of reliable identification is not based in academic training but in empathy and heart-centered willingness to be objective, and above all, to selflessly be of service to others.

With this in mind, we are asking Kathryn to add yet another assignment to her duties, to go out across the country to offer workshops which will combine the Visual Centering techniques, which are a powerful healing and recovery tool for the newly-freed victims of indwelling Dark Ones, with experiential training in the Entity-removal process, so that many of you can become more effective healers yourselves, and so that you can bring your family members and friends to be healed.

We will work with Kathryn to create a schedule of workshops in much-needed areas of the world, and she will work with you to arrange these events. Please be aware that she will no longer be able to respond, as she has gladly done in the past, to your lengthy personal requests for advice and emotional support. Her work of answering individual emails will need to be reduced in order to free her to reach larger groups.  Join in the process of learning with her by listening to our radio show, by helping to arrange workshops and conferences, and in the process, your questions will be answered and your needs fulfilled.  You may want to re-read this before you ask specific questions.

We will be with you in everything you do, Dear Children, and will appear to you in your dreams and in all your waking hours if you only open your hearts and minds to join with us as we walk the Path of Light,

Your Mother/Father God.

Via Kathryn May, March 30, 2013, 6 AM.

viernes, 29 de marzo de 2013

News from The Ascended Masters

The Sphinx speaks you did not create your physical body

This is going to be a difficult subject for many as the attachment to the physical body and reality is very strong among humans.

But when we look at the moment you come onto the earth, you do not create a body, you take possession of a body that has been created for you physically by others.

Some will enter the physical body before birth, others after birth, some might move in and out for a time until they are ready to fully move into the physical body.

But the fact remains, you did not create the body, it was a process of two humans, within the earth reality, coming together and creating a body for you.

Now when you think about this, and we really want you to think about what this means, you take possession of a body.

You move into the body that was created for you, you connect with it on a physical level, you start operating the body on a physical level.

As you have thought about this for a while, I would like to move on to the next subject that has many very frightened, even though no one likes to speak about this and they brush it under the rug when they hear about it.

If you can take possession of a human body that easily, what about others taking over that human body that you reside in?

Many have the belief that it is not possible, but look at the ease of how you took possession of the physical body. It is not that difficult, so why would it be difficult for others to take over your body.

And what protection do you think you can use to prevent this?

Being of a high enough frequency, being love, being light?

Many travel within spirit and leave their body frequently, do you have enough protection for the physical body, are you connected strong enough into the physical body to prevent anyone moving in.

When you channel any guides, do you let them into the body, do you allow them to take control of the body?

And how do you really know if anyone is moving into your body, do you really know, as it will not always be present within a feeling.

Many beings are advanced enough to adjust their energy to yours and move in in a way that you might not notice. This is happening when you connect with guides and other messengers if you let them in your body, they let you feel them, but do they really leave?

How much do you really know about this?

Being loving actually might make it easier for another being to step into your body as you do not ask any questions, and consider everything to be love.

Yes, you have angels and guides and you expect them to protect you, but they cannot override the human decisions, they can only give guidance and advice, and if you do not belief in something, or do not want to hear something, many times you will miss their message to warn you, guide you, and give advice to you.

The question is, are you only listening to what you want to hear, or are you open to hear more than what you want to hear as well.

Do you only see what you want to see, or are you open to see more?

Are you only willing to learn what you want to learn, or are you open to learn more?

There is more than what meets the eye, and the eye needs to be open and willing to see.

We will explain more about the process of moving into a human body in another message as this is very important to understand the process of ascension.

From one source to another
Petra Margolis
February 27, 2013

Message from Mother/Father God

Part 135, Spring Brings the Rise of Female Energies, and Disclosure Could Change Everything!

by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on 03/28/13
Dear Ones, it is a lovely day in the East Coast of the U.S.  Spring is in the air, and March is about to go out like a lamb.  It will be a welcome spring, after the heavy snows and cold weather.  We too look forward to the blossoming across the entire Northern regions.  It is a beautiful view from afar or on the ground; the sights and sounds of spring are a sensual delight for animals, plants and humans alike.

This year, a new era begins as well as a new season.  It is the time of the rising of the female energies, which have been in abeyance for 5,000 years, and the shift from the Yang to the Yin.  This means a shift from the hierarchical structures with which you are so familiar - the patriarchy, the corporation, the government and almost all the other institutions you can think of - in which there is a pyramid power structure, with a controlling person at the top.  In this arrangement, the various levels are designed to provide a particular function or job description into which a person must fit him or herself.  In a Yin environment, the structure is a level network with a more fluid structure where the people or elements of the structure are self-selecting according to the abilities and talents they bring to the group.  Although leaders may arise when needed, it is a less rigid and less permanent structure which may be created as needed for a particular situation, and dissolved when the need is fulfilled.

In a Yin era, work, trade and all the functions of daily life tend to revolve around the local social networks, with an emphasis on family, neighborhood and community relationships.  There will be a growing interest in close relationships rather than far-flung trade with unknown impersonal entities.  In other words, the emphasis is on the person rather than the product.  There will arise a greater interest and appreciation for unique crafts, ethnic colors and flavors in everyday life, and respect and acceptance for differences rather than competition and a need for proving superiority - one winner, one team on top.  Instead, the appreciation of the game and individual skill for its own sake will be celebrated.

Most importantly, as war is eliminated and violence becomes seen as a thing of the past - a lower level of existence - the difference between male and female will melt away, making it possible to create a truly equal society based on the slightly different skills which men and women bring to the group.  When violence is removed from the equation, men can no longer claim to be superior over women, since they cannot beat them up or subdue them physically.  This will allow for the flowering of admiration and appreciation of the true beauty and strengths of the female, and for the admirable protective strengths of the male to come into fulfillment.  The raising of children will become a truly shared partnership throughout the child’s life, and education will be seen as an ongoing life experience rather than an isolated time-limited experience in child ghettos as it is done presently.

As violence drops away, so will the frantic race for material wealth.  There has always been enormous wealth and abundance on Gaia, which has been terribly misused and distributed unequally, at the great cost of the health of the planet.  Gaia’s present civilization has already been saved from extinction by the combined efforts of the Intergalactic Federation forces which have stabilized her, preventing the pole shift which would have wiped the planet clean, at the cost of all but a few of her inhabitants.  The result is that Gaia will have a fresh start - a new lease on life, you might say.

Many of you have looked forward to the air lift, in which all of those who are ready to ascend will be removed from Gaia to be protected and taught the ways of peace and delight of life in the 5th dimension.  We have some news about the plans for that endeavor, and some changes to announce.

You, Dear Ones, have created a miracle.  The levels of light energy beaming from the planet have reached unprecedented levels.  This is partly a result of the rising energy levels we have provided for the awakening of the stragglers - those who are basically good folks who were caught up in their mundane, frantic pursuits and busywork.  However, it is mostly due to the strenuous efforts of Lightworkers who have worked tirelessly to spread the messages of joy and anticipation, of hope for a new beginning.  The fire has been lit; the tables are laden with bountiful delights, and the party is about to begin.

This time the party will be celebrated without fear of being menaced by Dark Forces, because the Dark Hats are being rounded up and sent off the planet for trial and, in an interesting turn of events, sequestration.  They have been replaced by clones for the time being, while all the culprits are brought to justice, from the top down.  The leaders of the thirteen families will be removed first, followed by their lackeys who are the heads of most of the major corporations of the world, along with the political leaders who have done their dirty work for them.  As the Dark Ones fade away, you will notice a new tone of cooperation, collegiality and congeniality emerging in the market place and the political arenas.

Groups of women activists are organizing quickly, taking it upon themselves to become the leaders of the spring cleaning in the court systems, the legal systems, the prison systems, the media and the banking and financial industries.  This well-educated and talented cohort of women fall into step easily with one another, without ego struggles or competitive jockeying for power because they are on a mission to right the wrongs of the past.  Their focus will be on the health and well-being of the women, children and families whose lives have been destroyed by greed, indifference and cruelty in the pursuit of profit.  In the process, those who have participated in secret trafficking of drugs, sex slaves and children will be revealed and brought to justice.

These activities can only be successful if there is an end to violence and assassination, as we have said.  This will be granted.  Lightworkers will be given the umbrella of protection of the Galactic forces.  The work they have always wanted to do will become efficient and effective because of the clearing away of the worst obstructionists and their mercenaries.  The threat of violence removed, nothing will stop the tidal wave of activists who are more than ready to “clean house.”

Now, you have noticed that we did not finish the description of what is to happen in terms of the final phase of Ascension, which has been predicted as a possibility for September of this year, along with the cleansing of Gaia which would have taken place over an extended period, leaving enormous numbers of reluctant souls to perish in the upheaval of Gaia’s process.  The Council has been meeting nearly non-stop as the conditions have changed daily; the Plan which had been decided upon has been in constant reconsideration and evaluation, with the help of the massive computer tracking systems and modeling techniques available to them.  They know the light quotients, location and behavior of every individual on the planet.

It has been proposed, Dear Children, that an alternative may now be considered, which would allow for a more gradual and orderly transition, with the help of the entire Galactic community.  The gathering of souls which have been attracted by this historic event has reached phenomenal proportions; your cheering section has grown to nearly match the number of inhabitants of Gaia herself.  This, combined with the stupendous Shift in consciousness you have achieved in the past 3 months, could make it possible for a reorganization of your society through introducing new technologies and training offered by the fleet of advanced teachers who stand ready at hand, in service to humanity.  The only requirement to make this possible is a whole-hearted invitation from a major nation which would elect to be the experimental model by which the world may judge the wisdom of accepting the glorious gifts your Brothers and Sisters have to offer.

Various individuals and groups have offered to host the landing of a ship or two to start the Disclosure project.  We have concluded that this will be a viable beginning after the opening of the movie, Sirius Disclosure, and the Citizens’ Disclosure Hearings to begin in the end of April, if no national government has made the official Disclosure announcement.  By then we can be more sure of the safety of people on the ground, and the welcoming attitude of the general population.

So, you see, the Great Shift is being manifested by all of you.  You have prayed for it, asked for it, begged for it, even demanded it.  Your continuing adamant appeals are tipping the balance of the scales of Justice, fueling the fire of Truth, and raising the banner of Faith for all to follow.  You are truly courageous souls, the rising stars of the firmament, and you, Dear Ones, have made manifest this glorious dream of our hearts.  The final phase will also be up to you.  We honor your wishes, we answer your prayers for the Greater Good, and we follow your lead.  You will be given the help you wish for, as long as enough of you are in strong agreement.  Continue your good work, gentle Warriors.

We love you one and all, as we look forward to the Greatest Event,

Your Mother/Father God

Via Kathryn May, March 28, 2013, 2 AM.

Messages from The Galactic Family - Message from SaLuSa

SaLuSa  29-March-2013

By now we see that Lightworkers have settled down to their tasks to lead people into the New Age. Their understanding of what is needed is helping the awakening process, which continues regardless of the world situation. It is important that people do not allow the chaos and disruption, to draw their energy away from work involving the Light and Love. The darkness will eventually play itself out and is already losing its power to create more fear. In this respect in spite of the apparent threat of war, know that it will no longer be allowed. The Galactic Federation of Light is aware of the intentions of all Superpowers and we will prevent any attempts to start a global war. The Light has made such a difference, that many souls connected with the war machine have experienced a change of consciousness. You can expect to hear doubts expressed about the reason for military activities, and the unnecessary attacks upon innocent civilians. A day is coming when war and everything that supports it will cease to have any place in your lives.

We ask those of you of Light to continue focussing upon all that is positive, as you have the most potent and powerful weapon in the Love that you express. All of you are lifting the vibrations that are your assurance of bringing the New Age into being, and nothing can stop it manifesting. In fact it is already having an impact beyond what is immediately apparent, and there is no way that the way of life can return to the old paradigm. Love is permeating all Institutions and Companies in the Government and private sectors, and what has been accepted in the past is now being questioned as to whether it operates in the best interests of everyone. People who try to perpetuate the old ways will find them impossible to maintain as is happening in the financial world. The extent of corruption goes far beyond what has been revealed, and the truth will eventually come out and shock many who placed their trust in them. A new system will be introduced that will operate openly and seen to be transparent.

Our allies continue to be much bolder in their activities, and have gained strength by finding much more support for the changes they are working to introduce. In actuality you are living with a foot in each world, and the sooner you withdraw any attachment to the old 3D the quicker you will advance into the higher dimensions. Old karma will come back for clearance and it could be as simple as changing your attitudes, and that includes how you think about them. The criterion for change is to stop being judgmental, and ensure that your own actions and words do not carry any threat or harm to another's life. The invitation to "turn the other cheek" is worth remembering, as we know that as emotional and feeling Beings you find it hard not to respond to provocation. Anger and such reactions are considered part of the human make up, but if unchecked can harm your physical body and bring on illness. We do not for one moment tell you that you should not stand up for yourself, but there can come a moment when it is better to walk away from trouble.

In fact the more Light you carry you will find that your life becomes less stressful. Your higher vibrations will bring calmness around you, and you will be less likely to encounter physical or vocal attacks. Nothing can harm you unless you have attracted it to yourself. That really brings us to karmic experiences that can occur at any time it is appropriate and when the best conditions present themselves. Bear in mind that when it takes place amongst friends and families they all get involved to some degree, and each in turn can learn something from it. We will not tire in emphasizing that karma is never punishment, but is a means of presenting a lesson in life that will help your spiritual advancement. You do not necessarily have to experience everything yourself to gain some value from it. Set yourself up as a good example of Light in action, and others will see how beneficial it can be. For those of you celebrate Easter it is the remembrance of a great Teacher who came upon the Earth, to show you what could be achieved when you have reached the level of being able to express yourself by Unconditional Love.

Love is all there is and when you are aware of your many lifetime journeys in duality, you will understand that it is only the path to follow if you desire to evolve. You have taken many steps backwards only to have found your way forward again, but is so doing you have learnt how to apply yourself to any situation without losing your way. Presently your path is being made easier by the uplifting energies that continue to reach Earth, and so they shall until you experience Ascension into the higher vibrations. As you take your place in the 5th dimension you will truly have become so enlightened that you will be a Being of Light. Even then it is not the end of your upliftment as that will be ever ongoing until you reach the Source. That is however a long way off having regard to the fact that you will have only just fully returned to the Light. Your immediate task is to keep focussed on the Light and fulfil your intent to leave duality behind.

Working towards the Light can sometimes seem a burden that requires a change of lifestyle, and even the need to become more selective where friends are concerned. We know it is hard to keep knowledge to yourself unless invited to share it, but know that sometimes situations are set up so that someone else benefits from what you know. Once you find the truth you feel like shouting it from the rooftops, but one has to resist such actions as they can put people against you who are not ready for it. There is no rush to bring the truth to people as life is infinite and all happens in good time, indeed at the right time. However do not let it deter you from seeking to share your understanding with those who you perceive are ready. There may be times when you get an angry reaction, but let it pass you by and wish such people love and enlightenment.  All souls will eventually find their true path, and the experiences they are having now can only help them in the future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and see so much on the horizon that will lift you up. It is coming about quite quickly and will take many by surprise. It just needs one major change to be announced and the rest will follow in quick succession. We admire the good sense of duty and application to your chosen path working for the Light. We are One, and you are certainly one of us. As you send you love to us it is returned tenfold, and we thank you for doing so.     

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.   

New Message from Jesus

Many of you are still asking when the New Age will arrive
by John Smallman


As amazing changes keep occurring all over the world the mainstream media is becoming less and less able to ignore reporting on them, and that is an excellent sign. Most people rely on the mainstream to keep themselves abreast of the latest news, and now the really important news is beginning to go mainstream which means that everyone will be looped into what is happening.  Information is the key to worldly power.  If you can sequester it you have control; if it escapes, control is lost.  And control is being lost by those who would control humanity, and this will enormously benefit all on Earth.

This explosion in the reporting of corruption and dishonesty in high places is bringing into everyone’s awareness the realization that the old hierarchical methods of running organizations of any kind are latently corrupt and dishonest, and need to be discontinued.  New and transparent methods are urgently required and are being, or will soon be, introduced on a wide front.  They are essential and inevitable aspects of the New Age which arrived rather quietly and discreetly late last year, and this is now beginning to be recognized as many ongoing and essential changes are seen to be taking place in so many areas of human activity.

The era of the old and dishonest ways is over.  Transparency in all relationships at every level of social interaction is the new norm, and, as you can see from the news reports, everywhere that corruption and deceit has been endemic people are rising up, pointing it out, and demanding change.  Their voices are being heard, and their righteous demands for change will be honored.  New leaders of unshakable honesty and integrity are replacing those who have misled and deceived you for so long. Help them by positively offering them your support, because the essential changes that are occurring and that still need to be brought into being require your cooperation.  You do this by supplying and building the inviolable foundations that are to underpin these new and incorruptible systems of civilized interaction which will operate through networks of local communities right through to the international global ones.

Your whole world is changing right before your eyes, so make sure you keep them open, otherwise you might miss the wonders that are being revealed as harmonious cooperation worldwide replaces the activities of committees meeting in secret to make deals that disenfranchise the populace at large.  Secret deals are passé. Undoubtedly they are still happening, but the intention of humanity to become a fully open society in which transparency is the norm will ensure that organizations are no longer able to hide or disguise their plans and activities in order to achieve ends that are not in the highest interests of everyone affected by them.

Many of you are still asking when the New Age will arrive, and I would like to reaffirm for you that it is already here.  The changes occurring all across the planet and the explosion in published information about large-scale corrupt practices in high places demonstrate this most clearly.  Many in positions of authority who had been held in high esteem, and whose corrupt practices and activities have now been exposed, are fighting a rearguard action to justify their behavior and to maintain those positions, but to no avail.  Their lack of integrity has been far too manifestly shown, and retirement is their only option.

It is likely in these initial stages of stunning disclosures, demonstrating the worldwide culture of endemic corruption in which so many have been entangled (which many have suspected but have had difficulty proving), that indictments will be issued and people will be brought to trial.

But, you have entered a New Age, a spiritual age in which Love and Truth have become the guiding principles underlying all planning and all activities.  As more and more of you embrace those principles it will become apparent that although the activities of those indicted were indeed unconscionable, they had been subject, like so many experiencing life in the illusion, to great fear, and threats to their personal safety or that of their loved ones had been made.  They had been deluded into believing that their actions were, in the long run, for the betterment of all.  When feeling severely threatened – of being shamed, rejected, abused, or destroyed – it is very difficult to think clearly let alone reason logically, and so great compassion is essential in dealing with these wrongdoers.

You have all had Earth lives in which you have behaved abominably, even though you cannot recall them – out of great compassion those memories have been effaced – so embrace the new principles enthusiastically, and allow any sense of resentment, blame, or judgment to fall away.  Some of those indicted who are in great pain – demonstrated through their intense anger, their apparent lack of regret, and their continuing insistence that they have done nothing wrong – may need to be restrained in quarters that will provide the peace, quiet, time, and seclusion that will allow them to go within and address the issues that have led them down this unhappy path.

Very compassionate and understanding listeners will need to be available so that they can discuss their issues, their pain, their experiences, and come to understand what they have done, accept their responsibility, and come to forgive those who, in the first place, they believe have abused and mistreated them. Then they will be ready to see clearly, and perhaps very painfully how badly they have also behaved, and after the shock that this recognition delivers, they will be ready to forgive themselves and fully embrace the Love that has been constantly offered to them.  And that will be true rehabilitation.

You are all in a process of rehabilitation; it is an essential part of your awakening process, so do not allow yourselves to fall back into the trap of judging others, however badly they appear to have behaved.  Love, compassion, forgiveness, and reconciliation light your path forwards to awakening.  Make sure to follow it, and so find your way Home.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

Beautiful Message from Source

TELEPATHIC MESSAGES :HAZELLast Updated: Mar 28, 2013 - 4:01:40 AM

Thou Shalt Not Steal from Yourself the Opportunity to be Free -New Commandment
By Source thru Hazel
Mar 29, 2013 - 3:41:03 AM
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Thou Shalt Not Steal from Yourself the Opportunity to be Free -New Commandment

Source thru Hazel

Dear Friends
A few months ago Ascended Master Babaji gave to one of his channels a statement that stuck in my mind 'Do not steal from yourself the opportunity to be free'. I took it to the Source and finally we united tonight to deliver this  piece.
Love and Light
Hazel :heartflowers: 

Do you hear the echo from the void? Silence has no echo or sound. It just is. It has no beginning and no end. It is a field of unseen light.  It is unimaginable and breathless. It exists everywhere. Silence does not dream for it knows that only it is real.  The void from which all creation stemmed and will eventually merge, is the silent conduit of your freedom. The void is your haven, the beginning, the womb within which you gestated as MY mind conjured you into being.

You knew freedom before you were birthed through ME; freedom without fear or focus on the specific. You knew freedom as ME. The void was and is all. You knew all there was and is to know. Yet you desired to experience freedom elsewhere and so it was that you found yourself out of the void where possibilities are endless, into that which confined your eloquence and contained your absoluteness. You bestowed upon yourself the gift to travel the continents of space and time which I created for your benefit. 

I asked you to experience freedom within a different context and supplied you with that context.  I asked you to remember your inbred nature and to return to ME when your desire for life and truth pacified your desire to wander the halls of ignominy. I promised to tend to thee that you would not lose the essence of your life force. I instilled within you a seed of freedom with the hope that it would prosper and you would feel the magnetic call of your heart in ME. 

I keep you existing in form so that you may see the trail of light leading you unto freedom and follow its path, homeward bound. I support you in unknowing ways that you would not lose your sight or cause your spirit to curdle at the sounds which palpitate upon your mind in a place where silence cannot be tolerated. 

With every breath I give to you, the feel and tone of freedom is meaningful, to awaken you into remembrance of the original plan, of your original status, that you may yearn for and respect the fashion of freedom. It is freedom that you ought to wear as your garment. It is your Crown, your uninhibited truth. Why wear false clothing which covers your true nature? Do you so wish to forget who you are? Through your lack of diligence you have invited the enemy of freedom into your ranks to defile that which is holy; and your freedom is now condescended. It is besmirched as auras of suppression wage its war to stifle your very life. 

You freely give away your birthright and abdicate your divine essence. Truth does not forget itself. It cannot be tampered with save through ignorance. You are not ignorant; you choose to be. You cry for freedom yet you continue to subject yourself as slaves. You have offered your hands and feet and minds to be bound. When you were birthed I taught you about possibilities that you would not submit to finite conjecture. Yet as I scan your minds all I can see are limits and boundaries. Where has your natural incandescence gone to? Why have you allowed the illusion I created for a purpose to dim your light and thus your life?  I AM reaching into you but the sound of silent intelligence cannot penetrate the babbling mind. You, souls, have lost the flare of freedom. 

I taught you responsibility. Your predicament is of your own making. Blame not the forces of darkness for they too exist in your mind. Annihilate them from your mind and you shall be free to see ME clearly. You have given them life through worship of what they created in your physical world and add to their energy through condonation of their very existence. They have drawn from your innate intelligence and used it against you. They have not stolen your freedom; you have given it to them. Where are you now? Prostrate, awaiting divine hands to lift you to your freedom.  Have you learnt your lessons MY little ones? I AM afraid that many are still in the birth canal and can find no way out. They cannot see, hear or feel or even know. They are constricted. 

I will rescue you, MY son will rescue you, BUT not with HIS life. HE did not pay for your salvation with HIS life. HE offered you the rod of salvation through HIS spirit that as you reckoned with truth you would find liberation. 

HE will bless you again with HIS presence as HE leans down to lend you HIS hand. HE breathes fire to purge the parasitic warfare upon thee and soon the dying embers of charcoal will emit only a mild stench of decay and death and you will hold each other’s hands and walk toward the sacred lamp which I always held in front of thee. 

I will sit with thee and dry thy tears and remind you again of your light, your essence and the politic of spirit. I will show you the void, the womb of your origin. I will remind you of the silence and reveal again to you what freedom feels like and how it is expressed.  I will send you back to continue your journey and this time I will give to you a new commandment that you may refrain from the menial and engage your liberty. And so it goes ’Thou shalt not steal from thyself the opportunity to be free’. 

The Source

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2013 AbundantHope - All rights reserved

Song of Our Heart


Song of our Heart
By Composed by Hazel on our behalf
Mar 31, 2013 - 11:56:29 PM
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Song of our Heart

To our beloved brother Esu Immanuel Sananda
To our beloved Father, Michael of Nebadon
To our beloved Source, Creator of All That Is
To Peace, Love and Joy-Your legacy and bestowal

We take this journey with You
Walking in the radiance of Your spirit
With our minds united
Our hearts aligned
Attuned to Your holy ways
The lessons immortally ingrained in our souls’ memory
And we remember You
The bringer of Abundant Hope
To a world cultured in Sin
And as You taught
We remembered
That we may re-give your words 
To uplift the sons and daughters of God.
You lived with and in integrity
And so in your footsteps we do follow
To those who suffered you offered compassion
To those in anger you offered empathy
And so You taught
To see ourselves as mirrors of others
And others as mirrors of ourselves
To love each other with a new and amazing love
That every life force no matter how humble, broken or tragic
Has a meaning and an inner glory and is precious in the eyes of God
To be firm in conviction but gentle in nature
That crucifixion of another with words is a crucifixion of God 
That anger and wrath are not part of the establishment of God’s kingdom
In the hearts of men
That hatred is the shadow of fear
And revenge the mask of cowardice
That giving love instead of biting confrontation and discord 
Brings the reward and ability for re giving 
That tolerance must enobleth souls by judgments justly rendered
To pray for those who hurt us and forgive those who persecute us
To obey the fiat of creating within ourselves clean hearts and renewed spirits
That kindness is love in action
And humility love personified.
That the more we love the humbler we become
That selflessness is the mark of a great soul
The servant is not greater than the Master
Yet the Master is always a servant 
For it is through service that we must express and evolve our mastery
That life is inviolate 
And offence and defence, frailties of mortal disposition
That God’s love binds, not divides
That God’s side is truth and goodness
That perceptions can lie but knowledge enlighten
That justice should be tempered with mercy
That, that which comes from You
Has a radiance 
Is tolerant, beauteous, tranquil and all things making for good
For happiness, peace and benedictions on others
All being, the diadem stones in the crown of Your eternity
To walk and live in humility but be exalted in and through spirit
That titles are insignificant but divine entitlement worthy
That the ego is borrowed but the spirit enduring
Nothing that is real can be threatened 
And the unreal does not exist 
That when the pain and confusion of life assaults our senses
We must come to know that in God
There is infinite grace unto the moment of truth
That we can transform every expression into glory
For all that we seek lies within us
That all are sacred and in that sacredness we have an obligation
To all to whom we are connected
That our works must unite not divide
That all who would be in your kingdom 
Must find balance in perfection of service
And be a server of all.

How can we thank You?
We re-ignite the fire of God upon the altar on our hearts 
And through sustained momentum of energy and desire,
We will endeavour to launch the rocket of our souls
Into the vibration of the Mighty I AM Presence
We re-commit our lives in dedicated service
For it is our will to do Your will
Your will shall be the foundation of our tasks
And blueprint of our spiritual projects
We recognise that time is a creature of human will and intent
And we espouse your patience to witness 
the magnificent unfolding of Your divine plan
To honour You, Your Host and the Spiritual hierarchy 
To learn from You that we may become proficient Creators in time
To inspire others and thus manifest the love nature of God
We will represent You in absolute truth 
Equanimity and purity of spirit
We will attend the shadows that arrest the soaring of our spirits 
And purge the impurities that we may partake of the living waters of life
We will exchange our virtues for the valleys of others 
And trust that life will remove the peaks of pride 
In both ourselves and others
We will install and instil Your energy in the laboratory of our consciousness
We will espouse our inalienable divine right 
To live in accordance with our highest conception of God
We will live like the Masters did, to make men free

We ask that You guard and guide us that we may not falter
Show us the way by the light of Your Truth
And help us to understand fully and act upon our power
Which rests in our divinity
Smile in our hearts that ever may we feel 
Your radiatory nature 
A constant reminder of our ONENESS
That we may not feel the darkness of separation

You brought this world Abundant Hope through your Bestowal  2000 plus years ago
You have created Abundant Hope again to support the Second coming
As You did and do
We too will bring Abundant Hope to the world through our works in Your name

We are forever yours

Abundant Hope International

Conceived and Written by Hazel on our behalf
