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miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Messages from The Star Family

Ashtar - Message from the Bridge:
"Sandy" is Mother Gaia's Creation!

"Greetings, Beloved Family! We have said many times that the entirety of Planet Earth is to be cleansed. This is a part of your preparations for Ascension, Beloved Ones. Mother Gaia is in assistance of this, as is only appropriate. In some areas, the cleansings need to be more severe, but be assured that our ships are everywhere, and that we will - and we have - and we aremitigating, so as to keep the destruction of all members of Her Kingdoms to the smallest numbers possible! Also, please bear in mind and Heart that those who do leave their bodies during these events are serving in the missions they came to do, and that they are welcomed and honored for their gifts which they have given.

"Now, we thank and honor you for your loving services in sharing your Lights with humanity and indeed with all Kingdom members who live where the storm 'Sandy' has touched down. Please continue to do so, for you are most powerfully enabled to mitigate the destructions as well! Indeed, we are empowered to make an exponentially huge difference when we work together in our sacred Oneness!!!

"Lastly, we urge you not to buy into the stories which are circulating that Sandy was created by the 'naughties.'* They have been disempowered, and they can no longer do this kind of monstrous act. What is significant here, is that they are wanting to take credit for the storm! Yes, they are in such disarray that they are not even concerned about being found out. It is rather that they want you, Beloved Ones, to believe that they can still create a storm of this magnitude, so that you will not believe in your own divine empowerments - instead, you will allow them to resume the control which they have lost over you! To support their incredible fantasies, they are sending out disinformation and false evidence which appears real (f.e.a.r.)

"And so it is that we have here a wondrous opportunity to send them our Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. It is to tell them that they no longer need to try to create, or to lie about creating, such events. We thank them for presenting this opportunity to discern Truth for ourselves, and we forgive them for their delusions of empowerment, and all that they have done to achieve their goals. We offer them our Compassionate Love, and we invite them to join with us in the magnificent Ascension of Planet Earth!!! Salut!"

*Ashtar says that the name "illuminati" is a part of their 3D deception, so he has shortened the name to "naughties," which he says is a more truthful portrayal of their program agenda and actions.

Given through Susan Leland, 10-30-12.
www.Ashtarontheroad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

Messages from The Star Family

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

This time is to be the moment when the great sword of Heaven rises up and sets to right all that has become disordered and wayward on this most long-suffering Being called Gaia and in this battle-scarred solar system!
1 Lamat, 16 Tzec, 9 Eb
Selamat Jarin! We return! Much continues to happen around your globe. New governments are preparing their personnel, and announcements are to come quite shortly. Also, several financial institutions are busy preparing to convert the present fiat system to gold. These changes signal that a new fiscal system is ready to replace the old. Since the end of World War I in 1918, the switch to a fiat currency was introduced surreptitiously at first and then gathered increasing momentum with the huge panic of 1929. This led quickly to a massive depression that was used by those in charge around your world to foment World War II. This great conflagration was created to bring America globally to the forefront and to be the reason behind the decades-long Cold War that followed. In this way, the illuminoids and their Anunnaki masters laid the fertile groundwork that was intended to be the means to overthrow the various edicts set up by Heaven when Atlantis fell. As you now know, these dark momentums are failing fast, and Heaven is bringing in her new reality for your world.
The last few decades have not gone as the illuminoids had so arrogantly assumed. Heaven was working incessantly to bring forth a
new reality, in which Earth's humanity would be able to return to its former fully conscious condition. As part of this goal, Heaven sent a vast first-contact fleet to this solar system and this move was then serendipitously aided by the sudden change of heart of Anchara's dark continuum when it joined the forces of Light. These events transformed the landscape and charted a new primary path for Gaia's future. This meant that the dark cabal's elaborate schemes for total global domination began to unravel fast. The Light's agenda was further favored by the multiple collapse of all alternate timelines for this planet into one, which was in essence that of the Light. Predictably, the illuminoids lost no time in throwing all they had into staunching the encroaching plans of the Light. But the dark received another setback when several of the now-peaceable Anunnaki returned to offer their wisdom and assistance in service to the Light! The Galactic Federation and its allies were forming quite an effective conglomerate to counter the ongoing stratagems of Earth's dark ruling families.
Indeed, the end of the dark's 13-millennia-long hegemony on Earth was looming. The major royal illuminoid families deeply believed, partially out of habit, that their latest plans to maintain dominance would succeed. However, now a series of sudden reversals had plummeted them into an angry sea which threw up one setback after another. At first this did not faze them because in the past such incidents had always been easily resolved by their major leadership. But for the first time this leadership's skill and derring-do was not working as before and it was at a loss. Major moves were being contested and the dark's puppet governments that usually stopped such goings-on were being challenged by a combination of spiritually oriented wealthy royals and various powerful secret societies. These forces had loosely coalesced under a leadership that had direct contact with Ascended Masters and the Inner Earth Agarthans. Also, the dark's hitherto 'supreme' advanced technology was being stymied and trumped by the technology of the Galactic Federation.
These deepening dilemmas were further compounded by the
enormous amount of wealth available to this coalition of the Light. The dark's familiar superiority in all these areas was gone and the playing field on Earth was leveled for the first time. Outmaneuvered on all fronts, it was just a matter of time before the dark was compelled to give up its 'charges' and let an unprecedented transformation of surface humanity take place. After all, the complex goals of the Light are under the aegis of no less a power than Heaven and AEON, and because the illuminoids had chosen to stand out against the tide of Heavenly change, their time to 'pay the piper' for their transgressions was at hand. This reversal of fortune is now clear for all to see, and the dark's ruling structures are baffled by the speed with which such a massive shift toward the Light had happened. Thus we arrive at this watershed moment in your history. Our sacred allies stand poised to bring you your freedom, your sovereignty, your prosperity, and a return of your space and spiritual families.
Blessings, dear Ones! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today with more information. Our many associates are busy engaged with our Inner Earth allies to manifest a new reality. Nearly two and a half centuries ago, a special committee was formed whose main purpose was to bring into being a variety of movements to spread the ideals of liberty and personal sovereignty around the globe. Our intent was to use these emergent momentums to create the energy for what would become a new epoch of freedom for the world. These concepts would also form the foundation of a spiritual renaissance that looked beyond 'religion' to a new contract between the Creator and surface humanity. Many nations have been born since this spiritual committee came into existence, and our intent remains to continue pushing forward with our broad-based tasks to produce the realm of Light so eloquently laid out by the Creator's decrees.
It is this requisite for a new foundation for humanity's growing consciousness that so zestfully drives us. The dark cabal and its former off-world masters, the Anunnaki, established a number of cleverly adulterated and recast belief systems intended to fractionate
and permit massive manipulation of the world's populace. Our fervent objective is to reverse this travesty, and show by example how all of this nonsense can be returned to source and its effects quickly rectified. True spirituality leads to an acceptance of all, and to a collective will to unite with all peoples of this realm. The validity of these divine truths is what we dearly wish to communicate to you. To this end we have set in motion a way for us to shortly walk freely among you and teach you our truths. We have so much collective wisdom to share with you, and we look forward with great joy to doing this.
Gaia is in the throes of a most difficult series of changes and she wishes you to know that these changes are being carried out well below the optimum level of intensity required. Indeed, many 'more normal' changes are also happening well below the level she prefers. A timetable is in effect and it is essential that certain changes be done in a more concerted and speedy manner. We have made our associates understand that these present times demand action! Heaven and we have blessed these transformations and we intend to do our part in ensuring that these prescribed changes go forward as planned. Our sacred word has been given to Gaia and to our sacred cohorts. This time is to be the moment when the great sword of Heaven rises up and sets to right all that has become disordered and wayward on this most long-suffering Being called Gaia and in this battle-scarred solar system!
Today we brought you another weekly message, explaining what is happening on your globe. These communiqués are intended to inform you and to prepare you for what is to come. Your realm is to change, and to do so "in the twinkling of an eye"! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Messages from Heaven

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
Heavenletter #4353 Wake Up, Sleeping Beauty, October 25, 2012 

God said: 
You are on the verge of a blast of golden light on Earth. The whole configuration of life on Earth is about to take on new light. You will shake with delight. You will be overcome with wondrousness. You will roll over laughing in joy. Joy is almost upon you. It is yours, and it is for you. This joy will straighten your spine. It will unearth tremendous energy from you. A new day is right before you. A new you is right before you. Not really a new you. More like a latent you rising to the surface. The depths of you are rising up like a huge Tsunami wave. The sun of your heart is going to burst forth into the sunshine of your soul. Your heart is going to leap across the horizon. Heaven will be more clear to you. The Kingdom of Heaven will be upon you. You will leave off whatever has kept you back from this bright sunshine because the sunshine has been of you and for you all this time.
What you have been waiting for is imminent. It will take over. Blemishes to joy of life will disappear. You are coming to an oasis of love and life far beyond your tremulous dreams.
What occurs will not be momentous. Your own momentum is rising, that’s what it is. As you rise, the whole Universe rises, and, beloveds, you will be risen.
Bright light is upon you. Delight is upon you. All your desires are coming home to roost.
There is an internal light going on, and that light will surface. Your light will be clear to you. The light of others will also shine on you. All will be light. All will be lighted.
It has been, in Earth terms, a long time coming into your view. And, yet, it has always been.
You are going to see farther, and you are going to see nearer. You are going to see. Joy is going to loom and cover the face of the Earth. Grass will become greener. The night sky will be clear and reveal the stars with a clarity that will fill your heart. Be sure to be looking up at the stars. Stars are above, and you are going to be above however you have heretofore seen yourself.
Limits you have set will disappear.
It is like you are going to go into a changing room, and when you come out, you are changed. Everything is changed. Everything depends on you, and you will be depended on, and you will shine with the light you were always meant to shine in.
When you step out of this changing room, you will see everything, every bit of everything, in a new light. The light that will come out comes from within you. You will have promoted yourself from small things, not into Great Things, but into Greatness!
Greatness will have a new meaning for you. Simplicity will have a new meaning for you. You will be a new meaning to yourself and to the world. As you wake up to your illustriousness, so will the world wake up to its illustriousness.
Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, your time has come.
Beloved surfers, just as when you surf in the Ocean, you know how to catch the wave and ride on it, you are going to be a natural at surfing the waves of life and riding on them more and more and faster and faster.
Cinderella, a pumpkin is going to change into a coach for you.
Prince Charming, you are ready to announce yourself and recognize yourself in everyone. Your day has come. Your night has come.
All will be as I say. All will be as I see. And you will see.
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Permanent Link: http://www.heavenletters.org/wake-up-sleeping-beauty.html

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Messages from Heaven

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - October 23, 2012

"Well, Greetings Everyone! This is such a momentous time in the history/herstory of Planet Earth - and we do have the momentum! And there is absolutely nothing, nothing, that the dark hats could possibly pull out of their bag of tricks that is going to derail us, or in any way keep us from that which is ordained, which is the Ascension of you, and all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and Mother Gaia herself, Planet Earth.

"Indeed the [4th] dimension you called for, the higher levels of it, are already well anchored here. Or shall we say, Planet Earth is already well anchored there! And if you have doubts about that, just go into your sacred space, in the quietude of your own self. Listen to your own soul's music. Open your Heart, and invite the wisdom from that place, that Peace, that Joy, and that Love, to come in, and permeate the totality of your being. Yes, there is an aspect of you already there, so it is to connect all the parts and pieces, you might say, and become One with the Higher Dimensional energies, which you are all, already doing!

"We're simply saying, stay with it, stay the course, and most particularly, if things in the outside World seem to get a bit chaotic, or bumpy, know that this is only the energy of change. And sometimes change is very smooth, and sometimes it can be a bit bumpy, because it seems to be shocking to some, and that energy goes out. Or perhaps there is some anger on the part of those who are no longer able to get their way, and to control, and so on, and so on.

"Well, you all know the history/herstory of how things have been on Planet Earth all of these eons of time. And you all know that the changes which are happening are what you might call, compressed into your calendar days, so as to be within a span of what you would call two months, or thereabouts. And you all know about all that there is yet to do. Well, we want to assure you that a lot of what you might have on your list of things to do, are already done!

"And we're going to say something that is perhaps a bit shocking from I, Ashtar, because you know, we always say 'no dates.' Uh uh - no dates! Well you've just heard a whole list of dates from Tara and Rama.* And of course you know the biggie is the 12-21 of 2-0-1-2. And there are many, many, dates that have just been given in between. And we're going to tell you right now that these dates are as powerful as they appear to be, and perhaps even more powerful, when you look at them from the Higher Dimensional perspective, when you see the energies coming into their full bloom, you might say the radiance, when you see the Joy which shall be by far the majority feeling that will be greeting all of these momentous changes. And so we can only say, 'Whoopie, mission accomplished!'

"And if it doesn't seem like you're quite there yet, stop and put yourselves there in your visions. Take a look from 4D, the higher realms - not the lower ones of course - and see how it looks to be accomplish all that is being accomplished in this moment. And we shall advise you that there are some historical events which shall be recognized as what you might call major, not the least of which is the coming to the understanding with the country of Iran.

"This is huge, because the history/herstory of Iran is most powerful indeed. Iran is the keeper of many, many, wisdoms, and knowings, and yes, alchemical high energy, star gate, portals to beyond, and so on, and so on. And this is all known and Iran indeed, is about to emerge as the major Peace Maker of that country, or that portion of the World whose countries make up what is called the Middle East!

"Now this will seem as though it is quite a stretch, particularly to all of those - and this is for you - all of you weapons manufacturers, and you oil companies, and you corporate financial traders, and your power hungry politicians. be There is going to be no war over Iran. Iran is emerging with its goals, and its wisdoms, and yes, as a major power in the Middle East, but it is for Peace Making, not war making. And this has already made it, even into Foxy News, and it's going to make it even farther. There will be a complete, shall we say, turn around in the images portrayed in your mainstream news media in what you call the, well, 'civilized western hemisphere World!'

"And we shall say that the ancient civilization of Persia, which is known for many contributions to the World, is about to come into its rightful place of honor, as are all ancient civilizations whose wisdoms have often been, shall we say, buried, lied about, trampled upon, or put into the shadows by those who would take over and control. It is not that the leadership of any country - and when we say leadership, we are not just talking about the number one person at the head of the government - we are talking about the leadership of the government. And it is not that everyone in the government leaderships of the World are absolutely, shall we say, high vibe loving beings, but that is about to change, so that they will no longer be in their leadership positions!!!

"So, we shall say this - there is but a passing opportunity for us to honor them. Oh yes, they deserve to be honored for their place. They have gotten so outrageous, so incompassionate - lacking in Compassion - so program driven, that finally these vast numbers of people are waking up and saying, 'Wait a minute, what's wrong with this picture?' or something to that effect! So Beloved Ones, whether we are in agreement with the methods they have used or not, the fact remains that they have been over the top with their cruelties, their greed, and their drivenness, shall we say. And they have committed atrocity upon atrocity, and this is all coming to the Light, the Light of Truth!

"Archangel Michael is very busy with Excalibur, shining the Blue Wave of Truth everywhere, finding even the corners where the dark ones are plotting, you know. Ah yes, that Bohemian Grove is a famous place. And let us not forget the backrooms of Wall Street, and the affiliations that there are with various groups, who have infiltrated, and brought their own particular style of corruption to all of the legitimate organizations that you could possibly think of!

"In other words, they're everywhere. And this is exactly as it should be. If they were still hiding in those backrooms, there would still be many, many, thousands more, millions more, who are asleep, who are still sitting in front of their television sets watching the latest, what you call, soap opera drama, or ball game, or game show, instead of marching in the streets World-wide, faxing, and emailing, and texting, and Face-booking, and blogging, and putting material on websites!!!

"And as you can see, we credit the internet with being a major force in getting this information out. So what is there to do? It's all coming out, it's all tumbling forth. You have the elections - well do as the Masters* have said, and get out there and vote! And if you are not a citizen of the United States of America to do this voting, then vote spiritually, and telepathically. Send Love to Obama, and to all candidates, regardless of what you call the political parties, or anything else, all candidates who are of the Light, and who have the Heart, and the Courage in their Hearts to carry forward - not just this nation, but the World - to its destiny, to its date with Ascension!!!

"They're there and they are coming forth even now, more and more - the leaders, the ones who understand, who truly have the understanding of what is needed, and how to help the entirety of the World to get there. They have Compassion, they have Love, and they have their commitments to their missions. And we can assure you they will be accomplishing those missions; they already are!!!

"So what we have left to do is thank all of those who are, shall we say, leaving the stage. When I first began these communications, these messages through this Voice, I often spoke of what you would call the old fashioned stage. They called it vaudeville, 'vaudville,' for those in the know. And if you will recall there were cartoons, many cartoons that were made based upon some real events where what you call the stage manager would stand just off the stage, and he would have a long stick, and at the very end of the stick was a hook, much like what you call the shepherd's staff.

"And if the act upon the stage was not pleasing to the audience, or to the manager, who might have had a personal thought or two, regardless of whether the audience was clapping or not, he had the ability to reach out this stick, and gather the performers into that hook, and literally pull them right off of the stage.

"My audience used to have a lot of fun with that image, even though it was cartoony, because I told them way back then that ultimately this would be what would happen to all of the dark players upon the stage, the ones who called themselves the 'illuminati.' What a play on words! We just call them the 'naughties,' - that's quicker to say, anyway. And we are shining the bright Lights upon them, and they are no longer in the shadows, and they are no longer getting away with all this stuff!

"Guess what - the consciousness of the World has said, 'Get them off the stage!' So let us give them great applause - not encore applause, just applause will do. Let us shout at them from the audience, 'Job well done; you made a big difference in the World; you had impact; you were powerful! We hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. We forgive you for everything you've done, but you know what? You're done!!!'

"And with that, off the stage they come! Now, you have heard some information, and yes. if you feel so inclined to tune in to this special session of Congress, do so with your hearts radiating Love to all. We say this because Hillary in particular has been such a huge player upon the stage of the illuminati. She has started wars. She has been responsible for millions of beings leaving their bodies, some famous, such as J. F. K. Junior, some not so famous, such as the millions of victims in various wars, famines, disasters which were not so natural, and so on, and so on.

"And so it is that when we express Gratitude, it has to be accompanied with Forgiveness. You really can't separate them. And by Forgiveness, we mean let go of the Judgment. Yes, we refer to her as a member of the illuminati, or the dark hat faction, but it's just a costume, even though she has some genetics which are quite different from yours, that is, from the majority. It is that ultimately we are all brother and sisters in the Universe, every living being!

"And so it is that it is to love the 'least of your brethren,' as you might see them, as a Great Teacher once said. And so when we come together it is to be grateful, it is to be thankful, it is to say, 'Thank goodness you got so outrageous and carried away, so cruel, so blatant, that everybody can see now what you've been up to all these eons of time,' - thirteen millennia, or thereabouts, in Earth time. And yes, you can even tell them, 'Enjoy your rest! You did a great job, now you get to rest! You don't have to do these things anymore! However you can come to that place of Peace within yourselves, Beloved Ones - do it! Start now!

"We shall start now in a Grand Exercise, but it is for each and every being to hear this, and to share this. If you sit with your family, or your friends, or your neighbors while this news is unfolding, and if you feel anger rising in the room, open your Hearts, and beam Love at everyone, and at least, telepathic messaging. And if you are at all in a position to do so, make a speech. It doesn't have to be long, just wise, because you all have the wisdom. And if you can turn the anger into a higher vibration that is loving, then by all means do so!

"You're doing it anyway in all of your Exercises, prayers, meditations, and even just smiling as you go into the marketplace, or even when you sit at your altar. But this is an opportunity for you to bring Higher Dimensional wisdom to those who are, shall we say, in the moment of a very 3D kind of energy. And this is a most sacred mission, Beloved Ones, and we do not say for one minute that it shall be easy to do. But, it will be easier - and you can silently do this - call upon us to beam with you!!!

"Remember this Beloved Ones, always remember this: We Are One! Any illusions that you might have that we are separate and apart are simply a part of the 3D drama program. And if you will just look into your beautiful Hearts, and allow us to join you there, anytime that you feel as though you are alone, or not going to be welcomed or understood for your wisdom, or whatever the situation is. Allow us to come, and fill you with our Love, which only increases your Love exponentially!!!

"And then you will find that you are uplifted, and you are indeed empowered to uplift, to raise the vibrations, to turn on the LoveBeams, the Light of Mother/ Father God, for all with whom you are in company in that moment. We cannot stress enough the importance of this mission of Love, because we are in the midst of all the changes and transformations, the transmutations, and let's not forget that you are yourselves preparing for your own Ascensions, as are many who haven't got a clue why their bodies are suddenly doing this, or not doing that!

"And that's a lot to encompass, and that's a lot to take in. That's why we say raise yourselves up, raise your vibrations, bring yourselves up into at least high 4D. See everything from that perspective, and then beam out the Love, and the Compassionate, Forgiving, Gratitude to everyone. And remember that as this cast of players leaves the stage for good, forever, and ever, the curtain will come down only briefly. If you blink you might not see it, because it will go up so fast!

"And if you thought it was bright on that stage with those spotlights, just see the brightness of the energies of the Great Central Sun, Mother/Father God, and you, Beloved Ones - all of you, all of the Light Workers of the World!!! And guess what, we're all on the stage together, even though we might be in the audience enjoying being bathed in the LoveLights. We're on the stage together, because you've made your Ascensions, and you will then know how it is that you can be consciously in more than one place!

"I didn't say necessarily physically, but consciously in more than one place at the same moment. And of course there aren't any moments when you ascend, but that's OK. We're talking Earth terms here, because we need for you to picture this in a way that is comfortable, and we trust - and we know delightful, of the Light, and only of the Light for all of you!

"So, Beloved Family, we have come so far, and we know that it has sometimes seemed as though we were riding upon the back of the tortoise, because it has seemed to be so slow. Well, take a look around, and notice that the tortoises now have jet packs, rockets upon their backs, and we are speeding toward that Ascension date!

"So, we ask that you join in the festivities and the celebrations, and yes, the giving of thanks, for all that has transpired up to this moment of Earth time, and until the remaining moments you have to spend in the third dimension. We will say treasure these moments that remain, and let's be jetting through them together, or better yet, rocketing through them together!!! That sounds like the Ashtar Command style of progressing!

"And so we thank you, Beloved Ones, for coming to this Gathering, and for being with us, and for listening with your Hearts, as well as your senses, to our explanation of why, more than ever, Gratitude is needed for the smoothest, and most rapid progress upon the Ascension Path for the greatest majority of those Beloved Ones in the human uniforms! And we shall be proceeding with great Joy, and Celebration, and most of all, Empowerment with another Crystal Exercise of high vibration, upbeat, absolute Joy, when I, Ashtar, cease my presentation and Sekhmet begins.**

"For now she has asked that she be welcomed with her favorite dance tune,** so we shall leave on a high vibe, joyfully, happy, and jolly note, with Thanks and Love beyond words to all of you. And so it is! Salut!"

** The transcript of Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise will follow in our next email.
***Joy to the World, Three Dog Night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2wutEzjy_E
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, October 23, 2012. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2012.  All rights reserved. 
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domingo, 28 de octubre de 2012

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

Dear Readers of Christ's Letters,
This is the very first time that it has been proposed by anyone that the Law of Cause and Effect is actually the Law of Electromagnetism.   Only Christ with his inside superconscious knowledge of the true relationship between spirit and matter could have revealed such a ground-breaking reality to us.  Therefore, the following excerpt should be read and pondered until the full import of the message has been understood.
You may now be sufficiently advanced in your thinking to be able to receive the following fundamental truth concerning your earthly existence.
The Law of 'Cause and Effect', 'Reaping and Sowing' is the visible effect of what you call 'electromagnetism', and no one who has any knowledge of science would expect 'God' to set aside the laws of electromagnetism, which are those of 'activity-bonding-rejection.'
'Activity-Bonding-Rejection' or 'Movement-Attraction-Repulsion' are the fundamental IMPULSES of EXISTENCE and of HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS itself, which have brought about your visible forms in life, and are the only 'instruments' or 'tools' of creation. They are responsible for the formation of substance or 'matter' and also for the development of individualised forms and finally of personality itself in all living entities.

Since these Laws are fundamental to your individualised existence, it is impossible to set them aside. Therefore, you cannot ignore the problems inherent in your individualised existence and believe that 'God' will save you from them. Your only hope of final escape, of stepping off the treadmill of human experience, is to recognise and acknowledge them and then work minute-by-minute to transcend them and eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become 'one' with Universal Love Consciousness - the 'Father' which does the LOVE WORK.
At the same time, as you grow in awareness of the true NATURE of the 'Father' 'within you and transcending you, and all around you', you will come to have undeviating faith that, in every circumstance, you can draw upon the inspiration, power, and upliftment directly from the 'Father' within and around you.
You will come to KNOW it is really the 'Father' which supports and guides you into the Kingdom of 'Father Love Consciousness'.
It will become abundantly clear to you that whilst the 'Father' is universal, It is also individual for you. It knows you, is aware of your thinking and your problems. Within the 'Father Love Consciousness' are the perfect solutions awaiting your recognition. When you recognise them, you will be released from pain when you become pliable and willing to listen.
Until you are willing to listen, you will never be filled with the 'Father Love Consciousness'.

- Christ Returns, Letter 3

Firstly, it should be noted that the Law of Cause and Effect  is the working of electromagnetism which is the tool of our creation.  How is this? It is because electricity is the impulse of movement.  It is used by thought which creates the blueprint of future events or desires.

Magnetism, either bonding or rejection, according to the nature of the thought,  fills in and brings into manifestation the original thought or desire. 

It is important to remember that  the 'Father' would never set aside the scientific law of electromagnetism. It is permanent and eternal.  Therefore, we must accept and understand that the Law of Cause and Effect is also  permanent and eternal.  If we create a  Cause, we have to accept the inevitable Effect -  also known as Sowing and Reaping.
This is how we create our experiences and fulfilment of desires  and experience the rebound of Effect.

Secondly,  we must constantly remember we are not alone.   The 'Father', Divine Consciousness, is instantly available to people who appeal to IT for guidance, strength and spiritual power.

Thirdly, we must recognise the problems of existence, the problems of our innate personalities and  must work to overcome them and, as Christ has told us above, "eventually merge, in purity of mind, heart and action, and become 'one' with Universal Love Consciousness - the 'Father' which does the LOVE WORK." 

With all love and joy in Christ,

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

New post on Jesus through John

The illusion is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved

Humanity is poised on the edge of the illusion, preparing to move out of it, so that it may collapse back in on itself and into the state of non-existence from which you imagined it.  However real it may seem to you, and some of you see it as far more real than others, it really is but a trick of your collective perception, soon to be dissolved.  Collectively gathering together to make it seem real is no longer going to work because so many have realized that it is an illusion and they are no longer prepared to give their power away to the collective to further prolong humanity’s unnecessary suffering within its narrow, unappealing, and illusory confines.
Confinement is not a state in which it is appropriate for God’s beloved children to be held, and He most certainly could never have conceived of such an unloving and restrictive state.  Your decision to build and maintain it has presented you with many difficulties and problems that have grown bigger and seemingly more insoluble despite your increasing assortment of technical tools and devices to assist you in controlling your environment.  The reason for this is that you have engaged with fear and closed yourselves off from love.
When you are guided and empowered by love no issues or problems are insoluble, but the state of separation that the illusion upholds, and would have you believe is real, encourages a state of fear so that you can plan for and protect yourselves from the dangers with which it surrounds you.  And of course it does not work, as you are constantly discovering — because you are the dangers from which you are striving to protect yourselves!
When you embrace love and trust you cease to be dangers to anyone, but you are at present having a hard time believing that, as you observe disagreement, confrontation, and conflict all around you from which you remain convinced that you need to protect yourselves.  The divine field of Love enveloping the planet is encouraging you to change your perceptions, and many of you are allowing it to influence you most positively.  One aspect of this is your increasing determination not to accept the dishonesty and corruption that has for so long been endemic all over the world.
For quite a few years many of you truly believed that “your side” was basically honest and that it was those “others” who were causing all the problems.  Now that the reality that no one is totally honest – the illusion is itself a dishonest state of being in that it does not really exist – has been recognized and accepted, steps are being taken by many wise and influential Light-holders to encourage and reward honesty and integrity, and as a result great strides have been made in exposing those who attempt to take advantage of their position in the short term, knowing that when their misdeeds are discovered they will have moved on. Their attempts to avoid being held accountable for inappropriate actions by devious planning and the spreading of disinformation are no longer effective because those with information about such tactics are speaking out and demanding to be heard.
There is a widespread and outspoken uprising against dishonest codes and practices that is growing stronger and more effective daily.  The tunnel vision perspective that "my side is right and the other wrong" is being rapidly dispelled as honesty starts to prevail and people begin admitting that they have made mistakes.  The next step of course is “we can fix those mistakes.”  And that too is happening.
All across the planet people are deciding to behave responsibly and compassionately to address and resolve issues that have been bypassed or ignored because they conflicted with the vested interests of a few.  This is a remarkable change of heart that is leading to all sorts of wonderful and unexpected consequences.  And you Light-bearers and way-showers are extremely effective in helping this process along as you intend to practice being loving at all times.  Obviously you do not always succeed because your emotions can and do get the better of you from time to time, but the intent remains.  You are conscious of and admit to your failings, and therefore the assistance on offer from the spiritual realms can flow powerfully through you, helping you to be strong, loving presences who are changing the world.
Keep up your good work.  Do not be discouraged by reports of dishonesty, corruption, and criminal activity, because those reports are an indication that the world is indeed changing as the unruly and selfish behavior of the influential and authoritative few is publicized instead of being discreetly ignored.  The world is ready for change, and so it is happening, right before your eyes.  Focus on that and take joy in it, because it is going to get even better.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

New post on Jesus through John

You are being lovingly activated to bring your spiritual abilities on line

Many of you are experiencing heavenly dreams as the moment for humanity’s awakening draws ever closer.  Enjoy them, revel in them, and know that they are but a very faint intimation of what truly lies ahead for you.  The creative power that God possesses, and lovingly shares with you in its entirety, is completely beyond your ability to comprehend while you remain entangled within the illusion. Nevertheless, you are soon going to be availing yourselves of it and delighting in the infinite possibilities that it offers you.  Prepare yourselves for never-ending amazing and delightful, heavenly surprises when you awaken.
Until then, focus attentively on your intent to awaken and on your other equally important task: the intent to assist everyone with whom you interact to awaken as well.  Your assistance is vital, so be careful not to dismiss your thoughts on how you can best help others as grandiose projections thrown up by your egos, although some might be, because you are now being lovingly activated to bring your spiritual abilities on line in divine service to your sleeping brothers and sisters. Just remembering to hold that intent and share it with all of humanity is extremely effective because you are all very powerful, divine beings.  It is just that your awareness of that fact is presently hidden from you by the veils of the illusion — but not for very much longer.
When you awaken into your fully-conscious state the unfolding vistas of opportunities opening up before you will uplift and inspire you as your unlimited creative abilities entice you to explore the ideas and concepts that start flowing into your newly enhanced awareness.  The entrancing range of possibilities to appear before you are but the start of numerous, expanding areas into which your creative talents will draw you most enthusiastically.  Fear, doubt, and anxiety will be forever banished because your vision, your understanding, and your experience of actually being Love in action, being one with God and of all creation, will just dissolve them.
To attempt to describe what lies just ahead would be pointless because, in terms that you could grasp and understand with your severely limited bodily senses, there is no field of human knowledge or exploration that could in the smallest way envision what is about to unfold for you.  Deep within, you all have hopes, great hopes, that for the most part you have suppressed or denied because in your unawakened state they seem insane in the extreme.  But, of course, they are not.  They are merely tiny fragments of memory from the time before you chose to hide yourselves in an imaginary, separated state of existence far removed from the glory of your natural, divine state.  They are sparks from the inextinguishable flame of God’s Love within you, attempting to awaken you, as they surely will.
Allow your hopes to grow. . . encourage them; they are a divine lifeline to prevent you from getting totally lost and confused by the muddiness and lack of clarity available to you in the illusion.  It is like a stagnant backwater, toxic, overgrown with weeds, but through which a freshwater stream of hope is flowing out to the brilliant ocean of clarity that is Reality.  As you engage with that stream and share it with others, it enlarges and starts to cleanse and revitalize that stagnant backwater, bringing it back to the clarity that is its true nature, so that it can once more reconnect with the vast ocean of which it is an essential and inseparable part.
Toxicity is being cleared; the environment is being cleansed; the veil is being dissolved so that all can see and recognize Reality and move joyfully into It from the collapsing and disintegrating illusion whose time is, to all intents and purposes, past.  Your hopes are utterly valid, and will be fully realized as you awaken.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Messages from Jeshua-Jesus-Christ

New post on Jesus through John

Love is the answer to all of humanity’s problems

The loving intent that each member of humanity has always held and cherished deep within themselves is growing and intensifying very rapidly indeed as more and more of you plug into the energy field of divine Love that envelops you.  Its expansion and general acceptance has been planned for a very long time, and to see it, as it were, “take off” is most uplifting and exhilarating, as we watch over you with love and joy from our sphere of influence within the spiritual realms. The spiritual realms naturally include the “bubble” that contains your illusory environment, and that bubble has been floating around here ever since you conceived of it, entered into it, and chose to switch off your ability to perceive the realms outside it.
Loving assistance has always been on offer to you, but for a very long time indeed you chose to go your own rather painful way, gathering experiences of a most unpleasant kind while supposedly seeking your way out of the bubble.  The problem was that you gave rather a lot of power to your egos, along with the ability for them to increase it.  They then began to see themselves as independent beings of influence, intelligence, and authority, and this sense of independent strength went, as you would put it, “to their heads.”
However, egos are not terribly bright, and they began to fight with one another, as they each sought to establish themselves as the supreme power and authority within your strange and imaginary unreality.  This led to the situation that has long prevailed on Earth, where the virtuous aspect of yourselves which you call trust proved itself to be an untenable position for almost anyone to hold, because it was so often betrayed.
What is happening now is the growing realization that for Earth and humanity to enjoy lives of harmony, peace, compassion, and abundance, trust has to be established and honored everywhere.  And, of course, trust can only be established by actually trusting one another.  Due to your ongoing earthly experiences this seems to be a bit of a Catch 22 situation.  But now people in their millions are turning inwards in meditation and prayer, seeking guidance, assistance, and assurance that they are divinely loved children of God.  And as they open themselves to receive that knowledge, that confirmation of their divine origins, which has always been on offer, they are becoming aware that they are indeed what they hoped they were.  This mass understanding that you are divine beings, eternally loved and cherished by your Father, is one of the major signs that you are moving firmly towards awakening.
For eons the word love (in all languages) has had connotations of weakness, ineffectiveness, distractedness, and plain stupidity.  Loving behavior was taken advantage of time and time again by those who would control and rule others, and by those who would make others feel guilty.  Love was a game to be indulged in when the work was done, the battle was fought, and a little time was available when there was nothing more exciting or interesting to engage one’s attention.  Those who believed in it and offered it were frequently used and abused.  It was further proof that to trust was very unwise.
Finally, after eons of suffering, humanity is realizing that love is the only currency and the essential currency on which the foundations of peace, harmony, and abundance for all can and will be established.  It is a realization that is quite astounding when it first becomes apparent to you; in fact, you do not at first believe it because you have seen the pain and suffering it has brought to so many who have loved.
Nevertheless, it has now been established in many diverse communities around the world and proved most effective.  News of this is spreading as communities share their experiences widely, and more and more of you are seeking out others of like mind to establish ever more loving communities.  Yes, in the beginning, some decades ago, there were some pretty wild experiments, but people gained a tremendous amount of valuable experience which they passed on, and now a firm base of wisdom and experience has been built on which new groups can base their plans and their dreams for the New Age that they are building.
With the intensification of the divine field of Love which is penetrating and permeating the hearts of even the most hardened and unloving among you, and with the growing realization that Love is the answer to all of humanity’s problems, the path to your awakening is becoming wider and brighter.  It is a super-highway that no one can fail to find, leading you home to Heaven.  A very few will choose not to avail themselves of it — even though it is absolutely toll-free! — but the vast majority of you are in the process of joining it for the final stages of your journey.  And as there is no speed-limit on this divine super-highway you will soon be Home!
Your loving brother, Jesus.
[FYI. A new book was published yesterday (October23rd) called “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife.” It was written by Eben Alexander, M.D. It tells the story of his quite amazing NDE – a scientist who did not believe in heaven visited there while in a coma. It is most uplifting and inspiring. I read about on The2012Scenario web site where a review of it from Newsweek had been posted. I ordered it and received it and read it yesterday. For me it was a “WOW” experience. John.]